The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  A.P. Schmidt Company archives, 1869-1958
Business Papers 1800-1900 (continued)
BOX 512-513 Writings, 1898-1938 and undated
BOX 512 Manuscripts/Typescripts (some later published by A. P. Schmidt or others)
BOX-FOLDER 512/1 Barbour, Florence Newell. "Dance and play: Rhythmic dances for children."
Music by Newell; dances by Abbie Loveland Tuller.
BOX-FOLDER 512/2 Barbour, Florence Newell. "Inspiritional influence of the teacher."
BOX-FOLDER 512/3 Bartlett, Floy Little. "Historical song miniatures for children."
Contents: artwork, paste-ups, correspondence.
BOX-FOLDER 512/4-5 Faelten, Carl. "Faelten's teacher's manual for pianoforte course."
BOX-FOLDER 512/6-7 Harris, Cuthbert. "A short outline of musical history from ancient times to the present day."
BOX-FOLDER 512/8 Smith, William Storey. "The pianoforte works of Arthur Foote."
BOX 513 Printed Books/Pamphlets, 1898-1938 and undated
BOX 513 Barbour, Florence Newell.
All in a garden fair and other verse (Lyric book). [United States]: Florence Newell Barbour, 1912 .
Inscribed to Henry R. Austin by the author, May 1, 1912.
BOX 513 Bowles, Fred. G.
Lyric books. London: The Walter Scott Publishing Company, Ltd., undated .
Lyric books: A heart's melody ; Life, love, and song ; A little rosary of song (2 copies) ; Sunshine for shadow ; Thoughts have wings ; Under the yellow moon ; White birds of song.
BOX 513 Dennée, Charles.
Musical journeys with Charles Dennée. Brookline, Massachuetts: Brookline Chronicle Publishing Company, 1938 .
BOX 513 Faelten, Carl.
Fundamental hints to teachers of music. Boston: Arthur P. Schmidt, 1898 .
BOX 513 Foote, Arthur, and Walter R. Spalding.
Modern harmony in its theory and practice. Boston: Arthur P. Schmidt Company, 1905 .
Laid in: numerous past-ups, corrections and annotated notes.
BOX 513 Lindau, Carl.
Teresita, die weisse Sklavin. Operette in 3 Akten von Carl Lindau. Musik nach Motiven von Emil Waldteufel, arrangiert von Béla von Ujj. Braunschweig: Henry Litolff's Verlag, 1914 .
Libretti (3 copies)
BOX 513 Simpson, Harold.
Lyric books. London: Privately published, 1908-1909, 1911-1912 and undated .
Lyric books: Heart's desire ; Lyrics grave and gay ; The perfect tune and other lyrics ; Songs (82 pages) ; Songs (30 pages) ; Songs at sunset.
BOX 513 Tapper, Thomas.
From Palestrina to Grieg. Boston: Arthur P. Schmidt Company, 1929 .
BOX 513 Tiplady, Thomas.
The two stars: a dream of youth (Lyric book). London: G. B. Blanchard, undated .
BOX 513 Woolard, Samuel Francis.
The beauties of friendship. Wichita, Kansas: Goldsmith-Woolard Publishing Company, 1909 .
BOX 513 Woolard, Samuel Francis.
All that's love-ly. Wichita, Kansas: Goldsmith-Woolard Publishing Company, 1909 .
BOX 513 Woodhouse, George.
The new way to finger dexterity. London: Augener, Ltd., 1932 .
BOX 514 Miscellany, 1911-1952 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 514/1 Boston City Club Bulletin, December 1916
BOX-FOLDER 514/2-3 Clippings: Biographical (Arthur P. Schmidt); Schmidt Company-related clippings (general content), 1912-1952
Contents originally housed in a 3-ring notebook.
BOX-FOLDER 514/4 Clippings: Rudolph Ganz, 1911-1912
BOX-FOLDER 514/5 Program: Loring Club Concert. Scottish Rite Auditorium, San Francisco, California, June 3, 1913
BOX-FOLDER 514/6 Program: The Nurnberg stove. A children's opera by Cora W. Jenkins. Berkeley High School Auditorium, May 24-25, 1912
BOX-FOLDER 514/7 Miscellaneous concert programs, 1851-1927 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 514/8 Mosler Safe Company. Safe combination instructions
Envelope is marked "new Mosler combination."
BOX-FOLDER 514/9 Tabard Inn Library (Boston branch). Life membership certificate, May 14, 1902
Also included: a temporary receipt issued to Arthur P. Schmidt, dated May 14, 1902.

Contents List