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National Negro Opera Company collection, 1879-1997

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Notebooks, 1932-1961 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 37/3 Notebook. Assignments (B. Edwards), undated
BOX-FOLDER 40/2 Notebook. Cash accounts ledger, 1947
BOX-FOLDER 40/1 Notebook. NNOC Campaign Fund, 1960
BOX-FOLDER 37/4 Notebook. National Negro Opera Company Foundation (Barbara Edwards' notebook), undated
Notebook belonging to Barbara Edwards.
BOX-FOLDER 37/5 Notebook. Notes by Barbara Edwards, June 20, 1950
BOX-FOLDER 40/9 Notebook. Miscellaneous notes, 1932
BOX-FOLDER 37/6 Notebook. Miscellaneous, including poem Opportunity, undated
BOX-FOLDER 37/7 Notebook. Scripture notes, June 20, 1950
BOX-FOLDER 37/8 Notebook. Big 25 composition - Miscellaneous notes, 1955
BOX-FOLDER 37/9 Notebook. Black composition book - Miscellaneous notes, undated
BOX-FOLDER 37/10 Notebook. Improved compact binder - Miscellaneous notes, undated
BOX-FOLDER 37/11 Notebook. Premier composition binder - Miscellaneous notes, undated
BOX-FOLDER 37/12 Notebook. Riteform binder - Miscellaneous notes, undated
BOX-FOLDER 37/13 Notebook. Spiral composition binder - Miscellaneous notes, undated
BOX-FOLDER 37/14 Notebook. unbound pages - Miscellaneous notes, undated
BOX-FOLDER 37/15 Notebook. Bound notebook (cover missing) - Miscellaneous notes, 1941
BOX-FOLDER 37/16 Notebook. unbound pages - Miscellaneous notes, undated
BOX-FOLDER 37/17 Notebook. unbound pages - Miscellaneous notes, undated
BOX-FOLDER 37/18 Notebook. Aida notes (Weekly time book), undated
BOX-FOLDER 38/1 Notebooks (2). Ouanga expenses, 1956
BOX-FOLDER 38/2 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania mailing list, 1940s
BOX-FOLDER 40/10 Receipts book, 1953, 1958-1959
BOX-FOLDER 38/3 Records. City vocal contest, Salem Methodist Church, 1945
BOX-FOLDER 38/4 Report for cash. Ledger, 1945
BOX-FOLDER 38/5 Secretarial notebook. Ledger, undated
Notebook belonging to Juanita Walker.
BOX-FOLDER 38/6 Secretarial notebooks. Draft letters and lists, undated
BOX-FOLDER 38/7-11 Secretarial notebooks. Shorthand, undated
BOX-FOLDER 38/12-14 Secretarial notebooks (3). Shorthand exercises, undated
BOX-FOLDER 39/1 Small blue notebook. Miscellaneous contact data, undated
BOX-FOLDER 39/2 Stenographer's notebook, 1950
Notebook belonging to Rita Maria Carrington.
BOX-FOLDER 39/3 Telephone directories (4), undated
BOX-FOLDER 39/4 Telephone log, 1956
BOX-FOLDER 39/5 Telephone log, undated
BOX-FOLDER 39/6 Telephone log and miscellaneous notes, undated
BOX-FOLDER 39/7 Ticket accounts (book), 1944
BOX-FOLDER 39/8 Ticket accounts (book), 1948
BOX-FOLDER 39/9 Ticket orders (book), undated
BOX-FOLDER 39/10 Ticket orders to fill - opera, undated
BOX-FOLDER 39/11 Ticket report notebook, 1933
BOX-FOLDER 40/5 Ticket report notebook. Madison Square Garden members report, 1934
BOX-FOLDER 39/12 Ticket sales notebooks, 1943, 1948 and 1951
BOX 41-43 Music, 1879-1961
(15 folders)
Includes manuscripts, printed music, script fragments and synopses.
Arranged alphabetically by composer.
BOX-FOLDER 41/1 Andrews, Ismay.
Tradition; song for mixed voices. New York: Handy Brothers Music Co., 1946.
Printed score; 16 p.
Words and music by Ismay Andrews.
Four copies.
BOX-FOLDER 41/1 Aylward, Florence.
Beloved, it is morn; for voice and organ/piano. New York: Chappell & Co., 1896.
Printed score; 3 p.
Words by Emily Hickey; music by Florence Aylward.
BOX-FOLDER 41/1 Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Bist du bei mir; for voice and piano. New York: G. Schirmer, Inc., 1943.
Printed score; 5 p.
Music by J. S. Bach; piano accompaniment by Carl Deis.
Original German text anonymous. Translation and sacred text by Margaret Bristol.
BOX-FOLDER 41/1 Berlin, Irving.
God bless America; arranged for mixed voices and piano. New York: Irving Berlin, Inc., 1939.
Printed score; 7 p.
Words and music by Irving Berlin; arranged for mixed voices by Charles Boutelle.
BOX-FOLDER 41/1 Bischoff, J. W.
The Summer wind; for voice and piano. Boston: Arthur P. Schmidt Co., 1906.
Printed score; 7 p.
Music by J. W. Bischoff; words by Walter Learned.
BOX-FOLDER 41/2 Bizet, Georges.
Carmen; opera in four acts. Boston: C. C. Birchard & Company, 1927.
