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Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Foundation collection, 1894-1953

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Correspondence, 1894-1953 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 19/45 Chaumont, Émile
BOX-FOLDER 19/46 Chávez, Carlos, 1936
BOX-FOLDER 19/47 Chávez, Carlos, 1937
BOX-FOLDER 19/48 Chávez, Carlos, 1938-1939
BOX-FOLDER 19/49 Chávez, Carlos, 1940-1962, undated
BOX-FOLDER 19/50 Cheatham, Kitty
Chennevière, Daniel
see Rudhyar, Dane
BOX-FOLDER 19/51 Cherkassky, Eugenie
BOX-FOLDER 19/52 Cherkassky, Paul
BOX-FOLDER 19/53 Chessé, Ralph
BOX-FOLDER 19/54 Chevy Chase Club (Chevy Chase, Md.)
BOX-FOLDER 20/1 "Chi" miscellaneous
see also "C" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 20/2 Chicago A Cappella Choir
BOX-FOLDER 20/3 Chicago. Art Institute of Chicago
BOX-FOLDER 20/4 Chicago. Arts Club
BOX-FOLDER 20/5 Chicago. Civic Music Association
see also Borowski, Felix
BOX-FOLDER 20/6 Chicago Civic Opera Company
BOX-FOLDER 20/7 Chicago. Cliff Dwellers
BOX-FOLDER 20/8 Chicago. The Cordon
Chicago. Exposition, 1933
see Chicago Civic Opera Company
BOX-FOLDER 20/9 Chicago. Field Museum of Natural History
BOX-FOLDER 20/10 Chicago. Fortnightly Club
BOX-FOLDER 20/11 Chicago. Friday Club
BOX-FOLDER 20/12 Chicago Historical Society
BOX-FOLDER 20/13 Chicago. Hotels
BOX-FOLDER 20/14 Chicago. Miscellany
BOX-FOLDER 20/15 Chicago Musical College
BOX-FOLDER 20/16 Chicago Musical Guild
BOX-FOLDER 20/17 Chicago. Newberry Library
BOX-FOLDER 20/18 Chicago. Newspapers
BOX-FOLDER 20/19 Chicago. Northern Trust Company, 1916-1921
BOX-FOLDER 20/20 Chicago. Northern Trust Company, 1922-1924
BOX-FOLDER 20/21 Chicago. Northern Trust Company, 1925-1927
BOX-FOLDER 20/22 Chicago. Northern Trust Company, 1928-1934
BOX-FOLDER 20/23 Chicago. Northern Trust Company, 1935-1953
BOX-FOLDER 20/24 Chicago. Presbyterian Hospital
BOX-FOLDER 20/25 Chicago Symphony Orchestra
see also Stock, Frederick A.
BOX-FOLDER 20/26 Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Voegeli, Henry Edward, 1922-1935
BOX-FOLDER 20/27 Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Voegeli, Henry Edward, 1936-1938
BOX-FOLDER 20/28 Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Voegeli, Henry Edward, 1939-1943, undated
BOX-FOLDER 20/29 Chicago Symphony Orchestra Pension Fund Gift, 1916
BOX-FOLDER 20/30 Chicago University. Bricken, Carl
see also Bricken, Carl
BOX-FOLDER 20/31 Chicago University. Hutchins, Robert M.
BOX-FOLDER 20/32 Chicago Univeristy. Miscellany
Chicago. Women's Symphony Orchestra
see Moneak, Elena
BOX-FOLDER 21/1 Child, Bertha Cushing
BOX-FOLDER 21/2 Child, Richard Washburn
BOX-FOLDER 21/3 Childs, Harris R., Mrs.
Chilton Club
see Boston, Mass. Chilton Club
BOX-FOLDER 21/4 China. Consul
Chisholm, Frank P.
see Tuskegee Institute
BOX-FOLDER 21/5 Chittenden, Kate S.
Chorley, Kenneth
see Colonial Williamsburg
Chorus Pro Musica
see Boston. Chorus Pro Musica
BOX-FOLDER 21/6 Christian Science Monitor
BOX-FOLDER 21/7 Christiani, C. E.
BOX-FOLDER 21/8 Christie, Winifred
BOX-FOLDER 21/9 "Ci" miscellaneous
see also "C" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 21/10 Citizens Committee on Displaced Persons
BOX-FOLDER 21/11 Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts
BOX-FOLDER 21/12 Civil Rights Congress
BOX-FOLDER 21/13 "Cl" miscellaneous
see also "C" miscellaneous
Clapp, Verner W.
see Library of Congress. Clapp, Verner W.
