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Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Foundation collection, 1894-1953

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Correspondence, 1894-1953 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 75/23 Occidental College. Bird, Remsen, 1940-1945, undated
BOX-FOLDER 75/24 Occidental College. Swan, Howard
BOX-FOLDER 75/25 Occidental College. Miscellany
BOX-FOLDER 75/26 Ochs, Erich
BOX-FOLDER 75/27 Ocko, Bernard
BOX-FOLDER 75/28 O'Farrell, Mae Norton
BOX-FOLDER 75/29 Ohler, Friede Hoffmann
BOX-FOLDER 75/30 Ojai, California
BOX-FOLDER 75/31 Olmsted, Fannie M.
BOX-FOLDER 76/1 "On-Ox" miscellaneous
see also "O" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 76/2 Onnou, Alphonse and Jeanne, 1923-1928
BOX-FOLDER 76/3 Onnou, Alphonse and Jeanne, 1930-1932
BOX-FOLDER 76/4 Onnou, Alphonse and Jeanne, 1933
BOX-FOLDER 76/5 Onnou, Alphonse and Jeanne, 1934
BOX-FOLDER 76/6 Onnou, Alphonse and Jeanne, 1935
BOX-FOLDER 76/7 Onnou, Alphonse and Jeanne, 1936
BOX-FOLDER 76/8 Onnou, Alphonse and Jeanne, 1937
BOX-FOLDER 76/9 Onnou, Alphonse and Jeanne, 1938
BOX-FOLDER 76/10 Onnou, Alphonse and Jeanne, 1939
BOX-FOLDER 76/11 Onnou, Alphonse and Jeanne, 1940
BOX-FOLDER 76/12 Onnou, Alphonse and Jeanne, 1941-1942
BOX-FOLDER 76/13 Onnou, Alphonse and Jeanne, undated
BOX-FOLDER 76/14 Opdycke, Mary Ellis
BOX-FOLDER 76/15 Open Road, Inc.
BOX-FOLDER 76/16 Organ Institute
BOX-FOLDER 76/17 Ormandy, Eugene
BOX-FOLDER 76/18 Ornstein, Leo
BOX-FOLDER 76/19 Ortega, Ricardo, 1936
BOX-FOLDER 76/20 Ortega, Ricardo, 1937
Ortmann, Otto
see Peabody Institute
BOX-FOLDER 76/21 Osgood, H. O.
BOX-FOLDER 76/22 Ostrowska, Djina
BOX-FOLDER 76/23 Oswald, Alfredo
BOX-FOLDER 76/24 Otis, Philo Adams
Otterstein, Adolph
see San Jose State College
BOX-FOLDER 76/25 Overmyer, Grace
BOX-FOLDER 76/26 Oxford University Press
BOX-FOLDER 77/1 "P" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 77/2 Pacific University
BOX-FOLDER 77/3 Pacquet, Georges
BOX-FOLDER 77/4 Paddock, Brace Whitman, Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 77/5 Paderewski, Ignacy Jan and Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 77/6 Paganini Quartet
BOX-FOLDER 77/7 Pagano, Carl
BOX-FOLDER 77/8 Page, Marian H.
BOX-FOLDER 77/9 Page, Ruth
BOX-FOLDER 77/10 Page, Willis
BOX-FOLDER 77/11 Painlevé, Paul
BOX-FOLDER 77/12 Palestine Conservatoire of Music in Jerusalem
BOX-FOLDER 77/13 Palm Springs, California
BOX-FOLDER 77/14 Palmgren, Selim
BOX-FOLDER 77/15 "Pan-Pas" miscellaneous
see also "P" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 77/16 Pan American Union
BOX-FOLDER 77/17 Pappoutsakis, James
BOX-FOLDER 77/18 Paravox Hearing Aids
BOX-FOLDER 77/19 Paris. Ecole normale de musique
BOX-FOLDER 77/20 Paris, France. Hotels
BOX-FOLDER 77/21 Park, Marion Edwards
BOX-FOLDER 77/22 Parker, Henry Taylor
BOX-FOLDER 77/23 Parker, Horatio
BOX-FOLDER 77/24 Parker, Katharine B.
