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David Lewin papers, 1945-2011

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Writings, 1952-2003 (continued)
Interesting cases of the interval function between pitch-class sets X and Y
see also Special cases of the interval function between pitch-class sets X and Y (continued)
Includes typewritten lecture with examples (IFUNC), and a partial copy containing handwritten notes.
BOX-FOLDER 4/12 An interesting global rule for species counterpoint
Various copies with different annotations.
BOX-FOLDER 4/13 The intervallic content of a collection of notes, intervallic relations between a collection of notes and its complement: an application to Schoenberg’s hexachordal pieces, 1960
Reprinted from the Journal of Music Theory.
BOX-FOLDER 4/14 Intervallic relations between two collections of notes, 1959
Reprinted from the Journal of Music Theory.
BOX-FOLDER 4/15 Inversional balance as an organizing force in Schoenberg's music and thought, 1968
Reprinted from Perspectives of New Music.
BOX-FOLDER 4/16 A label-free development for 12-pitch-class systems, 1977
Reprinted from the Journal of Music Theory.
BOX-FOLDER 4/17 Letter to the editor, 1965
From "Communications" column in Perspectives of New Music.
BOX-FOLDER 4/18 Lewin sketch for imaginary theory exam, 1986
BOX-FOLDER 5/1 Lewin’s own student notes for Harvard math class 107a (combinatorics)
BOX-FOLDER 5/2 Lewin’s own student notes for Harvard math class 212a (real analysis), 1952
BOX-FOLDER 5/3 Lewin’s own student notes for Harvard math class 231 (algebraic topology)
BOX-FOLDER 5/4 Lewin’s own student notes for Harvard math class 237, 1953
BOX-FOLDER 5/5 Lewin’s own student notes on music history and theory
BOX-FOLDER 5/6 Lewin’s own student notes on Wagner and other topics
Includes notebooks and accompanying notes.
BOX-FOLDER 5/7 Mathematical structure (excerpts)
BOX-FOLDER 5/8 A metrical problem in Webern's opus 27, 1962
Reprinted from the Journal of Music Theory.
BOX-FOLDER 5/9 A metrical problem in Webern’s opus 27, 1992-1993
see also Mosaics in Webern, Webern analyses , and Webern's contextual period
Includes reprint of article published in Music Analysis, and typescript copy of the article with accompanying correspondence.
BOX-FOLDER 5/10 Milton Babbitt as theorist, 1983
Lecture for Wisconsin symposium, includes note to Steve Soderberg.
BOX-FOLDER 5/11-12 Morgengruss
(2 copies)
Typewritten document.
BOX-FOLDER 6/1 Morgengruss, 2008
(2 volumes)
BOX-FOLDER 6/2 Mosaics in Webern, opus 24
see also A metrical problem in Webern's opus 27, Webern analyses , and Webern's contextual period
Incomplete materials possibly for a 2003 in-progress manuscript. Includes Lewin's reference to 12-tone areas, handwritten notes, diagrams, copy of Lewin's article "A study of hexachord levels in Schoenberg's violin fantasy," and music examples dealing with trichordal Tonnetz.
BOX-FOLDER 6/3 Moses and Aron (Italian translation)
BOX-FOLDER 6/4 Moses and Aron: some general remarks and analytic notes for Act 1, Scene 1, 1967
Reprinted from Perspectives of New Music.
BOX-FOLDER 6/5 Mozart lecture on Don Giovanni and Marriage of Figaro, circa 1965
Given to the Arts Club at University of California, Berkeley.
BOX-FOLDER 6/6 Music and drama in Mozart’s ‘Crudel! Perche finora’ (Marriage of Figaro, Act 3), 1998
Part of CUNY's Perspectives in Musical Scholarship series of public lectures. Includes typewritten copies of the lecture, handouts, correspondence, emails, and brochure.
BOX-FOLDER 6/7-8 Music theory, phenomenology, and modes of perception, 1986
(2 folders)
Published in Music Perception. Includes two typewritten copies of the article with errata sheets, letter to the editor, galley copies, and a published copy with Lewin’s notes in the margins.
BOX-FOLDER 6/9 Musical analysis as stage direction, 1988 and 1992
Draft of lecture given at Dartmouth College; and published version from Music and Text: Critical Inquiries.
BOX-FOLDER 7/1-3 Musical Form and Transformation: 4 Analytic Essays, and accompanying materials, 1992-1995
(3 folders)
Includes proofs for the book, correspondence, including items from Milton Babbitt, and reviews.
Musical palindromes: loops of loops
see Boucles de palindromes musicaux
BOX-FOLDER 7/4 Notes on Apres une Lecture du Dante (Liszt)
Handwritten notes and score
BOX-FOLDER 7/5 Notes on Bamberger experiments
Includes handwritten notes, diagrams, and copy of "Development of Musically Gifted Children," by Jeanne Bamberger.
BOX-FOLDER 7/6 Notes on the opening of the F# minor fugue from WTC1, 1999
Includes printed copy, typewritten version of his draft, and handwritten notes.
BOX-FOLDER 7/7 Notes on the sample tape of computer music
BOX-FOLDER 7/8 O hobbirul hashedy O hairypuss O konk
BOX-FOLDER 7/9 On certain techniques of re-ordering in serial music, 1966
Reprint from the Journal of Music Theory.
