The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Sergei Rachmaninoff archive, 1872-1992
Iconography, 1885-1992 (continued)
Photographs of SR and/or NR with Others (continued)
SR and Ernest Ansermet, Lucerne, 1939 (continued)
7.9 x 12.0 cm.
Verso bears an inscription, identifying the photograph's subjects, as well as the occasion of their collaborative performance of Beethoven's Concerto no. 1, op. 15, for piano and orchestra.
BOX-FOLDER 64/59 SR and Ivan Bunin
8.0 x 5.5 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 64/60 SR and Feodor Chaliapin [Fëdor SHaliapin], 1923
7.4 x 4.9 cm. (12.7 x 9.5 cm. with mat)
BOX-FOLDER 64/61 SR and Feodor Chaliapin [Fëdor SHaliapin] (left), Ivan Moskvin (center) and "Mr. Ramsh" (rear, with hat), 1923
3 prints: print "A," 9.8 x 16.5 cm. ; print "B," 10.8 x 18.1 cm.; print "C," 7.5 x 13.3 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 64/62 SR, NR, Feodor Chaliapin (the younger); or Alexander Conus (on right); Feodor Chaliapin (the elder), Mikhaĭl Chekhov or Boris Conus; on left, France, circa 1930
12.1 x 17.1 cm. (20.5 x 23.2 cm. with mat)
Verso bears an inscription by Sophie Satin, which identifies the photograph's subjects. It reads: "On the left / F. Chaliapin, Sr. / Michail Chekov [Mikhaĭl CHekhov] / On the right: / Mrs Rachmaninoff / S. Rachmaninoff / Fedor Chaliapin, Jr / France, about 1930."
BOX-FOLDER 64/63 SR, NR, Feodor Chaliapin (the elder; embracing NR), Boris Conus, Alexander Conus, or Feodor Chaliapin (the younger), 1936
11.3 x 17.5 cm.
Verso bears an inscription identifying the photograph's subjects ("and (probably) Boris and Alexander Conus?")
BOX-FOLDER 66/18 SR, Boris Chaliapin, and Chaliapin's portrait of SR at the piano, in profile, circa 1940
2 identical prints: print "A," 19.2 x 20.8 cm. (25.6 x 28.0 cm. with mat) ; print "B" (unmatted), 19.2 x 20.8 cm.
Laid in: clipping titled "The Last Portrait of Rachmaninoff," July 1940, accompanied by (Russian) text written by M. Dolinskiĭ and S. CHertok.
BOX-FOLDER 66/19 SR, Walt Disney, and Vladimir Horowitz, circa 1942
19.2 x 24.0 cm. (27.8 x 30.6 cm. with mat)
Verso bears an inscription by Sophie Satin identifying the photograph's subjects and its date ("California, 1942 (?)")
Includes photographic negative, measuring 19.6 x 24.6 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 64/64 SR, I. Dobrovein, and two other men, Oslo, 1928
17.7 x 11.6 cm. (27.0 x 20.2 cm. with paper stock mat)
Recto bears an inscribed dedication to SR from Otto Nyquist, dated "Oslo, 7.10.1928." Verso bears an inscription, by Sophie Satin, reading "Rachmaninoff in (Oslo Norway) Scandinavia 1928 / with I. Dobrovein (on the right) / and two men (managers??) / present made by Mrs Tamara Satin."
BOX-FOLDER 64/65 SR and Serge [Sergeĭ] Gagarin
Recto bears a printed caption in English that reads "Seventy concerts bring Rachmaninoff / back with ex-Prince Serge Gagarin, now / a U. S. citizen and Manhattan purser."
BOX-FOLDER 65/1 SR and Josef Hofmann, circa 1910
9.7 x 10.2 cm.
Verso bears an inscription by Sophie Satin, that reads "From a postcard in Moscow; about 1910 ?? Hofmann & Rachmaninoff SS [Sophie Satin]."
BOX-FOLDER 65/2 NR with Vladimir Horowitz (holding a score by SR) and an unidentified woman
24.0 x 19.5 cm.
Photographer: Larry Gordon Photo.
BOX-FOLDER 65/3 SR and Nikolaĭ Medtner, France, circa 1928-1930
10.1 x 6.0 cm. (16.2 x 11.3 cm. with mat)
BOX-FOLDER 66/20 SR and Eugene Ormandy, circa 1938
2 studio portraits: print "A," 23.3 x 18.4 cm. (31.7 x 25.4 cm. with mat) ; print "B" (unmatted), 23.7 x 18.5 cm.
Prints depict similar poses (SR seated at piano, with Ormandy standing next to him) but are slightly different in content.
