| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Correspondence, 1903-1968
(continued) |
Correspondence to SR
(continued) |
BOX-FOLDER 43/51 |
Elman, Mischa, 1943
BOX-FOLDER 43/52 |
Enesco, Georges, 1933
BOX-FOLDER 43/53 |
Erdeli [Erdely; Edelli], K. A. [Kseniia
Aleksandrovna] ("Moscow Conservatory harp professor"), undated
BOX-FOLDER 43/54 |
The Etude (magazine) [Cooke, James Francis], 1931-1948
BOX-FOLDER 43/55 |
Evans, Edwin, 1922
BOX-FOLDER 43/56 |
Evlogiĭ (Mitropolit (=Metropolitan) (Paris)),
BOX-FOLDER 43/57 |
Ewen, David, 1941
BOX-FOLDER 43/58 |
”Ea-Ez” miscellaneous |
- Easley, Ralph M. [The National Civic Federation (New York)],
- Ebner, C. and E. [Südwestdeutsche Konzertdirecktion (Frankfurt am
Main, Germany)], 1926
- van Eeden, H. (Dr.), undated
- Eisenstein, Lillian [Junior Girls' Club (Brooklyn, NY)], 1930
- Elam, Russell and Inez [Barker Bros. (Los Angeles)], [1943]
- Elashin, Gen. M. [Pravlenie Soiuza Vzaimopomoshchi Ofitserov Byvshikh
Rossiĭskikh Armii i Flota (=Board of the Union of Officers of the Former
Russian Army and Navy)], 1923
- Elkin, A. ("Prof. Architecture, Moscow"), 1921-1922
- Elmer, Elizabeth, 1926
- Emeryk [Emerik], Olga, 1943
- Epstein [Epshteĭn], Elia C. (Dr.), 1943
- Esaulova, O. N. ("Moscow Conservatory classmate, pianist and friend of
NR"), undated
- Evlanoff, Elizabeth, [circa 1943]
BOX-FOLDER 43/59 |
Farrar, Geraldine [Gilmour, Howard],
BOX-FOLDER 43/60 |
Fedorov, Mikhaĭl [Comité Central de Patronage
de la Jeunesse Universitaire Russe à l'Étranger (Paris)],
Includes an original letter from Tat'iana
Sukhotina-Tolstaia (dated 20 December 1930); attached to Fedorov's letter to
SR of 24 December 1930. |
BOX-FOLDER 43/61 |
Fedorov, Vladimir [Bibliothèque de
l'Université de Paris à la Sorbonne], undated
Feinberg, William
see American Federation of Musicians
BOX-FOLDER 43/62 |
Filarmóniai Társaság (Budapest),
BOX-FOLDER 43/63 |
Flagler, Harry Harkness, 1925 and
BOX-FOLDER 43/64 |
Fokin, Mikhaĭl [Fokine, Michel],
1930-1941 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 43/65 |
Foley, Charles, 1942
BOX-FOLDER 43/66 |
France (Government) |
1939 |
BOX-FOLDER 43/67 |
Friedman, Ignaz, 1921
BOX-FOLDER 43/68 |
”Fa-Fz” miscellaneous |
- Fajardo, Alberto D., 1965
- Farrell, Florence L. [National City Bank of New York], 1943
- Fawcett, James Waldo [The Evening Star/The
Sunday Star (newspaper) (Washington, DC)], undated [1943]
- (La) Fédération des Invalides Mutilés de Guerre Russes à l'Étranger
(Clamart, France), 1933
- Fediushine, Ekaterina, 1943
- Fedorova, Ol'ga, 1922(?)-1923
- Fedorovskiĭ, -. (Artist, orchestra soloist S. SHpiluan), 1922
- Fedorovsky, Paul, Olga and Irina, 1943
- Felinskĭi, M. (Moscow Technical College, Assistant Professor), undated
- Fisher, William A. [Oliver Ditson Company (Boston, Mass.)], 1920
- Fiske, Haley [Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. (New York)], 1926
- Flack, Frank M., 1943
- Focht (?), Al. (Actor, Moscow Malyi Theatre), 1922
- Fokin [Fokine], Vitale [Vitaliĭ] and Fokina, Vera, 1943
- Foust, Clement E. [Includes his article "By the Bye (Rachmaninoff
Plays at Ten Feet)," from The News Letter,
dated December 1933]
- Fox, Constance Praeger [Includes poem titled "On Hearing
Rachmaninoff"], 1931
- Franklin, Cassandra [Franklin, Mrs. Walter], [1943]
- Frelandt, Elita, 1929
