The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Sergei Rachmaninoff archive, 1872-1992
Iconography, 1885-1992 (continued)
Miscellaneous Photographs (continued)
Senar (Hertenstein, Switzerland) (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 65/42 Exterior views: garden
11 prints in 5 folders; the first 4 folders contain 2 prints each; the fifth folder contains 3, each 8.5 x 13.0 cm. (with the exception of the final photograph in the fifth folder, which measures 5.9 x 9.0 cm.)
BOX-FOLDER 65/43 Exterior views: Lake Lucerne, view towards mountain
5 prints in 2 folders: folder "A" contains 2 prints; folder "B" contains 3 prints (two black-and-white, one color); the largest and smallest of these photographs (both held within Folder "A") measure 8.1 x 13.6 cm. and 5.3 x 8.3 cm., respectively
BOX-FOLDER 65/44 Exterior views: Construction of house
3 prints in 2 folders: Folder "A" contains 2 prints, 8.4 x 13.5 cm.; Folder "B"contains 1 print, 8.0 x 14.0 cm.
First two prints contain inscriptions in the hand of SR, in Russian, that appear on the photographs' recto sides.
BOX-FOLDER 66/27 Exterior view of garden
16.9 x 22.9 cm., affixed to heavy paper base ( 28.0 x 34.6 cm.)
Photographer: H. Friebel (Sursee, Switzerland)
BOX-FOLDER 65/45 Interior views
4 photographs housed in 2 folders; each 8.5 x 13.0 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 65/46 Interior view of dining room
11.8 x 15.5 cm.
Photographer: Blau.
BOX-FOLDER 65/47 Interior views, with piano
2 separate photographs: print "A," matted, 11.7 x 15.4 cm. (19.0 x 21.8 cm. with mat) ; print "B," unmated, 8.6 x 13.0 cm.
Print "B" verso bears an inscription by Sophie Satin identifying the location of the photograph as "SR's studio."
BOX-FOLDER 65/48 Interior views of house: SR's piano
2 separate photographs: print "A," 13.0 x 8.5 cm. ; print "B," 11.7 x 7.8 cm.
BOX 65 Los Angeles (Beverly Hills), California
BOX-FOLDER 65/49 SR's home in Beverly Hills, front views, 1965
2 color photographs ; each 7.9 x 11.8 cm.
Verso of each bears inscriptions that read "610 Elm St. / Beverly Hills, Calif. / September 1965."
BOX-FOLDER 65/50 SR's home in Beverly Hills, back view, 1942
11.8 x 18.5 cm.
Verso bears inscriptions by Sophie Satin identifying the location of the photograph as SR's home on Elm Street in Beverly Hills; inscription also reads "The back entrance of the house in 1942 where / Rachmaninoff passed away next [i.e. the following] spring."
BOX-FOLDER 65/51 Holy Virgin Mary Cathedral of Her Icon, "Rescuer of the Perishing," Los Angeles, California
2 prints: postcard image (8.7 x 13.8 cm.) ; photograph (7.2 x 10.8 cm.)
Inscriptions on both photographs identify its location as well as indicating that this church was the site of SR's funeral in March 1943.
BOX 65 Events
BOX-FOLDER 65/52 Exhibit in honor of SR at the Moscow Conservatory, 1942
2 photographs: print "A," 16.3 x 11.5 cm. ; print "B," 11.5 x 16.3 cm.
Print "A" depicts a group photograph (including SR, M. Slonov and others, in the summer of 1893) hanging on wall above a display case containing published musical scores of SR's works.
Print "B" depicts photographs of SR and publications in a display case. Includes pages bearing typed captions, in English, identifying each of these two photographs, as well as photoreproductions of these.
Includes a clipping by Jacob Chernukhin titled "With the Enemy at the Gates. Moscow Holds Rachmaninoff Exhibition," from The Musician, October, 1942 describing the event.
BOX-FOLDER 65/53 Exhibit (unidentified location) dedicated to SR, mirror belonging to NR
13.4 x 9.8 cm.
Verso bears inscriptions in Russian: one reads "a corner of our museum" ; the other, by Sophie Satin, reads "this mirror [belonged to] N. A. Rakhmaninova" [NR]
BOX-FOLDER 65/54 "Rachmaninoff Day," Ivanovka, 6 June 1971
2 prints portraying musicians that performed at an outdoor park at Ivanovka for an event held in honor of SR.
Photographer: IUriĭ Nikolaevich Ishin.
BOX-FOLDER 65/55 Dedication of a plaque (a bas-relief of SR in profile) on SR's Moscow home (where he lived 1905-1917), 26 March 1966
3 photographs, each 17.3 x 11.6 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 65/56 Dedication of a plaque (a bas-relief of SR in profile) on SR's Moscow home where he lived from 1905-1917, 26 March 1966
22.8 x 16.9 cm.
