The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  David Lewin papers, 1945-2011
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Course Materials, 1966-2002 (continued)
Administrative Materials, circa 1970-2002 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 17/1 Harvard University. Course evaluation form, 1991
BOX-FOLDER 17/2 Harvard University. Course lists, 1985-2000
BOX-FOLDER 17/3 Harvard University. Dissertation and book orders, 1986-1987
BOX-FOLDER 17/4 Harvard University. Doctoral exams, 1991-2002
Examinations for individual doctoral students.
BOX-FOLDER 17/5 Harvard University. Financial report, 1988
BOX-FOLDER 17/6 Harvard University. French language exam, undated
BOX-FOLDER 17/7 Harvard University. Graduate school admissions, 1988-1989
Includes student applications, correspondence, financial aid materials, and handwritten notes.
BOX-FOLDER 17/8 Harvard University. Graduate studies information, 1997 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 17/9 State University of New York at Stony Brook. Class roster, 1975
BOX-FOLDER 17/10 State University of New York at Stony Brook. Memorandum regarding promotion
BOX-FOLDER 17/11 State University of New York at Stony Brook. Theory placement exam
BOX-FOLDER 17/12 Yale University. Section rosters, 1980
BOX-FOLDER 17/13 Miscellany
BOX 17-19 Counterpoint, circa 1976-2000
Materials relating to both counterpoint courses that Lewin taught: modal, or species counterpoint; and tonal counterpoint. The modal courses include various versions of Lewin's main text for teaching species counterpoint: the Led Zeppelin Fake Book, which Lewin supplemented over the years with examples, notes and elaborations. There are assignments and exercises using compositions by Lasso, Palestrina and others, which may contain Lewin's formal descriptions of the assignments and his handwritten notes. The tonal counterpoint materials mostly contain Lewin's assignments, which contain detailed instructions and musical examples for writing chorale preludes, inventions and a fugal exposition. Both courses contain typewritten and handwritten lecture notes, printed and handwritten scores, copies of articles and textbook chapters, and administrative materials.
Arranged by type of counterpoint and alphabetically by topic or university therein.
Species (Modal) Counterpoint
BOX-FOLDER 17/14 Benedictus assignment
Handwritten notes, scores, assignment instructions, printed articles.
BOX-FOLDER 17/15 Goetschius, Percy. Chapters from Applied Counterpoint
BOX-FOLDER 17/16 Handwritten notes and music examples
BOX-FOLDER 17/17 Harvard University. Materials relating to counterpoint music course (155a/155b), 1987-1988
Course description, course handouts, score, handwritten music examples, exercises, miscellaneous handwritten notes.
BOX-FOLDER 17/18 Harvard University. Materials relating to counterpoint music course (155/155a), circa 1991-1994
Assignments, exercises, schedules, messages, handwritten notes, printed material.
BOX-FOLDER 17/19 Harvard University. Materials relating to counterpoint music course (155), 1999-2000
Course list, handwritten and typed course notes and lecture materials, printed and handwritten music examples, 1999 updated version of "Led Zeppelin Fake Book," and "An interesting global rule for species counterpoint," by Lewin.
BOX-FOLDER 17/20 Harvard University. Materials relating to counterpoint music course (155), undated
Assignments, handout, handwritten music examples, scores.
BOX-FOLDER 18/1-6 Led Zeppelin Fake Book and other materials, 1985 and undated
(6 folders)
Various copies of the "Led Zeppelin Fake Book" containing Lewin's annotations accompanied by notes, examples, exercises and assignments; also includes copies of "An interesting global rule for species counterpoint," by Lewin.
BOX-FOLDER 18/7 Lewin, David. "An interesting global rule for species counterpoint," from In Theory Only
BOX-FOLDER 18/8 Printed articles and scores
BOX-FOLDER 18/9--19/2 State University of New York at Stony Brook. Materials relating to counterpoint music course (123/125), circa 1976
(3 folders)
Lecture notes, handwritten notes, music examples, administrative materials.
BOX-FOLDER 19/3 Yale University. Materials relating to counterpoint music course (559), 1980
Lecture notes and handouts.
BOX-FOLDER 19/4 Yale University. Materials relating to counterpoint music course (314a), 1982
Lecture notes and handouts.
Tonal Counterpoint
BOX-FOLDER 19/5 Bach, Johann Sebastian. "69 chorals with figured bass"
BOX-FOLDER 19/6 Chorale preludes
Guidelines, exercises, scores.
BOX-FOLDER 19/7 Fugue subjects
Answer sheet, handouts, music examples.
BOX-FOLDER 19/8 Harvard University. Administrative materials for counterpoint music class (156), 1998
Handwritten notes, email, schedule.
BOX-FOLDER 19/9 Harvard University. Alle menschen müssen sterben, 1987
Score and handwritten notes.
BOX-FOLDER 19/10 Harvard University. Chorale prelude exercise #1
BOX-FOLDER 19/11 Harvard University. Chorale prelude exercise #2
BOX-FOLDER 19/12 Harvard University. Chorale prelude materials
Chorale prelude exercises, scores, examples.
BOX-FOLDER 19/13 Harvard University. Materials relating to counterpoint music course (156)
Administrative notes, exercises, music examples, scores, lecture notes.
BOX-FOLDER 19/14 Tonal counterpoint materials
Typewritten guidelines, handwritten notes with exercises and class notes, and music samples.
