Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Books and Publications, 1886-1973 (continued) | |||||||||||||
BOX 78 | Mahanna, John G. W. Music under the moon. A History of the Berkshire symphonic festival, Inc.. Pittsfield, MA: Eagle Printing and Binding Company, 1955. |
BOX 71, 78 | Martens, Frederick H. Little biographies. Rachmaninoff. Second edition. New York: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1922. |
Four copies. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 75/4 | Martens, Frederick H. "Sergei Rachmaninoff Talks of Russia and America." Musical Observer. Vol. XX, no. 4 (April 1921) |
BOX 78 | Maurois, André. King Edward and his times. Translated from the French by Hamish Miles. London: Cassell, 1933. |
BOX 80 | Mel'nik, Tat'iana Botkina. Vospominanie o tsarskoĭ sem'ie i eia zhizni do i poslie revoliutsii (=Reminiscences about the Imperial family and its life up to and after the revolution). Berlin: Vseslavianskiĭ Knizhnyĭ Magazin/M. I. Stefanovich I Ko., 1921. |
BOX 78 | II. [i.e., Vtoroĭ] Mezhdunarodnyĭ konkurs imeni P. I. CHaĭkovskogo (=II. [i.e., Second] International Tchaikovsky Competition), April-May 1962. | ||||||||||||
Program book with photographs, biographies of past competition winners, and a foreword by Dmitriĭ Shostakovich. | |||||||||||||
Accompanied by an English version. | |||||||||||||
BOX 71, 78 | Molloy, M. S., Snyder, M. A., and Kroeger,
Ernest R. The Musical cross word puzzle book. New York: Carl Fischer, 1925. |
Two copies. | |||||||||||||
BOX 71 | Monakhov, N. F. Povest' o zhizni (=Story of a life). Edited by S. S. Mokul'skiĭ and S. K. Abashidze. Leningrad: Bol'shoĭ Dramaticheskiĭ Teatr, 1936. |
BOX 71 | Morov, Alekseĭ. "Sergeĭ Rakhmaninov. Legendy i pravda" (=Sergei Rachmaninoff. Legends and truth). Neva, No. 2 (1967) |
Annotated by Sophie Satin. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 74/15 | Music. Illustrated Monthly Review, Vol. I (Mid-summer 1924) | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 74/16 | Musical America, Vol. LVII, no. 1 (10 January 1937) | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 75/1 | Musical America, Vol. LXIII, no. 6 (10 April 1943) | ||||||||||||
Contains articles about SR, on the occasion of his death. | |||||||||||||
Contains corrections by Sophie Satin. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 75/2 | Musical Courier, Vol. CXXVII, no. 7 (5 April 1943) | ||||||||||||
Contains articles relating to SR's death. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 75/5 | Muzyka. Ezhemesiachnyĭ zhurnal posviashchennyĭ muzyke (=Music. Monthly magazine devoted to music), No. 1 (1923) | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 75/6 | Muzykal'naia zhizn', No. 6 (March 1958) | ||||||||||||
Contains articles on SR by A. Medvedev and E. Varvatsi. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 75/7 | Muzykal'naia zhizn', No. 23 (December 1963) | ||||||||||||
Laid in: reproduction of K. A. Somov's portrait of SR (1925) | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 75/8 | Muzykal'naia zhizn', No. 6 (March 1965) | ||||||||||||
SR is mentioned in an article titled "Vtoroe rozhdenie" (=Second birth), written by L. Grigor'ev and IA. Platek. | |||||||||||||
Contains emendations by Sophie Satin. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 75/9 | Muzykal'naia zhizn', No. 12 (June 1966) | ||||||||||||