BOX-FOLDER 77/25 Parlow, Kathleen, circa 1925-1934
BOX-FOLDER 77/26 Parlow, Kathleen, 1935-1936
BOX-FOLDER 77/27 Parlow, Kathleen, 1937-1939
BOX-FOLDER 77/28 Parlow, Kathleen, 1940-1950
BOX-FOLDER 77/29 Parlow, Kathleen, undated
BOX-FOLDER 77/30 Parmelee, James
BOX-FOLDER 77/31 Partch, Harry
BOX-FOLDER 77/32 Pasadena Music Festival Association and Pasadena Civic Orchestra Association
BOX-FOLDER 77/33 Pascal, Vincent de
BOX-FOLDER 77/34 Pasquale, Joseph de
see also De Pasquale, Joseph and Maria
BOX-FOLDER 78/1 "Pat-Pay" miscellaneous
see also "P" miscellaneous
Patterson, Alfred Nash
see Boston. Chorus Pro Musica
BOX-FOLDER 78/2 Patterson, Arthur C.
BOX-FOLDER 78/3 Pattison, Lee
Paul, Irene
see Dean Paul, Irene
BOX-FOLDER 78/4 Payne, Walter A.
BOX-FOLDER 78/5 Pazmor, Radiana
BOX-FOLDER 78/6 "Pe" miscellaneous
see also "P" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 78/7 Peabody Conservatory
BOX-FOLDER 78/8 Peabody Institute
BOX-FOLDER 78/9 Peaslee, Clifford
BOX-FOLDER 78/10 Peirce, Elizabeth
BOX-FOLDER 78/11 Peixotto, Ernest
BOX-FOLDER 78/12 Pelényi, John and Mrs.
Pendleton, Ellen
see Wellesley College. Pendleton, Ellen
BOX-FOLDER 78/13 Penha, Michael
BOX-FOLDER 78/14 Penniman, Gwendolen Brooks
BOX-FOLDER 78/15 Pennington, John and Alice
People's Institute
see New York. People's Institute
BOX-FOLDER 78/16 People's Symphony Concerts
BOX-FOLDER 78/17 Pepper, Jack and Dede
BOX-FOLDER 78/18 "Per" miscellaneous
see also "P" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 78/19 Perelman, Dora
BOX-FOLDER 78/20 Perera, Lionello and Carolyn
BOX-FOLDER 78/21 Perk, Edna S.
BOX-FOLDER 78/22 Perkins, Francis D.
BOX-FOLDER 78/23 Pernel, Orrea
BOX-FOLDER 78/24 Perrier, P.
BOX-FOLDER 78/25 Perry, C.H. and E.R.
BOX-FOLDER 78/26 Perry, Ralph Barton
BOX-FOLDER 78/27 Persinger, Louis, 1925-1928
BOX-FOLDER 78/28 Persinger, Louis, 1932-1937, undated
BOX-FOLDER 78/29 Pessl, Yella
BOX-FOLDER 78/30 Peter, Madame Marc
BOX-FOLDER 78/31 Peterson, Anna
BOX-FOLDER 78/32 Petit, Raymond
BOX-FOLDER 78/33 Petre, Thomas
BOX-FOLDER 78/34 Petri, Egon
BOX-FOLDER 78/35 Petroff, F. N.
BOX-FOLDER 78/36 Petrovic, B.
BOX-FOLDER 78/37 Pettis, Ashley
BOX-FOLDER 78/38 Peyser, Ethel R.
BOX-FOLDER 78/39 Pezzé-Pascolato, Maria
BOX-FOLDER 78/40 Pezzi, Anna Poltronieri
BOX-FOLDER 78/41 Pfatteicher, Carl F.
BOX-FOLDER 79/1 "Ph" miscellaneous
see also "P" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 79/2 Philadelphia Art Alliance
BOX-FOLDER 79/3 Philadelphia. Matinée Musical Club
BOX-FOLDER 79/4 Philadelphia Orchestra
BOX-FOLDER 79/5 Philadelphia. Miscellany
BOX-FOLDER 79/6 Philipp, Isidor
Philippines. Boy Scouts of Cagayan Valley College
see Boy Scouts of America, Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Troop and Cagayan Valley College
BOX-FOLDER 79/7 Phillips, William
BOX-FOLDER 79/8 Phillips Memorial Gallery
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