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Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Foundation collection, 1894-1953

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Correspondence, 1894-1953 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 105/10 Wessels, Frederick J. and Minnie, 1939 July-December
BOX-FOLDER 105/11 Wessels, Frederick J. and Minnie, 1940 January-June
BOX-FOLDER 105/12 Wessels, Frederick J. and Minnie, 1940 July-December
BOX-FOLDER 105/13 Wessels, Frederick J. and Minnie, 1941
BOX-FOLDER 105/14 Wessels, Frederick J. and Minnie, 1942
BOX-FOLDER 105/15 Wessels, Frederick J. and Minnie, 1943
BOX-FOLDER 105/16 Wessels, Frederick J. and Minnie, 1944-1945
BOX-FOLDER 105/17 Wessels, Frederick J. and Minnie, 1946-1947
BOX-FOLDER 105/18 Wessels, Frederick J. and Minnie, 1948-1949
BOX-FOLDER 105/19 Wessels, Frederick J. and Minnie, post 1936
Contains undated letters on "Up-A-Long Hill Road" stationery.
BOX-FOLDER 105/20 Wessels, Frederick J. and Minnie, undated
Contains letters on miscellaneous stationery.
BOX-FOLDER 105/21 Wessels, Frederick J. and Minnie, undated
Contains greeting cards and calling cards.
BOX-FOLDER 104/8 West, Birnie (Mrs. Frank West)
BOX-FOLDER 104/9 Western Union
BOX-FOLDER 104/10 Westminster Choir College
see also Williamson, John Finley
BOX-FOLDER 104/11 Weston, Karl E.
BOX-FOLDER 104/12 "Wh" miscellaneous
see also "W" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 104/13 Wheeler, Robert C.
BOX-FOLDER 104/14 "Whit-Whu" miscellaneous
see also "W" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 104/15 White, Clarence Cameron
BOX-FOLDER 104/16 White, Eric Walter
BOX-FOLDER 104/17 White, Felix
White, Lynn
see Mills College. White, Lynn
BOX-FOLDER 104/18 Whitehead, John B. and Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 104/19 Whitehouse, Henry Howard, Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 104/20 Whithorne, Emerson
BOX-FOLDER 104/21 Whiting, Arthur and Grace, 1922-1926
BOX-FOLDER 104/22 Whiting, Arthur and Grace, 1927-1934, undated
BOX-FOLDER 104/23 Whitman College
BOX-FOLDER 104/25 Whitney, L. Annie
BOX-FOLDER 104/24 Whitney, Marylou (Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney)
BOX-FOLDER 104/26 Whitney, Robert S.
BOX-FOLDER 104/27 Whittaker, William Gillies
BOX-FOLDER 104/28 Whittall, Gertrude Clarke
BOX-FOLDER 104/29 "Wi" miscellaneous
see also "W" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 104/30 Wiborg, Mary Hoyt
Wickerham, Mary
see Mid-West Music Foundation
BOX-FOLDER 104/31 Wickman, Frank
Wien. Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde
see Vienna. Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde
Wiener, Paul, Mrs.
see Wertheim, Alma
BOX-FOLDER 104/32 Wigglesworth, Frank Jr., Frank Sr., Annie, and "Bay"
BOX-FOLDER 104/33 "Wil" miscellaneous
see also "W" miscellaneous
Wilbur, Ray Lyman
see Stanford University. Wilbur, Ray Lyman
BOX-FOLDER 104/34 Wilkins, Henry Blakiston, Emily Howell Wilkins, and Alice Garrett Wilkins
BOX-FOLDER 106/1 "Will-Wilm" miscellaneous
see also "W" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 107/1 Willeke, Willem, 1917-1919
BOX-FOLDER 107/2 Willeke, Willem, 1920-1921
BOX-FOLDER 107/3 Willeke, Willem, 1922-1923
BOX-FOLDER 107/4 Willeke, Willem, 1924
BOX-FOLDER 107/5 Willeke, Willem, 1925-1926
BOX-FOLDER 107/6 Willeke, Willem, 1927
BOX-FOLDER 107/7 Willeke, Willem, 1928-1929
BOX-FOLDER 107/8 Willeke, Willem, 1930-1931
BOX-FOLDER 107/9 Willeke, Willem, 1932-1933
BOX-FOLDER 107/10 Willeke, Willem, 1934
BOX-FOLDER 107/11 Willeke, Willem, 1935
BOX-FOLDER 107/12 Willeke, Willem, 1936
BOX-FOLDER 107/13 Willeke, Willem, 1937
BOX-FOLDER 107/14 Willeke, Willem, 1938-1939
BOX-FOLDER 107/15 Willeke, Willem, 1940-1941
BOX-FOLDER 107/16 Willeke, Willem, 1942-1945
BOX-FOLDER 107/17 Willeke, Willem, 1946-1948
BOX-FOLDER 107/18 Willeke, Willem, 1949
BOX-FOLDER 107/19 Willeke, Willem, 1950
BOX-FOLDER 107/20 Willeke, Sally (Mrs. Willem Willeke), 1951
BOX-FOLDER 107/21 Willeke, Sally (Mrs. Willem Willeke), 1952
BOX-FOLDER 107/22 Willeke, Sally (Mrs. Willem Willeke), 1953
BOX-FOLDER 107/23 Willeke, Willem, undated (presumed early)
BOX-FOLDER 107/24 Willeke, Willem, undated (presumed 1921-1933)
BOX-FOLDER 107/25 Willeke, Willem, undated
BOX-FOLDER 106/2 Williams, Lewis
Williams College
see also Nin-Culmell, Joaquín
BOX-FOLDER 106/3 Williams College. Barrow, R. G.
