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Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Foundation collection, 1894-1953

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Correspondence, 1894-1953 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 68/17 Marum, Ludwig
Marx, Benjamin L.
see Honolulu Art Society
BOX-FOLDER 68/18 "Mas" miscellaneous
see also "M" miscellaneous and unidentified
BOX-FOLDER 68/19 Mason, Daniel Gregory and Mrs., 1914-1919
BOX-FOLDER 68/20 Mason, Daniel Gregory and Mrs., 1920-1929
BOX-FOLDER 68/21 Mason, Daniel Gregory and Mrs., 1930-1938
BOX-FOLDER 68/22 Mason, Henry Lowell
BOX-FOLDER 68/23 Masaryk, Jan (secretarial)
BOX-FOLDER 68/24 Massachusetts (state officials and documents)
BOX-FOLDER 68/25 Massachusetts General Hospital
BOX-FOLDER 68/26 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
BOX-FOLDER 68/27 Massey, Alice Vincent
Matinée Musical Club
see Philadelphia. Matinée Musical Club
BOX-FOLDER 68/28 Matthews, Charles H.
Matthison, Edith Wynne
see Kennedy, Charles Rann and Edith Wynne
BOX-FOLDER 68/29 Matzenauer, Margarete
BOX-FOLDER 68/30 Maude, Cecily
BOX-FOLDER 68/31 Mauk, Marielies
BOX-FOLDER 68/32 Mauke, Alex
BOX-FOLDER 68/33 Mayer, Daniel
Mayer, Dorothy Moulton
see Mayer, Robert and Dorothy
BOX-FOLDER 68/34 Mayer, F. C.
BOX-FOLDER 68/35 Mayer, Robert and Dorothy
BOX-FOLDER 68/36 Mayes, Samuel and Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 68/37 Maynard's Secretarial Bureau
BOX-FOLDER 68/38 Mazzeo, Rosario and Mildred
BOX-FOLDER 69/1 "Me" miscellaneous
see also "M" miscellaneous and unidentified
BOX-FOLDER 69/2 Meader, George Farnham
BOX-FOLDER 69/3 Meaker, Stanleigh R.
Mears, Eliot G.
see Stanford University. Mears, Eliot G. and Gladys
BOX-FOLDER 69/4 Meeker, Grace
BOX-FOLDER 69/5 Meester, A. Roland Holot de
BOX-FOLDER 69/6 Melchers, Gari
BOX-FOLDER 69/7 Mencken, Henry L.
BOX-FOLDER 69/8 Mengelberg, Rudolf
BOX-FOLDER 69/9 Mengelberg, Willem
Merritt, A. Tillman
see Harvard University. Merritt, A. Tillman
BOX-FOLDER 69/10 Meremblum, Peter
BOX-FOLDER 69/11 Merovich, Alexander
BOX-FOLDER 69/12 Merrill, Margaret Bell
BOX-FOLDER 69/13 Mertens, Fernand
BOX-FOLDER 69/14 Mesirow-Minchin, Nina
BOX-FOLDER 69/15 Metcalf, Jesse H. and Mrs.
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.)
see New York. Metropolitan Museum of Art
BOX-FOLDER 69/16 Metropolitan Musical Bureau
BOX-FOLDER 69/17 Mexico
BOX-FOLDER 69/18 Meyer, Agnes (Mrs. Eugene Meyer)
BOX-FOLDER 69/19 Meyer, Andreas
BOX-FOLDER 69/20 Meyer, Annie Nathan (Mrs. Alfred Meyer)
Meyer, Dorothy
see National Broadcasting Company. Meyer, Dorothy
BOX-FOLDER 69/21 Meyer, H.H.B.
BOX-FOLDER 69/22 Meyer, Sylvia
BOX-FOLDER 69/23 Meyers, Emerson
BOX-FOLDER 69/24 Meyers, Persis Clare
BOX-FOLDER 69/25 "Mi" miscellaneous
see also "M" miscellaneous and unidentified
BOX-FOLDER 69/26 Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Michel, Dr.
see Frankfurt am Main
BOX-FOLDER 69/27 Mid-West Music Foundation
BOX-FOLDER 69/28 Migot, Georges
BOX-FOLDER 69/29 Mikota, Jan
BOX-FOLDER 69/30 Milan
BOX-FOLDER 69/31 Milan. Gruppo Universitario di Cultura Musicale
BOX-FOLDER 69/32 Milhaud, Darius and Madeline, undated
Probably pre-1933.
