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Sergei Rachmaninoff archive, 1872-1992

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Iconography, 1885-1992 (continued)
Photographs of SR Alone (continued)
SR head shot, in three-quarter profile, 1941 (continued)
Verso bears inscription that reads "Dec. 31, 1941."
BOX-FOLDER 63/62 SR seated, in concert dress, wearing overcoat with large fur lapels and cuffs, his gloved hands in his lap
Print ; 23.5 x 17.5 cm (26.2 x 21.4 cm. with mount)
BOX-FOLDER 63/63 SR seated outdoors, reading a book
2 prints: print "A," with a matte finish ; 23.8 x 18.4 cm; print "B," with a glossy finish ; 23.7 x 18.9 cm. (26.1 x 21.0 cm with mount)
BOX-FOLDER 63/64 SR standing outdoors next to flowering bush, holding a book
Print ; 24.6 x 18.8 cm (26.0 x 20.7 cm with mount)
BOX-FOLDER 63/65 SR (full body shot) standing outdoors on brick patio, Aug. 1942
2 prints: print "A," with a matte finish ; print "B," with a glossy finish ; 17.8 x 11.8 cm. (25.4 x 18.2 cm. with mat)
Print "A" bears inscriptions on its verso, by S. Satin, in a combination of both Russian and Roman scripts, that read "Taken at the P. [Pavel'] N. Shul'gins' [home] in August / 1942. Beverley Hill [sic], California / Serezha [SR], taken after working" (translation). Print "B" bears on its verso, the inscription, in English, "Last picture taken near Beverly Hills, / California, Fall 1942.
MAPCASE-DRAWER 5/15 Posters bearing photographs of SR reading, "1873-1973 / Sergeĭ Vasil'evich / Rakhmaninoff"
(2 copies)
In Russian.
Items are housed in Folder 1.
Representing publicity for events to take place at the Great Hall of the Moscow State Conservatory.
BOX 64 Photographs of SR's Hands
BOX-FOLDER 64/1 SR's hands at keyboard, taken from his right side, labeled "Rachmaninoff's Hands"
2 identical prints ; 19.8 x 18.8 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 64/2 SR's hands at keyboard, fingers directed to bottom of image
16.2 x 23.4.8 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 64/3 SR's left hand, labeled "Rachmaninoff's Left Hand"
19.4 x 19.0 cm.
BOX 64, 66 Iconographic Materials Depicting SR
BOX-FOLDER 64/4 Photographs of framed paintings of SR, by various unidentified artists
6 color photographs ; 8.0 x 8.0 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 64/5 Postcard reproduction of a color illustration of SR by Robert Sterl, 16 April 1909
14.2 x 8.8 cm.
Also includes a black-and-white photographic reproduction which bears an inscription that reads "portrait of SR 1909 Dresden."
BOX-FOLDER 64/6 Photographic reproductions of a pencil drawing of SR at the piano, in profile, by L. Pasternak, 1916
Photograph "A" ; 16.0 x 11.6 cm. and Photograph "B" ; 7.9 x 11.7 cm.
Photograph "B" consists of a color photograph of a framed reproduction of this drawing. It bears an inscription that reads "5 March 1968. Sunday. Church hall on Middletown Street. Los Angeles, Calif."
Laid in: a clipping from Life magazine (1 December 1958) containing a reproduction of Pasternak's drawing of SR.
BOX-FOLDER 64/7 Photograph of a sculpture of SR (head and torso only), circa 1924-1925
24.0 x 19.2 cm.
Verso bears the following annotations: "a present by Miss Winslow / 1950"; "Rachmaninoff by / Moscow (1924-25?)"; and "This sculpture was bought by / Steinway & Son and it is kept / in their office at 57 Str. New York."
BOX-FOLDER 64/8 Pencil drawing of SR by C. Somoff [K. Somov], 1925
24.3 x 19.4 cm.
Drawing has been placed within a large, protective paper folder (measuring 36.0 x 25.4 cm) labeled "Swaine."
