The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  A.P. Schmidt Company archives, 1869-1958
Music 1800-1900 (continued)
Printed Music (continued)
Printed Music (alphabetical, by composer)
BOX 288 Pedersen, Olaf.
BOX 288 Philipp, George.
BOX 288 Phillips, Gerald.
BOX 288 Pischna, Josef.
BOX 288 Pitcher, Richard J.
BOX 288 Power, H. Baynton.
BOX 288 Preyer, Carl A.
BOX 288 Purcell, Henry.
BOX 289 Quayle, Eileen.
BOX 289 Raff, Joachim.
BOX 289 Ravina, Henri.
BOX 289 Raymond, Ralph.
BOX 289 Reber, Carl.
BOX 289 Redman, Harry Newton.
BOX 289 Reger, Max.
BOX 289 Régnier, Max.
BOX 289 Reinecke, Carl.
BOX 289 Rendell, E. J.
BOX 289 Richter, Ernst.
BOX 289 Ring, Montague.
BOX 289 Risher, Anna Priscilla.
BOX 289 Ritter, G. P.
BOX 289 Ritter, Max.
BOX 289 Robertson, Beryl.
BOX 289 Rogers, Clara Kathleen.
BOX 289 Ronald, Landon.
BOX 289 Rossington, J. W.
BOX 289 Rossini, Gioacchino.
BOX 289 Rowbottom, W. E.
BOX 289 Rowley, Alec.
BOX 289 Ruthardt, Adolf.
BOX 290 Salsbury, Janet.
BOX 290 Sartorio, Arnoldo.
BOX 290 Saville, Alan.
BOX 290 Schäefer, Christian.
BOX 290 Schubert, Franz.
BOX 290 Schumann, B.
BOX 290 Schumann, Robert.
BOX 290 Schytte, Ludvig.
BOX 290 Scott, Cyril.
BOX 290 Scott, Wilfrid.
BOX 290 Scull, Harold T.
BOX 290 Severac, Jules.
BOX 290 Sgambati, Giovanni.
BOX 290 Shaw, David T.
BOX 290 Shure, R. Deane.
BOX 290 Sibelius, Jean.
BOX 290 Simpson, Nellie.
BOX 290 Sjögren, Emil.
BOX 290 Smith, A. G. Warren.
BOX 290 Smith, G. H.
BOX 290 Smith, J. Sutcliffe.
BOX 290 Spencer, Albert.
BOX 290 Stamford, Gordon.
BOX 290 Stevens, Constance.
BOX 290 Stott, Harold Hope.
BOX 290 Straus, Oscar.
BOX 290 Strauss, Johann.
BOX 290 Stuart-Young, J. M.
BOX 290 Surette, Thomas Whitney, editor.
BOX 290 Swinstead, Felix, compiler.
BOX 291 Taylor, Franklin.
BOX 291 Tchaikovsky, Piotr Ilyich.
BOX 291 Terry, Frances.
BOX 291 Thayne, Kennedy.
BOX 291 Thiman, Eric.
BOX 291 Thomas, Clayton.
BOX 291 Thomé, Francis.
BOX 291 Thomson, Bothwell.
BOX 292 Thornton, Robert S.
BOX 292 Thouret, Georg.
BOX 292 Ticciati, Francesco.
BOX 292 Tierie, J. F.
BOX 292 Tomlinson, George F.
BOX 292 Torjussen, Trygve.
BOX 292 Trowbridge, J. E.
BOX 292 Turner, Olive.
BOX 292 Twinn, Sydney.
BOX 292 Vardy, S. Marguerite.
BOX 292 Voigt, Ferd.
BOX 292 Wagner, Joseph F.
BOX 292 Watson, Mabel Madison.
BOX 292 White, M. L.
BOX 292 Whitehead, Percy.
BOX 292 Williams, Arnold.
BOX 292 Williams, Francis.
BOX 292 Williams, Gerrard.
BOX 292 Williams, John.
BOX 292 Wilm, Nicolai von.
BOX 292 Wilson-Gunn, Daisy.
BOX 292 Wingate, Maud.
BOX 292 Windrush, Paul.
BOX 292 Windsor, Basil.
BOX 292 Wolff, Bernhard.
BOX 292 Wolstenholme, William.
BOX 292 Wood, Lavena.
BOX 292 Wurm, Mary.
BOX 292 Wynne, Kenneth.
BOX 292 Zerlett, J. B.
BOX 292 Zureich, Franz.
BOX 293 Printed Music (Music Albums, alphabetical, by title)
BOX 293
Bell piano album. Book I
BOX 293
The eclipse violin album. Books I-II
BOX 293
The Guildhall School of Music. Examinations (pianoforte)
BOX 293
Infants' school marches
BOX 293
Preis marsch album, für klavier
BOX 293
Sonatina album
BOX 293
Trinity College of Music, London. Examination music. Intermediate Division, Group T. 20
BOX 293
Trinity College of Music, London. Examination music. Junior Division, Group Y. 25
BOX 293
Vespers: a collection of organ pieces for church use
BOX 294-295 Printed Music (Octavo Scores, alphabetical, by music publisher)
BOX-FOLDER 294/1 Allan & Company (Melbourne, Australia)
BOX-FOLDER 294/2-8 Banks & Son (York, England)
BOX-FOLDER 295/1 Bayley & Ferguson (London)
BOX-FOLDER 295/2 Boosey & Company (London)
BOX-FOLDER 295/3 J. & W. Chester, Ltd. (London)
BOX-FOLDER 295/4 Oliver Ditson Company (New York)
BOX-FOLDER 295/5 Elkin & Company (London)
BOX-FOLDER 295/6 H. W. Gray Company (New York)
BOX-FOLDER 295/7 W. Paxton & Company, Ltd. (London)
BOX-FOLDER 295/8 Warren & Phillips (London)
BOX-FOLDER 295/9 Unidentified fragment.
BOX 296-514 Business Papers 1800-1900
Includes correspondence, letterbooks, legal and financial files, music catalogs, promotional materials, stock books, publication and plate books, photographs, articles, books, and clippings.
Arranged in nine subseries: correspondence, letterbooks; legal files; financial records; publication records; music catalogs/advertisements; iconography; writings; and miscellany. Further arranged alphabetically and/or chronologically.
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