BOX-FOLDER 69/33 Milhaud, Darius and Madeline, 1927-1933
BOX-FOLDER 69/34 Milhaud, Darius and Madeline, 1934-1938
BOX-FOLDER 69/35 Milhaud, Darius and Madeline, 1940-1942
BOX-FOLDER 69/36 Milhaud, Darius and Madeline, 1943-1947
BOX-FOLDER 69/37 Milhaud, Darius and Madeline, 1948-1951
BOX-FOLDER 69/38 Milhaud, Darius and Madeline, undated
Posted from 10 Boulevard de Clichy.
BOX-FOLDER 69/39 Milhaud, Darius and Madeline, undated
European posts (other than Rue de Clichy).
BOX-FOLDER 69/40 Milhaud, Darius and Madeline, undated
Posted from Mills College.
BOX-FOLDER 69/41 Milhaud, Darius and Madeline, undated
American posts, other than Mills College.
BOX-FOLDER 69/42 Milhaud, Darius and Madeline, undated
No definite place.
BOX-FOLDER 70/1 "Mill" miscellaneous
see also "M" miscellaneous and unidentified
BOX-FOLDER 70/2 Miller, Charles
BOX-FOLDER 70/3 Miller, Dayton C.
BOX-FOLDER 70/4 Miller, Mary (Mrs. Adolph C. Miller)
BOX-FOLDER 70/5 Miller, Rosalie
Millikan, Robert A. and Mrs.
see California Institute of Technology
BOX-FOLDER 70/6 Mills College (miscellany), probably pre-1933
see also Milhaud, Darius and Coleman, Persis
BOX-FOLDER 70/7 Mills College (miscellany)
BOX-FOLDER 70/8 Mills College. Reinhardt, Aurelia Henry, 1927-1932
BOX-FOLDER 70/9 Mills College. Reinhardt, Aurelia Henry, 1933-1938
BOX-FOLDER 70/10 Mills College. Reinhardt, Aurelia Henry, undated
BOX-FOLDER 70/11 Mills College. White, Lynn
BOX-FOLDER 70/12 Milne, James A.
BOX-FOLDER 70/13 "Min" miscellaneous
see also "M" miscellaneous and unidentified
Miner, Antonia Sawyer
see Sawyer, Antonia
BOX-FOLDER 70/14 Minghella, Aida
BOX-FOLDER 70/15 Minneapolis Symphony String Quartet
BOX-FOLDER 70/16 Minnetti, Giulio
BOX-FOLDER 70/17 Minot, George R. (doctor)
BOX-FOLDER 70/18 Miquelle, Renée Longy
BOX-FOLDER 70/19 Mirovitch, Alfred
BOX-FOLDER 70/20 Mischakoff, Mischa
Missouri University
see Quarles, James T.
BOX-FOLDER 70/22 Mitchell, Lucy Sprague and Wesley C., 1916-1928
BOX-FOLDER 70/23 Mitchell, Lucy Sprague and Wesley C., 1931-1953
BOX-FOLDER 70/24 Mitchell, Viola, 1934
BOX-FOLDER 70/25 Mitchell, Viola, 1935-1939
BOX-FOLDER 70/26 Mitchell, Viola, undated
BOX-FOLDER 70/21 Mitropoulos, Dmitri (letter to)
BOX-FOLDER 70/27 "Mo" miscellaneous
see also "M" miscellaneous and unidentified
BOX-FOLDER 70/28 Modave, Jeanne
Moe, Henry Allen
see Guggenheim Foundation
BOX-FOLDER 70/29 Moeschinger, Albert
BOX-FOLDER 70/30 Mohaupt, Richard
BOX-FOLDER 70/31 Moiseiwitsch, Benno
BOX-FOLDER 70/32 Moldavan, Nicolas and Belle, 1934-1938
BOX-FOLDER 70/33 Moldavan, Nicolas and Belle, 1939
BOX-FOLDER 70/34 Moldavan, Nicolas and Belle, 1940-1941
BOX-FOLDER 70/35 Moldavan, Nicolas and Belle, undated
BOX-FOLDER 70/36 Molié, Denyse
BOX-FOLDER 70/37 Molliére, Joseph
BOX-FOLDER 70/38 Molnár, Ferenc (violist) and Marie, 1939
BOX-FOLDER 70/39 Molnár, Ferenc (violist) and Marie, 1940
BOX-FOLDER 70/40 Molnár, Ferenc (violist) and Marie, 1941-1953
BOX-FOLDER 70/41 Molnár, Ferenc (violist) and Marie, undated
BOX-FOLDER 71/1 "Mon" miscellaneous
see also "M" miscellaneous and unidentified
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