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Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Foundation collection, 1894-1953

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Correspondence, 1894-1953 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 84/28 Rosenkrancova, Bohumila
BOX-FOLDER 84/29 Rosenthal, Manuel
BOX-FOLDER 84/30 Rosenwald, Julius
BOX-FOLDER 84/31 Ross, Hugh
BOX-FOLDER 84/32 Rossi, Pasquale and Mary
BOX-FOLDER 84/33 Rossi, Urico, 1945-1948
BOX-FOLDER 84/34 Rossi, Urico, 1949
BOX-FOLDER 84/35 Rossi, Urico, 1950-1951
BOX-FOLDER 84/36 Rossi, Urico, undated
BOX-FOLDER 86/1 "Rot" miscellaneous
see also "R" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 86/2 Rota, Nino
BOX-FOLDER 85/11 Roth, Feri and Elizabeth (Böszi), 1928-1936
see also Roth Quartet
BOX-FOLDER 85/12 Roth, Feri and Elizabeth, 1937
BOX-FOLDER 85/13 Roth, Feri and Elizabeth, 1938
BOX-FOLDER 85/14 Roth, Feri and Elizabeth, 1939
BOX-FOLDER 85/15 Roth, Feri and Elizabeth, 1940-1941
BOX-FOLDER 85/16 Roth, Feri and Elizabeth, 1942-1945
BOX-FOLDER 85/17 Roth, Feri and Elizabeth, 1946-1949
BOX-FOLDER 85/18 Roth, Feri and Elizabeth, 1950
BOX-FOLDER 85/19 Roth, Feri and Elizabeth, 1951-1953
BOX-FOLDER 85/20 Roth, Feri and Elizabeth, undated
BOX-FOLDER 85/21 Roth Quartet
See also individual members.
BOX-FOLDER 86/3 Rothschild, Alfred
BOX-FOLDER 86/4 Rothwell, Walter Henry
BOX-FOLDER 86/5 Rotterdamsche Kring
BOX-FOLDER 86/6 Rous, Marion
BOX-FOLDER 86/7 Roussel, Albert and Mme., 1929-1930
BOX-FOLDER 86/8 Roussel, Albert and Mme., undated
BOX-FOLDER 86/9 Rowe, Allan Winton
Rowe, L. S.
see Pan American Union
BOX-FOLDER 86/10 Rowley, Alec
Royal Academy of Music
see London. Royal Academy of Music
BOX-FOLDER 86/11 Royal Philharmonic Society
BOX-FOLDER 86/12 "Ru" miscellaneous
see also "R" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 86/13 Rubens, Leonard
BOX-FOLDER 86/14 Rubinstein, Beryl
BOX-FOLDER 86/15 Ruby, Charles E.
BOX-FOLDER 86/16 Rudhyar, Dane
BOX-FOLDER 86/17 Rumsey, Dexter P., Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 86/18 Russell, Héloise
BOX-FOLDER 86/19 Russell, James Savage, Mrs.
Ruzicka, Vincenz
see Dougherty, Celius
BOX-FOLDER 86/20 "Ry" miscellaneous
see also "R" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 86/21 Ryan, Herbert E.
BOX-FOLDER 86/22 Rybner, Cornelius
BOX-FOLDER 86/23 "R" unidentified miscellany (first and last names); and "R" see references
BOX-FOLDER 86/24 "S" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 86/25 Sackson, David
BOX-FOLDER 86/26 Sacret Heart, College of the
BOX-FOLDER 86/27 Sadero, Geni
BOX-FOLDER 86/28 Sadler, Michael E.
Sadowsky, Reah
see Morton, Reah Sadowsky
Safford, Charles L.
see Williams College. Safford, Charles L.
BOX-FOLDER 86/29 Safonoff, Maria
BOX-FOLDER 86/30 "Sal" miscellaneous
see also "S" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 86/31 Salabert, Inc.