- French, Marienne Nichols [French, Mrs. Coleman], undated
- Frey, Heinrich, 1943
- Frotzler, -. (Professor) [Musik-Akademie (Vienna)], 1925
- Fridman, M., 1943
Gabrilowitsch, Ossip [Gabrilovich, Osip] and
Clara Clemens, 1921-1943
Gaines, Samuel Richards, undated
Galamian, Ivan and Judith,
Gano, Seth T. [The Rescue and Education of
Russian Children (Boston); Committee for the Education of Russian Youth in
Exile (Boston)], 1921-1931
Includes photographs of Paul Milovanoff (1928)
and Sophie [Zenia] Paléologue (1927), as well as a letter and photograph of
N. TSitseroshin [Nikolaĭ Tzitzeroshine] (1929). |
Ganz, Rudolph, 1929-1943 and
Garbousova, Raya, 1943
Gardenin, Natasha (daughter of NR's first
cousin, Catherine M. Satin-Gardenin), 1929-1932 and undated
All letters except the earliest (1929) letter
are addressed to Evgeniĭ Somov [Eugene Somoff], SR's secretary. |
Gessen, I. [Hessen, J.; Rul' (Russian-language newspaper) (Berlin)], 1923-1929
Glantz, Harry [New York Philharmonic-Symphony
Orchestra], 1940
BOX-FOLDER 44/10 |
Glazunov, Aleksander, 1922-1936
BOX-FOLDER 44/11 |
Glière, Reinhold [Glier, Reĭngol'd],
1942-1943 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 44/12 |
Gniesina, Elena, 1921
BOX-FOLDER 44/13 |
Goedicke, Alexander [Gedike, Aleksandr],
BOX-FOLDER 44/14 |
Gol'denveĭzer, Aleksandr [Goldenweiser,
Alexander], 1923-1950
BOX-FOLDER 44/15 |
Goldstein, J. M. (Dr.) [Gol'dshteĭn, Iosif
Markovich; Fund for the Relief of Scientists, Men of Letters and Artists in
Moscow (New York)], 1923-1932
BOX-FOLDER 44/16 |
Goldstein [Gol'dshteĭn], Mikhaĭl,
BOX-FOLDER 44/17 |
Golschmann, Vladimir and Odette,
BOX-FOLDER 44/18 |
Goossens, Eugene (Sir) [Cincinnati Symphony
Orchestra], 1937
BOX-FOLDER 44/19 |
Grainger, Percy, 1924
BOX-FOLDER 44/20 |
Grechaninoff, Alexandre [Grechaninov,
Aleksandr] and Marie, 1933-1943
BOX-FOLDER 44/21 |
Greĭner, Aleksandr [Greiner, Alexander] and
Alechka [Steinway and Sons], 1927-1951 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 44/22 |
Grieg, Nina, 1918
BOX-FOLDER 44/23 |
Grigor'ev, Boris, 1930-1941 and
BOX-FOLDER 44/24 |
Grofé, Ferde, 1932
BOX-FOLDER 44/25 |
Gusev-Orenburgskiĭ [Goossev-Orenburgsky], S.,
1924 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 44/26 |
”Ga-Gh” miscellaneous |
- Gagarina, Mariia D. (Princess), 1943
- Gaisberg, Fred, 1927
- Gale, Florence E., 1927
- Gal'tsov, Pavel, 1943
- Garaburda, Evgeniĭ, 1929
- Gardner, Percita West, 1941
- Garnett, Irina, 1943
- Garrett, Harold R., 1936
- Gately, Francis Cabrini [Sister Rose of Jesus], 1941
- Gavriil Konstantinovich (Grand Duke), 1940
- Gedroĭts, N. [V. (?)] (Moscow University, Assistant Professor),
- Gehle, Frederick W. [The British War Relief Society (New York)],
- Gel'mann [Helman], Aleksandr, 1940
- Georgiĭ (Igumen (=Very Reverend, Moscow Patriarchate) (Los Angeles,
Calif.)), 1943
- Georgiĭ Konstantinovich (Duke), 1932
- Gerasimov, Sergeĭ, 1922
- Gerke, F. (Assistant Rector, Moscow Technical College), 1922
- Gersdorf, N., 1940
- Gertsen [Herzen], Mikhaĭl, 1922
BOX-FOLDER 44/27 |
”Gi-Gq” miscellaneous |
- Gibson, Ralph W., 1943
- Gilder, J. B. [The Century Association (New York)], 1923
- Giliarovskiĭ, Vasiliĭ A. (Dr.) (University Professor), 1922
- Gillespie, Rev. and Mrs., 1943
- Gillette, Adelaide Robbins, 1926-1927
- Gilmour, H. P. (Harold P.?), 1932 and undated
