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Sergei Rachmaninoff archive, 1872-1992

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Musical Scores, 1856-1972 (continued)
Works by SR (continued)
Morceaux de fantaisie for piano, op. 3, no. 5. Sérénade, 194-? (continued)
Holograph score; 11 pages; in ink
LCCN: 2009536919
Note: Revised version as published by C. Foley (New York, 1941). Bears inscription in an unknown hand that reads "Revised and as played by the composer."
Note: Gift, Mrs. Sergei Rachmaninoff, 15 January 1951.
Available as Microfilm 89/20,005 (Mus), Item 3-a.
Digital content available onsite
BOX-FOLDER 13/4 REEL 1 Morceaux de fantaisie for piano, op. 3, no. 5. Sérénade, 194-?
Holograph score; 9 pages; in ink
LCCN: 2009536918
Note: Revised version.
Note: Composer's incomplete copy of the piano work as published by C. Foley (New York, 1941).
Note: Gift, Mrs. Sergei Rachmaninoff, 15 January 1951.
Available as Microfilm 89/20,005 (Mus), Item 3-b.
Digital content available onsite
BOX-FOLDER 13/5 REEL 1 Morceaux de fantaisie for piano, op. 3, no. 5. Sérénade, 194-?
Copyist's manuscript with extensive holograph emendations; 5 pages; in ink
LCCN: 2009536986
Note: Revised version.
Note: Gift, Oxana Siloti, 1 December 1977.
Available as Microfilm 89/20,005 (Mus), Item 3-c.
Digital content available onsite
BOX-FOLDER 13/6 REEL 1 Morceaux de fantaisie for piano, op. 3, no. 5. Sérénade, 194-?
Holograph sketches; 2 leaves; in pencil
LCCN: 2009536987
Note: From material marked "Eight sheets of notes made by Rachmaninoff. They were found after his death on the shelf near his piano."
Note: Gift, Oxana Siloti, 1 December 1977.
Available as Microfilm 89/20,005 (Mus), Item 3-d. Also available as Item 31-a on Reel 6.
Digital content available onsite
BOX-FOLDER 13/7 REEL 1 Morceaux de salon for piano, op. 10, no. 5. Humoresque, 1940 February 5 - March 3
Holograph score; 15 pages; in pencil
LCCN: 2009536696
Note: Gift, Mrs. Sergei Rachmaninoff, 15 January 1951.
Available as Microfilm 89/20,005 (Mus), Item 4.
Digital content available onsite
BOX-FOLDER 13/8 REEL 1 Moments musicaux, piano, op. 16, no. 2. Moment musical, 1940 February 5
Holograph score; 11 pages; in pencil
LCCN: 2009536904
Note: Revised version as published by C. Foley (New York, 1941).
Note: Gift, Mrs. Sergei Rachmaninoff, 15 January 1951.
Available as Microfilm 89/20,005 (Mus), Item 5.
Digital content available onsite
BOX 14 REEL 1 Symphony no. 2, E minor, op. 27, 1908
Published score; 224 pages
LCCN: 2009536988
Note: Pages 107 through 114, and pages 205 through 206 missing; pages 212 and 213 consist of photoreproductions only; plate no. A. 8899 G., containing the composer's holograph annotations. Fragile.
Note: Revised version as published by C. Foley (New York, 1941).
Note: Gift, Mr. John Sweeney, 25 July 1972.
Available as Microfilm 89/20,005 (Mus), Item 6.
Digital content available onsite
BOX-FOLDER 13/9 REEL 1 14 Songs for voice and piano, op. 34, no. 14. Vocalise, undated
Holograph sketches in short score; 6 pages; in pencil
LCCN: 2009537110
Note: From material marked "Miscellaneous sketches."
Available as Microfilm 89/20,005 (Mus), Item 7-b. Also available as Item 31-b on Reel 6.
Digital content available onsite
BOX-FOLDER 13/10 REEL 1 Kolokola for tenor solo, chorus (SATB), and orchestra, op. 35, 1920
Alternate titles: The Bells; Die Glocken
Published full score; 117 pages with composer's holograph annotations throughout
LCCN: 2009537111
Note: Plate no. A. 9719 G.
