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Benjamin Garber papers, 1916-2009

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BOX 5, 7 Photographs, 1916-1975
169 items
Chiefly images that document Martha Graham and her dance company. Subjects and photographers for Choreographic Works are identified if known.
Arranged in three subseries. Choreographic Works are arranged alphabetically by title. Other subseries are organized chronologically.
Choreographic Works, 1916-1968
BOX-FOLDER 5/1-3 Acrobats of God, 1960, undated
12 black-and-white photographs
Subjects: Martha Graham, Mary Hinkson, Linda Hodes, Ethel Winter, Akiko Kanda, David Wood, and others
Photographers: Sam Falk, Ron Protas, Martha Swope
BOX-FOLDER 5/4 Alcestis, 1960
3 black-and-white photographs
Subjects: Martha Graham and others
Photographer: Martha Swope
BOX-FOLDER 5/5-6 Clytemnestra, 1958, undated
11 black-and-white photographs
Subjects: Martha Graham and others
Photographers: Martha Swope, unknown
BOX-FOLDER 5/7 Embattled Garden, 1958?
1 black-and-white photograph
Subjects: Paul Taylor, Mary Hinkson, Bertram Ross, and Matt Turney
Photographer: Martha Swope
BOX-FOLDER 5/8 Errand into the Maze, 1940s
4 contact sheets
Subjects: Martha Graham and other dancer
Photographer: unknown
Note: Possibly shot for Look Magazine after the premiere of Errand into the Maze
BOX-FOLDER 5/9 Night Journey, undated
1 black-and-white photograph
Subjects: Martha Graham and other dancer
Photographer: unknown
BOX-FOLDER 5/10 Phaedra, 1962
1 black-and-white photograph
Subjects: Martha Graham and Bertram Ross
Photographer: Martha Swope
BOX-FOLDER 5/11 Secular Games, circa 1962
1 black-and-white photograph
Subjects: Martha Graham Dance Company
Photographer: unknown
BOX-FOLDER 5/12 A Study in Lacquer, 1926
1 picture postcard
Photographer: Nickolas Muray
Note: Issued by the George Eastman Museum; postcard date for photograph is incorrect
BOX-FOLDER 5/13 A Time of Snow, 1968
1 black-and-white photograph
Photographer: Ron Protas
BOX-FOLDER 5/14 Martha Graham at Denishawn Company, circa 1916
2 photographs; notecard; 2 enlarged scans
Photographer: unknown
Note: Costumed for unidentified Denishawn work
Note: Folder includes notecard transmittal of photographs to Garber; enlargements are annotated by Garber
BOX-FOLDER 5/15 Unidentified work, undated
1 black-and-white photograph
Subjects: Martha Graham Dance Company
Photographer: Martha Swope
BOX-FOLDER 5/16 Unidentified work, undated
2 black-and-white photographs
Photographer: Ron Protas
BOX-FOLDER 7/3-4 Unidentified works, undated
5 photographs
Photographer: Walter Strate Studio
Martha Graham: Professional, 1951-1970s
Portraits of Martha Graham alone and with others; Graham with professional associates and friends at locations relating to performing arts, including receptions, galas, publicity events, and meetings
BOX-FOLDER 5/17 Martha Graham headshot, 1951
3 photographs
Photographer: Angus McBean
BOX-FOLDER 5/18 Martha Graham, with Helen Keller, Polly Thompson, Robert Helpmann, and Guthrie McClintock, circa 1954
1 black-and-white photograph
Note: Inscribed by Helen Keller
BOX-FOLDER 5/19 Martha Graham, with Sol Hurok, 1962
1 item
Note: At Metropolitan Opera
BOX-FOLDER 5/20 Martha Graham, with Agnes de Mille and Glen Tetley, 1966
1 photocopy of photograph
Note: Annotated by Garber
BOX-FOLDER 5/21 Martha Graham in makeup by Benjamin Garber, 1968
2 items
BOX-FOLDER 5/22 Martha Graham with company members, Benjamin Garber, and others, 1968?
6 black-and-white photographs
Subjects: Martha Graham, Mary Hinkson, Helen McGehee, Ron Protas, others
Photographer: unknown
Location: Mexico City
BOX-FOLDER 5/23-24 Martha Graham alone and with Benjamin Garber, 1960s, and undated
4 black-and-white photographs; contact sheet photocopies, 8 p.
Photographer: Cecil Beaton
Laid in: 1997-1998 correspondence between Martha Merz and Sotheby's regarding one Graham and Garber photograph
BOX-FOLDER 5/25 Martha Graham with Benjamin Garber, 1960?
1 black-and-white photograph
Note: Party photograph
BOX-FOLDER 5/26 Martha Graham, with Benjamin Garber and Loretta Young, 1960s?
1 photocopy of photograph
Note: Annotated by Garber
BOX-FOLDER 5/27 Martha Graham Headshot, 1975
1 color photograph
Photographer: L. Arnold Weissberger?
BOX-FOLDER 5/28 Martha Graham alone, undated
11 prints; negative
Photographer: Martha Swope
Location: Garber and Kennedy's New York City apartment, Beekman Place
BOX-FOLDER 5/29-36 Martha Graham alone, undated
13 prints; 4 contact sheets; 2 negatives
Photographer: Martha Swope
Locations: various, including homes of Garber; some are costumed for unidentified works
BOX-FOLDER 7/5 Martha Graham alone, undated
9 headshots
Photographers: Walter Strate Studio
Martha Graham: Personal, 1954-1975
Martha Graham in informal situations, particularly at Garber's homes, at restaurants, or tourist sites
BOX-FOLDER 5/37-38, 7/6 Martha Graham alone and with Takako Asakawa, 1967
12 photographs
Visiting Cross River; visiting Stone Henge
BOX-FOLDER 5/39-42, 7/7 Martha Graham with Benjamin Garber and others, 1967
13 photographs
Sites and restaurants in Lisbon, Portugal, and Madrid, Spain, during the 1967 European tour
BOX-FOLDER 7/6 Martha Graham with Benjamin Garber and others, 1967
3 photographs
BOX-FOLDER 5/43-45 Martha Graham with Benjamin Garber, and others, 1970
17 photographs
Location: Garber and Kennedy's home Cross River
BOX-FOLDER 5/46 Martha Graham with Benjamin Garber and others, 1972
7 items
In the "Blue Room" at Cross River
BOX-FOLDER 5/47 Martha Graham with Bethsabee de Rothschild, 1972
2 prints
At Cross River
BOX-FOLDER 5/48 Martha Graham with William Kennedy ("Bill") and others, 1972
3 prints
Picnic at Boscobel
BOX-FOLDER 5/49 Martha Graham with Benjamin Garber and Lilly Daché, undated
3 prints
At Garber and Kennedy's Manhattan home
BOX 6-8 Clippings and Articles, 1947-2000s
185 items
Newspaper columns and articles, reviews, and essays about Martha Graham and the Martha Graham Dance Company. Most plentiful are clippings during the years of Garber's closest association with Graham, the 1960s and 1970s.
Arranged chronologically by decade.
BOX-FOLDER 7/8, 8/1 1940s
Note: Includes 1947 New Yorker article featuring Martha Graham
BOX-FOLDER 6/1, 7/9 1950s
BOX-FOLDER 6/2-3, 7/10-12 1960s
BOX-FOLDER 6/4-5, 7/13-14 1970s
BOX-FOLDER 6/6, 7/15-16 1980s
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