| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(continued) |
Correspondence to Rubinstein
BOX 1 |
Aaron, Betty - Alsop, Joseph
BOX 2 |
Amann, Thomas - Ax, Emanuel
BOX 3 |
Baade, Ursula - Bauër, Gerrard
BOX 4 |
Bean, Mrs. W. S. - Bertrand, Mercedes
Includes: Leonard Bernstein |
BOX 5 |
Bianucci, Michael - Boulanger, Nadia
BOX 6 |
Brace, Louise - Busoni Society
BOX 7 |
Cabral, Edward - CBS
Includes: Pablo Casals; Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco |
BOX 8 |
Chaba, Abraham - Van Cliburn International Quadrennial Piano Competition
BOX 9 |
Cobb, Jonathan - Czyz, Henryk
BOX 10 |
Da Costa, David - Dutilleux, Henri
Includes: Walter Damrosch; David Diamond; Marlene Dietrich |
BOX 11 |
Eadon, Nicholas - Etude
BOX 12 |
Fabbiano, Gino - Fitelberg, Gregor
Includes: Douglas Fairbanks |
BOX 13 |
Flack, Frank - Furtwängler, Florian
Includes: Leon Fleischer; Lukas Foss |
BOX 14 |
Gabor, Antony - Gimpel, Jakob
Includes: James Galway; Rudolf Ganz |
BOX 15 |
Glas, Lucia - Gordon, Ruth
Includes: Leopold Godowsky |
BOX 16 |
Grab, Nancy - Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
Includes: Cary Grant |
BOX 17 |
Haag, Hubert - Henle, Günter
Includes: Jascha Heifetz |
BOX 18 |
Hibbard, Dave - Hutcheson, Ernest
Includes: Vladimir Horowitz; Bronisław Huberman |
BOX 19 |
Ichikawa, Asamu - Iwaszkiewicz, Jarosław
BOX 20 |
Jablonski, Maria - Julliard String Quartet
BOX 21 |
Kachler, Mrs. Edward [?] - Kloiber, Herbert
Includes: Garson Kanin; Bronisław Kaper |
BOX 22 |
Knapp, Robert E. - Kubelik, Raphael
Includes: Serge Koussevitzky |
BOX 23 |
Labludovsky, Jacobo - Leventritt, Edgar M.
BOX 24 |
Libermann, Alexander - Lympany, Moura
BOX 25 |
Maack, Fritz - Mayer, Sir Robert
BOX 26 |
Mech, Mark - Mlynarski family
Includes: Yehudi Menuhin; Dimitri Mitropoulos |
BOX 27 |
Moberg, Ulla-Karin - Mycielski, Zygmunt
BOX 28 |
Nadley, Harry - Northwestern University
BOX 29 |
Ober, Harold - Ozinga, Mr. and Mrs. D.
Includes: Eugene Ormandy |
BOX 30 |
Pachl, Kevin - Pilkington, Emma
Includes: Gregory Peck; Isador Philipp |
BOX 31 |
The Plain Dealer - Quesada, Ernesto de
BOX 32 |
Rabassa, Eladio - Riverdale Country School
Includes: Basil Rathbone; Sviatoslav Richter |
BOX 33 |
Robb, Dan - Rutgers University
Includes: Artur Rodzinski; Richard Rodgers |
BOX 34 |
Sablack, Wally - Scottish National Orchestra
BOX 35 |
Seawell, Wallace - Sonning Music Foundation
BOX 36 |
Spahn, Jayme - Szymanowski, Karol
Includes: Isaac Stern; Leopold and Olga Samaroff Stokowski; George Szell |
BOX 37 |
Tacbackman, Ethelda - Tuwim, Julian
BOX 38 |
Übel, Marie-Luise - U.S.S.R
BOX 39 |
Vacations and Community Services for the Blind - Vučković, Vera
BOX 40 |
Wabersich, Enid - Weyer, Klaus Peter
Includes: Bruno Walter |
BOX 41 |
Wheatcroft, Alfred - Wurlitzer, Rudolf and Marie
BOX 42 |
Xuclá, Ramón Ma - Zuloaga, Guillermo and Anita
Includes: Pinchas Zuckerman |
BOX 48 |
Chiefly first names only |
Correspondence from Rubinstein
BOX 43 |
"A" miscellaneous - Jowitt, Lesley
BOX 44 |
"K" miscellaneous - Quintanilla, Luis
BOX 45 |
"R-Z" miscellaneous and unidentified
BOX 46-47, 49 |
Chiefly clippings and writings by Rubinstein and others. Includes a small amount of programs, interviews, and other materials. |
Arranged alphabetically by subject. |
BOX-FOLDER 49/1-28 |
Arranged by country |
BOX-FOLDER 47/1-3 |
Gifts, cards received, books signed, guests, and others |
Medical records
BOX-FOLDER 46/4, 47/4 |
Writings (by Rubinstein)
BOX-FOLDER 46/7-10, 47/5 |
Writings (by others)
Includes "An artist's wife" by Aniela Rubinstein and "La musique de l'amour, ou l'amour de la musique?", a dossier of Artur Rubinstein compiled by Sonia Urbanski |