BOX-FOLDER 7/10 On extended Z-Triples, 1982
From Theory and Practice: Journal of the Music Theory Society of New York State.
BOX-FOLDER 7/11 On formal intervals between time-spans, 1984
Published in Music Perception.
BOX-FOLDER 7/12 On generalized intervals and transformations
BOX-FOLDER 7/13 On harmony and meter in Brahms’s op. 76, no. 8
Published in 19th Century Music.
BOX-FOLDER 7/14 On partial ordering, 1976
Lecture on Babbitt given in Chicago.
BOX-FOLDER 7/15 On the interval content of invertible hexachords
BOX-FOLDER 7/16 On the “ninth-chord in fourth inversion” from Verklärte Nacht, 1987
Includes typewritten copy and errata sheet. Published in the Journal of the Arnold Schoenberg Institute..
BOX-FOLDER 7/17 Parsifal lecture to Junior League of San Francisco, circa 1962-1963
In relation to the San Francisco Opera production.
BOX-FOLDER 7/18 Perspectives of New Music report, 1964
Lewin's report from Berkeley.
Probability and communication theory textbook
see Course materials. Math and Music. Probability and communication theory textbook
BOX-FOLDER 7/19 R. Schumann’s Anfangs wollt’ich; A study in Phrygian and modern minor
Includes two pages of handwritten draft notes.
BOX-FOLDER 7/20 A response to Joe’s letter
BOX-FOLDER 7/21 Review of Berkeley concert, 1964
BOX-FOLDER 7/22 Ring theory
BOX-FOLDER 8/1 Schoenberg analyses, circa 1967
Includes scores, music examples, handwritten and typed notes, draft of Schoenberg GA table of contents (Lewin’s or student's?), notes on Moses und Aron, computer printout for Moses und Aron, a student paper (for Music 202) on Moses und Aron.
BOX-FOLDER 8/2-3 Die Schwestern(lecture copy)
Includes various versions of the lecture, score, figures, examples, quotations, writings referred to, assignment, and notes.
BOX-FOLDER 8/4 A set-theoretic approach to serialism and partial ordering
BOX-FOLDER 8/5 Some applications of communication theory to the study of twelve-tone music, 1968
Published in the Journal of Music Theory.
BOX-FOLDER 8/6-7 Some compositional uses of projective geometry, 1993
Two slightly different copies, with additional draft pages and notes.
BOX-FOLDER 8/8--9/2 Some ideas about voice-leading between pcsets, 1997-1998
(3 folders)
Includes copy published in the Journal of Music Theory, incomplete drafts, correspondence, and notes.
BOX-FOLDER 9/3 Some instances of parallel voice-leading in Debussy, 1987
Includes copy published in 19th Century Music, and letter of acceptance from the publisher.
BOX-FOLDER 9/4 Some investigations into foreground rhythmic and metric patterning, 1981
Includes typewritten text with revisions and the final published version from Music Theory: Special Topics.
BOX-FOLDER 9/5 Some musical jokes in Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro, 1968
BOX-FOLDER 9/6 Some new constructs involving abstract pcsets, and probabilistic applications, 1979
Reprinted from Perspectives of New Music.
BOX-FOLDER 9/7 Some notes on analyzing Wagner: The Ring and Parsifal, 1992
Includes reprint of the article that appeared in 19th Century Music and Lewin's notes.
BOX-FOLDER 9/8 Some notes on Pierrot Lunaire
BOX-FOLDER 9/9 Some notes on Schoenberg's opus 11, 1977
Published in In Theory Only.
BOX-FOLDER 9/10 Some problems and resources of music theory, 1991
Includes a copy published in the Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy, portions of the article, and a typewritten text.
BOX-FOLDER 9/11--10/1 Some theoretical thoughts about aspects of harmony in Mahler’s symphonies, 2000-2002
(2 folders)
Includes various versions (given at the 2001 conference Music and the Aesthetics of Modernity and at the “Brinkfest”), correspondence, notes, examples, figures, and possibly draft pages.
BOX-FOLDER 10/2-3 Some thoughts on Pierrot Lunaire (lecture and article), 1995-1997
(2 folders)
Includes three copies with examples, diagrams, score, figures, handouts, correspondence, and notes; in English, Italian and French; given at University of California at Santa Barbara in 1996; and at Strasbourg University and Cremona University, in May 1997. Article published in Music Theory in Concept and Practice, University of Rochester Press, 1997.
BOX-FOLDER 10/4 Special cases of the interval function between pitch-class sets X and Y
see also Interesting cases of the interval function between pitch-class sets X and Y
Includes reprints of article, copies of article proofs, a letter from Drott, draft, and examples.
BOX-FOLDER 10/5 Stravinsky/Vishio, 1990
A letter to Anton Vishio with typewritten notes regarding his Stravinsky analysis (“a fantasia on Anton’s spiel”).
BOX-FOLDER 10/6--13/2 Studies in Music with Text, and accompanying materials, 1999-2005
(20 folders)
Includes Lewin’s typewritten essays that formed the basis for the book; draft table of contents and notes by Lewin; various drafts; master pages from Sept. 2005; correspondence, and Lewin's narrative statement.
BOX-FOLDER 13/3 A study of hexachord levels in Schoenberg's violin fantasy, 1967
Reprinted from Perspectives of New Music.
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