BOX-FOLDER 21/14 Claremont College
BOX-FOLDER 21/15 Clark, Celia (Mrs. Tobin Clark)
Clark, Edward T.
see Jacob's Pillow
BOX-FOLDER 21/16 Clarke, Dora
BOX-FOLDER 21/17 Clarke, Eric T.
Clarke, Rebecca
see Friskin, Rebecca Clarke
BOX-FOLDER 21/18 Claudel, Paul
BOX-FOLDER 21/19 Claus, Emilio
BOX-FOLDER 22/1 "Cle" miscellaneous
see also "C" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 22/2 Cleary, Jane F.
BOX-FOLDER 22/3 Clemenceau, Paul
BOX-FOLDER 22/4 Clement, Ada
BOX-FOLDER 22/5 Cleveland Museum of Art
BOX-FOLDER 22/6 Cleveland Orchestra
BOX-FOLDER 22/7 Cleveland. Miscellany
Cliff Dwellers (Club)
see Chicago. Cliff Dwellers
BOX-FOLDER 22/8 Clifton, Chalmers
BOX-FOLDER 22/9 Close, Ruth Lorraine
BOX-FOLDER 22/10 Close, Upton (material on only
BOX-FOLDER 22/11 Closson, Ernest
BOX-FOLDER 22/12 Cloud, Robert
BOX-FOLDER 22/13 Clough-Leighter, Henry T.
BOX-FOLDER 22/14 "Co" miscellaneous
see also "C" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 22/15 Coates, John
BOX-FOLDER 22/16 Cobbett, Walter Willson
BOX-FOLDER 22/17 Cœuroy, André
BOX-FOLDER 22/18 Coffey, Valbert
BOX-FOLDER 22/19 Cogswell, Julia
BOX-FOLDER 22/20 Cohen, Ellen Gertrude
BOX-FOLDER 22/21 Cohen, Ethel S.
Cohen, Frederic
see Music Institute
BOX-FOLDER 22/22 Cohen, Harriet, 1925-1932, undated
BOX-FOLDER 22/23 Cohen, Harriet, 1933-1937
BOX-FOLDER 22/24 Cohen, Harriet, 1938-1941
BOX-FOLDER 22/25 Cohen, Harriet, 1947-1953
BOX-FOLDER 22/26 Coit, Dorothy
BOX-FOLDER 22/27 Coit, Mary and John, 1925-1934
BOX-FOLDER 22/28 Coit, Mary and John, 1935-1945
BOX-FOLDER 22/29 Coit, Mary and John, undated
BOX-FOLDER 22/30 "Col" miscellaneous
see also "C" miscellaneous
Colbert, Henry
see Colbert-Laberge Concert Management
BOX-FOLDER 22/31 Colbert-Laberge Concert Management, 1948-1952
BOX-FOLDER 22/33 Colbert-Laberge Concert Management, 1953, undated
BOX-FOLDER 22/34 Colby, Edward E.
BOX-FOLDER 22/35 Coleman Chamber Music Association
see also Batchelder, Alice Coleman
BOX-FOLDER 22/36 Coleman, Margaret
BOX-FOLDER 22/37 Coleman, Persis, 1928-1929
see also Mills College
BOX-FOLDER 22/38 Coleman, Persis, 1930-1932
BOX-FOLDER 22/39 Coleman, Persis, 1933-1934
BOX-FOLDER 22/40 Coleman, Persis, 1935-1939
BOX-FOLDER 22/41 Coleman, Persis, 1940-1952
BOX-FOLDER 22/42 Coleman, Persis, undated
BOX-FOLDER 22/43 Colledge, George Leyden
BOX-FOLDER 22/44 College of the Pacific
College of the Sacret Heart
see Sacret Heart, College of the
BOX-FOLDER 22/45 Colles, H. C.
BOX-FOLDER 22/46 Collins, Anthony
BOX-FOLDER 22/47 Colonial Dames of America
BOX-FOLDER 22/48 Colonial Williamsburg
Colony Club (New York, N.Y.)
see New York. Colony Club
BOX-FOLDER 22/49 Colorado. University
BOX-FOLDER 22/50 Colorado College
see also Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center
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