The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  A.P. Schmidt Company archives, 1869-1958
Music 1800-1900 (continued)
Printed Music (continued)
Printed Music (Music Albums, alphabetical, by title)
BOX 293
Trinity College of Music, London. Examination music. Junior Division, Group Y. 25
BOX 293
Vespers: a collection of organ pieces for church use
BOX 294-295 Printed Music (Octavo Scores, alphabetical, by music publisher)
BOX-FOLDER 294/1 Allan & Company (Melbourne, Australia)
BOX-FOLDER 294/2-8 Banks & Son (York, England)
BOX-FOLDER 295/1 Bayley & Ferguson (London)
BOX-FOLDER 295/2 Boosey & Company (London)
BOX-FOLDER 295/3 J. & W. Chester, Ltd. (London)
BOX-FOLDER 295/4 Oliver Ditson Company (New York)
BOX-FOLDER 295/5 Elkin & Company (London)
BOX-FOLDER 295/6 H. W. Gray Company (New York)
BOX-FOLDER 295/7 W. Paxton & Company, Ltd. (London)
BOX-FOLDER 295/8 Warren & Phillips (London)
BOX-FOLDER 295/9 Unidentified fragment.
BOX 296-514 Business Papers 1800-1900
Includes correspondence, letterbooks, legal and financial files, music catalogs, promotional materials, stock books, publication and plate books, photographs, articles, books, and clippings.
Arranged in nine subseries: correspondence, letterbooks; legal files; financial records; publication records; music catalogs/advertisements; iconography; writings; and miscellany. Further arranged alphabetically and/or chronologically.
BOX 296-412 Correspondence, 1891-1952
BOX-FOLDER 296-379 Personal Correspondence, 1891-1952
BOX-FOLDER 296/1 Abbott, Eugenie B.
BOX-FOLDER 296/1 Abbott, Jane Bingham.
BOX-FOLDER 296/1 Abbott, Morton Graves.
BOX-FOLDER 296/1 Abbott, Ray W.
BOX-FOLDER 296/2 Abel, Frederic L.
BOX-FOLDER 296/2 Abernathy, Nora.
BOX-FOLDER 296/2 Abernathy, Edgar.
BOX-FOLDER 296/2 Abraham, William E.
BOX-FOLDER 296/2 Abrams, Leroy.
BOX-FOLDER 296/3 Acers, Victor B.
Achorn, Mrs. John Warren.
see: Business Papers: General Correspondence: Sawyer, Harriet P.
BOX-FOLDER 296/3 Ackley, Anne.
BOX-FOLDER 296/3 Ackley, Henry B.
BOX-FOLDER 296/3 Acton, Bonnie.
BOX-FOLDER 296/4 Adair, Helen F. M. (Mrs. W. A. Adair)
BOX-FOLDER 296/4 Adair, Loren W.
BOX-FOLDER 296/4 Adair, Margaret.
BOX-FOLDER 296/4 Adair, Mildred.
BOX-FOLDER 296/4 Adair, Z.
BOX-FOLDER 296/5 Adam, Joseph.
BOX-FOLDER 296/5 Adamcik, George J.
BOX-FOLDER 296/5 Adams, C.
BOX-FOLDER 296/5 Adams, Charles Frank.
BOX-FOLDER 296/6-7 Adams, Mrs. Crosby.
BOX-FOLDER 296/8 Adams, Doris C.
BOX-FOLDER 296/9-18 Adams, Ernest Harry.
BOX-FOLDER 296/19 Adams, G. Cotton.
BOX-FOLDER 296/19 Adams, Mrs. Jack.
BOX-FOLDER 296/19 Adams, Katharine.
BOX-FOLDER 296/19 Adams, O. D.
BOX-FOLDER 296/19 Adams, Robert D. W.
BOX-FOLDER 296/19 Adams, Stanley.
BOX-FOLDER 296/19 Adams, T.
BOX-FOLDER 296/19 Adams, Thomas.
BOX-FOLDER 296/20 Adler, Myra A.
BOX-FOLDER 296/21 The Aeolian Company.
BOX-FOLDER 296/22 Agey, Buell.
BOX-FOLDER 296/22 Agnes Clare, Sister.
BOX-FOLDER 296/22 Agnew, Kathleen.
BOX-FOLDER 296/23 Agnew, Roy E.
