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Sergei Rachmaninoff archive, 1872-1992

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Correspondence, 1903-1968 (continued)
Correspondence to SR (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 43/51 Elman, Mischa, 1943
BOX-FOLDER 43/52 Enesco, Georges, 1933
BOX-FOLDER 43/53 Erdeli [Erdely; Edelli], K. A. [Kseniia Aleksandrovna] ("Moscow Conservatory harp professor"), undated
BOX-FOLDER 43/54 The Etude (magazine) [Cooke, James Francis], 1931-1948
BOX-FOLDER 43/55 Evans, Edwin, 1922
BOX-FOLDER 43/56 Evlogiĭ (Mitropolit (=Metropolitan) (Paris)), 1924-1937
BOX-FOLDER 43/57 Ewen, David, 1941
BOX-FOLDER 43/58 ”Ea-Ez” miscellaneous
  • Easley, Ralph M. [The National Civic Federation (New York)], 1931
  • Ebner, C. and E. [Südwestdeutsche Konzertdirecktion (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)], 1926
  • van Eeden, H. (Dr.), undated
  • Eisenstein, Lillian [Junior Girls' Club (Brooklyn, NY)], 1930
  • Elam, Russell and Inez [Barker Bros. (Los Angeles)], [1943]
  • Elashin, Gen. M. [Pravlenie Soiuza Vzaimopomoshchi Ofitserov Byvshikh Rossiĭskikh Armii i Flota (=Board of the Union of Officers of the Former Russian Army and Navy)], 1923
  • Elkin, A. ("Prof. Architecture, Moscow"), 1921-1922
  • Elmer, Elizabeth, 1926
  • Emeryk [Emerik], Olga, 1943
  • Epstein [Epshteĭn], Elia C. (Dr.), 1943
  • Esaulova, O. N. ("Moscow Conservatory classmate, pianist and friend of NR"), undated
  • Evlanoff, Elizabeth, [circa 1943]
BOX-FOLDER 43/59 Farrar, Geraldine [Gilmour, Howard], undated
BOX-FOLDER 43/60 Fedorov, Mikhaĭl [Comité Central de Patronage de la Jeunesse Universitaire Russe à l'Étranger (Paris)], 1925-1937
Includes an original letter from Tat'iana Sukhotina-Tolstaia (dated 20 December 1930); attached to Fedorov's letter to SR of 24 December 1930.
BOX-FOLDER 43/61 Fedorov, Vladimir [Bibliothèque de l'Université de Paris à la Sorbonne], undated
Feinberg, William
see American Federation of Musicians
BOX-FOLDER 43/62 Filarmóniai Társaság (Budapest), 1937-1938
BOX-FOLDER 43/63 Flagler, Harry Harkness, 1925 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 43/64 Fokin, Mikhaĭl [Fokine, Michel], 1930-1941 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 43/65 Foley, Charles, 1942
BOX-FOLDER 43/66 France (Government)
BOX-FOLDER 43/67 Friedman, Ignaz, 1921
BOX-FOLDER 43/68 ”Fa-Fz” miscellaneous
  • Fajardo, Alberto D., 1965
  • Farrell, Florence L. [National City Bank of New York], 1943
  • Fawcett, James Waldo [The Evening Star/The Sunday Star (newspaper) (Washington, DC)], undated [1943]
  • (La) Fédération des Invalides Mutilés de Guerre Russes à l'Étranger (Clamart, France), 1933
  • Fediushine, Ekaterina, 1943
  • Fedorova, Ol'ga, 1922(?)-1923
  • Fedorovskiĭ, -. (Artist, orchestra soloist S. SHpiluan), 1922
  • Fedorovsky, Paul, Olga and Irina, 1943
  • Felinskĭi, M. (Moscow Technical College, Assistant Professor), undated
  • Fisher, William A. [Oliver Ditson Company (Boston, Mass.)], 1920
  • Fiske, Haley [Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. (New York)], 1926
  • Flack, Frank M., 1943
  • Focht (?), Al. (Actor, Moscow Malyi Theatre), 1922
  • Fokin [Fokine], Vitale [Vitaliĭ] and Fokina, Vera, 1943
  • Foust, Clement E. [Includes his article "By the Bye (Rachmaninoff Plays at Ten Feet)," from The News Letter, dated December 1933]
  • Fox, Constance Praeger [Includes poem titled "On Hearing Rachmaninoff"], 1931
  • Franklin, Cassandra [Franklin, Mrs. Walter], [1943]
  • Frelandt, Elita, 1929
  • French, Marienne Nichols [French, Mrs. Coleman], undated
  • Frey, Heinrich, 1943
  • Frotzler, -. (Professor) [Musik-Akademie (Vienna)], 1925
  • Fridman, M., 1943
BOX-FOLDER 44/1 Gabrilowitsch, Ossip [Gabrilovich, Osip] and Clara Clemens, 1921-1943
BOX-FOLDER 44/2 Gaines, Samuel Richards, undated
BOX-FOLDER 44/3 Galamian, Ivan and Judith, 1934-1943
BOX-FOLDER 44/4 Gano, Seth T. [The Rescue and Education of Russian Children (Boston); Committee for the Education of Russian Youth in Exile (Boston)], 1921-1931
Includes photographs of Paul Milovanoff (1928) and Sophie [Zenia] Paléologue (1927), as well as a letter and photograph of N. TSitseroshin [Nikolaĭ Tzitzeroshine] (1929).
