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David Diamond papers, 1915-2003

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Correspondence, 1928-2000 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 64/2 Spivakovsky, Tossy
BOX-FOLDER 64/2 Spofford, Grace
BOX-FOLDER 64/2 Sprince, Samuel
BOX-FOLDER 64/2 Srista Trio
BOX-FOLDER 64/2 St. James Press
BOX-FOLDER 64/2 St. John, David
BOX-FOLDER 64/2 St. John Fisher College
BOX-FOLDER 64/2 St. Martin's Press
BOX-FOLDER 64/2 Stam, Mrs. Ellis
BOX-FOLDER 64/2-3 Stamp, Jack and Laurie
BOX-FOLDER 64/3 Stanhope, William
BOX-FOLDER 64/3 Stanton, Daisy
BOX-FOLDER 64/3 Stare, Ward
BOX-FOLDER 64/3 Starer, Robert
BOX-FOLDER 64/3 Stark, Louis
BOX-FOLDER 64/3 Stark, Lucas
BOX-FOLDER 64/4 Starker, James
BOX-FOLDER 64/4 Starkie, Enid
BOX-FOLDER 64/4 Starrett, Scott
BOX-FOLDER 64/4 The State University College at Potsdam, New York
BOX-FOLDER 64/4 State University of New York
BOX-FOLDER 64/4 State University of New York at Buffalo
BOX-FOLDER 64/4 State University of New York: College at Geneseo
BOX-FOLDER 64/4 Steber, Eleanor
BOX-FOLDER 64/4 Steegmuller, Francis
BOX-FOLDER 64/4 Stefan, Paul
BOX-FOLDER 64/4 Steffen, Pat
BOX-FOLDER 64/4 Steidl, Scott and Mary
BOX-FOLDER 64/5 Stein, Leonard
BOX-FOLDER 64/5 Steiner, Christian
BOX-FOLDER 64/5 Sterling, Friede
see also Rothe, Friede
BOX-FOLDER 64/5 Sterling, Pamela
BOX-FOLDER 64/5 Stern, Adam and Lisa
BOX-FOLDER 64/5 Stern, Arthur
BOX-FOLDER 64/5 Stern, Donald
BOX-FOLDER 64/5 Stern, Hazel
BOX-FOLDER 64/5-6 Stern, Herbert
BOX-FOLDER 64/6 Stern, Isaac and Vera (and David, Michael, and Shira)
BOX-FOLDER 64/6 Sternberg, Jonathan and Ursula
BOX-FOLDER 64/6 Sternberg, Peter
BOX-FOLDER 64/6 Stetson University
BOX-FOLDER 64/6 Stevens, Claudia
BOX-FOLDER 64/6 Stevens, Roger
BOX-FOLDER 65/1 Stevenson, Alice
BOX-FOLDER 65/1 Stewart, Donald
BOX-FOLDER 65/1 Stewart, Helen
BOX-FOLDER 65/1 Stewart, Jack
BOX-FOLDER 65/1 Stewart, Marion
BOX-FOLDER 65/1 Stewart, Robert and Marjorie (and Samantha)
BOX-FOLDER 65/1 Stewart, Susan
BOX-FOLDER 65/1 Stickney, Jean
BOX-FOLDER 65/1 Stiles, Tom
BOX-FOLDER 65/1 Still, Alexa
BOX-FOLDER 65/1 Still, Tamara
BOX-FOLDER 65/1 Stiller, Matthew
BOX-FOLDER 65/1 Stimer, David
BOX-FOLDER 65/2 Stirt, Sonia
BOX-FOLDER 65/2 Stock, Ann
BOX-FOLDER 65/2 Stock, Frederick
BOX-FOLDER 65/2 Stoddard, John
BOX-FOLDER 65/2 Stodelle, Ernestine
BOX-FOLDER 65/2 Stokes, James and Sylvia
BOX-FOLDER 65/2 Stokowski, Leopold
BOX-FOLDER 65/2 Stoloff, Morris
BOX-FOLDER 65/2 Stone, Desmond
BOX-FOLDER 65/2 Stone, Grace
BOX-FOLDER 65/2 Stoner, Mrs. George
BOX-FOLDER 65/2 Stonzek, Morris
BOX-FOLDER 65/2 Stratas, Teresa
BOX-FOLDER 65/2 Strathmore's Who's Who
BOX-FOLDER 65/2 Stravinsky, Igor and Vera
BOX-FOLDER 65/3 Stravinsky, Robert
BOX-FOLDER 65/3 Strilko, Anthony
see also Apollo Music Services
BOX-FOLDER 65/3-4 Stringham, Edward
BOX-FOLDER 65/4 Strong, Jane
BOX-FOLDER 65/4 Strongin, Theodore
BOX-FOLDER 65/4 Strouse, Charles and Barbara
BOX-FOLDER 65/4 Stuart, Paul and Karin
BOX-FOLDER 65/5 Stuckenschmidt, H. H.
BOX-FOLDER 65/5 Stucky, Steven and Melissa
BOX-FOLDER 65/5 Sturcke, Arthur
BOX-FOLDER 65/5 Sturman, Florence
BOX-FOLDER 65/5 Sugars, Janeal
BOX-FOLDER 65/5 Sultan, Altoon
BOX-FOLDER 65/5 Summons, Helen
BOX-FOLDER 65/5 Sundgaard, Arnold
BOX-FOLDER 65/5 Suokko, Ulla
BOX-FOLDER 65/5-6 Supko, John
BOX-FOLDER 65/6 Surtoe, Wesley
BOX-FOLDER 65/6 Susman, Warren
BOX-FOLDER 65/6 Suss, Dorothy
BOX-FOLDER 65/6 Susskind, Walter and Diane
BOX-FOLDER 65/6 Suter, Heinz
BOX-FOLDER 65/6 Sutherland, Bruce
BOX-FOLDER 65/6 Sutherland, Donald
BOX-FOLDER 65/6 Sutherland, Gilberte
BOX-FOLDER 65/6 Sutphin, Donald
BOX-FOLDER 66/1 Sutton, Patricia
BOX-FOLDER 66/1 Svane, Randall
BOX-FOLDER 66/1 Svendsen, Clara
BOX-FOLDER 66/1 Swados, Harvey
BOX-FOLDER 66/1 The Swallow Press
BOX-FOLDER 66/1 Swan, Claudia
BOX-FOLDER 66/1 Swan, Glenn
BOX-FOLDER 66/1 Swanson, Judith
BOX-FOLDER 66/1 Swarthont, Evelyn
BOX-FOLDER 66/1 Sweeney, James
BOX-FOLDER 66/1 Swickard, David
BOX-FOLDER 66/1 Switzerland: Consulate General
BOX-FOLDER 66/1 Sykes, Claire
BOX-FOLDER 66/1 Sykes, Gerald
BOX-FOLDER 66/1 Sylvester, Virginia
Symphony no. eleven
see Apollo Music Services
BOX-FOLDER 66/1 Syracuse University
BOX-FOLDER 66/1 Szell, George
BOX-FOLDER 66/1 Szell, Helene
BOX-FOLDER 66/2 Szigeti, Joseph "Joska" and Wanda
BOX-FOLDER 66/2 Szwec, Michael
BOX-FOLDER 66/2 Taddei, Jacques
BOX-FOLDER 66/2 Takahashi, Pat
BOX-FOLDER 66/2 Takashima, Rieko
BOX-FOLDER 66/2 Talley, Dana
BOX-FOLDER 66/2 Talma, Louise
BOX-FOLDER 66/3 Talvi, Ilkka and Marjorie
BOX-FOLDER 66/3 Tamaris, Helen
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