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David Diamond papers, 1915-2003

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Financial Papers, 1938-2002 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 149/6 Ode for orchestra duplication expenses, 1993-1994
BOX-FOLDER 149/7 Ohio University: The rose tattoo, 1983-1984
BOX-FOLDER 149/8 Palaemon Press Limited (Wright, Samuel), 1983
BOX-FOLDER 149/9 Peer Music, 1999-2002
BOX-FOLDER 149/10 Restaurant receipts, 1991-1996
BOX-FOLDER 149/11 RKO Radio Network (AE song cycle commission), 1982
BOX-FOLDER 149/12 The Rockefeller Foundation, 1982-1984
BOX-FOLDER 149/13 Rosalie Calabrese Management, 2000
BOX-FOLDER 149/14 Royalties breakdown, 1957-1960
BOX-FOLDER 149/15 S. Fischer Verlag, 1958
BOX-FOLDER 149/16 Schwarz, Gerard, 1994
BOX-FOLDER 149/17-19 Southern Music Publishing Co., Inc.: royalty statements, 1950-1973
BOX-FOLDER 149/20 Tax audit, 1991
BOX-FOLDER 149/21 The tempest, 1945-1950
BOX-FOLDER 149/22 Theodore Presser Company, 1969-2001
BOX-FOLDER 149/23 The Thorne Music Fund, Inc., 1965-1974 , undated
BOX-FOLDER 149/24 Timon of Athens (Leeds Music Corporation royalties), 1950-1968
BOX-FOLDER 149/25 United Choral Society, 1970
BOX-FOLDER 149/26 Universal Music Publishing Group, 1999-2002
BOX-FOLDER 149/27 University of Chicago, 1970
BOX-FOLDER 149/28 University of Colorado, 1969-1970
BOX-FOLDER 149/29 University of Denver, 1982-1983
BOX-FOLDER 149/30 The University of Rochester, 1968, 1971
BOX-FOLDER 149/31 Vecchione, Glen, 1987
BOX-FOLDER 149/32 WNYC, 1987-1988
BOX-FOLDER 149/33 Young, Alison, 2000
BOX 150-151 Clippings, 1930-2000
Newsprint clippings that largely document significant events from Diamond’s career.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX-FOLDER 150/1 1930s
BOX-FOLDER 150/2 1940s
BOX-FOLDER 150/3 1950s
BOX-FOLDER 150/4 1960s
BOX-FOLDER 150/5 1970s
BOX-FOLDER 150/6-7 1980s
BOX-FOLDER 150/8-151/2 1990s
BOX-FOLDER 151/3 2000s
BOX-FOLDER 151/4 Undated
BOX 152-157 Photographs, 1917-2001
Bound photo albums and loose images, nearly a third of which are professional studio portraits of Diamond. Other individuals frequently portrayed are Diamond's sister Sabina Cohen, Leonard Bernstein, partner Ciro Cuomo, and the Elliotts, his neighbors in New York.
Arranged alphabetically by folder title.
BOX-FOLDER 152/1 Adler, Ellen
BOX-FOLDER 152/1 Ahavah (conductor Erich Leinsdorf and the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra)
BOX-FOLDER 152/1 Alexander, Aimee
BOX-FOLDER 152/1 American Academy and Institute of Art and Letters
BOX-FOLDER 152/1 Archer, Elaina
BOX-FOLDER 152/1 Aronowitz, Rose (with Esther Berger, Lynn Boyer, Ben Sherman, Margaret Spanel, and others)
BOX-FOLDER 152/1 Bernhardt, Robert
BOX-FOLDER 152/1 Bernstein, Leonard and Felicia (and Jamie and Alexander)
BOX-FOLDER 152/1 Bishop, Moe
BOX-FOLDER 152/1 Blanc, Roger and Andrea (and Roger)
BOX-FOLDER 152/1 Blitzstein, Marc
BOX-FOLDER 152/1 Block, William "Bill"
BOX-FOLDER 152/1 Bohrod, Milton
BOX-FOLDER 152/1 Bonet, Narcis
BOX-FOLDER 152/1 Borroff, Robert "Bob" and Randi (and Nicole and Timothy)