SR is mentioned in an article titled "Muzyka dolzhna govorit' iazykom serdtsa" (=Music should speak the language of the heart), written by A. Morov. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 75/11 | Muzykal'naia zhizn', No. 6 (368) (March 1973) | ||||||||||||
Two copies. | |||||||||||||
Contains several articles on SR. | |||||||||||||
Annotations by Sophie Satin. | |||||||||||||
BOX 71 | The New Aeolian Hall. New York: Aeolian Company, 1927. | ||||||||||||
Laid in: a certificate designating SR as the recipient of this commemorative presentation volume. | |||||||||||||
BOX 78 | Newman, Ernest. The Life of Richard Wagner. Volume One: 1813-1848. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1933. |
BOX 78 | Niemann, Walter. Die Nordische Klaviermusik. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1918. |
BOX 81 | Nikolaeva, N. "Den' Rakhmaninova v Ivanovke" (="Rachmaninoff Day" at Ivanovka). Muzykal'naia zhizn', No. 19 (October 1970) |
BOX 79 | "Novoe o Rakhmaninove. Iz epistoliarnogo arkhiva" (=New [resources] about Rachmaninoff. From the correspondence in his archive). Sovetskaia Muzyka, No. 9 (September 1961) | ||||||||||||
BOX 71 | Novyĭ Mir, No. 4 (1943) | ||||||||||||
Contains two articles on SR. | |||||||||||||
BOX 78 | O'Connell, Charles. The Other side of the record. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947. |
Contains a chapter on SR. | |||||||||||||
BOX 78 | O'Connell, Charles. The Victor book of the symphony. |
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1934. | |||||||||||||
BOX 71 | des Ormes, Renée. Laure Conan ("Célébrités" (series), undated. |
BOX-FOLDER 76/6 | Otchizna (March 1973) | ||||||||||||
Contains articles about SR by Nikolaĭ Kozhin and N. Volynskaia. | |||||||||||||
Two copies. | |||||||||||||
Contains annotations by Sophie Satin. | |||||||||||||
BOX 78 | Pan Pipes of Sigma Alpha Iota, Vol. XXXVII, no. 2 (December 1944) | ||||||||||||
Contains article titled "To Honor Sergei Rachmaninoff. Rachmaninoff Memorial Fund." | |||||||||||||
BOX 71 | "Pis'ma S. V. Rakhmaninova" (=Letters of S. V. Rachmaninoff). Novyĭ ZHurnal (=The New Review), No. 99 (1970 [1969?]) | ||||||||||||
Four copies. | |||||||||||||
BOX 71, 78 | Ponizovkin, IU. [IUriĭ]. Rakhmaninov – pianist, interpretator sobstvennykh proizvedenii (=Rachmaninoff as pianist and interpreter of his own works). Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Muzyka, 1965. |
Two copies. | |||||||||||||
BOX 71 | Portraits of musical celebrities. A Book of notable testimonials. New York: Steinway & Sons, 1926. | ||||||||||||
BOX 71 | Prishvin, Mikhaĭl. Kashcheeva tsep' (=The Chain of Kashcheev). Moskva/Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo, 1927. |
BOX 81 | Pro Musica Quarterly, Vol. VII, No. 3-4 (March-June 1929) | ||||||||||||
BOX 72 | Pushkin, A. S. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii. Tom tretiĭ (=Complete collected works. Volume 3). Berlin: Knigoizdatel'stvo "Slovo," 1921. |
Contains annotations. | |||||||||||||
BOX 72 | Rachmaninoff, Sergei. Rachmaninoff's recollections. Edited by Oskar von Riesemann. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1934. |
Two copies. | |||||||||||||
Both copies contain emendations. | |||||||||||||
Laid in volume one: corrections to the volume's text apparently made by Satin. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 76/9 | "Rachmaninoff spielt für ‘Pro Juventude'." Sie und Er (magazine), No. 8 (1938) | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 76/2 | "Rakhmaninov o sebe" (=Rachmaninoff [writing] about himself). Ogonëk, No. 12-13 (31 March 1943) | ||||||||||||