Depicts officials standing under the plaque, which bears an inscription in Russian that reads "In this house, between 1905 and 1917, the great Russian composer Sergei Vasil'evich Rachmaninoff lived and worked."
Verso bears inscriptions by Sophie Satin and Irina Wolkonsky (?) identifying the sculptors of the plaque (N. I. Nian-Gol'dman and architect V. Uliashev) and the officials portrayed (M. [Mikhaĭl Ivanovich] CHulaki, [Artistic] Director, Bol'shoĭ Teatr; [a representative for] the Director of the Moscow Conservatory; the Secretary of the Composers' Union, [Georgiĭ Vasil'evich Sviridov]; and I. S. [Ivan Semënovich] Kozlovskiĭ)
Includes a printed invitation to the event, bearing an engraved image of SR.
Photographer: S. Khenkin.
BOX-FOLDER 65/57 Dedication of a plaque (a bas-relief of SR in profile) on SR's Moscow home where he lived from 1905-1917, 26 March 1966
2 identical prints, 11.5 x 17.7 cm.
Verso of each print bears an inscription by Irina Wolkonsky (?) identifying the event.
BOX-FOLDER 65/58 Dedication of a plaque (a bas-relief of SR in profile) on SR's Moscow home, 26 March 1966
2 identical prints: print "A," 11.5 x 17.7 cm. ; print "B," 11.7 x 17.2 cm.
Portrays the officials present at the event.
Verso of each print bears an inscription by Irina Wolkonsky (?) identifying the officials pictured therein: "The meeting of the Secretary of the Composers' Union of the USSR, G. V. [Georgiĭ Vasil'evich] Sviridov; (from left to right:) [Artistic] Director of the Bol'shoĭ Teatr, the composer M. I. [Mikhaĭl Ivanovich] CHulaki; Provost of the Moscow Conservatory, Professor A. A. Nikolaev [?]; G. V. Sviridov; Bol'shoĭ Teatr artist I. S. [Ivan Semënovich] Kozlovskiĭ; Moscow Conservatory harp professor K. A. Erdeli [Kseniia Aleksandrovna Erdely]; I. F. [Irina Fëdorovna] SHaliapina; [unidentified male]; Director of the Glinka State Central Music Museum, E. N. Alekseeva")
Print "B" bears an inscription by Sophie Satin, identifying Irina Chaliapin [SHaliapina]
BOX-FOLDER 65/59 Dedication of a plaque (a bas-relief of SR in profile) on SR's Moscow home, 26 March 1966
2 identical prints ; 11.6 x 17.3 cm.
Features E. N. Alekseeva (Director, Glinka State Central Music Museum) and K. A. Erdeli [Kseniia Aleksandrovna Erdely] (Moscow Conservatory harp professor)
BOX-FOLDER 65/60 Dedication of a plaque (a bas-relief of SR in profile) on SR's Moscow home, 26 March 1966
Photograph: 17.3 x 12.0 cm.
Photograph of the exterior of the home.
BOX 65 Cemeteries
BOX-FOLDER 65/61 SR's gravesite (Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, N.Y.)
4 prints of the same subject, varying in size from 11.5 x 8.0 cm. to 13.8 x 8.5 cm. One print is matted, measuring 13.8 x 7.9 cm. (19.9 x 13.0 cm. with mat)
BOX-FOLDER 69/15 Reproduction of architectural drawing/specification plans for the headstone at SR's gravesite, Valhalla, N.Y.
31.6 x 32.7 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 65/62 SR's gravesite (Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, N.Y.)
24.0 x 18.9 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 65/63 SR's gravesite (Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, N.Y.), with three unidentified women, 1948
24.4 x 18.5 cm.
Verso bears an inscription by Sophie Satin that reads "Rachmaninoff Fund. The / piano contestants at Kensico, NY / in 1948."
BOX-FOLDER 65/64 Gravesite of SR's mother, Liubov' Petrovna Rakhmaninova (died 1929) in Novgorod, Russia
5 prints, each 17.2 x 11.2 cm.
Verso of four of these photographs bear inscriptions, by Sophie Satin and someone else, identifying the subject; three of the photographs bear the date "1968"; one photograph depicts a woman tending the grave.
BOX 65-66 Miscellany
BOX-FOLDER 65/65 Dedication of Rachmaninoff Memorial Hall, Oakdale, N.Y., 25 June 1950
6 prints, each 8.1 x 5.4 cm.
They depict the entrance to the Hall; the Hall's general and side views; its outdoor stage; and wall plaque.
BOX-FOLDER 65/66 Dedication of Rachmaninoff Memorial Hall, Oakdale, N.Y., 25 June 1950
9 prints: 6 smaller prints (8.1 x 5.4 cm.) and 3 larger prints of different sizes (between 7.5 x 7.5 cm. and 12.0 x 7.0 cm.)
