The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Max Roach papers, 1880-2012
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Correspondence, 1950s-2000s (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 70/51 Clinton, Bill, 1993-1998
BOX-FOLDER 70/52 Collins, Phil, undated
BOX-FOLDER 71/1 Condolence letters, 2007
BOX-FOLDER 71/2 Conyers, John, 1987
BOX-FOLDER 71/3 Corbett, Jimmie, 1977
BOX-FOLDER 71/4 Corea, Chick and Gayle, undated
Greeting cards
BOX-FOLDER 71/5 Cosby, Camille, 1997
BOX-FOLDER 71/6 Cowell, Stanley, 1981, 1992
BOX-FOLDER 71/7 Crothers, Connie, 1993-2001
BOX-FOLDER 71/8 Crouch, Stanley, 1980
BOX-FOLDER 71/9 Cuscuna, Michael, 1986, 1992
BOX-FOLDER 71/10 Cyrille, Andrew, 1975
BOX-FOLDER 71/11 Dahlander, Nils-Bert [i.e. "Bert"], 1980, 1986, 2001-2003
BOX-FOLDER 71/12 Dana [?] 1982
BOX-FOLDER 71/13 Danckert, Peter, 1977
BOX-FOLDER 71/14 Davidson, Peter, 1973
BOX-FOLDER 71/15 Davis, Nathan, 1970
BOX-FOLDER 71/16 Davis, Ossie and Ruby Dee, 1972-1993, 2006
BOX-FOLDER 71/17 De Lissovoy, Geoffrey, 1985
BOX-FOLDER 71/18 Dittka, Ina, 1994
BOX-FOLDER 71/19 Dorham, Joel, 1977
BOX-FOLDER 71/20 Dorr-Dorynek, Diane, 1982
BOX-FOLDER 71/21 Douglas, Alan, 1996-1997
BOX-FOLDER 71/22 Draper, Ray, 1962
BOX-FOLDER 71/23 Drummond, Billy, 1977-1978
BOX-FOLDER 71/24 Edgar, Boy, 1966, 1972
BOX-FOLDER 71/25 Elisha, Ehran, 1990
BOX-FOLDER 71/26 Ellington, Duke, 1972
BOX-FOLDER 48/1, 71/27-29 Fan mail, 1970s-2000s
BOX-FOLDER 71/30 Fayenz, Franco, 1974-1976
BOX-FOLDER 71/31 Feather, Leonard, 1980-1985
BOX-FOLDER 71/32 Feelings, Tom, 1998
BOX-FOLDER 71/33 Ferencz, George, 1999-2004
BOX-FOLDER 71/34 Fioravanti, Olivier, 1996-1998
BOX-FOLDER 71/35 Firth, Vic, 1982, 1995
BOX-FOLDER 71/36 Foster, Frank, 1995
BOX-FOLDER 71/37 Foster, Jack R., 1973
BOX-FOLDER 71/38 Fraser, Al, 1981
BOX-FOLDER 71/39 Freeman, Don, 1975
BOX-FOLDER 71/40 Friedman, Carol, 1983
BOX-FOLDER 72/1 Garden-Acosta, Luis, 1976
BOX-FOLDER 72/2 Gaviglio, Philippe, 1994
BOX-FOLDER 72/3 Gavin, Jim, 1998
BOX-FOLDER 72/4 Gelb, Peter, 1995
BOX-FOLDER 72/5 Ghanaba, Kofi [formerly Guy Warren], 1956, 1963, 1974, 1996-1997
BOX-FOLDER 72/6 Gibbons, Buck, 1993
BOX-FOLDER 72/7-8 Gibbons, Shannon, 1982-1991
BOX-FOLDER 72/9 Gibson, Rob, 1993
BOX-FOLDER 72/10 Gilbert, Michael W., 1981
BOX-FOLDER 72/11 Gillespie, Dizzy, 1946, 1973-1982
BOX-FOLDER 72/12 Gittens, La-Verne Cody, undated
BOX-FOLDER 72/13 Glaser, Joe, 1961
BOX-FOLDER 72/14 Goldberg, Jane, circa 1974-1976?
