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Katherine Dunham collection, 1920-2006

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BOX 10-12, 15, 31-32 Correspondence, 1940-2006
Informal and official letters, faxes, notes and cards, along with occasional laid-in items. Where the correspondent is not fully identified, as in fan mail or holiday cards, these missives are grouped together.
Arranged alphabetically by organization or last name, or grouped among a type of informal correspendence as in fan mail or invitations that were largely unanswered.
BOX-FOLDER 10/1 Aikens, Vanoye, 2002
3 items
Includes 1 black-and-white photo
BOX-FOLDER 10/2 Anglade, Carol, 1999
3 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/3 Aschenbrenner, Joyce, 2001-2003
21 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/4 Avalos, Ricardo, 1977
2 items
BOX-FOLDER 32/1-6 Birthday cards, 2004-2005, and undated
128 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/5 Blount, Lee, Jr., 2000-2003
3 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/6 Brisco, F. Merlyn [Florence], 1940
1 item
BOX-FOLDER 10/7 Brooks, John, 1999
2 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/8 Brown, Edward L., undated
1 item
BOX-FOLDER 10/9 Bush, George W., 2000
1 item
BOX-FOLDER 10/10 Carrier, Raymond, 2004
4 items
BOX-FOLDER 12/9 Clinton, William Jefferson [Bill], 2000-2001
2 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/11 Cochran, Johnnie, undated
2 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/12 Colastin, Phenel, 2001
2 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/13 Dance Notation Bureau, 2003
1 item
BOX-FOLDER 10/14 Davies, Sarah, 2001
2 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/15 De Laurentiis, Dino, 2002
2 items
Mambo and Botte e risposta clips for documentary
BOX-FOLDER 15/13 de Rougemont, Christiane de Rongemont, undated
1 photo
BOX-FOLDER 10/16 Demby, Dorothy, 2002
4 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/17 de Mille, Agnes, 1977
2 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/18 Denison University, 1991
1 item
BOX-FOLDER 10/19 Eastman, Hal, undated
1 item
BOX-FOLDER 10/20 Eichenbaum, Rose, 2003
2 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/21 Einaudi, Luigi, undated
4 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/22 Email messages, 2002-2005
6 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/23 Fan mail, 2000-2006
60 items
Includes 6 photos
BOX-FOLDER 10/24 Farrakhan, Louis, 2003-2004
4 items
BOX-FOLDER 11/8 Field, Roland, 1940
1 item
BOX-FOLDER 10/25 Fischer, Alfred, 1940-1941, and undated
6 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/26 Geoffrion, Charles A. and Moira Mari, 1977
2 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/27 Herzog-Bazin, Eileen, 2002, and undated
3 items
BOX-FOLDER 31/1-8 Holiday cards, 1999-2005, and undated
253 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/28 Ingram, James, 2004
1 item
BOX-FOLDER 10/29 Invitations, 1996-2005
36 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/30 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 2001
2 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/31 Jones, Rebecca, 2000
3 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/32 Kennedy, Edward, 2002
1 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/33 Kerrey, Bob 2003
1 item
New School University honorary doctorate
BOX-FOLDER 10/34 Latortue, Ge'rard, 2005
1 item
BOX-FOLDER 10/35 Le Conte, Roger, 1977
2 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/36 Lescot, Elie, 2003
2 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/37 Lloyd, C. H., 1999
2 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/38 Lwasa, Catherine, 2000
1 item
BOX-FOLDER 10/39 McClelland, Lucille 1977
1 item
BOX-FOLDER 10/40 Mother's Day cards, 2001-2004
22 items
BOX-FOLDER 10/42 Murray, James Briggs, 1990
1 item
Schomberg Center event
BOX-FOLDER 11/1 Museum of the African Diaspora, 2004
2 items
BOX-FOLDER 12/10 Myers Brown, Joan, 2004
2 items
BOX-FOLDER 12/11 Nash, Joe, undated
2 items
BOX-FOLDER 11/2 Notes and cards, 2000-2006
57 items
BOX-FOLDER 11/3 Parks, Trina Frazier, undated
5 items
BOX-FOLDER 12/13 Placht, Lynn, 2004
8 items
BOX-FOLDER 11/4 Port au Prince Ladies Committee (Haiti?), 1977
1 item
BOX-FOLDER 11/5 Powell, Colin, 2003-2004
4 items
BOX-FOLDER 11/6 Pratt, Marie Christine Dunham [daughter] 1977
4 items
BOX-FOLDER 11/7 Rangel, Charles, 2000-2005
11 items
BOX-FOLDER 11/9 Sanchez, Edie, 2002
1 item
BOX-FOLDER 11/10 Scott, Marjorie, 2000
6 items
BOX-FOLDER 11/11 Speier, Jeanne 2006
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