BOX-FOLDER 44/5 Ganz, Rudolph, 1929-1943 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 44/6 Garbousova, Raya, 1943
BOX-FOLDER 44/7 Gardenin, Natasha (daughter of NR's first cousin, Catherine M. Satin-Gardenin), 1929-1932 and undated
All letters except the earliest (1929) letter are addressed to Evgeniĭ Somov [Eugene Somoff], SR's secretary.
BOX-FOLDER 44/8 Gessen, I. [Hessen, J.; Rul' (Russian-language newspaper) (Berlin)], 1923-1929
BOX-FOLDER 44/9 Glantz, Harry [New York Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra], 1940
BOX-FOLDER 44/10 Glazunov, Aleksander, 1922-1936
BOX-FOLDER 44/11 Glière, Reinhold [Glier, Reĭngol'd], 1942-1943 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 44/12 Gniesina, Elena, 1921
BOX-FOLDER 44/13 Goedicke, Alexander [Gedike, Aleksandr], 1950
BOX-FOLDER 44/14 Gol'denveĭzer, Aleksandr [Goldenweiser, Alexander], 1923-1950
BOX-FOLDER 44/15 Goldstein, J. M. (Dr.) [Gol'dshteĭn, Iosif Markovich; Fund for the Relief of Scientists, Men of Letters and Artists in Moscow (New York)], 1923-1932
BOX-FOLDER 44/16 Goldstein [Gol'dshteĭn], Mikhaĭl, 1946-1947
BOX-FOLDER 44/17 Golschmann, Vladimir and Odette, 1943
BOX-FOLDER 44/18 Goossens, Eugene (Sir) [Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra], 1937
BOX-FOLDER 44/19 Grainger, Percy, 1924
BOX-FOLDER 44/20 Grechaninoff, Alexandre [Grechaninov, Aleksandr] and Marie, 1933-1943
BOX-FOLDER 44/21 Greĭner, Aleksandr [Greiner, Alexander] and Alechka [Steinway and Sons], 1927-1951 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 44/22 Grieg, Nina, 1918
BOX-FOLDER 44/23 Grigor'ev, Boris, 1930-1941 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 44/24 Grofé, Ferde, 1932
BOX-FOLDER 44/25 Gusev-Orenburgskiĭ [Goossev-Orenburgsky], S., 1924 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 44/26 ”Ga-Gh” miscellaneous
  • Gagarina, Mariia D. (Princess), 1943
  • Gaisberg, Fred, 1927
  • Gale, Florence E., 1927
  • Gal'tsov, Pavel, 1943
  • Garaburda, Evgeniĭ, 1929
  • Gardner, Percita West, 1941
  • Garnett, Irina, 1943
  • Garrett, Harold R., 1936
  • Gately, Francis Cabrini [Sister Rose of Jesus], 1941
  • Gavriil Konstantinovich (Grand Duke), 1940
  • Gedroĭts, N. [V. (?)] (Moscow University, Assistant Professor), 1922
  • Gehle, Frederick W. [The British War Relief Society (New York)], 1941
  • Gel'mann [Helman], Aleksandr, 1940
  • Georgiĭ (Igumen (=Very Reverend, Moscow Patriarchate) (Los Angeles, Calif.)), 1943
  • Georgiĭ Konstantinovich (Duke), 1932
  • Gerasimov, Sergeĭ, 1922
  • Gerke, F. (Assistant Rector, Moscow Technical College), 1922
  • Gersdorf, N., 1940
  • Gertsen [Herzen], Mikhaĭl, 1922
BOX-FOLDER 44/27 ”Gi-Gq” miscellaneous
  • Gibson, Ralph W., 1943
  • Gilder, J. B. [The Century Association (New York)], 1923
  • Giliarovskiĭ, Vasiliĭ A. (Dr.) (University Professor), 1922
  • Gillespie, Rev. and Mrs., 1943
  • Gillette, Adelaide Robbins, 1926-1927
