The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Wanda Landowska and Denise Restout papers, 1843-2002
Writings and Research Materials, 1894-1999 (continued)
Other Writings and Research Files, 1910s-1990s (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 129, 130/1-4 Harpsichord and keyboard instruments
BOX-FOLDER 130/5-7, 131 Italian music
Includes: Scarlatti, Vivaldi
BOX 132-135 Landowska biography
BOX 136-139 Landowska on Music
BOX-FOLDER 140-142, 143/1-4 Miscellaneous notebooks
Notes on musical topics, travel, research, and other subjects
Arranged alphabetically by title
BOX-FOLDER 143/5-8, 144-149 Miscellaneous notes
Chiefly notes by WL and DR; may include small quantities of notes by Gerda Liebman, Dianita Mathot, Ethel Preston, Elsa Schunicke, and others
Topics: anecdotes; dance forms; instruments; interpretation; musical styles and genres; ornamentation; Portuguese music; Russian music; Spanish music; terminology; visual artists; and others
BOX-FOLDER 150, 151/1-8 Miscellaneous writings (DR)
Chiefly articles and lectures about WL
BOX-FOLDER 151/9-17 Miscellaneous writings (WL)
Articles and essays, unpublished writings, and several letters with translations
BOX 152 Mozart, W. A.
BOX 153 Music Ancienne
BOX 154-155 Polish music
Includes: Chopin, Paderewski
BOX 156 Program notes
BOX 157 Radio commentaries and interviews
BOX-FOLDER 158/1-6 Recording session notes
BOX-FOLDER 158/7-12 Reminiscences of Wanda Landowska
BOX 159 A treasury of harpsichord music [recording]
BOX-FOLDER 160/1-8 Uncommon visionary [documentary film]
BOX-FOLDER 160/9 Wisdom Series [NBC television documentary]
Teaching Materials, 1919-1975
Masterclass and course notes, lesson ledgers, student notes and work, programs and promotional materials, and other items.
Arranged chronologically by year or alphabetically by subject.
BOX 161 1919-1928
BOX 162 1928-1930
BOX 163 1931-1933
BOX 164 1933-1937
BOX 165 1938-1948
BOX 166 1948-1954, 1975 and undated
BOX 167-168 Miscellany, 1930s-1960s and undated
Lesson and student ledgers, performance/lecture notes, student work, promotional materials, and other items
Writings by Others, 1928-1950
Mostly journals by assistants and students of WL that detail Landowska's activities and teachings from varying perspectives.
Aldrich, Momo
BOX-FOLDER 169/1-2 Journals, 1928
Association "Les amis de Wanda Landowska"
BOX-FOLDER 169/3-5 Cahiers Wanda Landowska, volumes 1-19, circa 1982-2002
Volume 12 is missing
Liebman, Gerda
BOX-FOLDER 169/6, 170/1-2 Journals, 1928-1936
Maire de Saint-Leu-la-Forêt
BOX-FOLDER 170/3 Une dame nommee Wanda, undated
Mathot, Dianita
BOX-FOLDER 170/4-7, 171/1-2 Journals, 1938-1939
Miscellaneous authors
BOX-FOLDER 171/3-6 Miscellany, 1950 and undated
Papers, program notes, and other writings, chiefly about WL
Preston, Ethel
BOX-FOLDER 171/7 Trois eles avec Wanda Landowska á Saint-Leu-la-Forêt, 1944?
BOX 172-187 Files, 1907-2002
Subject files containing business papers, legal documents, correspondence, publicity materials, inventories, and other miscellaneous items. Includes extensive documentation related to the contents of WL's library and instrument collection at Saint-Leu and the post-war restitution efforts by DR and others to recover these materials.
Arranged alphabetically be subject.
