The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Elinor Remick Warren papers, 1872-2004
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Business Papers, 1919-1997 (continued)
Permissions: Correspondence with Poets and Publishers, 1919-1989
BOX-FOLDER 76/1 Avigad, Nahman, 1958-1959
Request for use of translated passages of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
BOX-FOLDER 76/2 Baruch, Dorothy W., 1973
Request for permission to use Baruch's poem Merry go round.
BOX-FOLDER 76/3 Bennett, Rowena Bastin, 1960
Request for use of Bennett's poem Lady sleep which Warren used as the text for Sleep walks over the hill, a movement from her Little choral suite.
BOX-FOLDER 76/4 Blankner, Frederika, 1960
Request for use of Blankner's poem Begger.
BOX-FOLDER 76/5 Brandt & Brandt, 1931
Request for use of an unidentified poem by Mr. Burnet.
BOX-FOLDER 76/6 Brown, Kate Louise, 1940
Request for use of Brown's poem The Christ candle which became the text for Warren's work The Christmas candle.
BOX-FOLDER 76/7 Burr, Amelia Josephine, 1922
Permission request for use of the text to Burr's poem The Touch of spring.
BOX-FOLDER 76/8 Callander, Blanche Redfield, 1961
Request for use of Callander's poem The Invisible.
BOX-FOLDER 76/9 Cane, Melville H., 1936-1937
Request for use of Cane's poem Snow toward evening which became the text for Warren's work Snow towards evening.
BOX-FOLDER 76/10 Carman, Bliss, 1933, 1948, 1979
Three separate requests for use of Carman's poems: Mister Moon, The Heart of night and White Iris.
BOX-FOLDER 76/11 Cary, Mack MacDonald, 1982
Telegram contains the text of an untitled poem.
BOX-FOLDER 76/12 Charles Scribner's Sons, 1931
Request for unidentified poems by S. Burt and Eugene Field.
BOX-FOLDER 76/13 Crew, Helen Coale, 1934, 1936
Eight letters related to obtaining Crew's permission to use the texts to poems Wander shoes and In a low rocking chair.
BOX-FOLDER 76/14 Crosno, Manuela Williams, 1949-1950
Request for use of Crosno's poem This is the day!
BOX-FOLDER 76/15 Crowell, Grace Noll, 1931, 1937
Request for use of Crowell's poem Because of Thy great bounty.
BOX-FOLDER 76/16 Davis, Julia Johnson, 1939-1940
Request for use of Davis's poem To my little son.
BOX-FOLDER 76/17 Davison, Howard, 1933
Request for use of Davison's poem O Hand unseen.
BOX-FOLDER 76/18 Deland, Margaret, 1924, 1926
Request for use of Deland's poem Blow, golden trumpets!
BOX-FOLDER 76/19 Farjeon, Eleanor, 1937, 1945-1951, 1962-1963, 1980
Letters regarding obtaining permission to use the texts of Farjeon's's poems: Nine red horsemen, Scarecrow, For a mocking voice, I saw a little tailor, Light the lamps up! and The Night will never stay.
BOX-FOLDER 76/20 Fenner, Beatrice, 1924
Follow-up letter to a letter in which Fenner gave permission for Warren to use one of her poem texts (the poem's title isn't mentioned in this letter)
BOX-FOLDER 76/21 Field, Rachel, 1966
Request for use of Field's poem A Summer morning.
BOX-FOLDER 76/22 Fletcher, John Gould, 1935, 1961
Request for use of Fletcher's poem The White garden.
BOX-FOLDER 76/23 Flint, Annie Johnson, 1948
Letters in response to Warren's request for permission to use Flint's poem What God hath promised.
BOX-FOLDER 76/24 Ford, Ford Madox, 1960-1961
Request for use of Ford's poem Footsloggers. Correspondence with representatives of Dodd, Mead and Company (U.S.) and The Bodley Head, Ltd. (England)
BOX-FOLDER 76/25 Frost, Robert, 1932, 1959-1960, 1970, 1985-1986
Early correspondence (personally answered by Frost, 1932), requesting use of Frost's poem Stopping by woods.
Permission requests (1959-1986) with Henry Holt and Company, Inc. representatives regarding the use of several Frost poems: October, Reluctance,The Road not taken, Dust of snow, Tree at my window, Acquainted with the night, and Acceptance. Warren was able to set one poem to music - Tree At my window which became the second movement of Songs from country places.
BOX-FOLDER 76/26 Galbraith, George Starbuck, 1954
Request for use of Galbraith's poem Little psalm.
BOX-FOLDER 76/27 Garland, Hamlin, 1933
Request for use of Garland's poem Do you fear the face of the wind? which Warren re-titled Do you fear the wind?
BOX-FOLDER 76/28 Gaw, Ethelean Tyson, undated
Gaw wrote to Warren offering to grant permission for use of her poem The Plowboy.
BOX-FOLDER 76/29 Gilder, Richard Watson, 1930
Request for permission to use Gilder's poem How to the singer comes the song?
BOX-FOLDER 76/30 Ginsberg, Louis, 1957
Letter from Ginsberg granting permission to use his poem Old ships.
BOX-FOLDER 76/31 Gumpert, Gustav von, 1947
Letter from Gumpert granting permission to use his poem The Fallen bird.
BOX-FOLDER 76/32 Hall, Hazel, 1951
Letters requesting permission to use Hall's poem Here comes the thief.