BOX-FOLDER 106/4 Williams College. Baxter, James P.
BOX-FOLDER 106/5 Williams College. Garfield, H. W.
BOX-FOLDER 106/6 Williams College. Safford, Charles L. and Laura
BOX-FOLDER 106/7 Williams College. Miscellany
see Colonial Williamsburg
BOX-FOLDER 106/8 Williamson, John Finley
see also Westminster Choir College
BOX-FOLDER 106/9 Willis, Lyle L.
BOX-FOLDER 106/10 Wilmann, Allan
BOX-FOLDER 106/11 "Wils" miscellaneous
see also "W" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 106/12 Wilson, Edith Bolling (Mrs. Woodrow Wilson)
BOX-FOLDER 106/13 Wilson, Edmund B. and Anne Kidder Wilson
BOX-FOLDER 106/14 Wilson, Steuart
BOX-FOLDER 106/15 Wilstach, Paul
BOX-FOLDER 106/16 "Win" miscellaneous
see also "W" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 106/17 Wind Instrument Ensemble of San Francisco
BOX-FOLDER 106/18 Winetzkaja, Maria
BOX-FOLDER 106/19 Winfield, Kansas. Public Schools
Winkler, Emil K.
see Wells College
BOX-FOLDER 106/20 Winship, Laurence L. ("Larry") and Ruth
BOX-FOLDER 106/21 Winship, Thomas and Elizabeth
see also Coolidge, Elizabeth (granddaughter)
BOX-FOLDER 106/22 Winslow, Bertha Russell (Mrs. Samuel E. Winslow)
BOX-FOLDER 106/23 Winslow, Harriet
BOX-FOLDER 106/24 Winternitz, Felix
BOX-FOLDER 106/25 Wirths, Edmond
BOX-FOLDER 106/26 "Wis-Wit" miscellaneous
see also "W" miscellaneous
Wisconsin. University
see also Johansen, Gunnar
BOX-FOLDER 106/27 Wisconsin. University. Bricken, Carl, 1936-1939
BOX-FOLDER 106/28 Wisconsin. University. Bricken, Carl, 1940
BOX-FOLDER 106/29 Wisconsin. University. Bricken, Carl, 1941
BOX-FOLDER 106/30 Wisconsin. University. Bricken, Carl, 1942-1944
BOX-FOLDER 106/31 Wisconsin. University. Bricken, Carl, undated
BOX-FOLDER 106/32 Wisconsin. University. Miscellany
Wister, Frances A.
see Philadelphia Orchestra
BOX-FOLDER 106/33 Wit, Gertrude Marshall
BOX-FOLDER 106/34 Witherspoon, Herbert and Florence Hinkle
BOX-FOLDER 106/35 Withington, Alfreda B.
BOX-FOLDER 108/1 "Wo" miscellaneous
see also "W" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 108/2 Woelber, Frank
BOX-FOLDER 108/3 Wolfinsohn, Wolfe and Sally, 1923-1945
BOX-FOLDER 108/4 Wolfinsohn, Wolfe and Sally, 1946-1949
BOX-FOLDER 108/5 Wolfinsohn, Wolfe and Sally, 1950-1953
BOX-FOLDER 108/6 Wolfinsohn, Wolfe and Sally, undated
BOX-FOLDER 108/7 Wolfsohn Musical Bureau
BOX-FOLDER 108/8 Wolle, John Frederick
BOX-FOLDER 108/9 Wood, Annabelle
BOX-FOLDER 108/10 Wood, Henry
BOX-FOLDER 108/11 Wood, J. Henry
BOX-FOLDER 108/12 Wood, Nathaniel K.
BOX-FOLDER 108/13 Wood, P. K.
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