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David Diamond papers, 1915-2003

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Photographs, 1917-2001 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 153/6 Hally, Dennis
BOX-FOLDER 153/6 Honigberg, Lily
BOX-FOLDER 153/6 Hough, Stephen
BOX-FOLDER 153/6 Isbin, Katherine
BOX-FOLDER 153/6 Jacobi, Jeffrey
BOX-FOLDER 153/6 Jeschke, Alexander
BOX-FOLDER 153/6 Joe
BOX-FOLDER 153/6 The Juilliard School of Music - performance, 1996
BOX-FOLDER 153/6 The Juilliard School of Music - reception
BOX-FOLDER 153/6 Kahn, Erich and Frida
BOX-FOLDER 153/6 Kim, Charles
BOX-FOLDER 153/6 Klein, Eva
BOX-FOLDER 153/6 Klemperer, Werner
BOX-FOLDER 153/6 Kobler, Albert and Linda (and Luka and Allegra)
BOX-FOLDER 153/6 Koussevitzky, Serge
BOX-FOLDER 153/6 Kraft, Victor
BOX-FOLDER 153/6 Lansing, Winifred
BOX-FOLDER 153/6 Lewin, Daniel
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 Ma, Yo-Yo
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 MacDowell Colony
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 Magdalen, Sister Teresa
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 Marse, Daryl and Sabina (and Daryl Jr.)
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 Martinü, Bohuslav and Charlotte
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 Mazzella, Francesco and Maria (children of Stefania)
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 McCullers, Reeves and Carson
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 McDuffie, Eliza and William (children of Robert and Camille)
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 McDuffie, Robert
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 McDuffie, Susan
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 Meisner, Sanford
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 Mildred
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 Milhaud, Darius
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 Minard, Michael and Phyllis (and Jacob)
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 Mitropoulos, Dimitri
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 Moross, Jerome and Hazel (and Susanna)
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 Murphy, James and Trish (their cat)
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 New Hampshire Music Festival
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 Newman, Paul
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 Norry, Mr. and Mrs. Irving
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 O'Brien, Eugene
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 Ormandy, Eugene
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 Otis, Brian
BOX-FOLDER 154/1 Ouzer, Louis
BOX-FOLDER 154/2 Pat
BOX-FOLDER 154/2 Perle, George
BOX-FOLDER 154/2 Perischetti, Vincent
BOX-FOLDER 154/2 Petersen, Andrew and Patti (and Hailey)
BOX-FOLDER 154/2 Petersen, Leo and Elizabeth (and Hailey and Emily)
BOX-FOLDER 154/2 Peyrefitte, Roger
BOX-FOLDER 154/2 Polisi, Joseph and Elizabeth
BOX-FOLDER 154/2 Pollack, Howard
BOX-FOLDER 154/2 Popp, William
BOX-FOLDER 154/2 Prado, Mayda
BOX-FOLDER 154/2 Ramey, Phillip
BOX-FOLDER 154/2 Rampal, Jeane-Pierre
BOX-FOLDER 154/2 Ransing, Winnie
BOX-FOLDER 154/2 Reyer, Mary Lou
BOX-FOLDER 154/2 Rezendes, Joyce
BOX-FOLDER 154/2 Rochester Philharmonic - Symphony no. 3 performance and reception
BOX-FOLDER 154/2 Rodzinski, Halina
BOX-FOLDER 154/2 Rorem, Ned