- Ginzenberg [Hinzenberg], V. A., 1940
- Girshmann, Genrietta [Hirshmann, Henrietta], 1943
- Giskin, Iosif (orchestral cellist), undated
- Givotovsky, P. [Patty; Patti; Kleopatra] and Victor, 1943 and
- Goffmann [Hoffmann], G., 1924
- Golitsyn, V. [Romanov, G.], 1939
- Golokhvastoff [Golokhvastov], V. V. (Colonel) and Ol'ga
[Golokhvastova; Officers of the Imperial Russian Army and Navy (New
York)], 1923-1926
- Golovanov, Nikolaĭ, 1933
- Gol'shteĭn [Holstein], M., undated
- Goolevich, W., undated
- Gorbov, I., 1932
- Goriachkin, V. (Academy of Agriculture, Moscow), 1922
BOX-FOLDER 44/28 |
”Gr-Gt” miscellaneous |
- Gradovskaia [Graan], Mariia, 1943
- Gram, Edmund, 1943
- Graves, Mrs. William Léon, undated [1943]
- Gray, H. William [Novello & Co. (New York)], 1921
- Grebenshchikov, Georgiĭ D. [Grebenstchikoff, George; Alatas, Inc. (New
York)], 1926
- Grice, Phillip H. [Duke University Musical Clubs], 1935
- Griffith, Kenneth Earl, 1946 and undated
- Grigor'ev, IUriĭ, 1928
- Grigorovich, Karolina K. (former piano professor, Moscow Philharmonic
School), 1922
- Grinnell, Lloyd G. [Grinnell Brothers (Detroit, MI)], 1934
- Grishin, F. [Rossiĭskago Muzykal'nago Izdatel'stva (=Russian Music
Publishers)], 1922-1924
- Grodsky, Vladimir, 1943
- Groupe Académique Russe, undated [193-]
- Grudinskaia, A. (wife of Professor Grudinsky), undated
- Gruen, Rudolph, 1941
- Grummann, Paul H. [University of Nebraska, School of Fine Arts],
- "Gruppa veruiushchikh" (="Group of believers")[letter on verso of
concert program from a performance at the Cathedral of the Resurrection
of Christ, Leningrad], 1926
BOX-FOLDER 44/29 |
”Gu-Gz” miscellaneous |
- Gubanov, Z., 1933
- Guchkova, Mariia, undated
- Guchkova, V., 1921 and undated
- Guggenheim Memorial Foundation [Mathias, James F.; regarding Chekhov,
Michael [CHekhov, Mikhaĭl]], 1950 and undated
- Gulevich, Vladimir, 1923
- Gumeniuk [Goumeniouk], Ivan G., 1928-1929
- Gunst, Eugène [Evgeniĭ], 1927-1928
- Gushin, V., 1922
- Gusikoff, Michel, 1939
BOX-FOLDER 44/30 |
Halvorsen, Johan, 1918
BOX-FOLDER 44/31 |
de Hartmann, Thomas [Gartman, Foma],
undated [circa 1936-1940]
BOX-FOLDER 44/32 |
Harty, Hamilton (Sir), 1922
BOX-FOLDER 44/33 |
Heifetz, Jascha and Florence,
Hein, Silvio
see American Society of Composers, Authors
and Publishers
BOX-FOLDER 44/34 |
Henderson, Archibald Martin [University of
Glasgow], 1935-1943
BOX-FOLDER 44/35 |
Hertz, Alfred [Musicians' Committee to Aid
Spanish Democracy], 1939
BOX-FOLDER 44/36 |
Hirst, Arthur, 1933-1944
BOX-FOLDER 44/37 |
Hofmann, Josef, 1918-1929
BOX-FOLDER 44/38 |
Hofmann, Josef, Betty and Marie,
1930-1945 and undated
Includes a program of a concert, dated Berlin,
5 December 1929, featuring SR, sent to SR by Hofmann; as well as a
testimonial about SR, dated 1945, in Hofmann's hand. |
BOX-FOLDER 44/39 |
Holt, Richard [Gramophone (magazine)], 1929-1938
BOX-FOLDER 44/40 |
Hóman, Bálint (Royal Hungarian Minister of
Public Instruction), 1932
BOX-FOLDER 44/41 |
Honegger, Arthur, 1933
Hoover, Herbert
see American Relief Administration
BOX-FOLDER 44/42 |
Horowitz, Vladimir and Wanda, 1927-1943
and undated
BOX-FOLDER 44/43 |
Hüe, Georges, 1933
BOX-FOLDER 44/44 |
Hurok, Sol [regarding Chenkin, Victor],
BOX-FOLDER 44/45 |
Hutcheson, Ernest, 1929-1943
BOX-FOLDER 44/46 |
”Ha-Hh” miscellaneous |
- Haas, Alexander and Charlotte, 1943
