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Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Foundation collection, 1894-1953

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Correspondence, 1894-1953 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 99/9 Toch, Ernst and Lilly, 1944
BOX-FOLDER 99/10 Toch, Ernst and Lilly, 1945
BOX-FOLDER 99/11 Toch, Ernst and Lilly, 1946
BOX-FOLDER 99/12 Toch, Ernst and Lilly, 1947
BOX-FOLDER 99/13 Toch, Ernst and Lilly, 1948
BOX-FOLDER 99/14 Toch, Ernst and Lilly, 1949
BOX-FOLDER 99/15 Toch, Ernst and Lilly, 1950
BOX-FOLDER 99/16 Toch, Ernst and Lilly, 1951
BOX-FOLDER 99/17 Toch, Ernst and Lilly, 1952-1953
BOX-FOLDER 99/18 Toch, Ernst and Lilly, undated
BOX-FOLDER 100/1 "Tod-Toz" miscellaneous
see also "T" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 100/2 Tollefsen, Carl H.
BOX-FOLDER 100/3 Tomasow, Jan
BOX-FOLDER 100/4 Tomes, Margaret Frances
BOX-FOLDER 100/5 Toscanini, Arturo, Carla and Wanda
Includes telegrams.
BOX-FOLDER 100/6 Tourret, André
BOX-FOLDER 100/7 Tovey, Donald Francis
Town Hall
see New York. Town Hall
BOX-FOLDER 100/8 Townsend, Natalie
BOX-FOLDER 100/9 "Tr" miscellaneous
see also "T" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 100/10 Traller, Iren
Trampler, Walter
see New Music String Quartet
BOX-FOLDER 100/11 Traver, Hope
BOX-FOLDER 100/12 Treacy, Alma K.
BOX-FOLDER 100/13 Trend, J.B.
BOX-FOLDER 100/14 Troccoli, Federico
BOX-FOLDER 100/15 Troubetskoi, Princess Alexander
BOX-FOLDER 100/16 Trowbridge, Alfred Lockwood and Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 100/17 Tryon, Winthrop P.
BOX-FOLDER 100/18 "Tu" miscellaneous
see also "T" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 100/19 Tucker, George H.
BOX-FOLDER 100/20 Tucker, Gregory and Elizabeth
BOX-FOLDER 100/21 Tufts College
BOX-FOLDER 100/22 Turner, Godfrey
BOX-FOLDER 100/23 Turner, Helen (Mrs. William Jay Turner)
BOX-FOLDER 100/24 Tuskegee Institute
BOX-FOLDER 100/25 Tuthill, Burnet Corwin, 1915-1934
BOX-FOLDER 100/26 Tuthill, Burnet Corwin, 1935-1953, undated
BOX-FOLDER 100/27 Tuthill, William Burnet
BOX-FOLDER 100/28 Tuttle, Mabel C.
BOX-FOLDER 100/29 Tuyll, Corrie de
BOX-FOLDER 100/30 "Tw-Ty" miscellaneous
see also "T" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 100/31 Tweedy, Donald N.
BOX-FOLDER 100/32 Twentieth Century Fox
Twichell, Roger Thayer
see Browne & Nichols School, Cambridge, Massachusetts
BOX-FOLDER 100/33 Tyler, Cornelius Boardman and Susan W.
BOX-FOLDER 100/34 "T" not further identified; and Mrs. Coolidge's "T" "see" references
BOX-FOLDER 100/35 "U" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 100/36 Ulher, Mrs. Otto (this is a "ghost" for Neher, Edna)
BOX-FOLDER 100/37 Ulke, Titus
BOX-FOLDER 100/38 Union for Democratic Action
BOX-FOLDER 100/39 United Nations Fund of the American Association for the United Nations, Inc.
Contains additional items relating to the United Nations.
BOX-FOLDER 100/40 United Negro College Fund
BOX-FOLDER 100/41 United States. Customs Service
BOX-FOLDER 100/45 United States. Dept. of State
BOX-FOLDER 100/42 United States. Immigration and Naturalization Service
Contains additional items relating to immigration.