BOX-FOLDER 65/4 SR and Eugene Ormandy, in rehearsal in Philadelphia, circa 1940
12.0 x 16.9 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 66/21 SR and Eugene Ormandy, in rehearsal in Philadelphia, circa 1940
18.6 x 23.4 cm. (27.9 x 30.3 cm. with mat)
A larger identical image is housed in Box 65, Folder 4.
BOX-FOLDER 65/5 SR, Eugene Ormandy (right, background) and Alexander Hilsberg (violinist/concert-master) in rehearsal in Philadelphia, circa 1940
11.4 x 16.3 cm. (19.0 x 24.2 cm. with mat)
BOX-FOLDER 65/6 SR, NR, Vladimir Satin, Mariia Satina (daughter of Vladimir), with members of the Don Cossack Chorus, Dresden, 1920s
2 identical prints: print "A," 12.0 x 16.6 cm. (19.6 x 23.5 cm. with mat) ; print "B," 12.0 x 16.9 cm.
Photographer: Ursula Richter, Dresden.
BOX-FOLDER 65/7 SR, Vladimir Satin and members of the Don Cossack Chorus, Dresden, 1920s
11.3 x 16.8 cm.
Verso bears the stamp of the photographer, Ursula Richter, Dresden.
BOX-FOLDER 65/8 SR, Vladimir Satin and members of the Don Cossack Chorus, Dresden, 1920s
12.2 x 17.2 cm.
Verso bears the stamp of the photographer, Ursula Richter, Dresden.
BOX-FOLDER 65/9 SR, Vladimir Satin, and members of the Don Cossack Chorus, Dresden, 1920s
8.1 x 11.1 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 65/10 SR, Alexander Siloti [Ziloti] and Vera Siloti, at Carnegie Hall
14.1 x 18.0 cm. (25.4 x 20.3 cm. with paper stock mat)
BOX-FOLDER 65/11 SR and Albert Spalding (violinist), Topeka, Kansas, 22 January 1922
10.1 x 5.9 cm. (17.5 x 12.1 cm. with mat)
BOX-FOLDER 69/11 SR, Richard Strauss, and twenty-three attendees, at a supper in honor of Strauss, on the day of his arrival in the United States, October 27, 1921
Panoramic photograph ; 25.6 x 45.5 cm.
By Berthold Neuer, at the Biltmore Hotel, New York. Also present are pianist Harold Bauer and Victor Herbert.
BOX-FOLDER 65/12 SR and Nikolaĭ [Nicolas] Struve, circa 1919
2 identical prints: print "A," original sepia postcard print ; 8.8 x 14 cm. ; print "B," 11.0 x 17.8 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 65/13 SR, NR, and Alfred Swan
12.2 x 7.0 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 65/14 SR and Arturo Toscanini, August 1939
16.0 x 24.4 cm.
A photographic reproduction of an original photograph (taken at Lucerne) that was owned by Eugene Ormandy. Bears dedications to Ormandy and signatures of both SR and Toscanini, dated 1941 and 1942, respectively.
Verso bears inscriptions by Sophie Satin identifying the photograph's subjects as well as indicating its provenance ( a gift to SR from Ormandy); it is also accompanied by a page by Satin that contains information about the provenance of the photograph,and a partial transcription of SR's inscription from the photograph.
BOX-FOLDER 65/15 SR and Ernest Urchs, circa 1919-1922
23.7 x 18.7 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 65/16 SR with the staff of the Moscow Catherine High School for Girls=Muzykal'naia Ekaterinskaia Instituta, circa 1905-1910
15.3 x 23.1 cm. (23.4 x 30.7 cm. with mat)
Verso contains identifying information. Rachmaninoff and the music staff. Includes Mrs Olga S. Kraevsky [Kraevskaia], Lev Conus [Konius], head of the music section, Alexander Goldenweiser [Gol'denveizer], Vladimir Wilshau [Vil'shau] and others.
BOX-FOLDER 65/17 SR with V. Vil'shau and other musicians in Tblisi (Georgia), circa 1913
11.5 x 17.0 cm.
Photograph also includes S. Mir... [?] (Tblisi offices / R. M. O.), K. Min'iar (violoncellist), A. Gurko (doctor, philanthropist ["Maecenas"]), and V. Semigalov (violist).
BOX-FOLDER 65/18 SR and NR with others at SR's birthday celebration
11.3 x 17.7 cm.
