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Elinor Remick Warren papers, 1872-2004

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Correspondence, circa 1910-1991 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 70/44 Griffin, Z. Wayne, 1956 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 70/45 Griffin family (Children: James, Z. Wayne, Jr. and Elayne), undated
BOX-FOLDER 70/46 Groves, Charles, 1985
BOX-FOLDER 70/47 Guy, Janet (Warren's copyist), 1983, 1990 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 70/48 "H" miscellaneous, 1975-1989
BOX-FOLDER 70/49 Haldeman, Bob, 1966 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 70/50 Hampson, Thomas, 1989
BOX-FOLDER 70/51 Haskell, Eugene, undated
BOX-FOLDER 70/52 Hatch, Norman (Pepperdine College, Los Angeles, Calif.), 1971
BOX-FOLDER 70/53 Hayes, Helen, 1988 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 70/54 Hepburn, Connie, 1961
BOX-FOLDER 70/55 Hill, Paul (Paul Hill Chorale), 1984-1987
BOX-FOLDER 70/56 Hitchcock, H. Wiley (Groves Dictionaries of Music, Inc.), 1986-1987
BOX-FOLDER 70/57 Hollywood Bowl Patroness Committee (Phoebe Dillon), 1971
BOX-FOLDER 70/58 Horne, Marilyn, 1964-1990
BOX-FOLDER 70/59 "I" miscellaneous, 1979, 1986
BOX-FOLDER 70/60 Institute for Studies in American Music (ISAM - H. Wiley Hitchcock), 1988
BOX-FOLDER 70/61 International Encyclopaedia of Women Composers (Aaron I. Cohen, editor), 1974-1984
BOX-FOLDER 70/62 International League of Women Composers (ILWC), 1980-1984
BOX-FOLDER 70/63 International Who's Who in Music and Musicians' Directory (11th edition), 1986
BOX-FOLDER 71/1 "J" miscellaneous, 1976-1983
BOX-FOLDER 71/2 Jochum, Maria (Mrs. Eugen Jochum), 1961-1962
BOX-FOLDER 71/3 Jones, Samuel (Shepherd School of Music at Rice University; Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra), 1963, 1972-1976
BOX-FOLDER 71/4 Jones, Thomas R., 1984-1985, 1989
BOX-FOLDER 71/5 Jorgenson, Dwayne (University of Minnesota), 1976-1977
BOX-FOLDER 71/6 Jorgenson, James R. (University of Redlands, Redlands, Calif.), 1978-1979
BOX-FOLDER 71/7 "K" miscellaneous, 1966-1989
BOX-FOLDER 71/8 Kaper, Bronislaw, 1961 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 71/9 King, Carlotta (Russell), 1976 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 71/10 Koshak, John (Dept. of Music, Chapman College, Orange, Calif.), 1984-1986
BOX-FOLDER 71/11 Kostelanetz, Andre, 1941-1978
BOX-FOLDER 71/12 "L" miscellaneous, 1966-1990
BOX-FOLDER 71/13 La Forge, Frank, Mar. 22, 1940
BOX-FOLDER 71/14 Lazar, Joel, 1983
BOX-FOLDER 71/15 Lee, Sylvia, 1983-1984
BOX-FOLDER 71/16 Leonarda Productions, New York (Marnie Hall), 1983, 1987
BOX-FOLDER 71/17 LePage, Jane Weiner, 1980-1983
BOX-FOLDER 71/18 Lert, Richard, 1966 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 71/19 Lewis, Ronald (baritone), 1962
Baritone soloist on the early 1960s CRI recording of Abram in Egypt.
BOX-FOLDER 71/20 Library of Congress. Music Division (Chief: Donald Leavitt), 1985
BOX-FOLDER 71/21 Lilley, John, 1975-1976
BOX-FOLDER 71/22 Lorenz Corporation (Geoffrey R. Lorenz), 1981-1982, 1987
BOX-FOLDER 71/23 Love, Ivonne, 1963 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 71/24 Lutz, David, 1989-1990
BOX-FOLDER 71/25 "M" miscellaneous, 1962-1987
BOX-FOLDER 71/26 MacDonald, Jeanette and Gene Raymond, 1961 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 71/27 McArthur, Edwin, 1983
BOX-FOLDER 71/28 McGarry, Margaret D., 1971
BOX-FOLDER 71/29 Magnin, Edgar F., 1966
BOX-FOLDER 71/30 Magor, Louis (San Francisco Symphony Chorus), 1982-1983, 1989
BOX-FOLDER 71/31 Marino, Amerigo (Birmingham Symphony Association), 1965, 1977, 1980
BOX-FOLDER 71/32 Martin, Carolann (Southeast Kansas Symphony Orchestra), 1986-1987
BOX-FOLDER 71/33 Massie, Robert K. and Suzanne, 1981-1982
BOX-FOLDER 71/34 Meakin, Jack, 1961
BOX-FOLDER 71/35 Mehta, Mehli, 1971-1972, 1974
BOX-FOLDER 71/36 Mertens, C. (Belgische Radio en Televisie/Instituut der Nederlandse Uitzendingen), Apr. 8, 1961
BOX-FOLDER 71/37 Meyler, Barbara Broatch, 1971
BOX-FOLDER 71/38 Milnes, Sherrill, 1978
BOX-FOLDER 71/39 Mlynarski, Doris Kenyon, undated
BOX-FOLDER 71/40 Montgomery, Merle (National Music Council), 1976
BOX-FOLDER 71/41 Morrison, Robert K., 1988
Letter in regard to a tape of the broadcast of Crystal Lake, broadcast of May 17, 1952.