BOX-FOLDER 76/33 Harding, Austin [pseudonym of Elinor Remick Warren], Undated
Letter granting permission to use the poem I hear the sighing winds.
BOX-FOLDER 76/34 Hardy, Thomas, 1935
Letter requesting permission to use Hardy's poem Going and staying.
BOX-FOLDER 76/35 Harris, Leighton G., 1945-1951
Correspondence with Harris requesting permission to use his poem When you walk through woods.
BOX-FOLDER 76/36 Haskins, M. Louise, 1964
Letter granting permission to use Haskin's poem The Gate of the year.
BOX-FOLDER 76/37 Havergal, Frances Ridley, 1948
Letters in response to Warren's request for permission to use Havergal's poem Take my life and let it be.
BOX-FOLDER 76/38 Hicky, Daniel Whitehead, 1934-1935
Letters from Hicky granting permission to use his poem Wisdom.
BOX-FOLDER 76/39 Hodgson, Ralph, 1926, 1976-1981
Correspondence with Mrs. Ralph Hodgson. Letters related to Warren's request for permission to use Hodgson's poem Time, you old gypsy man.
BOX-FOLDER 76/40 Houston, Margaret Bell, 1933, 1936, 1976
Letters related to Warren's request for obtaining a new permission to use Houston's poem The Wanderer.
BOX-FOLDER 76/41 Hovey, Richard, 1933
Letters related to Warren's request for permission to use Richard Hovey's poem At the crossroads.
BOX-FOLDER 76/42 Hume, Isabel, 1927-1934
Letters related to Warren's request for permission to use Isabel Hume's poem The Little betrothed.
BOX-FOLDER 76/43 Jaffrey, Norman R., 1934-1935
Letters from Jaffrey granting permission to use his poem And so to bath.
BOX-FOLDER 76/44 Jones, Thomas S., Jr., 1922, 1933
Letter from Jones dated 1922, granting permission to use his poem Fulfillment; a second letter, dated 1933, from the executor of Jones' estate granting permission to use the text to Jones' poem Solitude, later retitled By a fireside by Warren.
BOX-FOLDER 76/45 Joyce, James, 1940
Letters related to Warren's request for permission to use James Joyce's poem All night I hear.
BOX-FOLDER 76/46 Kilmer, Joyce and Aline, 1922
Joyce Kilmer granted permission to Warren to use his poem An Easter song (letter dated Jan. 14, 1922)
Aline Kilmer, also a poet and the wife of Joyce Kilmer, granted Warren permission to use any of her husband's poems with the exception of the poem Trees (letter dated Feb. 26, 1922)
BOX-FOLDER 76/47 Kissling, Dorothy, 1936-1937
Letters related to Warren's request for permission to use Kissling's poem Melody out of my heart.
BOX-FOLDER 76/48 Lawson, James Gilchrist, 1948
Letters related to Warren's request for permission to use poems from Lawson's collection The Best loved religious poems.
BOX-FOLDER 76/49 Le Gallienne, Richard, 1922, 1941, 1979
Requests addressed to Le Gallienne and later, Dodd, Mead and Company for the use of Le Gallienne's poems To a blue-eyed baby and Arise, my heart and sing!
BOX-FOLDER 76/50 Leitch, Mary Sinton, 1959
Letters related to Warren's request for permission to use Leitch's poem He who loves the ocean.
BOX-FOLDER 76/51 Littlefield, Hazel, 1965
Letters related to Warren's letter indicating a desire to read Littlefield's poems seeking texts for possible songs.
BOX-FOLDER 76/52 Lodge, George Cabot, 1959-1960
Letters related to Warren's request for permission to use Lodge's poem Song of the wave.
BOX-FOLDER 76/53 Lowry, Perrin Holmes, 1922-1923
Letters related to Warren's request for permission to use Lowry's poem Afternoon, re-titled Golden yesterdays by Warren.
BOX-FOLDER 76/54 Lummis, Charles F., 1946
Inquiry letter from Warren regarding obtaining permission to use Lummis' texts from old Spanish songs of California.
BOX-FOLDER 76/55 MacLeish, Archibald, 1933, 1937
Letters related to Warren's request for permission to use MacLeish's poem Chevaux de Bois.
BOX-FOLDER 76/56 Manning, Jane M., 1956, 1958
Letters related to Warren's request for permission to use Manning's poem Come to the stable.
BOX-FOLDER 76/57 Masefield, John, 1920, 1934-1936, 1960, 1979-1982
Letters requesting permission to use Masefield's poems Beauty (re-titled I have seen dawn by Warren) and The West wind.
Letters requesting permission to use Masefield's poem Personal. Includes subsequent correspondence (Jan. 12, 1934) between Carl Fischer, Inc. and Macmillan Co. regarding the inquiry (the previously approved permission was withdrawn due to contractual conflicts)
The same letter withdrawing permission for Masefield's poem Personal (Jan. 12, 1934), granted permission to use the text of Edwin Ford Piper's poem Sweetgrass range.
BOX-FOLDER 77/1 McGowan, Mildred, 1954
Letter in which McGowan has sent details regarding her needs for a new series of music books for children, grades kindergarden through 8 years.
BOX-FOLDER 77/2 Mead, Stella, 1937
Letter related to Warren's request for permission to use Mead's poem The Merry men of Paris.
BOX-FOLDER 77/3 Michelson, Max, 1937
Letters seeking permission to use the text to a poem by Michelsdon O Brother tree originally published in an anthology titled The New poetry, edited by Alice Corbin Henderson and Harriet Monroe.
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