The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Pearl Lang papers, 1908-2008
Photographs, 1978-2000, and undated (continued)
Photographs: Title of Production, undated (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 44/18 Tongues of fire
BOX-FOLDER 44/19 Voices of fire
BOX 45, 57, 57 Photographs: Subject, 1978, 1992-2000 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/1 Headshots, undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/2 Teaching, undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/3 Pearl Lang (unidentified performances), undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/4 Awards and speeches, undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/5 I. L. Peretz Schools of the Workman's Circle Awards Ceremony, 1978
BOX-FOLDER 45/6-7, 57/9 Martha Graham, undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/8 Joseph Wiseman, undated
Wiseman as actor.
BOX-FOLDER 45/9 Personal photographs of Lang and family, undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/10 Personal photographs, 1992, 1997-1998, and undated
BOX-FOLDER 45/11 Personal photographs, 1996
BOX-FOLDER 45/12 Personal photographs, 2000
BOX-FOLDER 45/13 Photographs of others (unidentified), undated
BOX-FOLDER 57/11 Miscellaneous Photographs, undated
BOX 45-53, 58 Music, 1908-1975, and undated
Chiefly manuscript and printed music scores, many used for choreography of Pearl Lang. Some manuscripts include cues, annotations, and choreographic notes. Scores published by the Japanese Federation of Composers in 1971 are prevalent. Also included are song lyrics in Yiddish as well as translations to English of lyrics in other languages. For Lang's informal jottings of names of recordings and compositions that she found of interest, see instead the Music Notes subseries within the Writings series.
Where known, arranged alphabetically by composer and alphabetically by work title therein. Song lyrics, a file with multiple composers, and unidentified manuscripts are described at the end of the series.
BOX 46-53, 58 Music Scores, 1908-1975, and undated
BOX-FOLDER 46/1 Akutagawa, Yasushi. Concerto ostinato per v'cello ed Orchestra, 1971
Full score; 117 p.
Published by the Japanese Federation of Composers
BOX-FOLDER 46/2 Bacewicz, Grażyna. Muzyka na smyczki trąbki i perkusje [Music for trumpets, strings, and percussion], 1958
Printed score
Laid-in letter from SESAC and hand-written note
BOX-FOLDER 46/3 Bach, Johann Sebastian. Fugue in C Major for Toccata, Adagio, and Fugue, undated
Photocopied excerpt of published score; 4 p.
Lightly annotated in pencil and pen with tempo and cues
BOX-FOLDER 46/4 Bach, Johann Sebastian. Partitas for the Piano, Book 1, 1908
Published score; 51 p.
Schirmer's Library of Musical Classics, Vol. 20
Annotations in pencil, ink, and colored pencil
BOX-FOLDER 46/5 Bach, Johann Sebastian. Seven Toccatas, [1946]
Published score; 71 p.
Kalmas Piano Series
Annotations in penciland colored pencil
Page of music from another work laid in
BOX-FOLDER 46/6 Bach, Johann Sebastian. Short Preludes and Fugues for the Piano, 1908
Published score; 51 p.
Schirmer's Library of Musical Classics, Vol. 15
Annotations in pencil
BOX-FOLDER 46/7 Barber, Samuel. Excursions for the Piano, 1945
Printed score; 22 p.
Lightly annotated in pencil
BOX-FOLDER 46/8 Bartók, Béla. Mikrokosmos, 1940
Two copies; printed scores; 55 p.
Annotated pages 16-19 in both copies
BOX-FOLDER 46/9 Bartók, Béla. Unidentified violin part, opus 17
Printed score excerpt; 10 p.
Annotated and taped
BOX-FOLDER 47/1 Copland, Aaron. Sonata for violin and piano, 1944
Published score and violin part
Lightly annotated for tempo and choreography cue on pages 8 and 12
BOX-FOLDER 47/2 Dahl, Ingolf. Concerto a tré for clarinet, violin, and cello, 1952
Published score; 24 p.