Depicts various views of the Hall and its grounds.
Laid in: a letter regarding this event in the hand of Irina Wolkonsky to an unidentified recipient; the letter is undated and unsigned (and perhaps incomplete)
BOX-FOLDER 65/67 Dedication of Rachmaninoff Memorial Hall, Oakdale, N.Y., 25 June 1950
4 black-and-white photographs and 2 black-and-white photographic greeting cards housed in 3 separate white paper folders
Folder 1: print "A," 7.0 x 12.0 cm., depicts an aerial view of the Rachmaninoff Memorial Hall ; print "B," 10.3 x 7.0 cm., depicts Claude Gonvierre, the sponsor of this event, shaking hands with Ivor Gothie.
Folder 2: print "C," 7.0 x 10.3 cm., depicts Ivor Gothie at the piano; print "D," 7.1 x 10.1 cm., depicts Jane Pagels at the piano.
Folder 3: Items "E" and "F" consist of 2 copies of Claude Gonvierre's printed Christmas/New Year greeting cards, 12.5 x 17.7 cm.; the image on the front of these cards is a reproduction of the photograph of the Rachmaninoff Memorial Hall depicted in Print "A." To this image has been added printed text reading "In Memoriam / To the Master / Sergei Rachmaninoff / This hall is dedicated in / grateful appreciation / 25 June 1950 / Claude Gonvierre."
Laid in: a copy of the original arrangement of prints "A," "B," "C" and "D," which were affixed to the same sheet of paper; copy of 2 newspaper clippings describing the dedication of the Rachmaninoff Memorial Hall as published in The Advance, 29 June 1950, and in the Suffolk County News, 30 June 1950.
BOX-FOLDER 65/68 Tambov Music School, named in honor of SR (=Tambovskoe Muzykal'noe Uchilishche imeni Sergeia Rakhmaninova), in Tambov, USSR (now Russia), undated
Print "A," 16.6 x 23.5 cm. ; print "B," 12.0 x 17.8 cm.
The photographs depict separate perspectives of the school.
BOX-FOLDER 66/28 Rachmaninoff Symphonic Circle, Odessa, 1950-1960
Print, 23.0 x 25.3 cm.
Portrays the members of a group of SR enthusiasts.
BOX-FOLDER 65/69 List of portraits, drawings, and sculptures of SR, typescript prepared by Sophie Satin
In English.
BOX-FOLDER 65/70 Photograph of marble plaque affixed to a wall in the Moscow Conservatory
18.6 x 12.2 cm.
Bears the names of the "Graduates of the Moscow Conservatory [who were] awarded Gold Medal" between 1875 and 1900.
SR's name is listed as having been one of the four recipients (along with Iosif Levin [Josef Lhévinne], Leonid Maksimov and Aleksandr Skriabin [Scriabin]) of the award in the twenty-third contest, 1892.
BOX-FOLDER 65/71 Photograph of SR's desk and chair, which was presented to the Library of Congress by SR's daughters, Irina Wolkonsky and Tatiana Conus
19.5 x 23.9 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 65/72 Photoreproduction of a descriptive certificate, in English, for a Russian icon portraying The Holy Virgin of Kazan with Child, dating from the eighteenth century
The icon was once owned by Catherine the Great, and formerly housed in the shrine at Catherine's estate at TSarskoe Selo (Russia)
This certificate, dated Christmas 1940, is on letterhead of The Schaeffer Collection of Russian Imperial Art Treasures (Rockefeller Center, New York, N.Y.), and was apparently written by Mary Howard Gilmour.
Included is a photoreproduction of a note signed by Mary Howard Gilmour that reads "This icon is given in affectionate memory of Natalie and Sergei Rachmaninoff."
BOX 68 Photographic Slides
BOX 68 Photographic color slides, black-and-white contact sheets and original film reel used by producer Nancy Reeves (KTEH, San Jose, Calif.) in creating her 1992 television documentary Rediscovering Rachmaninoff
Photographs include those of holograph manuscript and published musical scores of SR; reproductions of original and published photographs of SR and members of his family; concert programs and newspaper articles relating to SR; miscellaneous documentation from the Library of Congress's Rachmaninoff Archive; reproductions of historical photographs of Moscow and St. Petersburg; and original photographs of the performers featured in the documentary (Dr. Anthony Antolini and the Cabrillo College Chorus). Material is organized into sections: Sections I-IV contain documentation of photographic sources; Section V contains 2 black-and-white photographic contact sheets (containing 35 images) and original film reel containing 35 black-and-white images; Section VI contains 250 photographic color slides.
This material is bound within a ring-binder notebook that Ms. Reeves donated to the Library of Congress upon completion of her documentary.