- Hall, Geraldine [Hall, Mrs. Porter], undated [1943]
- Halle, Kay, 1943
- Haney, Jud and Grace, undated [1943]
- Hansen, Wilhelm (music publishers) (Copenhagen), 1918
- Hartley, James M., 1941
- Hayes, Charles B. [National Radio Fund for the Blind], 1924
- Haynes, Jeanette [Purdue Memorial Union (Lafayette, Ind.)],
- Hays, Donald Osborne (Lt.) and Mrs., 1943
- Heck, Howard, Walter, Ruday and Roy, 1943
- Hecht, Richard E., 1935
- Hellmer, Alice, 1943
- Helvenston, Gladys, 1928
BOX-FOLDER 44/47 |
”Hi-Hz” miscellaneous |
- Hill, Valentina and Raymond, 1943
- Hilsberg, Marie and Ignace, undated [1943]
- His Master's Voice (company) (London), undated [circa 1943]
- Horowitz, Emmanuel, 1941
- Horowitz, Linnea, 1930-1931
- Howards, Burton Ellison, 1932
- Huisman, Georges, 1935 (?)
- Humphreville, Jane, 1943
- Hurst, Elizabeth, 1931
Ibbs and Tillett (concert agents (London)),
Ibbs and Tillett (concert agents (London)),
Ibbs and Tillett (concert agents (London)),
Ibbs and Tillett (concert agents (London)),
Ibbs and Tillett (concert agents (London)),
1939-1941 and undated
Ignateff, Paul N. (Count) [Ignat'ev, Pavel;
Russian Red Cross], 1927-1942
Includes letter from Oleg Radoman of the
Canadian Red Cross. |
Ignat'ev, Arkadiĭ [Ignateff, Arkady],
Il'in [Ilyin], Ivan A.,
Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhaĭl,
BOX-FOLDER 45/10 |
Iserlis, IUliĭ [Isserlis, Julius], 1922
and undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/11 |
Iturbi, Amparo (Dame), 1943
BOX-FOLDER 45/12 |
”Ia-Iz” miscellaneous |
- IAblochkova, N., 1933
- IAkovlev, V., 1928
- IAkunina, Elizaveta P. [Talyzina, Ol'ga A.], 1933
- IAmpol'skiĭ, M. I., 1922 and undated
- IArtseva, Anna G. (2nd Moscow State University), 1922
- IAsnopol'skiĭ, M. (Kiev professor), 1922
- IAsinskiĭ, V. (?) [Russischer Akademischer Verein in Deutschland
(Berlin); Russkiĭ Akademicheskiĭ Soiuz v Germanii], 1928
- IAstrebuova, R., undated
- Ide, Joseph H., 1943
- Igumnov, K., 1942
- Illingworth, Elsie [New York Philharmonic], 1941
- Institute for the Crippled and Disabled (New York) [Smith, John],
- International Institute for Foreign-Born Women (New York) [Jardine,
Edith L.], 1923-1927
- Inter-Racial Council (New York) [du Pont, Coleman], 1920
- Ipatieff, V., 1943
- Irving, Albert J. (Dr.), 1943
- Istomin, Konstantin, undated [1922]
- Ivanoff, Galina, 1943
- Ivanoff [Ivanov], Vladimir, 1939-1942
BOX-FOLDER 45/13 |
Jaroff, Sergeĭ [Don Cossack Chorus],
1943 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/14 |
Juilliard Musical Foundation (New York)
[Noble, Eugene A.], 1921
BOX-FOLDER 45/15 |
”Ja-Jz” miscellaneous |
- Jacob, George [Grand Theatre (Terre Haute, Ind.)], 1925
- James, James M. (Dr.) [Fund for the Relief of Men of Letters and
Scientists of Russia (New York)], 1922
- Jamieson, Burton Lloyd, 1927
- Jaworska, Olga A., 1934
- Johnson, Edward [Metropolitan Opera Association, Inc. (New York)]
[regarding Dobujinsky], 1940
- Johnson, Eldridge R. [Gramophone Company Ltd; Victor Talking Machine
Co.], 1920-1924
- Johnson, F. W., undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/16 |
Kalinnikov, V. [Viktor; Gosudarstvennyĭ
Institut Muzykal'noĭ Dramy (Moscow)] (State Institute [of] Musical Drama /
formerly Philharmonic School), 1922
BOX-FOLDER 45/17 |
Kantorowitz, M. [Konzertdirektion M.