BOX-FOLDER 71/42 Musicians Union Local 47, American Federation of Musicians, 1971-1972
BOX-FOLDER 71/43 "N" miscellaneous, 1963-1987
BOX-FOLDER 71/44 Nathan, Robert (poet) and Anne Lee, 1949, 1969 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 71/45 National Association of Composers, USA (John Vincent), 1975-1977, 1981-1984
BOX-FOLDER 71/46 National Endowment for the Arts. Grants, 1973-1976, 1986
Letters related to a Fellowship Grant awarded to Warren which resulted in Good morning, America!.
BOX-FOLDER 71/47 National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC), 1968-1977, 1987, 1989
BOX-FOLDER 71/48 National League of American Penwomen, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif. branch, 1964-1969, 1976-1990
BOX-FOLDER 71/49 Nehring, Bruce (El Paso Texas Chorale), 1982-1983
BOX-FOLDER 71/50 Nelson, John (Music Director: Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra), 1978-1982
BOX-FOLDER 71/51 New England Conservatory of Music (Leila Pradell), 1979
BOX-FOLDER 71/52 New England Women's Symphony (Leslie Judd; Christine Ammer), 1979
BOX-FOLDER 71/53 New York Public Library. Music Division (Frank C. Campbell), 1985
BOX-FOLDER 71/54 Nonesuch Records (firm), 1988-1990
BOX-FOLDER 72/1 "O" miscellaneous, 1979-1989
BOX-FOLDER 72/2 Occidental College (Los Angeles, Calif.), 1968, 1987-1990
BOX-FOLDER 72/3 Olshausen, Ida Selby, Mar. 23, 1940
BOX-FOLDER 72/4 Ondrejka, Ronald (Music Director: Santa Barbara Symphony), 1977-1978
BOX-FOLDER 72/5 O'Neal, James (tenor), 1986
BOX-FOLDER 72/6 Oregon State University (Robert MacVicar; Ron Jeffers; David Eiseman), 1978-1979
BOX-FOLDER 72/7 "P" miscellaneous, 1956-1990
BOX-FOLDER 72/8 Page, Willis (Nashville Symphony; Jacksonville (Fla.) Symphony), 1963-1964, 1972
BOX-FOLDER 72/9 Palmer, Lucile (Macmillan Co.), undated
BOX-FOLDER 72/10 Palmquist, Evelyn and Ted, 1954, 1966, 1971
BOX-FOLDER 72/11 Palmquist, Richard N., 1963-1967, 1972-1974, 1981
BOX-FOLDER 72/12 Paridis, Andreas, 1956
BOX-FOLDER 72/13 Parry, David (public relations), 1966
BOX-FOLDER 72/14 The Passing of King Arthur world premiere: telegrams, March, 1940
BOX-FOLDER 72/15 Pelletier, Wilfred (conductor) and Rose, 1948-1958, 1960-1969
BOX-FOLDER 72/16 Perillo, Anne, 1980-1982, 1986
BOX-FOLDER 72/17 Persichetti, Vincent, 1983, 1987
BOX-FOLDER 72/18 Petrillo, James C. (President: American Federation of Musicians), 1951, 1954
BOX-FOLDER 72/19 Pike, Marion, 1961, 1975
BOX-FOLDER 72/20 Pizer, Elizabeth (International League of Women Composers), 1982, 1987-1988
BOX-FOLDER 72/21 Plaks, Marilee, 1980, 1984, 1988
BOX-FOLDER 72/22 Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra (Manager: Jerzy Noworol), 1989
BOX-FOLDER 72/23 Price, Vincent, undated
BOX-FOLDER 72/24 Princi, Carl (KFAC radio, Los Angeles, Calif.), 1966, 1970
BOX-FOLDER 72/25 "R" miscellaneous, 1982-1987 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 72/26 Raymond, Gene, 1966
BOX-FOLDER 72/27 Reagan, Nancy, 1970, 1983
BOX-FOLDER 72/28 Record Companies, 1988
BOX-FOLDER 72/29 Richmond, Louis (Northwest Chamber Orchestra), 1974
BOX-FOLDER 72/30 "S" miscellaneous, 1976-1990
BOX-FOLDER 72/31 Sacred Music Press (Dale Wood), 1980-1982
BOX-FOLDER 72/32 Salamunovich, Paul, 1975, 1985, 1988
BOX-FOLDER 72/33 Salgo, Sandor (Conductor/Music Director: Carmel Bach Festival, Inc,), June 23, 1973
BOX-FOLDER 72/34 Salvatori, Henry and Grace, undated
BOX-FOLDER 72/35 Samoiloff, Lazar S., Mar. 25, 1940
BOX-FOLDER 72/36 Sandburg, Carl, 1945, 1949, 1952, 1954
see also Business Papers. Permissions. Correspondence with Poets: Sandburg, Carl.
BOX-FOLDER 72/37 Sandoval, Miguel (pianist), Mar. 22, 1940
BOX-FOLDER 72/38 Schaffer, Laura (International Reporting Service, Inc., Frankfurt, West Germany), 1984
BOX-FOLDER 72/39 Schallert, Edwin and Elza, June 7, 1966
BOX-FOLDER 72/40 Schippers, Thomas, undated
BOX-FOLDER 72/41 Schmidt, Harold, June 9, 1961
BOX-FOLDER 72/42 Schneider, Charles I. (Times Mirror, Los Angeles, Calif.), 1976
BOX-FOLDER 72/43 Schweitzer, Albert, undated
BOX-FOLDER 72/44 Serafin, Tullio, 1954
BOX-FOLDER 72/45 Shafer, Sharon (Music Dept., Trinity College, Washington, D.C.), 1986-1988
BOX-FOLDER 72/46 Shaw, Robert, 1963, 1971-1972
BOX-FOLDER 72/47 Sherman, Robert (WQXR-FM Radio, New York) , 1987-1989
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