BOX-FOLDER 47/3 Etler, Alvin. Concerto for brass quintet, string orchestra, and percussion, 1967
Published score, stamped "review copy"; 73 p.
Annotated, with hand-written notes on performance edits in ink, laid in on back cover
BOX-FOLDER 47/4 Feldman, Morton. Legend, 1951
Holograph full score, 39 p.
Used for first version of Pearl Lang's dance adaptation of The Dybbuk, later revised with different music and titled The Possessed
Music and choreography annotations
BOX-FOLDER 47/5 Feldman, Morton. [Legend], 1951
Piano rehearsal score [bound]; 8 p.
Heavily annotated and edited
BOX-FOLDER 47/6 Feldman, Morton. [Legend], 1951
Piano rehearsal score with transparency page laid in; 7 p.
Profusely annotated and edited
BOX-FOLDER 47/7 Feldman, Morton. [Legend], 1951
Piano rehearsal score [transparencies]; 8 p.
Some annotations.
BOX-FOLDER 47/8 Feldman, Morton. [Legend], 1951
Score for flute, trumpet, cello; 3 copies; 12 p.
On cover: To Grammy
BOX-FOLDER 47/9 Feldman, Morton. [Legend], 1951
Parts; 41 p.
Some annotations as well as edits to score pasted in
BOX-FOLDER 47/10 Fine, Irving. String quartet, 1953
Published score; 35 p.
BOX-FOLDER 47/11 Fujii, Bondai. Nine Songs for female chorus and koto [stringed instrument], 1971
Published score; 26 p.
Published by the Japanese Federation of Composers
BOX-FOLDER 48/1 Glick, Srul Irving. On a sunny evening
The Butterfly, undated
Score and text excerpts
Poetry and narrative texts by Petr Fischl, Pavel Friedmann, and an anonymous writer set to music by Srul Irving Glick
Includes a hand-written note (Lang?)
BOX-FOLDER 48/2 Hirai, Kozaburo Y. Three Caprices for violin solo, 1971
Published score; 9 p.
Published by the Japanese Federation of Composers
BOX-FOLDER 48/3 Hirai, Takeichiro. Poem for piano solo, 1971
Published score; 11 p.
Published by the Japanese Federation of Composers
BOX-FOLDER 48/4 Hirano, Junichi. Three Movements for piano, 1971
Published score; 19 p.
Published by the Japanese Federation of Composers
BOX-FOLDER 48/5 Horst, Louis. Graduation piece, [1937?]
Holograph piano score; 6 p.
On cover and first page: Choreography by Peark Lack
Lightly annotated in pencil and colored pencil
BOX-FOLDER 48/6 Hovhaness, Alan. Achtamar, 1953
Published piano score; 8 p.
On cover: handwritten "Pearl Lang's copy"
Lightly annotated with music and choreography notes
BOX-FOLDER 48/7 Hovhaness, Alan. Anahid, Fantasy for Chamber Orchestra, opus 57, 1946
Published score; 77 p.
BOX-FOLDER 48/8 Hovhaness, Alan. Fantasy, 1938
Printed piano score; 7 p.
Limited manuscript edition of holograph score
BOX-FOLDER 48/9 Hovhaness, Alan. Hymn to a celestial musician, 1958
Published piano score; 2 p.
On cover: handwritten "Pearl Lang's copy"
Annotated with music and choreography notes
BOX-FOLDER 48/10 Hovhaness, Alan. Khaldis, Concerto for piano, trumpets and percussion, opus 91, 1953
Published score; 46 p.
On cover: handwritten "Pearl Lang's copy"
BOX-FOLDER 48/11 Hovhaness, Alan. October Mountain for percussion sextet, opus 135, 1957
Score and parts; 24 p.
Annotated with music and choreography notes
BOX-FOLDER 48/12 Hovhaness, Alan. Pastoral No. 1, 1958
Published piano score with additional paste-in music
Pasted-in music excerpts from other sources and taped changes to published score
Annotated with choreographic notes for Pearl Lang's choreography Black Marigold
On cover: Pearl Lang's copy
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