Kantorowitz (Zürich)], 1933-1935
BOX-FOLDER 45/18 |
Kastal'skiĭ, Aleksandr [Lebedeva, Ekaterina
N.], 1922-1927 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/19 |
Kindler, Hans [National Symphony Orchestra
Association (Washington, D.C.)], 1940
BOX-FOLDER 45/20 |
Klimov, Konstantin, 1931-1960
BOX-FOLDER 45/21 |
Koechlin, Charles, 1933
BOX-FOLDER 45/22 |
Koenig, S., 1937-1952
BOX-FOLDER 45/23 |
Kolands, Olga V. [LaForge, Frank], 1921
and undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/24 |
Konovaloff [Konovalov], A. [Russian Zemstvos
and Towns Relief Committee; Comité des Zemstvos et Villes Russes de Secours
aux Citoyens Russes à l'Étranger (New York; Paris); Société Musicale Russe à
l'Étranger (Paris); Antonoff, Alexis], 1929-1943 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/25 |
Konshina, Elizabeth [Elizaveta],
BOX-FOLDER 45/26 |
Koons, Walter E., 1932
BOX-FOLDER 45/27 |
Korzhukhin, I. [Chukotsk (Chukotskaia)
Peninsula Mining Corporation], 1921-1930 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/28 |
Koussevitzky, Serge and Natalie [Kusevitskiĭ,
Sergeĭ; Kusevitskaia, Natal'ia], 1920-1947 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/29 |
Krauss, Clemens [Wiener Staatsoper; Second
International Music Competition], 1932
BOX-FOLDER 45/30 |
Kreisler, Fritz and Harriet, 1933 and
undated [circa 1943]
BOX-FOLDER 45/31 |
Kseniia [Xenia] (Princess) [Russian Charity
Society], 1939 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/32 |
Kugel, Georg [Konzertdirektion Georg Kugel
(Vienna)], 1929-1938
BOX-FOLDER 45/33 |
”Ka-Kg” miscellaneous |
- Kaliuzhnaia, E. (Instructor, Moscow Conservatory), 1922
- Kamakhin, A., 1922
- Kamenka, B., 1919
- Kamentsev, P. (Professor), 1922
- Kanter, Norma, 1927
- Kapoustine [Kapustin], F., 1943 and undated
- Karakulin, Aleksandr (Moscow instructor), 1922
- Karapetoff [Karapetov], Vladimir, 1934
- Kardashev, V. (Prof.), 1921
- Karpov, V. and Karpova, E. (Agriculture Institute Academy),
- Kartsev, Aleksandr, 1942
- Karuzin, Pëtr I., 1922
- Kasem-Bec, Alexander, 1943
- Kashperova, E. (formerly actress of the Moscow Malyi Teatr; member of
Soviet Dramatic Writers [Union]), 1922
- Katushev, IA. (Moscow Instructor), 1922
- Kaufman, Harry K. and Lilian, undated [circa 1943]
- Keith, Benjamin, 1943 and undated
- Keneman, Fëdor, 1922
- Kent, Tatiana, 1938
- Kertchner, J. Alice, undated [circa 1943]
- Kesnar, Maurits [Augustana College and Theological Seminary (Rock
Island, Ill.], 1939
- Kessler, Tanja, 1938
BOX-FOLDER 45/34 |
”Kh-Kj” miscellaneous |
- KHarchenkova, Sofiia A., undated
- KHauke, O. (Moscow professor), 1922
- KHimichenko, A., 1922
- KHmeleva, IU. (Professor, Moscow University II), 1922
- KHoroshavin, A. (Union des Invalides et Mutilés de Guerre Russes
resident en France (Paris)), 1925
