| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Iconography, 1885-1992
(continued) |
Photographs of SR Alone
(continued) |
SR head shot, in three-quarter profile,
(continued) |
Verso bears inscription that reads "Dec. 31,
1941." |
BOX-FOLDER 63/62 |
SR seated, in concert dress, wearing overcoat
with large fur lapels and cuffs, his gloved hands in his lap |
Print ; 23.5 x 17.5 cm (26.2 x 21.4 cm. with
mount) |
BOX-FOLDER 63/63 |
SR seated outdoors, reading a book |
2 prints: print "A," with a matte finish ;
23.8 x 18.4 cm; print "B," with a glossy finish ; 23.7 x 18.9 cm. (26.1 x
21.0 cm with mount) |
BOX-FOLDER 63/64 |
SR standing outdoors next to flowering bush,
holding a book |
Print ; 24.6 x 18.8 cm (26.0 x 20.7 cm with
mount) |
BOX-FOLDER 63/65 |
SR (full body shot) standing outdoors on
brick patio, Aug. 1942
2 prints: print "A," with a matte finish ;
print "B," with a glossy finish ; 17.8 x 11.8 cm. (25.4 x 18.2 cm. with
mat) |
Print "A" bears inscriptions on its verso, by
S. Satin, in a combination of both Russian and Roman scripts, that read
"Taken at the P. [Pavel'] N. Shul'gins' [home] in August / 1942. Beverley
Hill [sic], California / Serezha [SR], taken after working" (translation).
Print "B" bears on its verso, the inscription, in English, "Last picture
taken near Beverly Hills, / California, Fall 1942. |
Posters bearing photographs of SR reading,
"1873-1973 / Sergeĭ Vasil'evich / Rakhmaninoff" |
(2 copies) |
In Russian. |
Items are housed in Folder 1. |
Representing publicity for events to take place
at the Great Hall of the Moscow State Conservatory. |
BOX 64 |
Photographs of SR's Hands
SR's hands at keyboard, taken from his right
side, labeled "Rachmaninoff's Hands" |
2 identical prints ; 19.8 x 18.8
cm. |
SR's hands at keyboard, fingers directed to
bottom of image |
16.2 x 23.4.8 cm. |
SR's left hand, labeled "Rachmaninoff's Left
Hand" |
19.4 x 19.0 cm. |
BOX 64, 66 |
Iconographic Materials Depicting SR
Photographs of framed paintings of SR, by
various unidentified artists |
6 color photographs ; 8.0 x 8.0 cm. |
Postcard reproduction of a color illustration
of SR by Robert Sterl, 16 April 1909
14.2 x 8.8 cm. |
Also includes a black-and-white photographic
reproduction which bears an inscription that reads "portrait of SR 1909
Dresden." |
Photographic reproductions of a pencil
drawing of SR at the piano, in profile, by L. Pasternak, 1916
Photograph "A" ; 16.0 x 11.6 cm. and
Photograph "B" ; 7.9 x 11.7 cm. |
Photograph "B" consists of a color photograph
of a framed reproduction of this drawing. It bears an inscription that reads
"5 March 1968. Sunday. Church hall on Middletown Street. Los Angeles,
Calif." |
Laid in: a clipping from Life magazine (1
December 1958) containing a reproduction of Pasternak's drawing of
SR. |
Photograph of a sculpture of SR (head and
torso only), circa 1924-1925
24.0 x 19.2 cm. |
Verso bears the following annotations: "a
present by Miss Winslow / 1950"; "Rachmaninoff by / Moscow (1924-25?)"; and
"This sculpture was bought by / Steinway & Son and it is kept / in their
office at 57 Str. New York." |
Pencil drawing of SR by C. Somoff [K. Somov],
24.3 x 19.4 cm. |
Drawing has been placed within a large,
protective paper folder (measuring 36.0 x 25.4 cm) labeled
"Swaine." |
Postcard reproduction of an oil portrait, of
SR, by K. A. Somoff [K. Somov], 1925
14.8 x 10.7 cm. |
BOX-FOLDER 64/10 |
Photographic reproduction of a pencil drawing
of SR (lowered head only), by Boris Grigoriev [Grigor'ev], Rambouillet
[France], 1930
22.2 x 13.2 cm. |
SR's signature, and brief comment, appears on
the lower right corner of the original drawing. |
BOX-FOLDER 64/11 |
Published newsletters from the Childs Gallery
(Boston, Mass.) containing a reproduction of a 1935 drawing of SR, by
Alexandre Iacovleff [IAkovlev], Oct. 1950
(2 copies) |
BOX-FOLDER 64/12 |
Caricature of SR and Benno Moiseiwitsch by
George Whitelaw, 17 October 1936
28.0 x 20.3 cm. |
Caption on image reads "Section of Rachmaninoff
Concerto Rehearsal at the Queen's Hall." |
BOX-FOLDER 64/13 |
Photographic reproduction of a painting of
SR, at piano, in profile, by Boris Chaliapin, 1940
23.4 x 18.9 cm. |
BOX-FOLDER 64/14 |
Photograph of a bust of SR, by sculptor E. F.
