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Alfred Drake papers, 1892-2004

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Scripts, 1936-1990 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 8/6 The Promised Valley, 1947
BOX-FOLDER 8/7-9 Rehearsal for Murder, 1984
Written by Alfred Drake.
BOX-FOLDER 9/1-4 The Royal Rape of Ruari Macasmunde, 1973
BOX-FOLDER 9/5-7, 10/1 Rugantino, 1963
English version by Alfred Drake.
Includes correspondence and additional production materials.
BOX-FOLDER 10/2 The Skin of Our Teeth, 1975
BOX-FOLDER 10/3 Sing Out, Sweet Land, 1944
BOX-FOLDER 10/4-7, 11/1-4 Sixes and Sevens, 1984
Written by Alfred Drake.
BOX-FOLDER 11/5 Sparks Fly Upward, 1957
BOX-FOLDER 16/4 This Is the Life, circa 1953
Portions of annotated scripts from a BBC television show.
BOX-FOLDER 11/6 The Two Bouquets, 1938
BOX-FOLDER 11/7-8 Virtue Rewarded, 1980
English version by Edward Eager and Alfred Drake.
BOX-FOLDER 12/1 Waltz Down the Aisle, 1954
BOX-FOLDER 12/2 The Wanderer, 1954
BOX-FOLDER 12/3 White Horse Inn, 1936
BOX-FOLDER 12/4 Yesterday's Magic, 1942
Title crossed out: The Light of the Heart.
BOX 13, 35, 38 Photographs, 1892-1982
Mostly photographs, with a small number of contact sheets and negatives. Primarily formal portraits of Alfred Drake and publicity photographs of Drake and cast members from theater, radio, television, film, and the recording studio. Also includes photographs of Drake and others at various events and social occasions, and some family photographs.
Arranged by subject.
BOX-FOLDER 13/1-8, 38/1-6 Alfred Drake, alone, 1930s-1980s
BOX-FOLDER 13/9-10 Alfred Drake, with other people
BOX-FOLDER 13/11 Joe's restaurant and the Capurro family (Drake's family), undated
BOX-FOLDER 13/12-35, 35/15-16, 38/7-15 Publicity photographs, 1944-1982
Drake and cast members in theater, radio, television, and film productions; and in the recording studio. Includes correspondence and promotional and production materials.
BOX-FOLDER 13/36 Otis Skinner as Henry VIII, 1892
BOX-FOLDER 13/37 Contact sheets
BOX-FOLDER 13/38-40 Negatives
BOX 14-15, 17, 38 Programs, 1935-2004
Programs for theater productions, the concert stage, and special events in which Alfred Drake appeared.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX-FOLDER 14/1 1930s
BOX-FOLDER 14/2, 17/8 1940s
BOX-FOLDER 14/3, 17/8 1950s
BOX-FOLDER 14/4-5, 17/8, 38/16 1960s
BOX-FOLDER 14/6-8, 17/8 1970s
BOX-FOLDER 15/1-2 1980s
BOX-FOLDER 15/3 2004
BOX-FOLDER 15/4 Undated
BOX-FOLDER 15/5 Souvenir programs
BOX 16 Correspondence, 1952-1989
Chiefly professional correspondence to and from Alfred Drake relating to various theatrical productions and topics. Includes some items of a more personal nature.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX-FOLDER 16/5-6 1952-1989, undated
BOX 17 Writings, 1916-1980
Primarily writings by and about Alfred Drake, with a few miscellaneous writings by others. Includes Drake's lecture notes, essays on various theatrical topics, notes and drafts for public presentations, portions of annotated scripts, and his This I Believe radio script.
BOX-FOLDER 17/1-5 Writings by Alfred Drake, 1932-1980
BOX-FOLDER 17/6 Writings about Alfred Drake, 1956, undated
BOX-FOLDER 17/7 Writings by others, 1916, 1948, undated
BOX 17 Production Documents, 1949-1982
Portions of annotated scripts, props inventory, promotional materials, notes, outlines, and summaries for theatrical, radio, and television productions.
BOX-FOLDER 17/9-10 Miscellaneous documents, 1949-1982
BOX 21-35, 37 Music, 1911-1984
Manuscript scores and printed sheet music for works from musicals in which Drake starred, and for songs that Drake may have sung in other venues. Some items are annotated.
Arranged in two subseries: Musicals and Individual Songs. Materials are organized alphabetically therein by title of show and song title, respectively.
BOX 21-31, 37 Musicals, 1938-1984
BOX-FOLDER 21/1-7, 22/1-2, 37/1-2 The Adventures of Marco Polo, 1956
Piano-conductor score, piano-vocal scores, parts, and lead sheets
Contents: Beyond the Sunrise, Epilogue, Population, and Who, Me?
BOX-FOLDER 22/3-14 Beggar's Holiday, 1946
Piano-vocal scores
Contents: Change My Plans, Change My Ways, Finale-1st Act, I Got Me, In Between, Marshmallow, No One but You, Take It Easy, and Women, Women, Women.
BOX-FOLDER 22/15-26, 23/1-10 Courtin' Time, 1951
Piano-conductor scores, piano-vocal scores, guitar-vocal scores, and choral scores
Contents: Choose Your Partner; Crackerbarrel Bunk; Goodbye, Dear Friend, Goodbye!; Harriet's Song; Hat in Hand; How Long the Night; Johnny-Ride-The-Sky; Maine Will Remember the Maine!; Masculinity; My Golden Moment; Opening Act II; Smile a While; Weathervane Concerto; and The Wishbone Song.
