The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Pearl Lang papers, 1908-2008
BOX 15-18, 55 Writings, 1941-2002 and undated
The Writings Series is organized into three subseries: Writings by Lang, Writings by others, and Writings in Yiddish. The series includes full periodicals, dissertations and academic essays relating to Martha Graham or Jewish dance and sent to Lang, fan poems, and drafts of books that Lang was involved with by Agnes de Mille, Daniel Nagrin, and Ernestine Stodelle. There are also several Dance Magazine articles by Tobi Tobias. Yiddish writings by others includes photocopied clippings of poetry and stories by renowned Yiddish writers Itzik Manger, I. L. Peretz, and Sholem Aleichem as well as issues of the Yiddish publication Zukunft. Both the English and Yiddish sections include full length photocopies of editions of S. Ansky’s The Dybbuk.
Arranged alphabetically by author, and by title or subject therein.
BOX 15 Writings, by Pearl Lang, undated
BOX-FOLDER 15/1 On David
BOX-FOLDER 15/2 On Esther
BOX-FOLDER 15/3 On Hasidism and Dance
BOX-FOLDER 15/4 On Judith
BOX-FOLDER 15/5-6 On Graham Repertory
BOX-FOLDER 15/7 On Tongues of Fire
BOX 15-17, 55 Writings, by others, 1946-2002 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 15/8 Altshuler, Linda. The National Jewish Monthly, page 6, February 1978
BOX-FOLDER 15/9 Alvin Ailey American Dance Center Catalog
BOX-FOLDER 15/10-11 Anski, S. [pseud.] Dybbuk. Script: Yosele Golem, by Daniel Horowitz
BOX-FOLDER 15/12 Bashevis Singer, Isaac. Nobel Laureate speech, 1992
BOX-FOLDER 15/13 Bible-Federbush, Deborah A., 1983
BOX-FOLDER 15/14 Brown, John Gracen, 1983
BOX-FOLDER 15/15 Cash, Debra. Interview with Lang; article by Cash: "Pearl Lang's vision of the Holocaust," undated
BOX-FOLDER 15/16 Chamberlain, John R. (Ernestine Stodelles's stepson). Poetry, undated
BOX-FOLDER 15/17 Committee on Research in Jewish Dance (Judith Brin Ingber), 1979
BOX-FOLDER 15/18 Copland and Graham interview, November 1999
BOX-FOLDER 15/19 Dance Magazine, April 1953
Issued with Lang appearing on cover (this copy without cover)
BOX-FOLDER 15/20 Dance Magazine, June 1975
BOX-FOLDER 15/21 Dance News, June 1953
BOX-FOLDER 15/22 Dance Observer, 1946-1962
BOX-FOLDER 15/23 Dance World, 1974
BOX-FOLDER 15/24 Delaware today, page 14, April-May 1964
BOX-FOLDER 16/1 Forward translations, 1977
BOX-FOLDER 16/2 Francis Allis Memorial, 1999
see also: Programs 1999: Memorial Program
BOX-FOLDER 16/3 Glatstein, Jacob. "Peretz and the Jewish nineteenth century," undated
BOX-FOLDER 16/4 Graham, Martha. Various articles, undated
BOX-FOLDER 16/5 Helpern, Alice. Dissertation on Graham technique, 1981
Incomplete (consists of the portions that contain references, citations, quotations of Lang)
BOX-FOLDER 16/6 Hering, Doris. "Season in review," Dance Magazine, page 6, July 1952
BOX-FOLDER 16/7 Homer, Lawrence, 1985
BOX-FOLDER 16/8 Impulse 1960, the Annual of Contemporary Dance
Annual for 1960: Dance in the screen media.
BOX-FOLDER 16/9 Impulse 1963-1964, the Annual of Contemporary Dance
Double issue of this annual publication: "International exchange in dance"
BOX-FOLDER 16/10 Ingber, Judith Brin. Questionnaire on Jewish dance in America, 1987
BOX-FOLDER 16/11 Jewish Observer. Various articles (photocopies)
BOX-FOLDER 16/12 Jospe, Raphael. Introduction to The Dance in Judaism", undated
BOX-FOLDER 16/13 Jowitt, Deborah, undated
BOX-FOLDER 16/14 Kaplan, Robert. "Music and dance, the continuing relationship", undated
BOX-FOLDER 16/15 Kurzbauer, Heather. Yale term paper, 1975
BOX-FOLDER 16/16 Lerman, Pamela Faith. Thesis: "Dance in Jewish education", 1985
see also: Business Papers: Bat-Kol Judaic Modern Dance Ensemble of Philadelphia (PA).