BOX 72, 78 | Rakhmaninov, Sergeĭ. Pis'ma (=Letters). Edited, and with commentary by Z. Apetian. Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo, 1955 |
Four copies. | |||||||||||||
Copy 1 contains corrections by Sophie Satin. | |||||||||||||
BOX 71 | Rakhmaninova, Natal'ia [Natalie
Rachmaninoff]. "S. V. Rakhmaninov." Novyĭ ZHurnal (=The New Review), No. 109 (1972) |
BOX 71 | Rakhmaninova, Natal'ia [Natalie
Rachmaninoff]. "S. V. Rakhmaninov. Druz'ia-muzykanty v Rossii" (=S. V. Rachmaninoff. Musician friends in Russia). Novyĭ ZHurnal (=The New Review), No. 100 (1970) |
Two copies. | |||||||||||||
BOX 71 | Rakhmaninova, Natal'ia [Natalie
Rachmaninoff]. "S. V. Rakhmaninov. KHarakter S. V." (=S. V. Rachmaninoff's character) Novyĭ ZHurnal (=The New Review), No. 103 (1971) |
Two copies. | |||||||||||||
BOX 72 | Ratgauz, D. Moi piesni (=My songs). Berlin: Izdatel'stvo Ol'ga D'iakova i Ko., undated. |
BOX 81 | Robinson, Francis. Caruso. His Life in pictures. |
New York/London: Studio Publications/Thomas Y. Cromwell, 1957. | |||||||||||||
BOX 79 | Rostropovich, M. "Amerika, vesna 1956 g." (=America, Spring 1956). Sovetskaia Muzyka, No. 8 (August 1956) |
BOX 78 | Roy, Basanta Koomar. Rabindrath Tagore. The Man and his poetry. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1916. |
BOX 81 | Russkiĭ sbornik. Parizh [Paris]: Izdanie Komiteta Pomoshchi Russkim Literatoram i Uchenym, 1920. | ||||||||||||
Literary journal containing works of prose and poetry. | |||||||||||||
BOX 79 | Sabinina, Μ. "Vospominaniia o Rakhmaninove" (=Reminiscences about Rachmaninoff). Sovetskaia Muzyka, No. 2 (February 1958) |
Review of Z. Apetian's Vospominaniia o Rakhmaninove (=Reminiscences about Rachmaninoff. | |||||||||||||
BOX 72 | Sahlberg-Vatchnadzé, Marguerite. Chostakovitch. (La Musique russe contemporaine). Paris: Éditions Romance/Les Œuvres Françaises, 1945. |
BOX 72 | Saltykov-SHCHedrin, M. E. Izbrannye sochineniia. Tom I : Gospoda Golovlevy; Poshekhonskaia starina (=Selected works. Volume 1). Moskva/Leningrad: TSK VLKSM [ЦК ВЛКСМ], 1939. |
BOX 72 | Satina, S. [Sofiia] [Satin, Sophie]. "Ocherk o vysshem zhenskom obrazovanii v Rossii." Osobyĭ ottisk iz sbornika v chest' prof. N. S. Timasheva: "Sorokin/Poltoratskiĭ. Na Temy russkie i obshchie." (="Essay on women's higher education in Russia.". Special edition in honor of Prof. N. S. Timashev: "Sorokon/Poltoratskiĭ. On Russian and general themes.") |
BOX 71 | Satina, Sofiia [Sophie Satin]. "S. V. Rakhmaninov. K 25-letiiu so dnia konchiny" (=S. V. Rachmaninoff. On the 25th year of his death). Novyĭ ZHurnal (=The New Review), No. 91 (1968) |
Two copies. | |||||||||||||
BOX 78 | Semevskiĭ, V. I. Sobranie sochinenii, tom vtoroĭ. M. V. Butashevich-Petrashevskiĭ i petrashevtsy, chast' I (=Complete works. Volume 2). Moskva: Zadruga, 1922. |
BOX-FOLDER 76/7 | Sergei Rachmaninoff. New York: RCA Records, 1973. | ||||||||||||
Published notes by Francis Crociata, Sophie Satin and Gregor Benko that accompany RCA LP (ARM3-1) | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 76/8 | Sergei Rachmaninoff. The Man and his music. | ||||||||||||
Published notes by Charles Gerhardt and Clair W. Van Ausdall to accompany a Reader's Digest LP of SR's works. | |||||||||||||