The main subject of the documentary is the performance of SR's Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (op. 31, composed 1910), which had been reconstructed by Dr. Antolini from material held in the Library's Rachmaninoff Archive, by the Cabrillo College Chorus – the first performance by an American chorus after the dissolution of Soviet Russia.
MAPCASE 5 Concert and Event Posters
MAPCASE-DRAWER 5/15 Posters from Moscow performances, 1942-1944
  • Works of SR performed by Lev Oborin, David Oĭstrakh [Oistrakh], Sviatoslav Knushevitskiĭ, A. P. Vyspreva, Grigoriĭ Ginzburg and M. I. Sakharov, at the Tchaikovsky Concer Hall, Moscow, 28 March 1942 [Item housed in Folder 5]
  • Works of SR performed by Nina Emil'ianova, N. P. Rozhdestvenskaia, L. P. El'chaninova, D. D. Golovin, H. G. Val'ter, M. I. Sakharov and S. Knushevitskiĭ, at the Moscow Conservatory's Small Hall, Moscow, 9 August 1942 [Item housed in Folder 5]
  • Works of SR performed by the piano duo Adol'f and Mikhaĭl Gotlib [Gottlieb], at the Palace of Unions' October Hall, Moscow, 19 February 1944 [Item housed in Folder 5]
MAPCASE-DRAWER 5/15 Posters from Moscow performances, 1972-1973
  • Complete solo piano works of SR, performed by pianist Viktor Eres'ko during four separate concerts (19 November 1972, 28 January 1973, 1 April 1973, 20 May 1973), held at theHall of the House of Scientists, "in celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of SR's birth" [Item housed in Folder 6]
  • "Torzhestvennyĭ vecher" (=Gala evening) "in celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of SR's birth," held on 2 April 1973 at the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory,featuring performances by vocal soloist Elena Obraztsova (in three songs of SR: "V molchan'i"; "Siren'," "Kakoe schast'e") and the USSR Symphony Orchestra (in a performance of the Symphonic Dances, op. 45) conducted by Evgeniĭ Svetlanov, and featuring introductory remarks by Grigoriĭ V. Sviridov and I. I. Martynov) [Item housed in Folder 6]
MAPCASE-DRAWER 5/15 Posters from performances in Minsk and Kislovodsk, 1973
  • Performance at the Belarus Lunacharovsky State Conservatory, Minsk, on 23 March 1973, "in celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of SR's birth" and featuring various performers [Item housed in Folder 7]
  • Performances held on 16 and 30 March 1973 at the Belarus Lunacharovsky State Conservatory, Minsk, "in celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of SR's birth" and featuring various performers in concerts of SR's songs [Item housed in Folder 7]
  • Performances held on 19 and 24 April 1973 at the Belarus Lunacharovsky State Conservatory, Minsk, "in celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of SR's birth" the performance of 19 April featured pianist IUriĭ Korsak and cellist Liudmila Zimovina in works of SR; the performance of 24 April featured performances of various works (none by SR) by performers V. S. Krasnoiartseva, domra, and L. R. Akopdzhaniana, clarinet [Item housed in Folder 7]
  • Poster publicizing an undated "Literary- musical concert" by the Kislovodsk State Philharmonic and various additional performers "in celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of SR's birth" and featuring introductory remarks by Kira Vishnaiakova [Item housed in Folder 7]
MAPCASE-DRAWER 5/15 Posters from performances and events in Tambov, 1968-1971
  • Poster publicizing "Musical evenings / The Artistic heritage of our great countryman, S. V. Rachmaninoff," consisting of fourteen performances held between 26 October 1968 and 17 May 1969 at the Hall of the Institute of Culture, Tambov; inscribed to Sophie Satin from Nikolaĭ Nikiforov, 30 September 1968 [Item housed in Folder 8]
  • Poster publicizing events associated with "Rachmaninoff Day," 31 May 1970; inscribed to Sophie Satin fron Nikolaĭ Nikiforov, Tambov, 24 May 1970 [Item housed in Folder 8]
  • Poster publicizing events associated with "Rachmaninoff Day," 6 June 1971 [Item housed in Folder 8]
MAPCASE-DRAWER 5/15 Posters from performances and events in Tambov, 1973
  • Poster publicizing events associated with the"one-hundredth anniversary of the birth of the great Russian composer, pianist and conductor, S. V. Rachmaninoff," between 6 September 1972 and 27 April 1973 [Item housed in Folder 9]
  • SR / Jubilee Concert Recordings dedicated to the one-hundredth anniversary of [his] birth, held between 26 March and 1 April 1973, sponsored by the Choral Society of the Tambov Region and the Regional Scientific Pushkin Library; inscribed to Sophie Satin by Nikolaĭ Nikiforov [Item housed in Folder 9]
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