Laid in: Additional material concerning revisions of the work's English text.
Language: Material in Russian, German, and English.
Available as Microfilm 89/20,005 (Mus), Item 8-a.
Digital content available onsite
BOX-FOLDER 13/11 REEL 1 Kolokola for tenor solo, chorus (SATB), and orchestra, op. 35, 1920
Alternate titles: The Bells; Die Glocken
Published miniature full score; 117 pages
LCCN: 2009536995
Note: Plate no. A. 9719 G., containing the composer's holograph annotations.
Laid in: Additional material concerning revisions of the work's English text.
Language: Material in Russian, German, and English.
Available as Microfilm 89/20,005 (Mus), Item 8-b.
Digital content available onsite
BOX-FOLDER 13/12 REEL 1 Kolokola for tenor solo, chorus (SATB), and orchestra, op. 35, undated
Alternate titles: The Bells; Die Glocken
Holograph sketches; 2 leaves; in pencil
LCCN: 2009537112
Available as Microfilm 89/20,005 (Mus), Item 8-c. Also available as Item 31-c on Reel 6.
Digital content available onsite
BOX-FOLDER 13/13 REEL 1 6 Songs, op. 38, no. 3. Daisies, undated
Alternate title: Daisies
Holograph score for piano solo; 7 pages; in pencil
LCCN: 2009537121
Note: Gift, Mrs. Sergei Rachmaninoff, 15 January 1951.
Available as Microfilm 89/20,005 (Mus), Item 9.
Digital content available onsite
BOX-FOLDER 13/14 REEL 1 Étude-tableau for piano, op. 39, no. 2 in A minor and Étude-tableau, op. 39, no. 3 in F-sharp minor, undated
Holograph sketches; 20 leaves; in pencil
LCCN: 2009537113
Note: From material marked "Miscellaneous sketches." Also contains sketches for Symphony no. 3, op. 44.
Available as Microfilm 89/20,005 (Mus), Item 10. Also available as Item 15-e on Reel 3 and Item 31-d on Reel 6.
Digital content available onsite
BOX 5 REEL 2 Concerto no. 4 for piano and orchestra in G minor, op. 40, 1927 August 25
Holograph score; 171 pages; in ink
LCCN: 2009536905
Available as Microfilm 89/20,005 (Mus), Item 11-a.
Digital content available onsite
BOX 19 REEL 2 Concerto no. 4 for piano and orchestra in G minor, op. 40, 1928
Published full score with composer's holograph revisions; 144 pages; plate no. Taïr 1
LCCN: 2009536903
Available as Microfilm 89/20,005 (Mus), Item 11-b.
Digital content available onsite
  • Box-Folder 19/1 Pages 126-149 (holograph manuscript material)
  • Box-Folder 19/2 Pages 1-60 (published material with holograph annotations)
  • Box-Folder 19/3 Pages 61-78 (published material with holograph annotations)
  • Box-Folder 19/4 Pages 79-144 (published material with holograph annotations)
  • Box-Folder 19/5 Front cover and title page of published score
  • Box-Folder 19/6 Back cover of published score; also Laid in: five excerpts in a copyist's manuscript and an undated and unsigned contract with Charles Foley relating to the publication of this work
BOX-FOLDER 15/1 REEL 2 Concerto no. 4 for piano and orchestra in G minor, op. 40, 1928
Published miniature full score; 144 pages; plate no. Taïr 1
LCCN: 2009537114
Note: Contains the composer's holograph annotations.
Available as Microfilm 89/20,005 (Mus), Item 11-c.
Digital content available onsite
BOX-FOLDER 15/2 REEL 2 Concerto no. 4 for piano and orchestra in G minor, op. 40, undated
Holograph sketches for first movement in short score; 32 pages; in pencil
LCCN: 2009537115
Available as Microfilm 89/20,005 (Mus), Item 11-d. Also microfilmed as Item 31-e on Reel 6.
Digital content available onsite
BOX-FOLDER 15/3 REEL 2 Concerto no. 4 for piano and orchestra in G minor, op. 40, undated
Holograph sketches in short score; 10 pages; in pencil
LCCN: 2009537116
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