BOX-FOLDER 154/3 Rosen, Robert "Bob" and Stacy
BOX-FOLDER 154/3 Rudnyckyj-Brown, Mel and Inka (and Ivan)
BOX-FOLDER 154/3 Ruo, Huang
BOX-FOLDER 154/3 Saperstein, Gerard and Beverly (and Hal)
BOX-FOLDER 154/3 Saperstein, Pearl
BOX-FOLDER 154/3 Schildhouse, Evelyn
BOX-FOLDER 154/3 Schildhouse, Leo and Annette and Hyman
BOX-FOLDER 154/3 Schildhouse-Silverman family reunion, 1984
BOX-FOLDER 154/3 La Schola Cantorum, 1996
BOX-FOLDER 154/3 La Schola Cantorum - celebration ( 1997 )
BOX-FOLDER 154/3 Schwarz, Gerard and Jody
BOX-FOLDER 154/4 Schubert, Feej - his party (Diamond with "Joe")
BOX-FOLDER 154/4 Sessions, Roger
BOX-FOLDER 154/4 Sessler, Eric
BOX-FOLDER 154/4 Shacter, Mayer and Susan
BOX-FOLDER 154/4 Shaw, Artie and Betty (and Steve)
BOX-FOLDER 154/4 Sheng, Bright
BOX-FOLDER 154/4 Silverman, Mildred
BOX-FOLDER 154/4 Singer, Harry and Geri (and Miriam, Deborah, and Reid)
BOX-FOLDER 154/4 Sosa, Milena (daughter of Manuel Sosa)
BOX-FOLDER 154/4 Stamp, Jack
BOX-FOLDER 154/4 Stern, Adam and Lisa
BOX-FOLDER 154/4 Stern, Isaac and Vera (and Shira and Michael)
BOX-FOLDER 154/4 Stravinsky, Igor
BOX-FOLDER 154/4 Stringham, Anna (child of Edward)
BOX-FOLDER 154/4 Susskind, Walter
BOX-FOLDER 154/4 Tanglewood
BOX-FOLDER 154/4 Tansman, Alexandre
BOX-FOLDER 154/4 Temkin, Ascher
BOX-FOLDER 154/4 Thomson, Virgil, Ned Rorem and David Diamond
BOX-FOLDER 154/4 Thorne, Francis and Ann (and Candy)
BOX-FOLDER 154/5 Thorp, Gregory
BOX-FOLDER 154/5 Toscanini, Arturo
BOX-FOLDER 154/5 Trog, Lily
BOX-FOLDER 154/5 Tureck, Rosalyn
BOX-FOLDER 154/6 Wagner, Friedelind
BOX-FOLDER 154/6 Walsh, Michael
BOX-FOLDER 154/6 Weisgall, Hugo
BOX-FOLDER 154/6 Wells, Cady
BOX-FOLDER 154/6 Wierzyński, Kazimierz
BOX-FOLDER 154/6 Wong, Sam
BOX-FOLDER 154/6 Yaddo
BOX-FOLDER 154/6 Ying Quartet
BOX-FOLDER 154/6 Zirato, Bruno
BOX-FOLDER 154/5-6 Unidentified
BOX 155 Box of professional black and white photographs of David Diamond by Phil Matt, 1990
BOX-FOLDER 156/1 Album #1: Green album containing David Diamond photographs, 1917-1938
BOX-FOLDER 156/2 Album #2: Beige/brown album containing David Diamond photographs, clippings, and programs, 1917-1943
BOX-FOLDER 157/1 Album #3: Dark brown album containing Sabina Cohen photographs, 1925-1935 , undated
BOX-FOLDER 157/2 Box of professional black and white photographs of David Diamond by Louis Ouzer, 1990
BOX-FOLDER 157/3 11 professional black and white photographs on mat boards of David Diamond by Jack Mitchell, 1988
BOX-FOLDER 157/4 1 sepia photograph on mat board of David Diamond's hands by Venetia Drake, 1936
BOX 159-160 Scrapbooks, 1929-1952
Bound volumes that chiefly document Diamond's academic and nascent musical careers. Contents include recital programs and announcements, report cards from the Eastman School of Music, articles about Diamond's compositions and awards, and other materials.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX-FOLDER 159/1 1929-1933
BOX-FOLDER 159/2 1933-1934
BOX-FOLDER 159/3 1934-1935
BOX-FOLDER 160/1 1935-1936
BOX-FOLDER 160/2 1936-1938
BOX-FOLDER 160/3 1929-1938, 1940-1941
BOX-FOLDER 160/4 1929-1952
BOX 161-273 Music, 1931-2000
Holograph manuscript scores, sketches, and parts for original compositions by Diamond primarily comprise the music series. The series also includes a small amount of Diamond's arrangements of works by other composers, as well as harmony exercises and inscribed materials.
Arranged as three subseries.
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