BOX-FOLDER 296/24 Agnew, Sarah Thomas.
BOX-FOLDER 296/24 Ahlemann, Minnie.
BOX-FOLDER 296/24 Ahelli, P. O.
BOX-FOLDER 296/24 Ahrens, Carsten.
BOX-FOLDER 296/24 Aigouni, K. H.
BOX-FOLDER 296/24 Aiken, Clarissa (Mrs. Conrad Aiken)
BOX-FOLDER 296/25 Ailbout, Hans.
BOX-FOLDER 296/26 Akard, Nona G.
BOX-FOLDER 296/26 Akin, Anna Laurine.
BOX-FOLDER 296/26 Akin, Mabel.
BOX-FOLDER 296/27 Alan, C. N.
BOX-FOLDER 296/27 Alder, Lucy M.
BOX-FOLDER 296/27 Albert, Leon.
BOX-FOLDER 296/27 Albright, A.
BOX-FOLDER 296/27 Albright, Palmer.
BOX-FOLDER 296/27 Alco, Julian.
BOX-FOLDER 296/28 Alden, Blanche Ray.
BOX-FOLDER 296/29 Aldermann, W. E.
BOX-FOLDER 296/29 Aldrich, Clyde L.
BOX-FOLDER 296/29 Aldrich, Perley Dunn.
BOX-FOLDER 296/29 Alessandro, Victor.
BOX-FOLDER 296/30 Aletter, Wilhelm.
BOX-FOLDER 296/31 Alexander, Elsie S.
BOX-FOLDER 296/31 Alexander, Josef.
BOX-FOLDER 296/31 Alexander, Lucy A.
BOX-FOLDER 296/32 Alford, Harry L.
BOX-FOLDER 296/32 Alfring, W. H.
BOX-FOLDER 296/32 Aliton, Arthur.
BOX-FOLDER 296/32 Allan, Sue Fryer (Mrs. George Allan)
BOX-FOLDER 296/33 Allen, A. B.
BOX-FOLDER 296/33 Allen, Alice E.
BOX-FOLDER 296/33 Allen, Arthur.
BOX-FOLDER 296/33 Allen, Mrs. Charles G.
BOX-FOLDER 296/33 Allen, Creighton.
BOX-FOLDER 296/33 Allen, Elizabeth Mitchell.
BOX-FOLDER 296/33 Allen, Elva.
BOX-FOLDER 296/33 Allen, Gertrude E.
BOX-FOLDER 296/34 Allen, Guy C.
BOX-FOLDER 296/35 Allen, James S.
BOX-FOLDER 296/35 Allen, Mary S.
BOX-FOLDER 296/35 Allen, Paul E.
BOX-FOLDER 296/35 Allen, Paul Hastings.
BOX-FOLDER 296/35 Allen, Ruth.
BOX-FOLDER 296/35 Allen, Susan (Mrs. H. A. Allen)
BOX-FOLDER 296/35 Allen, Una L.
BOX-FOLDER 296/36 Alley, Nina Robbins.
BOX-FOLDER 296/36 Allhands, E. S.
BOX-FOLDER 296/36 Allison, Elliot S.
BOX-FOLDER 296/36 Allison, Forrest Marie.
BOX-FOLDER 296/36 Allison, Herman Thomas.
BOX-FOLDER 296/37 Alfred, A. LaRue.
BOX-FOLDER 296/38 Alls, Clara.
BOX-FOLDER 296/38 Aloysuis, Sister M.
BOX-FOLDER 296/38 Alpert, Jerry.
BOX-FOLDER 296/38 Alpiner, Arnold.
BOX-FOLDER 296/38 Alston, Grace I.
BOX-FOLDER 296/39 Althaus, Basil & Terese.
BOX-FOLDER 296/40 Altheimer, Bessie.
BOX-FOLDER 296/40 Altman, Adella C.
BOX-FOLDER 296/40 Altmann, Ludwig.
BOX-FOLDER 296/40 Altmann, Yvonne.
BOX-FOLDER 296/40 Altvater, H. Hugh.
BOX-FOLDER 297/1 Amass, Stella H.
BOX-FOLDER 297/1 Ambrose, Elizabeth.
BOX-FOLDER 297/2-9 Ambrose, Paul.
BOX-FOLDER 297/10 Ambrose, R. S.
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