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Sergei Rachmaninoff archive, 1872-1992

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Books and Publications, 1886-1973 (continued)
Muzykal'naia zhizn', No. 6 (368) (March 1973) (continued)
Annotations by Sophie Satin.
BOX 71 The New Aeolian Hall. New York: Aeolian Company, 1927.
Laid in: a certificate designating SR as the recipient of this commemorative presentation volume.
BOX 78 Newman, Ernest.
The Life of Richard Wagner. Volume One: 1813-1848. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1933.
BOX 78 Niemann, Walter.
Die Nordische Klaviermusik. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1918.
BOX 81 Nikolaeva, N.
"Den' Rakhmaninova v Ivanovke" (="Rachmaninoff Day" at Ivanovka). Muzykal'naia zhizn', No. 19 (October 1970)
BOX 79 "Novoe o Rakhmaninove. Iz epistoliarnogo arkhiva" (=New [resources] about Rachmaninoff. From the correspondence in his archive). Sovetskaia Muzyka, No. 9 (September 1961)
BOX 71 Novyĭ Mir, No. 4 (1943)
Contains two articles on SR.
BOX 78 O'Connell, Charles.
The Other side of the record. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947.
Contains a chapter on SR.
BOX 78 O'Connell, Charles.
The Victor book of the symphony.
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1934.
BOX 71 des Ormes, Renée.
Laure Conan ("Célébrités" (series), undated.
BOX-FOLDER 76/6 Otchizna (March 1973)
Contains articles about SR by Nikolaĭ Kozhin and N. Volynskaia.
Two copies.
Contains annotations by Sophie Satin.
BOX 78 Pan Pipes of Sigma Alpha Iota, Vol. XXXVII, no. 2 (December 1944)
Contains article titled "To Honor Sergei Rachmaninoff. Rachmaninoff Memorial Fund."
BOX 71 "Pis'ma S. V. Rakhmaninova" (=Letters of S. V. Rachmaninoff). Novyĭ ZHurnal (=The New Review), No. 99 (1970 [1969?])
Four copies.
BOX 71, 78 Ponizovkin, IU. [IUriĭ].
Rakhmaninov – pianist, interpretator sobstvennykh proizvedenii (=Rachmaninoff as pianist and interpreter of his own works). Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Muzyka, 1965.
Two copies.
BOX 71 Portraits of musical celebrities. A Book of notable testimonials. New York: Steinway & Sons, 1926.
BOX 71 Prishvin, Mikhaĭl.
Kashcheeva tsep' (=The Chain of Kashcheev). Moskva/Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo, 1927.
BOX 81 Pro Musica Quarterly, Vol. VII, No. 3-4 (March-June 1929)
BOX 72 Pushkin, A. S.
Polnoe sobranie sochinenii. Tom tretiĭ (=Complete collected works. Volume 3). Berlin: Knigoizdatel'stvo "Slovo," 1921.
Contains annotations.
BOX 72 Rachmaninoff, Sergei.
Rachmaninoff's recollections. Edited by Oskar von Riesemann. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1934.
Two copies.
Both copies contain emendations.
Laid in volume one: corrections to the volume's text apparently made by Satin.
BOX-FOLDER 76/9 "Rachmaninoff spielt für ‘Pro Juventude'." Sie und Er (magazine), No. 8 (1938)
BOX-FOLDER 76/2 "Rakhmaninov o sebe" (=Rachmaninoff [writing] about himself). Ogonëk, No. 12-13 (31 March 1943)
BOX 72, 78 Rakhmaninov, Sergeĭ.
Pis'ma (=Letters). Edited, and with commentary by Z. Apetian. Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo, 1955
Four copies.
Copy 1 contains corrections by Sophie Satin.
BOX 71 Rakhmaninova, Natal'ia [Natalie Rachmaninoff].
"S. V. Rakhmaninov." Novyĭ ZHurnal (=The New Review), No. 109 (1972)
BOX 71 Rakhmaninova, Natal'ia [Natalie Rachmaninoff].
"S. V. Rakhmaninov. Druz'ia-muzykanty v Rossii" (=S. V. Rachmaninoff. Musician friends in Russia). Novyĭ ZHurnal (=The New Review), No. 100 (1970)
Two copies.
BOX 71 Rakhmaninova, Natal'ia [Natalie Rachmaninoff].
"S. V. Rakhmaninov. KHarakter S. V." (=S. V. Rachmaninoff's character) Novyĭ ZHurnal (=The New Review), No. 103 (1971)
Two copies.
BOX 72 Ratgauz, D.
Moi piesni (=My songs). Berlin: Izdatel'stvo Ol'ga D'iakova i Ko., undated.
BOX 81 Robinson, Francis.
Caruso. His Life in pictures.
New York/London: Studio Publications/Thomas Y. Cromwell, 1957.
BOX 79 Rostropovich, M.
"Amerika, vesna 1956 g." (=America, Spring 1956). Sovetskaia Muzyka, No. 8 (August 1956)
BOX 78 Roy, Basanta Koomar.
Rabindrath Tagore. The Man and his poetry. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1916.
