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National Negro Opera Company collection, 1879-1997

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Correspondence, 1934-1970 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 9/6 Gwin, Huel Brooks, 1955
BOX-FOLDER 9/7 H. Samsom, Inc. Funeral Directors (Pittsburgh), 1954
BOX-FOLDER 9/7 Hack Inspector Office (Washington, D.C.), 1961
BOX-FOLDER 9/7 Haggans, Merie J., 1946
BOX-FOLDER 9/7 Hailstock, Virginia Mae, 1941
Contains no correspondence.
BOX-FOLDER 9/7 Haines, Margaret, 1936
BOX-FOLDER 9/7 Hairston, Jester, 1959-1961
BOX-FOLDER 9/7 Haiti. Embassy. (Ernest Bonhomme, Ambassador), 1959
BOX-FOLDER 9/7 Hall, Inez, Mrs., 1960
BOX-FOLDER 9/7 Hall, Woolsey, 1953, 1958
BOX-FOLDER 9/7 Hallman, David K., 1960
BOX-FOLDER 9/7 Hallman, Thomas, Mr. and Mrs., 1960
BOX-FOLDER 9/7 Hamilton, Hazel, 1952
BOX-FOLDER 9/7 Handy, Doris (President, Womens Committee, Pittsburgh), 1955
BOX-FOLDER 9/8 Handy, W. C. (William Christopher), 1936, 1948-1956
BOX-FOLDER 9/9 Hansell, Charles J., 1957
BOX-FOLDER 9/9 Hansen, Edna, 1943
BOX-FOLDER 9/9 Harangue, Pansy H., 1940
BOX-FOLDER 9/9 Hargraves, H. M., 1936, 1954
BOX-FOLDER 9/9 Harper, Solomon, 1957
BOX-FOLDER 9/9 Harris, Alfonzo B., 1949
BOX-FOLDER 9/9 Harris, Bertha M., 1961
BOX-FOLDER 9/9 Harris, Carrie A., 1952
BOX-FOLDER 9/10 Harris, Ethel Ramos, 1936, 1948-1959 and undated
see also Photographs: Harris, Ethel Ramos
BOX-FOLDER 9/11 Harris, Holford, undated
BOX-FOLDER 9/11 Harris, W. A., Mr. and Mrs., 1938
BOX-FOLDER 9/11 Harrison, E. L., 1953
BOX-FOLDER 9/11 Harrison, E. W., 1950
BOX-FOLDER 9/11 Harrison, Jack, 1951
BOX-FOLDER 9/11 Harrison, Marie, 1959
BOX-FOLDER 9/11 Harrison, Pearlie Cox, 1954
BOX-FOLDER 9/11 Harrison, Sarah, 1957
BOX-FOLDER 9/11 Harrison's Cafe (Washington, D.C.), 1951
BOX-FOLDER 9/11 Harvey, William J., Mrs., 1954
BOX-FOLDER 9/11 Hawes, Mae, 1943
Incomplete draft letter.
BOX-FOLDER 9/12 Hayes, Lola W., 1955
BOX-FOLDER 9/12 Hayes, Nellie, 1960
BOX-FOLDER 9/12 Hayes Printing Company (New York), 1944
BOX-FOLDER 9/12 Haygood, W. C., Mrs., 1943
BOX-FOLDER 9/12 Hayman, Coreania and Lillian, 1945
BOX-FOLDER 9/13 Hays, A. L., 1944
BOX-FOLDER 9/14 Haythorne, Peggy, 1961
BOX-FOLDER 9/14 Hecht's Company, Washington, D.C. (Mr. Friberg - Public Relations Department), 1953
BOX-FOLDER 9/14 Hedges, Janice, 1943
BOX-FOLDER 9/14 Hedrick, La Ursa Snelson, 1954, 1960-1961
BOX-FOLDER 9/14 Height, Dorothy (President, National Council of Negro Women, Washington, D.C.), 1961
BOX-FOLDER 9/14 Heighton, Wendell (Concert Artists Management, South Pasadena, California, 1939
BOX-FOLDER 9/15 Heinz, Clifford S., Mrs., 1943, 1954
BOX-FOLDER 9/16 Heller's Bakeries (Washington, D.C.), 1959
BOX-FOLDER 9/16 Henderson, Rev. Dr., undated
BOX-FOLDER 9/16 Henry Fuel Company (Washington, D.C.), 1959
BOX-FOLDER 9/16 Hereford, Bernice, 1960
BOX-FOLDER 9/16 Heury, Mamie, 1961
BOX-FOLDER 9/16 Heydorn, Hugo R., 1944
BOX-FOLDER 9/17 Highs' Dairy Products Corporation (Washington, D.C.), 1959
BOX-FOLDER 9/17 Hightower, Madeline, 1954, 1958
BOX-FOLDER 9/17 Hill, Bertha, 1948
BOX-FOLDER 9/17 Hill, Clara K., 1936
BOX-FOLDER 9/17 Hilyer, Amanda V. Gray, 1944
BOX-FOLDER 9/17 Hinds, ?, 1945
Contains no correspondence.
