| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Photographs, 1925-1994
(continued) |
Identified Individuals, Groups and Productions
(continued) |
BOX-FOLDER 14/20 |
Lehmann, Otto, circa 1944 |
BOX-FOLDER 14/21 |
Lewis, Bernice Hammond, April 30, 1949 |
BOX-FOLDER 14/22 |
Lipscomb, Joseph, undated |
Two photographs. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/23 |
Lucas, James, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 14/24 |
McAllister, Hazel, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 14/25 |
McBrown, Gertrude, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 14/26 |
McCleave, Florence Cole, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 14/27 |
McFerrin, Robert, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 14/28 |
McKenzie, Donald L., undated |
Photograph is inscribed to Mme. Dawson. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/29 |
Marshall, Adrienne, undated |
Three photographs. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/30 |
Maynor, Dorothy, 1940 |
Inscribed to Mary Cardwell Dawson. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/31 |
Metropolitan A.M.E. Church. Group (Washington, D.C.), undated |
BOX-FOLDER 14/32 |
Miles, Betty Mansfield, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 14/33 |
Millander, "Lucky", undated |
Four photographs. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/34 |
Miss Metropolitan (Washington, D.C.) Crown Competition (queen competition), 1953 |
Four photographs. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/35 |
Montgomery, Alma (piano accompanist), undated |
Two photographs. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/36 |
Montgomery, Alma (soprano), undated |
Different individual from previous folder. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/37 |
Morris, Ben Mitchell, undated |
Two photographs. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/38 |
Murphy, Pearl, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 14/39, 65/9 |
Music Festivals, Griffith Stadium, Washington, D.C., 1947-1955 |
73 photographs, taken during the nine annual festivals presented at Griffith Stadium. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/40 |
National Association of Negro Musicians (NANM), circa 1950s |
National Association of Negro Musicians, Inc. 18th Annual Convention, St. Louis, MO., August 20-27, 1937 |
Camille L. Nickerson, President. |
Oversize photo. |
National Association of Negro Musicians, Inc. 19th Annual Convention, Kansas City, Kansas, August 21-26, 1938 |
Kemper Harris, President; J. Roy Terry, Vice-President. |
Oversize photo. |
National Association of Negro Musicians, Inc. 20th Annual Convention, Chicago, Ill., August 18-23, 1940 |
Mary Cardwell Dawson, President. |
Oversize photo. |
National Association of Negro Musicians, Inc. Convention, Pittsburgh, PA, August 24-29, 1941 |
Mary Cardwell Dawson, President. |
Oversize photo. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/41 |
National Negro Opera Company Foundation, 1950 and undated |
Three photographs. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/42 |
National Negro Opera Company Foundation. Youth Guild, 1953 and undated |
Three photographs. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/43, 65/2 |
Neal, Mansfield, circa 1944 |
Three photographs. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/44 |
Nespoli, Uriel, undated |
Five photographs. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/45 |
Nichols, Shelby, undated |
Two photographs. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/46 |
Nyoka, Princess Consuelo, undated |
Two photographs. |
One photograph is fragile (torn in two pieces) |
BOX-FOLDER 14/47 |
Offord, J., undated |
BOX-FOLDER 14/48 |
Olsen, Robert, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 14/49, 65/10 |
The Ordering of Moses, July 28, 1950 and undated |
17 photographs; one additional sheet contains eight small photographic copies. |
Several photographs are from the performance of July 28, 1950, Washington, D.C., Griffith Stadium. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/50 |
Ouanga, circa 1956 |
Seven photographs (one photograph is a non-performance image that includes Clarence White and Mary Cardwell Dawson). |
BOX-FOLDER 14/51 |
Overstreet, Geraldine, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 14/52 |
Peeler, Lawrence, 1941 |
Mr. Peeler was the first Afro-American member of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. |
Pigskin Club of Washington, Inc. Twenty-sixth Annual Awards Dinner, Statler-Hilton Hotel, December 14, 1963 |
Oversize photo. |
Walter M. Dawson was a member of this organization. |
Pigskin Club of Washington, Inc. Twenty-seventh Annual Awards Dinner, Statler-Hilton Hotel, December 12, 1964 |
Oversize photo. |
Walter M. Dawson was a member of this organization. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/53 |
Powell, Aaron, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 14/54 |
Poyas, Dorothy, undated |
Two photographs. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/55 |
Price, Sammy, 1944 |
Photograph is inscribed to "Willis" and is dated "3/1/44". |
BOX-FOLDER 14/56 |
Prince, Ulysses, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 14/57 |
Pryor, Vannye, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 14/58 |
Publicity photographs. Chicago Opera Guild activities and events, 1941 and undated |
15 photographs. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/59 |
Publicity photographs. New York Opera Guild activities and events, undated |
12 photographs. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/60 |
Publicity photographs. Pittsburgh Opera Guild activities and events, undated |
Ten photographs. |
BOX-FOLDER 14/61 |
Publicity photographs. Washington, D.C. Opera Guild activities and events, 1951 and undated |
28 photographs. |
Publicity photographs. Unknown location, undated |
25 photographs. |
Quinn, Lorraine, undated |
Rahn, Muriel, 1949 and undated |
Seven photographs (plus two photocopies) |
Rainbow, John, undated |
Three photographs. |
Reed, Napoleon, undated |
Reese, Everett Watson, undated |
Two photographs. |
Reid, Melbourne, undated |
Relatives of Mary Cardwell Dawson, undated |
Five photographs. |
Rhea, La Julia, undated |
Three photographs. |
BOX-FOLDER 15/10 |
Richardson, Mayme, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 15/11 |
Ricks, Jesse, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 15/12 |
Ringler, Jacque, undated |
Two photographs. |
BOX-FOLDER 15/13 |
Robinson, Miss, undated |
Miss Robinson was the daughter of Mary Nell Robinson. |
BOX-FOLDER 15/14 |
Rogers, Audrey, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 15/15 |
Roosevelt, Eleanor, undated |
Photograph has been cut to remove someone from the image. |
BOX-FOLDER 15/16 |
Rubes, Jan, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 15/17 |
Saint James A.M.E. Church, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 15/18 |
Schuyler, Philippa Duke, undated |
Inscribed to Mr. and Mrs. Dawson. |
BOX-FOLDER 15/19 |
Scott, Sirly, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 15/20 |
Shaw, Peggy Pierce, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 15/21 |
Sissle, Noble, late 1940s |
Six photographs. |
BOX-FOLDER 15/22 |
Smith, Ethel Hardy, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 15/23 |
Smith, Jackson, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 15/24 |
Smith, Lillian Miller, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 15/25 |
Smith, Paul A., undated |
BOX-FOLDER 15/26 |
Social groups. Chicago, undated |
BOX-FOLDER 15/27 |
Social groups. Pittsburgh, undated |
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