BOX-FOLDER 64/9 Postcard reproduction of an oil portrait, of SR, by K. A. Somoff [K. Somov], 1925
14.8 x 10.7 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 64/10 Photographic reproduction of a pencil drawing of SR (lowered head only), by Boris Grigoriev [Grigor'ev], Rambouillet [France], 1930
22.2 x 13.2 cm.
SR's signature, and brief comment, appears on the lower right corner of the original drawing.
BOX-FOLDER 64/11 Published newsletters from the Childs Gallery (Boston, Mass.) containing a reproduction of a 1935 drawing of SR, by Alexandre Iacovleff [IAkovlev], Oct. 1950
(2 copies)
BOX-FOLDER 64/12 Caricature of SR and Benno Moiseiwitsch by George Whitelaw, 17 October 1936
28.0 x 20.3 cm.
Caption on image reads "Section of Rachmaninoff Concerto Rehearsal at the Queen's Hall."
BOX-FOLDER 64/13 Photographic reproduction of a painting of SR, at piano, in profile, by Boris Chaliapin, 1940
23.4 x 18.9 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 64/14 Photograph of a bust of SR, by sculptor E. F. Nikitina of Moscow
11.9 x 8.8 cm.
Also includes two clippings from The New York Times (28 January 1945 and 5 January 1947) depicting two sculptures (busts) of SR by José de Creeft and Gwen Lux.
BOX-FOLDER 64/15 Reproduction of color portrait of SR by A. Rostovtsoff, circa 1954
17.8 x 12.8 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 64/16 Reproduction of color portrait of SR, artist unidentified, undated
13.6 x 19.8 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 66/9 Caricature of SR, from magazine Movie and Radio Guide, undated
34.1 x 26.3 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 64/17 Photographs of window display at Steinway and Sons' piano store (New York), featuring a sculpture of SR (head and torso only)
2 photographs: print "A" ; 19.2 x 24.1 cm. and print "B" ; 5.1 x 7.8
BOX-FOLDER 64/18 Printed invitation card, in Russian, issued by the Minister of Culture of the USSR, 26 March 1966
12.2 x 18.1 cm.
For the unveiling ceremony of a memorial plaque featuring a likeness of SR, in bas-relief, which has been placed on his former home in Moscow (no. 2, Malyĭ Putinkovskiĭ Alley).
BOX-FOLDER 64/19 Photographs of a sculpture of SR, installation at Ivanovka, April 1973
4 photographs ; 11.5 x 8.0 cm.
Depicting the installation of a sculpture of SR (SR's head and torso resting atop fluted column) at Ivanovka.
Verso inscriptions in Russian identify the date and location of the event captured by these photographs, as well as the name of the sculptor (K. Malofeev)
BOX-FOLDER 64/20 Plaque mounted on SR's Moscow home (1905-1917) consisting of a bas-relief of the composer in profile
2 prints ; 17.2 x 11.6 cm.
According to inscriptions on the verso of one of those photographs, the sculptors of this plaque are indentified as N. I. Nian-Gol'dman and architect V. Uliashev.
BOX 64, 66 Photographs of Natalie Rachmaninoff (NR)
BOX-FOLDER 64/21 NR in front of the Rachmaninoff home, Beverly Hills, Calif., circa 1942
Matted print ; 5.3 x 8.0 cm (12.2 x 13.7 cm with mat)
BOX-FOLDER 66/10 NR studio portrait, by Shelburne Studios
Print ; 23.0 x 18.0 cm (housed in 36.5 x 28.8 cm. folder)
BOX 64, 66 Photographs of SR with NR
BOX-FOLDER 64/22 SR and NR, interior setting
Print ; 9.2 x 14.0 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 64/23 SR and NR, exterior setting
3 prints: print "A" ; 24.0 x 19.0 cm. ; print "B" ; 23.8 x 18.9 cm. ; print "C" ; 23.8 x 18.9 cm.