BOX-FOLDER 9/17 Hines, Laura, 1951
BOX-FOLDER 9/17 Hoffman, Isaac O., 1958
BOX-FOLDER 9/17 Hoffman Beverages, 1951
BOX-FOLDER 9/17 Holden, Peter G., 1956
BOX-FOLDER 9/17 Holland, Beal L., 1954, 1958, 1961
BOX-FOLDER 9/17 Holland, Jeanne, undated
BOX-FOLDER 9/17 Holland-Forbes, Kathleen, 1941
BOX-FOLDER 9/17 Holly, Sorer Margaret D., 1960
BOX-FOLDER 9/18 Holmes, Alpha M. (National Supervisor and State Organizer, Kansas City, Missouri), 1940, 1942
BOX-FOLDER 9/19 Holmes, Florence Allen, 1959
BOX-FOLDER 9/19 Holmes, Luther, 1961
BOX-FOLDER 9/19 Holt, Nora Douglas, 1955, 1962
BOX-FOLDER 8/22 Homestead Messenger, Homestead, Pennsylvania. (Warren Fitzgerald, Editor), 1954
BOX-FOLDER 9/19 Honduras. Embassy. (Celeo Davila, Ambassador), 1959
BOX-FOLDER 9/20 Honory, Marvin, 1956, 1958
BOX-FOLDER 9/21 Hood, Priscilla, undated
BOX-FOLDER 9/21 Hopkins, Nellie, 1961
BOX-FOLDER 9/21 Horne, Lena, 1949, 1955
Two letters (carbon copies) written to Lena Horne.
BOX-FOLDER 9/21 Horne Company, Joseph (Pittsburgh), 1954
BOX-FOLDER 9/21 Hoskins, John, Mr. and Mrs., 1960
BOX-FOLDER 9/21 Hot Shoppes, Inc. Executive Offices, Washington, D.C. (Edna MacQuarrie) 1959
BOX-FOLDER 9/21 Hotel Bellman Beneficial Association, Inc., 1951
BOX-FOLDER 9/21 Hotel Evans, Chicago (Stephen W. Mims), 1960
BOX-FOLDER 9/21 Hotel New Yorker, New York (G. C. Riss, Banquet Manager; Gene Voit, Manager), 1955
BOX-FOLDER 9/21 Hotel Theresa, New York, 1951, 1956
BOX-FOLDER 9/21 Hotze, Ed, 1959-1961
BOX-FOLDER 9/21 Hovey, Serge, 1961
BOX-FOLDER 9/21 Howard, Hugo and staff (Business Counsellors, Chicago), 1952
Contains no correspondence.
BOX-FOLDER 9/21 Howard, James, 1944
BOX-FOLDER 9/21 Howard, Perry, 1953
BOX-FOLDER 9/21 Howard University. (Mordecai W. Johnson, President; Warner Lawson, Dean; William D. Allen, Head of the Music Department; W. Montague Cobb, School of Medicine, Department of Anatomy), 1937, 1949, 1958
BOX-FOLDER 9/22 Hubert, Roberta Bosley, 1956
BOX-FOLDER 9/22 Hueston, William C., 1944
BOX-FOLDER 9/22 Huffman, Isaac O., 1958
BOX-FOLDER 9/22 Hughes, Richard M., 1943
BOX-FOLDER 9/22 Hunt, Roy, Mrs., 1944
BOX-FOLDER 9/22 Hunter, S. Corinne, Miss, 1943
BOX-FOLDER 9/22 Hurley Machine Company (Chicago), 1952
Contains no correspondence.
BOX-FOLDER 9/23 Hurok Attractions (Saul Hurok), New York, 1943, 1955, 1959
BOX-FOLDER 9/24 Hutchison, George H., 1936
BOX-FOLDER 9/24 Hydrox Corporation, Chicago (E. E. Stewart), 1952
Contains no correspondence.
BOX-FOLDER 9/24 Hylton, Taft H. (Simpson Methodist Church, Washington, D.C.), 1960
BOX-FOLDER 9/24 Hymovitz, Edwin (Chatham Square Music School, New York), 1956
BOX-FOLDER 9/24 Hynson, Millie, 1960
BOX-FOLDER 9/25 Illery, Alma, 1954, 1958
BOX-FOLDER 9/25 Illinois. Office of the Secretary of State. (Edward J. Barrett, Secretary of State), 1950
BOX-FOLDER 9/25 Illinois Bell Telephone Company (Chicago), 1944, 1952
The 1952 letter contains no correspondence.
BOX-FOLDER 9/25 India. Embassy. (Mahomed-Ali C. Chagea, Ambassador), 1959
BOX-FOLDER 9/25 Indonesia. Embassy. (Moekarto Notowidigdo, Ambassador), 1959
BOX-FOLDER 9/25 Industrial Life Insurance Company (Philadelphia), undated
Contains no correspondence.
BOX-FOLDER 9/25 Inland Steel Company (Chicago), 1952
Contains no correspondence.
BOX-FOLDER 9/25 Inniss, Josephine, 1941
BOX-FOLDER 9/26 Insana, Silvio, 1944, 1952-1957
BOX-FOLDER 9/27 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Local B-134 (Herman Washington), 1952
BOX-FOLDER 9/27 International Business Machine Company (IBM), New York (Wayne Watson), 1944
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