BOX-FOLDER 19/15 Miscellaneous materials
Handwritten notes on music and music examples.
BOX 19-21 History of Tonal Theory, 1966-1991
The course also may have been called: History of Theory, Topics in Music Theory, Topics in Tonal Theory, and Topics in Tonality.
The materials primarily focus on the teachings of theorists François-Joseph Fétis, Moritz Hauptmann, Jean-Philippe Rameau, Hugo Riemann, Heinrich Schenker, and Gioseffo Zarlino. They include Lewin's lecture notes, writings that accompany and explain assigned readings, scores, bibliographies, reading and listening lists, miscellaneous handwritten notes by Lewin, exams, copies of printed articles and chapters from books, lists of essay topics, and administrative materials.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or university.
BOX-FOLDER 19/16 Babbitt, Milton
Handwritten lecture notes.
BOX-FOLDER 19/17 Fétis, François-Joseph
Typed and handwritten lecture notes, music examples.
BOX-FOLDER 19/18 Final exams from University of California, Berkeley; State University of New York at Stony Brook; and Harvard, 1966-1986
BOX-FOLDER 19/19 Harvard University. Administrative materials and handwritten notes, 1986, 1988, undated
Miscellaneous course notes, reading lists, miscellaneous administrative notes.
BOX-FOLDER 20/1 Harvard University. Materials relating to tonal theory course (230 or 230ar), 1988
Lecture notes, exam, bibliography, music examples, handwritten notes.
BOX-FOLDER 20/2 Harvard University. Materials relating to tonal theory course (230 or 230ar), 1991
List of paper topics, bibliography, lecture notes, music examples, Lewin article, handwritten notes.
BOX-FOLDER 20/3 Harvard University. Student presentations, 1987
BOX-FOLDER 20/4 Hauptmann, Moritz
Typed and handwritten lecture notes.
BOX-FOLDER 20/5 Kurth, Ernst
Article on Kurth and handwritten note.
BOX-FOLDER 20/6 Miscellaneous tonal theory materials
Lecture notes, handouts, exam, handwritten notes, music examples, bibliographies, printed articles.
BOX-FOLDER 20/7 Rameau, Jean-Philippe
Typed and handwritten lecture notes, printed articles.
BOX-FOLDER 20/8 Riemann, Hugo
Handwritten notes and printed articles.
BOX-FOLDER 20/9 State University of New York at Stony Brook. Materials relating to tonality course (533), 1977
Class roster, lecture notes, music examples, reading list, miscellaneous handwritten notes.
BOX-FOLDER 20/10 State University of New York at Stony Brook. Materials relating to topics in tonal theory course (533), 1979
Class rosters, lecture notes, reading lists, miscellaneous handwritten notes.
BOX-FOLDER 20/11 State University of New York at Stony Brook. Materials relating to tonal theory course (533), undated
Handwritten and typed lecture notes, printed articles.
BOX-FOLDER 21/1 Yale University. Materials relating to topics in tonality course (910), circa 1980
Lists of paper topics, items on reserve, and handwritten notes.
BOX-FOLDER 21/2 Zarlino, Gioseffo
Typed and handwritten lecture notes.
BOX 21-23 Math and Music, circa 1973-2002
The course also may have been called: Applications of Modern Mathematics.
Materials from Lewin's courses on probability and communication theory. Includes handwritten lecture notes and exercises, copies of articles, student work and presentations, assignments, handouts, scores, and administrative materials. Throughout this subseries there are several incomplete copies of a set of mathematical exercises (numbers 1-16) that develop various mathematical skills, through the application of composition. Four incomplete copies of Lewin's typewritten textbook that applies the ideas of probability and communication theory to the study of music are also present.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or university.
BOX-FOLDER 21/3 Chart of supertropes
BOX-FOLDER 21/4 Ergodic transition system
BOX-FOLDER 21/5 Exercise 16, old version
BOX-FOLDER 21/6 Exercises 2-9, with annotations and solutions
BOX-FOLDER 21/7 Harvard University. Exercises by student, 2002
Letter from student, class notes and exercises, and assignment.
BOX-FOLDER 21/8 Harvard University. Materials relating to math and music course (230ar), 1987
Course description, letter to students, administrative materials, and class readings and exercises.
BOX-FOLDER 21/9 Harvard University. Student presentations, 2001
BOX-FOLDER 21/10 Harvard University. Student work relating to math and music course (230ar), 1985-1986
BOX-FOLDER 21/11 "Introduction to communication theory, notes for a lecture"
Also includes tables and diagrams labelled "Lewin 1-4."
BOX-FOLDER 21/12 Klumpenhouwer networks (K-nets) handout
BOX-FOLDER 21/13 Materials relating to math course (204br)
Exercises, examples, and grades. Originally labeled as "old math course."
BOX-FOLDER 21/14 Miscellaneous notes with exercises
BOX-FOLDER 21/15--22/6 Probability and communication theory textbook, by Lewin, circa 1973-1974
(8 folders)
Six folders contain three typescript copies of the second half of the book. Two remaining folders contain typescript portions.
BOX-FOLDER 23/1 Schoenberg. III. Streichquartett, opus 30, with four pages of handwritten diagrams and notations
BOX-FOLDER 23/2 State University of New York at Stony Brook. Materials relating to Musical Applications of Modern Mathematics (513)
Course description, bibliography, handouts, articles.
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