BOX-FOLDER 172/1 13th anniversary of Landowska's death, 1972
BOX-FOLDER 172/2 70th birthday announcement, 1949
BOX-FOLDER 172/3 75th birthday announcement, 1954
BOX-FOLDER 172/4 80th birthday announcement, 1959
BOX-FOLDER 172/5 Alfred A. Knopf, 1944-1952
BOX-FOLDER 172/6 Association "Les amis de Wanda Landowska," 1987-1999
BOX-FOLDER 172/7 Bach, C.P.E. Concertos, 1930, 1999-2000
BOX-FOLDER 172/8 Biddulph Recordings, 1992-1996
BOX-FOLDER 172/9 BMG Classics, 1999-2001
BOX-FOLDER 172/10 Bollingen Foundation, 1950
BOX-FOLDER 172/11 British Institute of Recorded Sound, 1959-1961
BOX-FOLDER 172/12 Brooklyn School of Music, 1962-1963
BOX-FOLDER 172/13-14 Broude Brothers, 1956-1979, 1999-2000
BOX-FOLDER 173/1 Cadenzas, 1956
BOX-FOLDER 173/2 Care of instruments, 1950-1954
BOX-FOLDER 173/3 Canor, 1993-1995
BOX-FOLDER 173/4 Carl Fischer, 1945-1958
BOX-FOLDER 173/5-17 Centenary, 1978-1987
Correspondence, event planning materials, lectures, and programs
BOX-FOLDER 174/1 Chamber Music Guild, 1943
BOX-FOLDER 174/2 Chapelbrook Foundation, 1967-1970
BOX-FOLDER 174/3 Clavier, 2002
BOX-FOLDER 174/4 Compositions found in Poland, 1978-1979
BOX-FOLDER 174/5-6 Contracts, 1924-1967
BOX-FOLDER 174/7 Deerfield Foundation, 1961
BOX-FOLDER 174/8 Discographies, 1940s-1950s, 1990s
see also International Piano Archive
BOX-FOLDER 174/9 Editions du seuil, 1967-1968
Regarding: Poulenc letters
BOX-FOLDER 174/10 Editor correspondence, 1944-1960
BOX-FOLDER 174/11 EMI, 1959, 1980-1983, 1992
BOX 175 Estate, 1940-1982, 1994
see also Biographical Materials: Personal and legal documents
Last will and distribution of property, post-war restitution, and other materials
BOX-FOLDER 176/1 Etude, 1945-1950
BOX-FOLDER 176/2 European tours, 1947-1950
BOX-FOLDER 176/3 F.D.R. Birthday Memorial Committee, 1952-1953
BOX-FOLDER 176/4 Ford Foundation, 1962-1966
BOX-FOLDER 176/5 France Forever music committee, 1945-1946
BOX-FOLDER 176/6 G. Schirmer, 1943, 1953-1954
BOX-FOLDER 176/7 Goldberg variations [recording], 1947, 1977, 1999
BOX-FOLDER 176/8-9 The Gramophone Co., 1938-1959
BOX-FOLDER 176/10 The Grolier Society, 1948-1949
BOX-FOLDER 176/11 Guest lists and invitations, 1921-1935, 1944
BOX-FOLDER 176/12 Guggenheim fellowship, 1961
BOX-FOLDER 176/13 Hartt College of Music, 1953-1956
BOX-FOLDER 176/14 Hauert-Gavoty, 1955-1956
BOX-FOLDER 176/15 Hildegard Publishing, 1997-1998
RE: Five Polish folk songs
BOX-FOLDER 176/16 Honorary doctorates, 1953-1959
BOX-FOLDER 176/17 Houghton Mifflin, 1951-1960
BOX-FOLDER 176/18 Hurok Attractions, 1943-1943
BOX-FOLDER 177/1-7 International Piano Archive, 1956-1978, 1993-1999
Correspondence and discographies
Inventories, circa 1924?-1949
see also Miscellany: Catalog Cards
BOX-FOLDER 177/8 Saint-Leu, circa 1924?
Earliest known inventory of WL music library
BOX-FOLDER 177/9 Saint-Leu, circa 1939-1940
BOX-FOLDER 177/10-11 Saint-Leu, 1940s
Miscellaneous draft materials and partial inventories
BOX-FOLDER 177/12 New York?, 1940s and undated
BOX-FOLDER 177/13 Books left with Elsa, 1948
BOX-FOLDER 177/14 Lakeville, 1949
BOX-FOLDER 177/15 Record collection, undated
BOX-FOLDER 177/16 Miscellany, 1946 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 177/17 Istituto Internazionale Federico Chopin, 1945-1950
BOX-FOLDER 177/18 Just records, 1949-1951
BOX-FOLDER 178/1 Lakeville house history, 1979 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 178/2 Landowska [documentary film], 1999 and undated
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