BOX 81 Russkiĭ sbornik. Parizh [Paris]: Izdanie Komiteta Pomoshchi Russkim Literatoram i Uchenym, 1920.
Literary journal containing works of prose and poetry.
BOX 79 Sabinina, Μ.
"Vospominaniia o Rakhmaninove" (=Reminiscences about Rachmaninoff). Sovetskaia Muzyka, No. 2 (February 1958)
Review of Z. Apetian's Vospominaniia o Rakhmaninove (=Reminiscences about Rachmaninoff.
BOX 72 Sahlberg-Vatchnadzé, Marguerite.
Chostakovitch. (La Musique russe contemporaine). Paris: Éditions Romance/Les Œuvres Françaises, 1945.
BOX 72 Saltykov-SHCHedrin, M. E.
Izbrannye sochineniia. Tom I : Gospoda Golovlevy; Poshekhonskaia starina (=Selected works. Volume 1). Moskva/Leningrad: TSK VLKSM [ЦК ВЛКСМ], 1939.
BOX 72 Satina, S. [Sofiia] [Satin, Sophie].
"Ocherk o vysshem zhenskom obrazovanii v Rossii." Osobyĭ ottisk iz sbornika v chest' prof. N. S. Timasheva: "Sorokin/Poltoratskiĭ. Na Temy russkie i obshchie." (="Essay on women's higher education in Russia.". Special edition in honor of Prof. N. S. Timashev: "Sorokon/Poltoratskiĭ. On Russian and general themes.")
BOX 71 Satina, Sofiia [Sophie Satin].
"S. V. Rakhmaninov. K 25-letiiu so dnia konchiny" (=S. V. Rachmaninoff. On the 25th year of his death). Novyĭ ZHurnal (=The New Review), No. 91 (1968)
Two copies.
BOX 78 Semevskiĭ, V. I.
Sobranie sochinenii, tom vtoroĭ. M. V. Butashevich-Petrashevskiĭ i petrashevtsy, chast' I (=Complete works. Volume 2). Moskva: Zadruga, 1922.
BOX-FOLDER 76/7 Sergei Rachmaninoff. New York: RCA Records, 1973.
Published notes by Francis Crociata, Sophie Satin and Gregor Benko that accompany RCA LP (ARM3-1)
BOX-FOLDER 76/8 Sergei Rachmaninoff. The Man and his music.
Published notes by Charles Gerhardt and Clair W. Van Ausdall to accompany a Reader's Digest LP of SR's works.
BOX 72, 78 Sergeĭ Vasil'evich Rakhmaninov. Prospekt vystavki k 100-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia (1873-1973) (=Sergei Vasil'evich Rachmaninoff (1873-1973)).
Exhibition catalog for the one-hundredth anniversary of his birth.
Contain corrections.
Three copies.
BOX-FOLDER 76/12 Seroff, Victor Ilyich.
"The Great Rachmaninoff." Vogue, (1 April 1943)
BOX 72, 78 Seroff, Victor I.
Rachmaninoff. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1950
Three copies.
Sophie Satin has made several corrections.
BOX 81 SHatskaia, I. and N. Emel'ianova.
"Tam, gde zhil Rakhmaninov" (=There, where Rachmaninoff lived). Muzykal'naia zhizn', No. 13 (May 1973)
BOX 78 SHaverdian, A. I.
Puti razvitiia sovetskoĭ muzyki. Kratkiĭ obzor (=Path of the development of Soviet music. Brief review). Moskva/Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo, 1948.
BOX 72 SHil'der, N. K.
Imperator Aleksandr Pervyĭ. Ego zhizn' i tsarstvovanie. Tom pervyĭ- vtoroĭ (=Emperor Aleksandr I. His Life and reign. Volume I-II). Second edition. S.-Peterburg: Izdanie A. S. Suborin, 1904.
BOX 78 Shirer, William L.
Berlin Diary. The Journal of a foreign correspondent, 1934-1941. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1941.
BOX 78 SHlifshtein, S.
A. S. Dargomyzhskiĭ. Lektsiia. (V Pomoshch' slushateliu muzyki) (=A. S. Dargomyzhsky. A Lecture (For the assistance of the music listener (series)). Moskva/Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo, 1951.
BOX 72 Sikorsky, Igor I.
The Story of the Winged-S. An Autobiography. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1938.
BOX 80 Smith, Carleton.
"Pianos for Two." Esquire, (September 1936)
BOX 72, 78 Sokolova, O.
Simfonicheskie proizvedeniia S. V. Rakhmaninova (Putevoditeli po russkoĭ muzyke) (=Symphonic works of S. V. Rachmaninoff (Russian Music Guides (series)). Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo, 1957.
Three copies.
BOX 79 Sokol'skiĭ, M.
"Perechityvaia knigu o Rakhmaninove" (=Reading a book about Rachmaninoff). Sovetskaia Muzyka, No. 12 (December 1955)
A review about A. D. Alekseev's biography of SR (S. V. Rakhmaninov. ZHizn' i tvorcheskaia deiatel'nost' (=SR. Life and creative activity)
BOX 78 Solovtsov, A. [Anatoliĭ].