  • Gilmour, H. P. (Harold P.?), 1932 and undated
  • Ginzenberg [Hinzenberg], V. A., 1940
  • Girshmann, Genrietta [Hirshmann, Henrietta], 1943
  • Giskin, Iosif (orchestral cellist), undated
  • Givotovsky, P. [Patty; Patti; Kleopatra] and Victor, 1943 and undated
  • Goffmann [Hoffmann], G., 1924
  • Golitsyn, V. [Romanov, G.], 1939
  • Golokhvastoff [Golokhvastov], V. V. (Colonel) and Ol'ga [Golokhvastova; Officers of the Imperial Russian Army and Navy (New York)], 1923-1926
  • Golovanov, Nikolaĭ, 1933
  • Gol'shteĭn [Holstein], M., undated
  • Goolevich, W., undated
  • Gorbov, I., 1932
  • Goriachkin, V. (Academy of Agriculture, Moscow), 1922
BOX-FOLDER 44/28 ”Gr-Gt” miscellaneous
  • Gradovskaia [Graan], Mariia, 1943
  • Gram, Edmund, 1943
  • Graves, Mrs. William Léon, undated [1943]
  • Gray, H. William [Novello & Co. (New York)], 1921
  • Grebenshchikov, Georgiĭ D. [Grebenstchikoff, George; Alatas, Inc. (New York)], 1926
  • Grice, Phillip H. [Duke University Musical Clubs], 1935
  • Griffith, Kenneth Earl, 1946 and undated
  • Grigor'ev, IUriĭ, 1928
  • Grigorovich, Karolina K. (former piano professor, Moscow Philharmonic School), 1922
  • Grinnell, Lloyd G. [Grinnell Brothers (Detroit, MI)], 1934
  • Grishin, F. [Rossiĭskago Muzykal'nago Izdatel'stva (=Russian Music Publishers)], 1922-1924
  • Grodsky, Vladimir, 1943
  • Groupe Académique Russe, undated [193-]
  • Grudinskaia, A. (wife of Professor Grudinsky), undated
  • Gruen, Rudolph, 1941
  • Grummann, Paul H. [University of Nebraska, School of Fine Arts], 1921
  • "Gruppa veruiushchikh" (="Group of believers")[letter on verso of concert program from a performance at the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, Leningrad], 1926
BOX-FOLDER 44/29 ”Gu-Gz” miscellaneous
  • Gubanov, Z., 1933
  • Guchkova, Mariia, undated
  • Guchkova, V., 1921 and undated
  • Guggenheim Memorial Foundation [Mathias, James F.; regarding Chekhov, Michael [CHekhov, Mikhaĭl]], 1950 and undated
  • Gulevich, Vladimir, 1923
  • Gumeniuk [Goumeniouk], Ivan G., 1928-1929
  • Gunst, Eugène [Evgeniĭ], 1927-1928
  • Gushin, V., 1922
  • Gusikoff, Michel, 1939
BOX-FOLDER 44/30 Halvorsen, Johan, 1918
BOX-FOLDER 44/31 de Hartmann, Thomas [Gartman, Foma], undated [circa 1936-1940]
BOX-FOLDER 44/32 Harty, Hamilton (Sir), 1922
BOX-FOLDER 44/33 Heifetz, Jascha and Florence, 1943
Hein, Silvio
see American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers
BOX-FOLDER 44/34 Henderson, Archibald Martin [University of Glasgow], 1935-1943
BOX-FOLDER 44/35 Hertz, Alfred [Musicians' Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy], 1939
BOX-FOLDER 44/36 Hirst, Arthur, 1933-1944
BOX-FOLDER 44/37 Hofmann, Josef, 1918-1929
BOX-FOLDER 44/38 Hofmann, Josef, Betty and Marie, 1930-1945 and undated
Includes a program of a concert, dated Berlin, 5 December 1929, featuring SR, sent to SR by Hofmann; as well as a testimonial about SR, dated 1945, in Hofmann's hand.
