The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Alfred Drake papers, 1892-2004
Music, 1911-1984 (continued)
BOX 32-35, 37 Individual Songs, 1911-1974
BOX-FOLDER 32/1-20, 37/14-16 A-I
BOX-FOLDER 33/1-18, 37/17-18 I-N
BOX-FOLDER 34/1-16, 37/19-23 O-S
BOX-FOLDER 35/1-17, 37/24-26 S-Y
BOX 18-20 Clippings, 1935-1983
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 18-20 Newspaper and magazine articles and reviews for theater, radio, film, and concert productions relating to Drake, 1935-1983
BOX 36, 38-42 Scrapbooks, 1938-1968
Bound and unbound volumes of clippings, articles, programs, and other items detailing Drake's career.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX-FOLDER 38/17 Unbound scrapbook, 1938-1944
Contains clippings and programs.
BOX 40 Bound scrapbook, 1939-1946
Contains press clippings, programs, and articles.
BOX 42 Large bound scrapbook, 1943-1946
Contains clippings and reviews.
BOX-FOLDER 38/18 Unbound scrapbook, 1954-1958
Contains clippings.
BOX 36 Bound scrapbook, 1955-1956
Contains clippings, reviews, and articles.
BOX 41 Bound scrapbook, 1961-1962
Contains clippings, programs, reviews, and articles.
BOX 39 National Lyric Arts Theatre Foundation, Inc. bound scrapbook, 1968
Contains clippings, reviews, programs, and articles.
BOX 17, 35, 38, 41 Miscellany, 1918-1981
Includes Drake's British Actors' Equity card, caricatures and sketches, and his Brooklyn College commencement program.
BOX-FOLDER 17/11-12 Personal and theatrical documents, 1918, 1936, 1955
BOX-FOLDER 35/17 Theatre Hall of Fame certificate, 1981
BOX-FOLDER 38/19-20 Reproductions of early 1820s broadsides, caricatures and sketches of Drake by actor Bill Hayes, and illustrations by actor Winters Roland, 1958, 1971
BOX 41 Commemorative paperweight

Contents List