Nikitina of Moscow |
11.9 x 8.8 cm. |
Also includes two clippings from The New York Times (28 January 1945 and 5 January
1947) depicting two sculptures (busts) of SR by José de Creeft and Gwen Lux.
BOX-FOLDER 64/15 |
Reproduction of color portrait of SR by A.
Rostovtsoff, circa 1954
17.8 x 12.8 cm. |
BOX-FOLDER 64/16 |
Reproduction of color portrait of SR, artist
unidentified, undated
13.6 x 19.8 cm. |
Caricature of SR, from magazine Movie and Radio Guide, undated
34.1 x 26.3 cm. |
BOX-FOLDER 64/17 |
Photographs of window display at Steinway and
Sons' piano store (New York), featuring a sculpture of SR (head and torso
only) |
2 photographs: print "A" ; 19.2 x 24.1 cm. and
print "B" ; 5.1 x 7.8 |
BOX-FOLDER 64/18 |
Printed invitation card, in Russian, issued
by the Minister of Culture of the USSR, 26 March 1966
12.2 x 18.1 cm. |
For the unveiling ceremony of a memorial plaque
featuring a likeness of SR, in bas-relief, which has been placed on his
former home in Moscow (no. 2, Malyĭ Putinkovskiĭ Alley). |
BOX-FOLDER 64/19 |
Photographs of a sculpture of SR,
installation at Ivanovka, April 1973
4 photographs ; 11.5 x 8.0 cm. |
Depicting the installation of a sculpture of SR
(SR's head and torso resting atop fluted column) at Ivanovka. |
Verso inscriptions in Russian identify the date
and location of the event captured by these photographs, as well as the name
of the sculptor (K. Malofeev) |
BOX-FOLDER 64/20 |
Plaque mounted on SR's Moscow home
(1905-1917) consisting of a bas-relief of the composer in profile |
2 prints ; 17.2 x 11.6 cm. |
According to inscriptions on the verso of one
of those photographs, the sculptors of this plaque are indentified as N. I.
Nian-Gol'dman and architect V. Uliashev. |
BOX 64, 66 |
Photographs of Natalie Rachmaninoff (NR)
BOX-FOLDER 64/21 |
NR in front of the Rachmaninoff home, Beverly
Hills, Calif., circa 1942
Matted print ; 5.3 x 8.0 cm (12.2 x 13.7 cm
with mat) |
BOX-FOLDER 66/10 |
NR studio portrait, by Shelburne Studios |
Print ; 23.0 x 18.0 cm (housed in 36.5 x 28.8
cm. folder) |
BOX 64, 66 |
Photographs of SR with NR
BOX-FOLDER 64/22 |
SR and NR, interior setting |
Print ; 9.2 x 14.0 cm. |
BOX-FOLDER 64/23 |
SR and NR, exterior setting |
3 prints: print "A" ; 24.0 x 19.0 cm. ; print
"B" ; 23.8 x 18.9 cm. ; print "C" ; 23.8 x 18.9 cm. |
Print "B" verso bears two separate
inscriptions: one reads "Gift, / Oxana Siloti / Dec 1 – 77"; the other, by
S. Satin, in Russian, reads "I think that [this photograph] was taken in
California..." |
BOX-FOLDER 66/11 |
SR and NR studio portrait |
Print ; 22.0 x 15.7 cm. (35.7 x 28.0 cm.