BOX-FOLDER 44/39 Holt, Richard [Gramophone (magazine)], 1929-1938
BOX-FOLDER 44/40 Hóman, Bálint (Royal Hungarian Minister of Public Instruction), 1932
BOX-FOLDER 44/41 Honegger, Arthur, 1933
Hoover, Herbert
see American Relief Administration
BOX-FOLDER 44/42 Horowitz, Vladimir and Wanda, 1927-1943 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 44/43 Hüe, Georges, 1933
BOX-FOLDER 44/44 Hurok, Sol [regarding Chenkin, Victor], 1940
BOX-FOLDER 44/45 Hutcheson, Ernest, 1929-1943
BOX-FOLDER 44/46 ”Ha-Hh” miscellaneous
  • Haas, Alexander and Charlotte, 1943
  • Hall, Geraldine [Hall, Mrs. Porter], undated [1943]
  • Halle, Kay, 1943
  • Haney, Jud and Grace, undated [1943]
  • Hansen, Wilhelm (music publishers) (Copenhagen), 1918
  • Hartley, James M., 1941
  • Hayes, Charles B. [National Radio Fund for the Blind], 1924
  • Haynes, Jeanette [Purdue Memorial Union (Lafayette, Ind.)], 1941
  • Hays, Donald Osborne (Lt.) and Mrs., 1943
  • Heck, Howard, Walter, Ruday and Roy, 1943
  • Hecht, Richard E., 1935
  • Hellmer, Alice, 1943
  • Helvenston, Gladys, 1928
BOX-FOLDER 44/47 ”Hi-Hz” miscellaneous
  • Hill, Valentina and Raymond, 1943
  • Hilsberg, Marie and Ignace, undated [1943]
  • His Master's Voice (company) (London), undated [circa 1943]
  • Horowitz, Emmanuel, 1941
  • Horowitz, Linnea, 1930-1931
  • Howards, Burton Ellison, 1932
  • Huisman, Georges, 1935 (?)
  • Humphreville, Jane, 1943
  • Hurst, Elizabeth, 1931
BOX-FOLDER 45/1 Ibbs and Tillett (concert agents (London)), 1920-1924
BOX-FOLDER 45/2 Ibbs and Tillett (concert agents (London)), 1933-1934
BOX-FOLDER 45/3 Ibbs and Tillett (concert agents (London)), 1935-1936
BOX-FOLDER 45/4 Ibbs and Tillett (concert agents (London)), 1937-1938
BOX-FOLDER 45/5 Ibbs and Tillett (concert agents (London)), 1939-1941 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/6 Ignateff, Paul N. (Count) [Ignat'ev, Pavel; Russian Red Cross], 1927-1942
Includes letter from Oleg Radoman of the Canadian Red Cross.
BOX-FOLDER 45/7 Ignat'ev, Arkadiĭ [Ignateff, Arkady], 1929
BOX-FOLDER 45/8 Il'in [Ilyin], Ivan A., 1928-1946
BOX-FOLDER 45/9 Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhaĭl, [1922]-1928
BOX-FOLDER 45/10 Iserlis, IUliĭ [Isserlis, Julius], 1922 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/11 Iturbi, Amparo (Dame), 1943
BOX-FOLDER 45/12 ”Ia-Iz” miscellaneous
  • IAblochkova, N., 1933
  • IAkovlev, V., 1928
  • IAkunina, Elizaveta P. [Talyzina, Ol'ga A.], 1933
  • IAmpol'skiĭ, M. I., 1922 and undated
  • IArtseva, Anna G. (2nd Moscow State University), 1922
  • IAsnopol'skiĭ, M. (Kiev professor), 1922
  • IAsinskiĭ, V. (?) [Russischer Akademischer Verein in Deutschland (Berlin); Russkiĭ Akademicheskiĭ Soiuz v Germanii], 1928
  • IAstrebuova, R., undated
  • Ide, Joseph H., 1943
  • Igumnov, K., 1942
  • Illingworth, Elsie [New York Philharmonic], 1941
  • Institute for the Crippled and Disabled (New York) [Smith, John], 1943
  • International Institute for Foreign-Born Women (New York) [Jardine, Edith L.], 1923-1927
  • Inter-Racial Council (New York) [du Pont, Coleman], 1920
  • Ipatieff, V., 1943
  • Irving, Albert J. (Dr.), 1943
  • Istomin, Konstantin, undated [1922]
  • Ivanoff, Galina, 1943
  • Ivanoff [Ivanov], Vladimir, 1939-1942