BOX-FOLDER 86/32 Salmon, Joseph
BOX-FOLDER 86/33 Salmond, Felix
BOX-FOLDER 86/34 Salter, Sumner
BOX-FOLDER 86/35 Saltonstall, Leverett
BOX-FOLDER 86/36 Salzedo, Carlos, 1919-1925
BOX-FOLDER 86/37 Salzedo, Carlos, 1926-1928
BOX-FOLDER 86/38 Salzedo, Carlos, 1929-1930
BOX-FOLDER 86/39 Salzedo, Carlos, 1931-1934
BOX-FOLDER 86/40 Salzedo, Carlos, 1935-1939
BOX-FOLDER 86/41 Salzedo, Carlos, 1940-1951
BOX-FOLDER 86/42 Salzedo, Carlos, undated
BOX-FOLDER 86/43 Salzman, Theo
BOX-FOLDER 87/1 "Sam-Say" miscellaneous
see also "S" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 87/2 Samazeuilh, Gustave
BOX-FOLDER 87/3 Saminsky, Lazare
BOX-FOLDER 87/4 Sammons, Albert
BOX-FOLDER 87/5 Samuel, Harold
BOX-FOLDER 87/6 San Francisco Art Association
BOX-FOLDER 87/7 San Francisco, Chamber Music Society of
BOX-FOLDER 87/8 San Francisco Sinfonietta
BOX-FOLDER 87/9 San Francisco String Quartet
BOX-FOLDER 87/10 San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
BOX-FOLDER 87/11 San Francisco Society for the Hard of Hearing
BOX-FOLDER 87/12 San Francisco Youth Orchestra
BOX-FOLDER 87/13 San Francisco. Hotels
BOX-FOLDER 87/14 San Francisco. Miscellany
BOX-FOLDER 87/15 San Jose State College, 1937-1940
BOX-FOLDER 87/16 San Jose State College, 1941-1942
BOX-FOLDER 87/17 San Martino, Ninette de
BOX-FOLDER 87/18 San Mateo. Country Concert Association
Includes other San Mateo items.
BOX-FOLDER 87/19 Sanborn, Maud Weyerhauser (Mrs. Bruce Sanborn)
Sanborn, Pitts
see Radio Institute of the Audible Arts
BOX-FOLDER 87/20 Sandby, Herman
BOX-FOLDER 87/21 Sanders, Davol
BOX-FOLDER 87/22 Sanders, William B.
BOX-FOLDER 87/23 Sandor, Arpad
BOX-FOLDER 87/24 Sandor, Gluck
BOX-FOLDER 87/25 Sands, Gertrude
BOX-FOLDER 87/26 Sanromá, Jesús Maria
BOX-FOLDER 87/27 Santa Barbara (California) Public Library, 1931-1933
BOX-FOLDER 87/28 Santa Barbara (California) Public Library, 1934-1947
BOX-FOLDER 87/29 Santoliquido, Francesco
BOX-FOLDER 87/30 Sapp, Allen Dwight
BOX-FOLDER 87/31 Sard, Frederick N.
see also Schubert Centennial
BOX-FOLDER 87/32 Sargent, John Singer
BOX-FOLDER 87/33 Sarre, Olive
BOX-FOLDER 87/34 Sarter, Emilie L.
BOX-FOLDER 87/35 Sarton, George
BOX-FOLDER 87/36 Saslavsky, Alexander
BOX-FOLDER 87/37 Saslawsky, Boris (Madame)
BOX-FOLDER 87/38 Sassoti, Ada
BOX-FOLDER 87/39 Saunders, A. P.
BOX-FOLDER 87/40 Saunders, Catherine
BOX-FOLDER 87/41 Savage, Katherine Ogden, 1933-1939
BOX-FOLDER 87/42 Savage, Katherine Ogden, 1940-1948
BOX-FOLDER 87/43 Savage, Katherine Ogden, 1949-1953
BOX-FOLDER 87/44 Savage, Katherine Ogden, undated
BOX-FOLDER 87/45 Sawyer, Antonia, 1921-1923
BOX-FOLDER 87/46 Sawyer, Antonia, 1928, 1938-1940
BOX-FOLDER 87/47 Sawyer, Mildred (Mrs. Conway Sawyer)
BOX-FOLDER 87/48 Saylor, Edith Bennett
Sayn, Elena de
see De Sayn, Elena
BOX-FOLDER 87/49 "Sc" miscellaneous
see also "S" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 87/50 Scabia, John
BOX-FOLDER 87/51 Scalero, Rosario
BOX-FOLDER 88/1 "Sch" miscellaneous
see also "S" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 88/2 Schapiro, Maxim, 1939-1942
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