matted) |
BOX 64, 66 |
Photographs of SR and/or NR with Family Members
BOX-FOLDER 64/24 |
SR (in carriage) pulled by NR and Sophie
Satin, circa 1899
15.7 x 22.8 cm. |
Verso bears the following handwritten
inscriptions: "Krasnen'skoe [place name] – 1899," and identifying those
depicted in the photograph; "The ‘horses' are Mrs. S.R and Aunt Sophie / The
coachman is their brother Vladimir Satin / The passengers – S. R. and Helen
[Elia] Kreutzer." |
BOX-FOLDER 64/25 |
SR with family: (left to right) Sophie Satin,
SR, NR, Vladimir Satin, circa 1901
11.5 x 17.4 cm. |
BOX-FOLDER 64/26 |
SR (center) with five family members and dog
(Newfoundland), at Ivanovka |
11.5 x 15.0 cm. |
Verso bears an inscription: "In Ivanovka /
foreground, right, Mr. Alexander Satin / father of Mrs. SR and Aunt Sophie
[Satin] / In background - SR and Aunt Sophie." |
BOX-FOLDER 64/27 |
SR (second from right) with three female
family members playing tennis (horse in background) |
11.5 x 16.7 cm. |
BOX-FOLDER 64/28 |
SR driving a car towards viewer, accompanied
by unidentified male |
16.7 x 11.5 cm. |
BOX-FOLDER 64/29 |
SR driving a car towards viewer, accompanied
by unidentified male |
16.7 x 11.5 cm. |
BOX-FOLDER 64/30 |
NR holding baby daughter Irina,
17.2 x 11.3 cm. |
BOX-FOLDER 64/31 |
SR, NR and baby daughter Irina, circa
2 prints: print "A" is a matted print, 5.0 x
7.7 cm. (11.2 x 13.0 cm. with mat); print "B" (unmatted), 5.1 x 7.8
cm. |
BOX-FOLDER 64/32 |
SR sitting on stair, holding his daughter
Tatiana on his knee, at Ivanovka, circa 1908
Matted print 17.4 x 11.7 cm. (with mat: 25.7 x
19.8 cm.) |
BOX-FOLDER 64/33 |
SR and daughter Irina at Ivanovka,
circa 1913
Matted print, 16.6 x 11.7 cm. (24.5 x 18.3 cm.
with mat) |
BOX-FOLDER 66/12 |
Studio portrait of SR and granddaughter
Sophie Wolkonsky |
23.8 x 17.9 cm; (37.8 x 28.0 cm.
matted) |
Photograph by Émile Marcovitch. |
Verso bears inscription by Sophie Satin,
identifying SR's granddaughter as "Sophie Coors." |
BOX-FOLDER 64/34 |
SR and granddaughter Sophie Wolkonsky, at the
piano |
24.0 x 19.3 cm. |
BOX-FOLDER 64/35 |
NR, SR and granddaughter Sophie Wolkonsky
(smiling) |
17.0 x 22.9 cm. |
Photograph by Émile Marcovitch. |
BOX-FOLDER 66/13 |
Studio portrait of NR, SR and granddaughter
Sophie Wolkonsky (unsmiling), undated |
16.4 x 22.5 cm. (28.1 x 37.4 cm. matted) ;
includes negative, 19.6 x 24.6 cm. |
Photograph by Émile Marcovitch. |
BOX-FOLDER 64/36 |
SR (smiling) and granddaughter Sophie
Wolkonsky (as young woman, exterior setting), circa 1940-1941
2 prints, both 23.7 x 18.8 cm. |
BOX-FOLDER 66/14 |
SR and Sophie Satin, sitting at desk, New
York, circa 1930
Original photograph, 5.3 x 7.6 cm. ; Matted
print, 16.4 x 23.5 cm. (16.3 x 33.2 cm. with mat) ; Negative, 20.1 x 25.3
cm. |
BOX-FOLDER 64/37 |
SR and two grandchildren (Alexander
Rachmaninoff (né Conus) and Sophie Wolkonsky), Senar, circa
Matted print, 15.4 x 11.2 cm. (with mat 24.2 x
19.0 cm.) |
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