In Mr & Mrs Greiner's [Aleksandr Greĭner] house, with Julia Steinway (Frederick Steinway), Mrs Theodor Steinway (Ruth Steinway), Mrs Alexander Greiner, Mrs Irina Wolkonsky, Mrs Vladimir Horowitz (Wanda), Mrs Leopold Auer (Wanda Auer), and Mrs Sergei Rachmaninoff (Natalie Rachmaninoff).
MAPCASE-DRAWER 5/15 Posters containing images of SR
MAPCASE-DRAWER 5/15 1873 / 1943 / S. V. Rakhmaninov, 1946
59.5 x 88.2 cm.
Images of SR at various points during his life; individuals associated with him (such as Feodor Chaliapin, Antonina Nezhdanova); set designs for his operas (Francheska da Rimini, AlekoSkuporytsar' (=The Miserly Knight)); page from the holograph manuscript of SR's Concerto no. 2, op. 18, for piano and orchestra; and biographical information.
Housed in Folder 3.
MAPCASE-DRAWER 5/15 1873 / Sergei Vasil'evich / Rakhmaninov, 1943, 1960
91.7 x 57.2 cm.
Images of SR, alone and with others (Aleksandr Siloti; cast of SR's opera Skupoĭ rytsar' (=The Miserly Knight); with Professor Nikolaĭ Zverev and Moscow Conservatory classmates); individuals (Pëtr Il'ich Tchaikovsky [CHaĭkovskiĭ]; cast of SR's opera Aleko); excerpt from the holograph manuscript of SR's Concerto no. 2, op. 18, for piano and orchestra; images of Ivanovka (SR's home in his youth); and an artistic rendering of the Novgorod landscape; biographical information.
Housed in Folder 3.
MAPCASE-DRAWER 5/15 Oval-shaped images of SR, Nikolaĭ Rimsky-Korsakov [Rimskiĭ-Korsakov], Mikhaĭl Glinka, Anton Rubinstein [Rubinshteĭn], Aleksandr Glazunov, and Pëtr Il'ich Tchaikovsky [CHaĭkovskiĭ], undated
22.0 x 74.0 cm. (26.1 x 78.0 cm. including border)
Housed in Folder 4.
MAPCASE-DRAWER 5/15 Tabel'-kalendar (=small table calendar), 1973
(2 copies)
Bearing an image of SR on the one-hundredth anniversary of his birth.
Housed in Folder 4.
BOX-FOLDER 65/19 NR with others (Grace Harrington, Jeanne Therrien, Ruth Geiger, Gary Graffman)
2 separate images of the same individuals ; both 23.9 x 18.8 cm.
BOX 65 Photographs of SR and/or NR with Unidentified Individuals
BOX-FOLDER 65/20 SR (in his youth), with two unidentified women and (partially visible) dog
9.6 x 6.3 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 65/21 Handwritten invitation to a birthday party in honor of SR
Invitation contains a photograph of SR in profile.
BOX-FOLDER 65/22 SR and two unidentified men aboard a boat
10.8 x 6.2 cm.
BOX 65-66, 69 Photographs and Iconography of Others
BOX-FOLDER 65/23 Chaliapin, Feodor [Fëdor SHaliapin]: photograph of pencil drawing by Feodor's son Boris Chaliapin [Chaliapine], Paris, 1932
28.7 x 20.8 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 69/12 Chaliapin, Feodor: three photographs of Chaliapin in his various operatic roles, New York, May 1938
Dedication: Fëdor Ivanovich SHaliapin / Svetloĭ Pamiati Velikogo Artista (=Feodor Ivanovich Chaliapin / In shining memory of a great artist.
BOX-FOLDER 65/24 Chaliapin, Feodor [Fëdor SHaliapin]: reproduction in the form of a mailing stamp, of a 1917 photograph of Chaliapin
By the Kazan photographer Fel'tser.
BOX-FOLDER 66/22 Coolidge, Calvin
22.8 x 15.4 cm. (35.1 x 25.0 cm. on paper)
Inscribed by its subject on recto: "To Sergei Rachmaninoff / With appreciation / Calvin Coolidge."
BOX-FOLDER 66/23 Coolidge, Grace, 1924
26.3 x 18.4 cm. (34.2 x 25.5 cm on paper)
Inscribed by its subject on recto: "To Dr. Sergei Rachmaninoff to tell him of my sincere appreciation of his music at the White House on March the tenth 1924. Grace Coolidge."
BOX-FOLDER 65/25 Davenport, Charles (American eugenicist and biologist), 1928
17.0 x 12.2 cm.
Inscribed by its subject on recto.
BOX-FOLDER 65/26 Don Cossack Chorus, Dresden, circa 1920s
11.1 x 16.7 cm.
Photographer: Ursula Richter, Dresden.
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