BOX-FOLDER 152/1 Boulanger, Nadia
BOX-FOLDER 152/1 Bounds, Lock and Linda (their cats)
BOX-FOLDER 152/1 Brach, William
BOX-FOLDER 152/1 Brandel, Marc
BOX-FOLDER 152/1 Braun, Pinkas and Gisela (and Deborah)
BOX-FOLDER 152/1 Brincourt, André and Karin
BOX-FOLDER 152/2 Brooks, Louise
BOX-FOLDER 152/2 Brown, F. James
BOX-FOLDER 152/2 Bunis, Anne
BOX-FOLDER 152/2 Bursky, Louis and Mildred "Micky" (and Jay, Marlene, and Andrew)
BOX-FOLDER 152/2 Canton, Anthony and Candy
BOX-FOLDER 152/2 Carl
BOX-FOLDER 152/2 Carr, Virginia
BOX-FOLDER 152/2 Clinton, William "Bill" and Hillary
BOX-FOLDER 152/2 Clurman, Harold
BOX-FOLDER 152/2 Cody, Sr., William "Bill"
BOX-FOLDER 152/2 Cohen, Hymen
BOX-FOLDER 152/2 Cohen, Sabina (Diamond's sister)
BOX-FOLDER 152/2 Conarroe, Joel
BOX-FOLDER 152/2 Copland, Aaron
BOX-FOLDER 152/2 Corigliano, John
BOX-FOLDER 152/2 Cornelll, Allela
BOX-FOLDER 152/2 Corporon, Eugene
BOX-FOLDER 152/2 Conti, Mirian
BOX-FOLDER 152/2 Coward, Noel
BOX-FOLDER 153/5 Cummings, E. E.
BOX-FOLDER 152/3 Cuomo, Ciro and Anna (and Sabina, Stefania, David, and Sylvia)
BOX-FOLDER 152/3 Dallapiccola, Luigi and Laura
BOX-FOLDER 152/3 De Havilland, Olivia (and son?)
BOX-FOLDER 152/3 De Towarnicki, Frédéric
BOX-FOLDER 152/3 Del Lungo, Piero and Daniela (and Stefano)
BOX-FOLDER 152/3 Del Tradici, David
BOX-FOLDER 152/3 Deluxe, Amadi
BOX-FOLDER 152/3 Denis, Michel
BOX-FOLDER 152/3 Diamond, Anna Schildhaus (Diamond's mother)
BOX-FOLDER 152/4-153/3 Diamond, David
BOX-FOLDER 153/3 Diamond, David - 60th birthday concert, 1975
BOX-FOLDER 153/4 Diamond, David - 70th birthday concert in NYC at Merkin Hall ( 1985 )
BOX-FOLDER 153/4 Diamond, David, 1985
Photographer: Petticrew
BOX-FOLDER 153/4 Diamond, David 1988
Photographer: Mitchell, Jack
BOX-FOLDER 153/4 Diamond, David - Home
BOX-FOLDER 153/4 Diamond, David - MacDowell Colony 1991
Photographer: Reid, Clifford
BOX-FOLDER 153/4 Diamond, David - Negatives
BOX-FOLDER 153/4 Diamond, David - Other relatives
Includes: Evelyn Schildhouse letter
BOX-FOLDER 153/4 Diamond, Irene, Gerard Schwarz, David Diamond, and Joseph Polisi
BOX-FOLDER 153/5 Downey, John
BOX-FOLDER 153/5 Elliott, Alicia and Michael and Carrie (children of Paul and Polly)
BOX-FOLDER 153/5 Elliott, Esther Grace
BOX-FOLDER 153/5 Elliott, Rebecca and Elizabeth (children of Philip and Pamela)
BOX-FOLDER 153/5 Elliott, Sam
BOX-FOLDER 153/5 Elliott, Sam and Judy (their dog)
BOX-FOLDER 153/5 Elliott, Sam and Julie
BOX-FOLDER 153/5 Elliott, Thomas and Constance (and Sam, Phil, Stefano, and John)
BOX-FOLDER 153/5 Embassy of the United States of America
BOX-FOLDER 153/5 Fabbri, Maria
BOX-FOLDER 153/5 Farrand, Noel
BOX-FOLDER 153/5 Farrell, James
BOX-FOLDER 153/5 Faruffini, Franco
BOX-FOLDER 153/5 Fauré, Jose
BOX-FOLDER 153/5 Fernis, William
BOX-FOLDER 153/5 Ferruccio Busoni International Piano Comptetition
BOX-FOLDER 153/5 Fine, Verna (her party at 92nd street)
BOX-FOLDER 153/5 Fischer, Gisela
BOX-FOLDER 153/5 France
BOX-FOLDER 153/6 Frisch, Howard
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