BOX 72, 78 | Sergeĭ Vasil'evich Rakhmaninov. Prospekt vystavki k 100-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia (1873-1973) (=Sergei Vasil'evich Rachmaninoff (1873-1973)). | ||||||||||||
Exhibition catalog for the one-hundredth anniversary of his birth. | |||||||||||||
Contain corrections. | |||||||||||||
Three copies. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 76/12 | Seroff, Victor Ilyich. "The Great Rachmaninoff." Vogue, (1 April 1943) |
BOX 72, 78 | Seroff, Victor I. Rachmaninoff. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1950 |
Three copies. | |||||||||||||
Sophie Satin has made several corrections. | |||||||||||||
BOX 81 | SHatskaia, I. and N. Emel'ianova. "Tam, gde zhil Rakhmaninov" (=There, where Rachmaninoff lived). Muzykal'naia zhizn', No. 13 (May 1973) |
BOX 78 | SHaverdian, A. I. Puti razvitiia sovetskoĭ muzyki. Kratkiĭ obzor (=Path of the development of Soviet music. Brief review). Moskva/Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo, 1948. |
BOX 72 | SHil'der, N. K. Imperator Aleksandr Pervyĭ. Ego zhizn' i tsarstvovanie. Tom pervyĭ- vtoroĭ (=Emperor Aleksandr I. His Life and reign. Volume I-II). Second edition. S.-Peterburg: Izdanie A. S. Suborin, 1904. |
BOX 78 | Shirer, William L. Berlin Diary. The Journal of a foreign correspondent, 1934-1941. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1941. |
BOX 78 | SHlifshtein, S. A. S. Dargomyzhskiĭ. Lektsiia. (V Pomoshch' slushateliu muzyki) (=A. S. Dargomyzhsky. A Lecture (For the assistance of the music listener (series)). Moskva/Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo, 1951. |
BOX 72 | Sikorsky, Igor I. The Story of the Winged-S. An Autobiography. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1938. |
BOX 80 | Smith, Carleton. "Pianos for Two." Esquire, (September 1936) |
BOX 72, 78 | Sokolova, O. Simfonicheskie proizvedeniia S. V. Rakhmaninova (Putevoditeli po russkoĭ muzyke) (=Symphonic works of S. V. Rachmaninoff (Russian Music Guides (series)). Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo, 1957. |
Three copies. | |||||||||||||
BOX 79 | Sokol'skiĭ, M. "Perechityvaia knigu o Rakhmaninove" (=Reading a book about Rachmaninoff). Sovetskaia Muzyka, No. 12 (December 1955) |
A review about A. D. Alekseev's biography of SR (S. V. Rakhmaninov. ZHizn' i tvorcheskaia deiatel'nost' (=SR. Life and creative activity) | |||||||||||||
BOX 78 | Solovtsov, A. [Anatoliĭ]. N. A. Rimskiĭ-Korsakov. [Moskva:] Muzgiz, 1948. |
BOX 72 | Solovtsov, A. [Anatoliĭ]. S. V. Rakhmaninov. Moskva/Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo, 1947. |
BOX 72, 78 | Solovtsov, A. [Anatoliĭ]. S. V. Rakhmaninov. V Pomoshch' slushateliu muzyki. Lektsiia (=S. V. Rachmaninoff. For the assistance of music listeners. Lecture). Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo, 1955. |
Three copies. | |||||||||||||
BOX 78 | Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I. The First circle. Τranslated from the Russian by Thomas P. Whitney. New York/Evanston: Harper & Row, 1968. |
BOX 78 | Sorabji, Kaikhosru Shapurji. Mi contra fa. The Immoralisings of a Machiavellian musician. London: Procupine Press, 1947. |
Contains a chapter titled "Rachmaninoff and Rabies." | |||||||||||||
BOX 72 | Sovetskaia Muzyka, No. 4 (1945) | ||||||||||||
Contains five articles about SR, as well as an article written by the composer. | |||||||||||||
Two copies. | |||||||||||||
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