- KHristoforov, P. (Engineer, Moscow), 1922
- KHutsiev-KHrushchov [Houtcieff-Krustchoff], M. E., 1928
- C. Kiesgen [Bureau International de Concerts C. Kiesgen et Théo Ysaÿe
(Paris)], 1934
- Kifer, L. (Assistant Director, Moscow Technical School), 1929
- King, Virginia B., 1943
- Kipp, K. A. (Pianist, Professor, Moscow Conservatory),
- Kirilova, IUliia, 1937
- Kirina, Tamara, 1923
- Kiselev, -., 1929
- Kishner, N. (Prof.), undated [circa 1922]
- Kislov, N. M. (Professor, Moscow), 1922
BOX-FOLDER 45/35 |
”Kl-Kq” miscellaneous |
- Klingenberg, Dmitriĭ [Russkoe Natsional'noe Studencheskoe Bratstvo
(=Russian National Student Brotherhood) (Berlin)], 1924
- Klugen, Konstantin I. [SHor (Schor), David], 1922
- Kniazhevich, Lidia P., undated
- Knipper-Nardov, Vladimir L. (Professor, State Institute of Musical
Drama), 1922
- Knop, Vasiliĭ I., 1927
- Kobylkin, Vasiliĭ (Moscow professor), 1922
- Kochańska, Zofja, undated [circa 1943]
- Kogán, Zinovy [Kogan, Zinoviĭ], 1932
- Kolchin, E. (Moscow Conservatory), undated [circa 1922]
- Kolentsëva, V (Instructor, Moscow), 1922
- Kolpakov, Anatoliĭ, 1935
- Komarkov, E. F. (Secretary to the faculty), 1922
- Konius, Georgiĭ [Rosanov, E.; Kochetov, N.; Kastal'skiĭ, A.;
Renchitskiĭ, P.; Tolstoĭ, S.; Engel', IU.; Gol'denveĭzer, A.],
- de Koos, G. (Dr.) [Concertdirectie Dr. G. de Koos (Den Haag)],
- Koramyshev, Anton A. (Kiev Astronomy Observatory), undated
- Korchinskiĭ, -. (Professor), 1922
- Koshinskiĭ, Vladimir [Pirain (?), Andreĭ; Verein Russischer Studenten
in Sachsen; Soiuz Russkikh Studentov v Saksonii (=Union of Russian
Students in Saxony)], 1924-1926
- Kostritskiĭ, S. (Dr.), 1933
- Kotov, P., 1922
- Koverda, B. S., 1936
- Kozakevich, V., 1922
- Koznov, P. P., 1931/1932
BOX-FOLDER 45/36 |
”Kr-Kz” miscellaneous |
- Kraevskaia, O., 1923
- Kreĭn, D. (violinist) [Erlikh (Erlich), R. (cello)] (Members of the
Trio Shor), 1922
- Kreutzer, Lelia [Elena], 1929
- Kreiber, Anne Foster, 1943 and undated
- Kriger-Bogdanovskaia, Nadezhda (Member of the Society of Writers and
Composers), undated [circa 1922]
- Krymskaia, Galina, 1933
- Kubanin, A. (Member of Executive Board, formerly Moscow Philharmonic
School), 1922
- Kuklias, IA. V. [Tabakov, -.] (Artists of Symphony Orchestra, Bolshoi
Theater), undated [circa 1922]
- Kulikov, Ivan, 1922
- Kullmann, Gustave, 1943
- Kupchinskiĭ, -. [Nachal'nik Obshchezhitiia Soiuza Vzaimopomoshchi
Ofitserov v Ros. Armii in Flota (=Head of the Community Union of Mutual
Officers of the Russian Army and Navy)], 1924-1927
- Kuper, Emil' [Cooper, Emil], 1922
- Kuprin, Aleksandr, undated
- Kurbatëv, Ivan (Moscow, Assistant Professor), 1922
- Kurenko, Mariia, 1943 and undated
- Kurow, Natasha [Natalie], 1936
- Kutyrina, IUl. [IUliia], 1933
BOX-FOLDER 45/37 |
Lachmund, Carl V.,
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