BOX-FOLDER 100/43 U.S. Inaugural Ball Committee, 1933
BOX-FOLDER 100/44 United States Naval Academy
Contains additional items relating to the U.S. Navy.
BOX-FOLDER 100/46 United States. Works Progress Administration
BOX-FOLDER 100/47 United States of America. Miscellany
BOX-FOLDER 100/48 Universal Edition (Vienna, Austria)
see also Hertzka, Emil
Université de Lausanne
see Lausanne. Université
University of California, Berkeley
see California. University. Berkeley
University of Chicago
see Chicago University
University of Colorado, Boulder
see Colorado. University
University of Georgia
see Georgia. University
University of Kansas
see Kansas, University of
University of North Carolina
see North Carolina. University
University of Redlands
see Redlands University
University of Southern California
see Southern California. University
University of Vermont
see Vermont University
University of Virginia
see Virginia. University
University of Washington
see Washington (State) University
University of Wisconsin
see Wisconsin. University
BOX-FOLDER 100/49 Untermeyer, Eugene, Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 100/50 Upton, William Treat
Urania (Volkshochschule : Graz, Austria)
see Grazer Urania
BOX-FOLDER 100/51 Urchs, Ernest
BOX-FOLDER 100/52 Urey, Harold C.
BOX-FOLDER 100/53 Urner, Catherine
BOX-FOLDER 101/1 "Us" (empty)
BOX-FOLDER 101/2 Usigli, Gastone
BOX-FOLDER 101/3 Ussher, Bruno David, 1927-1929
BOX-FOLDER 101/4 Ussher, Bruno David, 1930-1934
BOX-FOLDER 101/5 Ussher, Bruno David, 1935-1937
BOX-FOLDER 101/6 Ussher, Bruno David, 1938-1946
BOX-FOLDER 101/7 Ussher, Bruno David, undated
BOX-FOLDER 101/8 Utah State Institute of Fine Arts
Includes other items relating to Utah.
BOX-FOLDER 101/9 Utgoff, Tamara
BOX-FOLDER 101/10 "V" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 101/11 Vaes, Tony
BOX-FOLDER 101/12 Valéry, Paul
BOX-FOLDER 101/13 Valis, Mary
BOX-FOLDER 101/14 Vallas, Léon
BOX-FOLDER 101/15 "Van-Vau" miscellaneous
see also "V" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 101/16 Van den Burg, William
BOX-FOLDER 101/17 van der Hoeven, C.
BOX-FOLDER 101/18 Vanderlip, Narcissa Cox
BOX-FOLDER 101/19 Van der Voort, R.
BOX-FOLDER 101/20 Van Doorn, Albert
BOX-FOLDER 101/21 Van Vliet, Cornelius
BOX-FOLDER 101/22 Varèse, Edgard
BOX-FOLDER 101/23 Vaska, Bedrich
BOX-FOLDER 101/24 Vassar College
BOX-FOLDER 101/25 Vaughan Williams, Ralph
BOX-FOLDER 101/26 "Ve" miscellaneous
see also "V" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 101/27 Veissi, Jasche
BOX-FOLDER 101/28 Venables, Mary
BOX-FOLDER 101/29 Venice
BOX-FOLDER 101/30 Verhuyck-Coulon, Gaston, 1926-1929
BOX-FOLDER 101/31 Verhuyck-Coulon, Gaston, 1931-1935
BOX-FOLDER 101/32 Verhuyck-Coulon, Gaston, 1936-1939
BOX-FOLDER 101/33 Verhuyck-Coulon, Gaston, 1940-1946
BOX-FOLDER 101/34 Verhuyck-Coulon, Gaston, undated
BOX-FOLDER 101/35 Vermuelen, Matthys
BOX-FOLDER 101/36 Vermont University
BOX-FOLDER 101/37 Verrall, John
BOX-FOLDER 101/38 "Vi" miscellaneous
see also "V" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 101/39 Vidal, Paul
BOX-FOLDER 101/40 Vieland, Josef
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