BOX-FOLDER 23/11-14 Cyrano de Bergerac (not produced)
Piano-vocal scores
Contents: I'll Stand Alone, Interrupted Narrative and Finaletto, and The Last of Love.
BOX-FOLDER 23/15-26 Jekyll and Hyde, 1968
Piano-vocal scores and lead sheets
Contents: A Better Man, Experiment, I Bought a Bicycle, I Was Wrong, In a Far Off Corner of My Mind, My Conscience is Clear, My World, No Ordinary Day, Nothing Like a Spot of Tea, Our Time Together, and The Same Hands.
BOX-FOLDER 24/1-21 Kean, 1961
Piano-conductor scores and piano-vocal scores
Contents: Amsterdam, Apology, Civilized People, Elena, The End and All, The Fog and the Grog, Impromptu, Let's Improvise, Man and Shadow, New Impromptu, Service for Service, Shadowplay, Sweet Danger, Swept Away, and To Look Upon My Love.
BOX-FOLDER 25/1-16, 26/1-4 Kismet, 1953
Piano-conductor scores, piano-vocal scores, and lead sheets
Contents: And This Is My Beloved, Bored, Fate, Gesticulate, My Beloved, My Magic Lamp, The Oasis of Delightful Imaginings, The Olive Tree, Rahadlakum, Rhymes Have I, and Sands of Time.
BOX-FOLDER 26/5-13, 27/1-9, 37/3-5 Kiss Me Kate, 1948
Piano-conductor scores, piano-vocal scores, parts, and lead sheets
Contents: Another Op'nin' Another Show, First Act Finale - Kiss Me Kate, Great Fun the First Time, I've Come to Wive it Wealthily in Padua, Second Act - Shrew Finale, So in Love, Were Thine That Special Face, Where Is the Life That Late I Led?, and Wunderbar.
BOX-FOLDER 27/10-16 The Liar, 1950
Piano-vocal scores
Contents: Balcony Song; Finale Act I, Part II; Lack-A-Day; Out of Sight, Out of Mind; Passing By; Serenade Act I; and What's In a Name?
BOX-FOLDER 28/1-15 The Liberty Tree (not produced), 1984
Piano-vocal scores
Contents: Boston Tea, Debby, Fine-Pretty Words, Here Today, I Am a Peaceful Man, If I'd as Much Money, In Our House, Jest a Man an' a Woman, Over the Hills, Never Love a Stranger, On a Horse, Over the Hills, Sometime ... Never, When a Girl Marries, and Women Talk.
BOX-FOLDER 37/6-13 On a Clear Day You Can See Forever, 1980
Piano-conductor scores
Contents: Come Back to Me, Go to Sleep, Melinda, On a Clear Day You Can Forever, and She Wasn't You.
BOX-FOLDER 28/16-24 The Two Bouquets, 1938
Piano-vocal scores
Contents: Against the Stream; The Bashful Lover; Finale: the Fireworks; Her Lily White Hand; How Can We Bring the Old Folk Round; Kissing; Oh, the Regatta; What Can I Do?; and Yes or No.
BOX-FOLDER 28/25-32, 29/1-29, 30/1-20, 31/1-21 Zenda, 1963
Piano-conductor scores and piano-vocal scores
Contents include: Alone at Night, Artists, Athena's Dance, A Bird that Never Learned to Fly, Born at Last, Bounce, Breakfast for Two, Charming Waltz, Command Performance, The Elusive Mr. Rassendyl, Enchanting Girls, Festive March, A Girl for Every Day of the Week, Here and There, I Wonder What He Meant by That, Let Her Not Be Beautiful, Love is the Worst Possible Thing, Magic Music, My Heart Has Come a'Tumblin' Down, My Royal Majesty, The Night is Filled with Wonderful Sounds, No Ifs - No Ands - No Buts, No More Love, Old Friend, One Night Ago, Queen Mother's Crossover, A Royal Confession, There's Room for Her, Tour de Force, Verdi Duo, Waltz Fantasy, Wedding March, When You Stop and Think, A Whole Lot of Happy, Why Not?, Wonderful Sounds, Words, Yesterdays Forgotten, and Zenda.
BOX 32-35, 37 Individual Songs, 1911-1974
BOX-FOLDER 32/1-20, 37/14-16 A-I
BOX-FOLDER 33/1-18, 37/17-18 I-N
BOX-FOLDER 34/1-16, 37/19-23 O-S
BOX-FOLDER 35/1-17, 37/24-26 S-Y
BOX 18-20 Clippings, 1935-1983
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 18-20 Newspaper and magazine articles and reviews for theater, radio, film, and concert productions relating to Drake, 1935-1983
BOX 36, 38-42 Scrapbooks, 1938-1968
Bound and unbound volumes of clippings, articles, programs, and other items detailing Drake's career.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX-FOLDER 38/17 Unbound scrapbook, 1938-1944
Contains clippings and programs.
BOX 40 Bound scrapbook, 1939-1946
Contains press clippings, programs, and articles.
BOX 42 Large bound scrapbook, 1943-1946
Contains clippings and reviews.
BOX-FOLDER 38/18 Unbound scrapbook, 1954-1958
Contains clippings.
BOX 36 Bound scrapbook, 1955-1956
Contains clippings, reviews, and articles.
BOX 41 Bound scrapbook, 1961-1962
Contains clippings, programs, reviews, and articles.
BOX 39 National Lyric Arts Theatre Foundation, Inc. bound scrapbook, 1968
Contains clippings, reviews, programs, and articles.
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