BOX-FOLDER 45/13 Jaroff, Sergeĭ [Don Cossack Chorus], 1943 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/14 Juilliard Musical Foundation (New York) [Noble, Eugene A.], 1921
BOX-FOLDER 45/15 ”Ja-Jz” miscellaneous
  • Jacob, George [Grand Theatre (Terre Haute, Ind.)], 1925
  • James, James M. (Dr.) [Fund for the Relief of Men of Letters and Scientists of Russia (New York)], 1922
  • Jamieson, Burton Lloyd, 1927
  • Jaworska, Olga A., 1934
  • Johnson, Edward [Metropolitan Opera Association, Inc. (New York)] [regarding Dobujinsky], 1940
  • Johnson, Eldridge R. [Gramophone Company Ltd; Victor Talking Machine Co.], 1920-1924
  • Johnson, F. W., undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/16 Kalinnikov, V. [Viktor; Gosudarstvennyĭ Institut Muzykal'noĭ Dramy (Moscow)] (State Institute [of] Musical Drama / formerly Philharmonic School), 1922
BOX-FOLDER 45/17 Kantorowitz, M. [Konzertdirektion M. Kantorowitz (Zürich)], 1933-1935
BOX-FOLDER 45/18 Kastal'skiĭ, Aleksandr [Lebedeva, Ekaterina N.], 1922-1927 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/19 Kindler, Hans [National Symphony Orchestra Association (Washington, D.C.)], 1940
BOX-FOLDER 45/20 Klimov, Konstantin, 1931-1960
BOX-FOLDER 45/21 Koechlin, Charles, 1933
BOX-FOLDER 45/22 Koenig, S., 1937-1952
BOX-FOLDER 45/23 Kolands, Olga V. [LaForge, Frank], 1921 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/24 Konovaloff [Konovalov], A. [Russian Zemstvos and Towns Relief Committee; Comité des Zemstvos et Villes Russes de Secours aux Citoyens Russes à l'Étranger (New York; Paris); Société Musicale Russe à l'Étranger (Paris); Antonoff, Alexis], 1929-1943 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/25 Konshina, Elizabeth [Elizaveta], 1918
BOX-FOLDER 45/26 Koons, Walter E., 1932
BOX-FOLDER 45/27 Korzhukhin, I. [Chukotsk (Chukotskaia) Peninsula Mining Corporation], 1921-1930 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/28 Koussevitzky, Serge and Natalie [Kusevitskiĭ, Sergeĭ; Kusevitskaia, Natal'ia], 1920-1947 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/29 Krauss, Clemens [Wiener Staatsoper; Second International Music Competition], 1932
BOX-FOLDER 45/30 Kreisler, Fritz and Harriet, 1933 and undated [circa 1943]
BOX-FOLDER 45/31 Kseniia [Xenia] (Princess) [Russian Charity Society], 1939 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/32 Kugel, Georg [Konzertdirektion Georg Kugel (Vienna)], 1929-1938
BOX-FOLDER 45/33 ”Ka-Kg” miscellaneous
  • Kaliuzhnaia, E. (Instructor, Moscow Conservatory), 1922
  • Kamakhin, A., 1922
  • Kamenka, B., 1919
  • Kamentsev, P. (Professor), 1922
  • Kanter, Norma, 1927
  • Kapoustine [Kapustin], F., 1943 and undated
  • Karakulin, Aleksandr (Moscow instructor), 1922
  • Karapetoff [Karapetov], Vladimir, 1934
  • Kardashev, V. (Prof.), 1921
  • Karpov, V. and Karpova, E. (Agriculture Institute Academy), 1922
  • Kartsev, Aleksandr, 1942
  • Karuzin, Pëtr I., 1922
  • Kasem-Bec, Alexander, 1943
  • Kashperova, E. (formerly actress of the Moscow Malyi Teatr; member of Soviet Dramatic Writers [Union]), 1922
  • Katushev, IA. (Moscow Instructor), 1922
  • Kaufman, Harry K. and Lilian, undated [circa 1943]
  • Keith, Benjamin, 1943 and undated
  • Keneman, Fëdor, 1922
  • Kent, Tatiana, 1938
  • Kertchner, J. Alice, undated [circa 1943]
  • Kesnar, Maurits [Augustana College and Theological Seminary (Rock Island, Ill.], 1939