BOX-FOLDER 72/15 Golson, Benny, 1990-1995
BOX-FOLDER 72/16 Gonzales, Babs, undated
BOX-FOLDER 72/17 Gore, Al, 1997
BOX-FOLDER 72/18 Gould, Morton, 1992
BOX-FOLDER 72/19 Goykovich, Dusko, 1967
BOX-FOLDER 72/20 Granz, Norman, 1977
BOX-FOLDER 72/21 MAPCASE FOLDER 4 Greeting cards, 1980s-2000s
Miscellaneous personalities
BOX-FOLDER 72/22 Gualberto, Gianni, 1983, 1997
BOX-FOLDER 72/23 Hackett, Paula, undated
BOX-FOLDER 72/24 Hammond, Doug, circa 1980, 1989
BOX-FOLDER 72/25 Hampton, Lionel, 1973
BOX-FOLDER 72/26 Hampton, Slide, 1975-1976
BOX-FOLDER 72/27 Harley, Rufus, 1967
BOX-FOLDER 72/28 Harper, Billy, 1972
BOX-FOLDER 72/29 Harris, Barry, undated
BOX-FOLDER 72/30 Harris, "Doc", 1974
Regarding Bud Powell book
BOX-FOLDER 72/31 Harrison, Lorenzo D., 1998
BOX-FOLDER 72/32 Hayden, Geoffrey, 1986, 2003 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 72/33 Heard, J.C., 1988
BOX-FOLDER 72/34 Herridge, Robert, 1981
Related correspondence only
BOX-FOLDER 72/35 Higgins, Jack, 1967
BOX-FOLDER 72/36 Hill, Andrew, undated
BOX-FOLDER 72/37 Holland, Bob, 1977
BOX-FOLDER 72/38 Holt, Redd, 1992
BOX-FOLDER 72/39 Howarth, Ian, 1998-2001
BOX-FOLDER 72/40 Innis, Roy, 1972
BOX-FOLDER 73/1 Jackson, Jesse L., 1989
BOX-FOLDER 73/2 Jaffe, Andy, 1975
BOX-FOLDER 73/3 Jang, Jon, 1994-2000
BOX-FOLDER 73/4 Javits, Jacob, 1971
BOX-FOLDER 73/5 Jefferson, Archie, 1982
BOX-FOLDER 73/6 Jennings, Richard [i.e. "Prophet"], 1964-1965
BOX-FOLDER 73/7 Jhaveri, Niranjan, 1984, 1991
BOX-FOLDER 73/8 Johanson, Jai Johanny [i.e. "Jaimoe"], 1964
BOX-FOLDER 73/9 Johnson, J.J., 1992
BOX-FOLDER 73/10 Johnson, Joseph L. [i.e. Joe], 1967
BOX-FOLDER 73/43 Jones, Jonathan David Samuel [i.e. "Papa" Jo Jones], 1946, 1986, undated
BOX-FOLDER 73/11 Jones, Joseph Rudolph [i.e. "Philly Joe Jones"], 1977, 1999
BOX-FOLDER 73/12 Jones, Quincy, 1993-1995, 2004-2006
Greeting cards
BOX-FOLDER 73/13 Jordan, Clifford, 1966, 1980-1983
BOX-FOLDER 73/14 Joyce, Brenda, 1971, 1982, 1994-1997
BOX-FOLDER 73/15 Jumal, Mumia A., 1997
BOX-FOLDER 73/16 Kaye, Cab [i.e. Nii-lante Augustus Kwamlah Quaye], 1977
BOX-FOLDER 73/17 Keepnews, Orrin, 1960-1961
BOX-FOLDER 73/18 Knight, Etheridge, 1975
BOX-FOLDER 73/19 Kofsky, Frank, 1974, 1980
BOX-FOLDER 73/20 Koinuma, Toshinari, 1971-1972
BOX-FOLDER 73/21 Lake, Charles, undated
BOX-FOLDER 73/22 Lambert, Dee, 1977
Regarding Dave Lambert
BOX-FOLDER 73/23 Lanphere, Don, 1991
BOX-FOLDER 73/24 Lans, Shawn, 1981
BOX-FOLDER 73/25 Lateef, Yusef, 1980-1981
BOX-FOLDER 73/26 Lawrence, Arnie, 1982
BOX-FOLDER 73/27 Lawsha, Prince H., 1980-1988, 1995-1999
BOX-FOLDER 73/28 Layne, Lancelot, 1981
BOX-FOLDER 73/29 Lee, Spike, 1990
BOX-FOLDER 73/30 Lee, William [i.e. Bill], 1958, 2002
BOX-FOLDER 73/31 Leurentop, Rob, 1989, 1996
BOX-FOLDER 73/32 Levey, Stan, undated
BOX-FOLDER 73/33 Library of Congress, 1996
BOX-FOLDER 73/44 Liebman, David, 1982
BOX-FOLDER 73/34-35 Lincoln, Abbey, 1961-1969, 1988
BOX-FOLDER 73/36 Little, Booker T., 1960
Related correspondence only; Regarding Larry Larue royalties
BOX-FOLDER 73/37 Lloyd, Charles, undated
BOX-FOLDER 73/38 Lock, Graham, 1993-1994
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