BOX-FOLDER 16/17 Levine, M. H. "The Song of Solomon: a dream ballet," undated
BOX-FOLDER 16/18 Lewis, Robert Mark, 1962
BOX-FOLDER 16/19 Mascall, Jennifer, 1976
BOX-FOLDER 16/20 Moment (magazine), Vol. 3, no. 4, March 1978
BOX-FOLDER 16/21 Music of the Jews in the Diaspora, undated
BOX-FOLDER 16/22 Nagrin, Daniel. "Surviving as a dancer"; other material, 1980s-1990s
BOX-FOLDER 16/23 New York University. Dance criticism student papers (Ernestine Stodelle's class), 1980
BOX-FOLDER 16/24 Ozick, Cynthia. New Yorker article: "Sholem Aleichem's revolution", 1988
BOX-FOLDER 16/25 Perlis, Vivian, 1989
BOX-FOLDER 16/26 Perper, Kay. New School course: Dance in New York City, 1978
Contents: Curriculum and articles
BOX-FOLDER 15/25 Poems by fans, undated
BOX-FOLDER 17/1 Rusinko, Michele (Arizona State University. Department of Dance), 1983
BOX-FOLDER 17/2 Sabin, Robert (Dance Observer interview), 1963
BOX-FOLDER 17/3 Shanley, J. P. (America: Television article), pages 138-140, November 1956
BOX-FOLDER 55/12 Sinclair, Stephen. Article on Labanotation, undated
BOX-FOLDER 17/4 Sorell, Walter. "The beginning of the rennaisance", undated
Excerpt of Sorell's article "Gugliemo Erbeo and the ballet"
BOX-FOLDER 17/5 Sternfeld, Judith. Dance quotes on the Bible, 1988 and undated
Collection of articles authored by Judith Sternfeld
BOX-FOLDER 17/6 Stodelle, Ernestine. "Deep song" material, 1995 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 17/7 Tabb, Leon (cousin of Pearl Lang). Family history, 1992
BOX-FOLDER 17/8 Tempo (TV Guide), 1976
Issue mentions Lang's The Possessed
BOX-FOLDER 17/9 Tobias, Tobi, 1974 and undated
Articles written by Tobias for Dance Magazine
BOX-FOLDER 17/10 "Yiddish in America" script, 2002
BOX-FOLDER 17/11 Yivo News, no. 172, 1987
BOX 17-18 Writings, by others (Yiddish), 1941-2000, and undated
BOX-FOLDER 17/12 Aleichem, Sholem. Various writings, undated
BOX-FOLDER 17/13 Anski, S. "The Dybbuk" (Yiddish script), undated
BOX-FOLDER 17/14 Fain, Yonia (Mexican-Yiddish artist/writer). Interview with Issac Bashevis Singer on his 80th birthday, undated
BOX-FOLDER 17/15 Manger, Itzik. "The book of paradise," 1983
Published in Warsaw in 1939; published in Israel in 1983
BOX-FOLDER 17/16-17 Manger, Itzik. Various writings/publications, undated
see also: Choreographic and Teaching Notes. Miscellaneous Notes: Class notes: Miscellaneous (Manger, Itzik and other Yiddish Poetry)
BOX-FOLDER 18/1 Mlotek, Yosl. Letters to Sh. Niger, 1941, 1945-1946, 2000
see also: Business Papers: Workman's Circle (Joseph Mlotek)
BOX-FOLDER 18/2 Peretz, I. L. Various writings, undated
BOX-FOLDER 18/3 We warn: The crimes must not be forgotten Holocaust pamphlet in Yiddish, 1965
Item sustained water damage prior to acquisition by the Library of Congress
BOX-FOLDER 18/4 "Yiddish music in Poland," undated
BOX-FOLDER 18/6-8 Yiddish poetry. Various authors and unidentified, undated
BOX-FOLDER 18/5 Yiddisher Kultur Farband, 1963
Yiddish magazine; pages are detached
BOX-FOLDER 18/9 Younin, Wolf. Writings, undated
BOX-FOLDER 18/10 The Zukumft (The Future). Translations, undated
BOX-FOLDER 18/11 The Zukumft (Yiddish Journal), 1972-1977
BOX-FOLDER 18/12 Zygielbojm, Shmuel. Last testament before his suicide, May 12, 1943
BOX 44-45, 54, 57 Photographs, 1978-2000, and undated
Photographs are organized into two subseries: by title of production and by type of subject matter, primarily from 1928-2008 with undated photographs at the end.
BOX 44, 54, 57 Photographs: Title of Production, undated
BOX-FOLDER 44/2 Bach rondalays
BOX-FOLDER 44/3 Brahms
BOX-FOLDER 44/4 Cantigas ladino
BOX-FOLDER 44/5 I never saw another butterfly
BOX-FOLDER 44/6, 54/3 Moonways
BOX-FOLDER 44/7 Nocturno
BOX-FOLDER 44/8 Pieces for brass
BOX-FOLDER 44/9-10, 54/2, 57/10 The Possessed
BOX-FOLDER 44/11 The Possessed
BOX-FOLDER 44/12 Prairie steps
BOX-FOLDER 44/13 Rites
BOX-FOLDER 44/1 A Seder night ; Apasionada
BOX-FOLDER 44/14 Shirah
BOX-FOLDER 44/15-16 Shirah
BOX-FOLDER 44/17 Shirah
BOX-FOLDER 44/18 Tongues of fire
BOX-FOLDER 44/19 Voices of fire
BOX 45, 57, 57 Photographs: Subject, 1978, 1992-2000 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/1 Headshots, undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/2 Teaching, undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/3 Pearl Lang (unidentified performances), undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/4 Awards and speeches, undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/5 I. L. Peretz Schools of the Workman's Circle Awards Ceremony, 1978
BOX-FOLDER 45/6-7, 57/9 Martha Graham, undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/8 Joseph Wiseman, undated
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