Printed score (Chorus parts only); 53 p.
Music by Georges Bizet; original text by H. Meilhac and L. Halevy; English words by Sybil Paget and J. Lilian Vandevere.
Three copies.
BOX-FOLDER 41/3 Buck, Dudley.
Golden legend. My Redeemer and my Lord, Scene V; for voice and piano. Cincinnati: John Church Company, 1908.
Printed score; 9 p.
Music by Dudley Buck; text taken from a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
BOX-FOLDER 41/3 Burleigh, H. T.
Little David, play on your harp; negro spiritual, arranged for voice and piano. New York: G. Ricordi & Co., 1921.
Printed score; 6 p.
Arranged by H. T. Burleigh.
BOX-FOLDER 41/3 Burleigh, H. T.
Little mother of mine; for voice and piano. New York: G. Ricordi & Co., 1917.
Printed score; 6 p. (incomplete, pages missing)
Music by H. T. Burleigh; words by Walter H. Brown.
BOX-FOLDER 41/3 Burleigh, H. T.
Sinner. Please doan let dis harves' pass; negro spiritual, arranged for voice and piano. New York: G. Ricordi & Co., 1917.
Printed score; 5 p.
Arranged by H. T. Burleigh.
BOX-FOLDER 41/3 Cain, Noble.
The King of love my shepherd is; anthem arranged for two choirs (SATB) and piano. New York: Harold Flammer Publisher, Inc., 1948.
Printed score; 10 p.
Adapted from an ancient Irish melody by Noble Cain; psalm as verse by Henry W. Baker.
BOX-FOLDER 41/3 Cain, Noble.
O Lord, don't turn away; for chorus (SATB), A Cappella and rehearsal piano accompaniment. [S.l.: Choral Press, Inc.], 1961.
Printed score; 10 p.
Music by Noble Dain; words by Philip Maxwell.
BOX-FOLDER 41/3 Campbell, Lucie E.
Jesus give me water; for solo voice, chorus and piano. Nashville, Tennessee: E. W. D. Isaac, 1946.
Printed score; 5 p.
Words and music by Lucie E. Campbell.
BOX-FOLDER 41/3 Campbell-Tipton, Louis.
A Spirit flower song; for four-part chorus (mixed voices) and piano. New York: G. Schirmer, Inc., 1936.
Printed score; 7 p.
Music by Louis Campbell-Tipton; words by B. Martin Stanton.
Arrangement by Wallingford Riegger.
Two copies.
BOX-FOLDER 41/3 Chambers, Lucille Cundiff.
Chanson sans paroles, opus 18; for piano solo.
Manuscript piano score; 4 p.
Dedicated to Mary Cardwell Dawson by the composer.
BOX-FOLDER 41/3 Coenen, Willem.
Frühlingslied =Lovely spring; song for voice and piano. New York: G. Schirmer, Inc., [19--]
Printed score; 7 p.
Words and music by Willem Coenen.
BOX-FOLDER 41/3 Cooper, Esther.
Negro sketches. Lord, hold our Your hand to me; for voice and piano. Pittsburgh: Volkwein Brothers, Inc., 1947.
Printed score; 5 p.
Music by Esther Cooper; words by Helen Williams.
BOX-FOLDER 41/4 Densmore, John H.
A Spring fancy; for voice and piano. Boston: Oliver Ditson Company, 1920.
Printed score; 7 p.
Music by John H. Densmore; words by Mary Gardenia.
BOX-FOLDER 41/4 Dett, R. Nathaniel.
The Dett collection of negro spirituals; second group. Chicago: Hall & McCreary Company, 1936.
Printed score (vocal parts with piano); 32 p.
Includes originals, settings, anthems and motets, with an essay (by Dett) "Understanding the negro spiritual."
The H. & M. Auditorium Series no. 14.
BOX-FOLDER 41/4 Dett, R. Nathaniel.
The Dett collection of negro spirituals; third group. Chicago: Hall & McCreary Company, 1936.
Printed score (vocal parts with piano); 32 p.
Includes originals, settings, anthems and motets, with an essay (by Dett) "The Authenticity of the spiritual."
The H. & M. Auditorium Series no. 15.
BOX-FOLDER 41/4 Dett, R. Nathaniel.
The Ordering of Moses; Biblical folk scene for soli, chorus and orchestra. Melville, New York: J. Fischer & Bro., 1965.
Printed piano-vocal score; 123 p.
Text based on Scripture and folk lore, compiled and set to music by R. Nathaniel Nett.
BOX-FOLDER 41/4 Dett, R. Nathaniel.
The Ordering of Moses. O Hear me Lord; an added tenor aria for the Prayer Scene of Act II.
Manuscript piano-vocal score (vocal part with piano); 4 p.
Additional tenor aria, arranged by Roy O'Loughlin, music taken from the Prelude music of the first act of The Ordering of Moses; words are from the Bible, Exodus, Chapter 5.
Includes a one-page letter by Roy O'Laughlin to Mrs. Dawson, dated March 6, 1960, in which he discusses this added aria.
BOX-FOLDER 41/4 Diton, Cairnetta B.
Nanm's going onward; for voice and piano. New York: Cairnetta B. Diton, 1959.
Printed score; 3 p.
Words and music by Cairnetta B. Diton; vocal arrangement by Carl Diton.
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