Print "B" verso bears two separate inscriptions: one reads "Gift, / Oxana Siloti / Dec 1 – 77"; the other, by S. Satin, in Russian, reads "I think that [this photograph] was taken in California..."
BOX-FOLDER 66/11 SR and NR studio portrait
Print ; 22.0 x 15.7 cm. (35.7 x 28.0 cm. matted)
BOX 64, 66 Photographs of SR and/or NR with Family Members
BOX-FOLDER 64/24 SR (in carriage) pulled by NR and Sophie Satin, circa 1899
15.7 x 22.8 cm.
Verso bears the following handwritten inscriptions: "Krasnen'skoe [place name] – 1899," and identifying those depicted in the photograph; "The ‘horses' are Mrs. S.R and Aunt Sophie / The coachman is their brother Vladimir Satin / The passengers – S. R. and Helen [Elia] Kreutzer."
BOX-FOLDER 64/25 SR with family: (left to right) Sophie Satin, SR, NR, Vladimir Satin, circa 1901
11.5 x 17.4 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 64/26 SR (center) with five family members and dog (Newfoundland), at Ivanovka
11.5 x 15.0 cm.
Verso bears an inscription: "In Ivanovka / foreground, right, Mr. Alexander Satin / father of Mrs. SR and Aunt Sophie [Satin] / In background - SR and Aunt Sophie."
BOX-FOLDER 64/27 SR (second from right) with three female family members playing tennis (horse in background)
11.5 x 16.7 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 64/28 SR driving a car towards viewer, accompanied by unidentified male
16.7 x 11.5 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 64/29 SR driving a car towards viewer, accompanied by unidentified male
16.7 x 11.5 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 64/30 NR holding baby daughter Irina, 1906
17.2 x 11.3 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 64/31 SR, NR and baby daughter Irina, circa 1905
2 prints: print "A" is a matted print, 5.0 x 7.7 cm. (11.2 x 13.0 cm. with mat); print "B" (unmatted), 5.1 x 7.8 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 64/32 SR sitting on stair, holding his daughter Tatiana on his knee, at Ivanovka, circa 1908
Matted print 17.4 x 11.7 cm. (with mat: 25.7 x 19.8 cm.)
BOX-FOLDER 64/33 SR and daughter Irina at Ivanovka, circa 1913
Matted print, 16.6 x 11.7 cm. (24.5 x 18.3 cm. with mat)
BOX-FOLDER 66/12 Studio portrait of SR and granddaughter Sophie Wolkonsky
23.8 x 17.9 cm; (37.8 x 28.0 cm. matted)
Photograph by Émile Marcovitch.
Verso bears inscription by Sophie Satin, identifying SR's granddaughter as "Sophie Coors."
BOX-FOLDER 64/34 SR and granddaughter Sophie Wolkonsky, at the piano
24.0 x 19.3 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 64/35 NR, SR and granddaughter Sophie Wolkonsky (smiling)
17.0 x 22.9 cm.
Photograph by Émile Marcovitch.
BOX-FOLDER 66/13 Studio portrait of NR, SR and granddaughter Sophie Wolkonsky (unsmiling), undated
16.4 x 22.5 cm. (28.1 x 37.4 cm. matted) ; includes negative, 19.6 x 24.6 cm.
Photograph by Émile Marcovitch.
BOX-FOLDER 64/36 SR (smiling) and granddaughter Sophie Wolkonsky (as young woman, exterior setting), circa 1940-1941
2 prints, both 23.7 x 18.8 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 66/14 SR and Sophie Satin, sitting at desk, New York, circa 1930
Original photograph, 5.3 x 7.6 cm. ; Matted print, 16.4 x 23.5 cm. (16.3 x 33.2 cm. with mat) ; Negative, 20.1 x 25.3 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 64/37 SR and two grandchildren (Alexander Rachmaninoff (né Conus) and Sophie Wolkonsky), Senar, circa 1938
Matted print, 15.4 x 11.2 cm. (with mat 24.2 x 19.0 cm.)
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