N. A. Rimskiĭ-Korsakov. [Moskva:] Muzgiz, 1948.
BOX 72 Solovtsov, A. [Anatoliĭ].
S. V. Rakhmaninov. Moskva/Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo, 1947.
BOX 72, 78 Solovtsov, A. [Anatoliĭ].
S. V. Rakhmaninov. V Pomoshch' slushateliu muzyki. Lektsiia (=S. V. Rachmaninoff. For the assistance of music listeners. Lecture). Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo, 1955.
Three copies.
BOX 78 Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I.
The First circle. Τranslated from the Russian by Thomas P. Whitney. New York/Evanston: Harper & Row, 1968.
BOX 78 Sorabji, Kaikhosru Shapurji.
Mi contra fa. The Immoralisings of a Machiavellian musician. London: Procupine Press, 1947.
Contains a chapter titled "Rachmaninoff and Rabies."
BOX 72 Sovetskaia Muzyka, No. 4 (1945)
Contains five articles about SR, as well as an article written by the composer.
Two copies.
Emendations by Sophie Satin appear within both copies.
BOX 72, 79 Sovetskaia Muzyka, No. 8 (October 1948)
Contains musical score of a work for voice and piano by SR titled "Pis'mo k K. S. Stanislavskomu ot S. Rakhmaninova" (=Letter to K. S. [Konstantin Sergeevich] Stanislavsky from S. Rachmaninoff)
Two copies.
BOX 79 Sovetskaia Muzyka, No. 1 (January 1965)
Contains articles which discuss SR's works.
BOX 79 Sovetskaia Muzyka, No. 10 (October 1968)
Contains articles by N. Emel'ianova published under the collective title "Novyĭ muzeĭ: Po pamiatnym mestam" (=New museum: To memorable places), which discuss Ivanovka, SR's home in his youth.
BOX 79 Sovetskaia Muzyka, No. 4 (April 1973)
Contains articles appearing under the collective title "K 100-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia S. V. Rakhmaninova" (=On the centenary of Rachmaninoff's birth)
BOX 79 "Sovetskie ispolniteli o S. V. Rakhmaninove" (=Soviet performers on S. V. Rachmaninoff). Sovetskaia Muzyka, No. 3 (March 1968)
Two copies.
BOX 79 Steinway centenary concert. Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Steinway & Sons, October 19, 1953.
Souvenir program, Carnegie Hall, New York.
BOX-FOLDER 76/11 Stereo Review, Vol. 30, No. 5 (May 1973)
This issue, titled "Rachmaninoff: A Centennial Review."
BOX 79 Stoddard, Hope.
From these comes music. Instruments of the band and orchestra. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, [1952]
BOX 72 Stokowski, Olga Samaroff.
The Layman's music book. New York: W. W. Norton, [1935]
BOX-FOLDER 76/5 Sveshnikov, Aleksandr.
"Geniĭ Russkoĭ Muzyki" (=Genius of Russian music) Ogonëk, No. 14 (2387) (31 March 1973)
BOX 72 Swan, A. [Alfred J.].
Notes on the old liturgical chant of the Russian Church and the Russian folk song. Jordanville, NY: Holy Trinity Monastery, 1967.
BOX 78 Swan, A. [Alfred J.] and Katherine.
"Rachmaninoff: Personal Reminiscences – Part II." Musical Quarterly, Vol. XXX, no. 2 (April 1944)
BOX 78 Swan, A. [Alfred J.] and Katherine.
"Rachmaninoff: Personal Reminiscences – Part II." Musical Quarterly, Vol. LV, no. 3 (July 1969)
BOX 79 Swan, Alfred J.
Scriabin. London: John Lane, 1923.
BOX 79 Tague, William H. and Kimball, Robert B., editors.
Berkshire. Two hundred years in pictures. 1761-1961. Pittsfield, MA: Eagle Printing and Binding Company, 1961.
BOX 80 Taubman, Howard.
"Musical Triple-Threat." Collier's, (16 December 1939)
BOX 72 Tchaikovsky, P. I.
Perepiska s P. I. IUrgensonom. Tom 2. 1884-1893 (=Correspondence with P. I. Jurgenson. Vol. 2. 1884-1893). Edited by V. A. ZHdanova. Moskva/Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo, 1952.
BOX 72 Tempo, No. 22 (Winter 1951-1952)
The "Rachmaninoff Number," comprised primarily of articles about SR.
The latter article contains annotations and corrections by Sophie Satin.
BOX 79 Thayer, Alexander Wheelock.
The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven. Edited by Henry Edward Krehbiel. Ιn three volumes. New York: The Beethoven Association, 1921.
BOX 72 Threlfall, Robert.
Sergei Rachmaninoff. His Life and music. London: Boosey & Hawkes, 1973.
Contains correction by Sophie Satin.
BOX 73 Tolstoĭ, L. N.
Dietstvo. Poviesti (=Childhood. Stories). Berlin: Izdatel'stvo I. P. Ladyzhnikov, 1920.
BOX-FOLDER 76/3 Trubnikova, A.
"Sergeĭ Rakhmaninov." Ogonëk, No. 4 (973; 27 January 1946)
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