  • Kessler, Tanja, 1938
BOX-FOLDER 45/34 ”Kh-Kj” miscellaneous
  • KHarchenkova, Sofiia A., undated
  • KHauke, O. (Moscow professor), 1922
  • KHimichenko, A., 1922
  • KHmeleva, IU. (Professor, Moscow University II), 1922
  • KHoroshavin, A. (Union des Invalides et Mutilés de Guerre Russes resident en France (Paris)), 1925
  • KHristoforov, P. (Engineer, Moscow), 1922
  • KHutsiev-KHrushchov [Houtcieff-Krustchoff], M. E., 1928
  • C. Kiesgen [Bureau International de Concerts C. Kiesgen et Théo Ysaÿe (Paris)], 1934
  • Kifer, L. (Assistant Director, Moscow Technical School), 1929
  • King, Virginia B., 1943
  • Kipp, K. A. (Pianist, Professor, Moscow Conservatory), 1922-1923
  • Kirilova, IUliia, 1937
  • Kirina, Tamara, 1923
  • Kiselev, -., 1929
  • Kishner, N. (Prof.), undated [circa 1922]
  • Kislov, N. M. (Professor, Moscow), 1922
BOX-FOLDER 45/35 ”Kl-Kq” miscellaneous
  • Klingenberg, Dmitriĭ [Russkoe Natsional'noe Studencheskoe Bratstvo (=Russian National Student Brotherhood) (Berlin)], 1924
  • Klugen, Konstantin I. [SHor (Schor), David], 1922
  • Kniazhevich, Lidia P., undated
  • Knipper-Nardov, Vladimir L. (Professor, State Institute of Musical Drama), 1922
  • Knop, Vasiliĭ I., 1927
  • Kobylkin, Vasiliĭ (Moscow professor), 1922
  • Kochańska, Zofja, undated [circa 1943]
  • Kogán, Zinovy [Kogan, Zinoviĭ], 1932
  • Kolchin, E. (Moscow Conservatory), undated [circa 1922]
  • Kolentsëva, V (Instructor, Moscow), 1922
  • Kolpakov, Anatoliĭ, 1935
  • Komarkov, E. F. (Secretary to the faculty), 1922
  • Konius, Georgiĭ [Rosanov, E.; Kochetov, N.; Kastal'skiĭ, A.; Renchitskiĭ, P.; Tolstoĭ, S.; Engel', IU.; Gol'denveĭzer, A.], 1922
  • de Koos, G. (Dr.) [Concertdirectie Dr. G. de Koos (Den Haag)], 1938-1940
  • Koramyshev, Anton A. (Kiev Astronomy Observatory), undated
  • Korchinskiĭ, -. (Professor), 1922
  • Koshinskiĭ, Vladimir [Pirain (?), Andreĭ; Verein Russischer Studenten in Sachsen; Soiuz Russkikh Studentov v Saksonii (=Union of Russian Students in Saxony)], 1924-1926
  • Kostritskiĭ, S. (Dr.), 1933
  • Kotov, P., 1922
  • Koverda, B. S., 1936
  • Kozakevich, V., 1922
  • Koznov, P. P., 1931/1932
BOX-FOLDER 45/36 ”Kr-Kz” miscellaneous
  • Kraevskaia, O., 1923
  • Kreĭn, D. (violinist) [Erlikh (Erlich), R. (cello)] (Members of the Trio Shor), 1922
  • Kreutzer, Lelia [Elena], 1929
  • Kreiber, Anne Foster, 1943 and undated
  • Kriger-Bogdanovskaia, Nadezhda (Member of the Society of Writers and Composers), undated [circa 1922]
  • Krymskaia, Galina, 1933
  • Kubanin, A. (Member of Executive Board, formerly Moscow Philharmonic School), 1922
  • Kuklias, IA. V. [Tabakov, -.] (Artists of Symphony Orchestra, Bolshoi Theater), undated [circa 1922]
  • Kulikov, Ivan, 1922
  • Kullmann, Gustave, 1943
  • Kupchinskiĭ, -. [Nachal'nik Obshchezhitiia Soiuza Vzaimopomoshchi Ofitserov v Ros. Armii in Flota (=Head of the Community Union of Mutual Officers of the Russian Army and Navy)], 1924-1927
  • Kuper, Emil' [Cooper, Emil], 1922
  • Kuprin, Aleksandr, undated
  • Kurbatëv, Ivan (Moscow, Assistant Professor), 1922
  • Kurenko, Mariia, 1943 and undated
  • Kurow, Natasha [Natalie], 1936
  • Kutyrina, IUl. [IUliia], 1933
BOX-FOLDER 45/37 Lachmund, Carl V., 1926
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