The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Erich Wolfgang Korngold collection, 1889-2008
BOX 89-91 Financial and Legal Papers, 1920-1961, (bulk 1950-1961)
This series consists of two file series: Financial Papers, which comprises royalties statements, correspondence, tax forms, receipts, banking information, and checks, and Legal Papers, which consists primarily of contracts and correspondence from lawyers and Erich's employers.
Arranged chronologically
Financial Papers
BOX-FOLDER 89/36 1936
Bonds and securities statements
BOX-FOLDER 89/37 1937
Bank information; royalties statements
BOX-FOLDER 89/38 1938
Miscellaneous receipts; royalty statements
BOX-FOLDER 89/39 1939
Real estate correspondence; royalties statements; tax information
BOX-FOLDER 89/40 1940
Die Kathrin expenses; royalties statement
BOX-FOLDER 89/41 1941
Checks; check stubs; receipts; royalties statements; tax documents
BOX-FOLDER 89/42 1942
Insurance information; royalty statements
BOX-FOLDER 89/43 1943
Insurance information
BOX-FOLDER 89/44 1944
Schweitzerische Kreditanstalt Zürich account statements
BOX-FOLDER 89/45 1945
Royalties statements; Schweitzerische Kreditanstalt Zürich account statement
BOX-FOLDER 89/46 1946
Bank statements; checks; receipts
BOX-FOLDER 89/47 1947
Correspondence; insurance information; royalties statements
BOX-FOLDER 90/1 1947
Receipts. Accommodations
BOX-FOLDER 90/2 1947
Receipts. Automotive, clothing, personal expenses
BOX-FOLDER 90/3 1947
Receipts. Medical expenses
BOX-FOLDER 90/4 1947
Receipts. Property, utility expenses
BOX-FOLDER 90/5 1948
Checks; Rosalinda expenses; royalties statements
BOX-FOLDER 90/6 1949
Royalties statements
BOX-FOLDER 90/7 1950
Bank of America checks and statements
BOX-FOLDER 90/8 1950
Bills; correspondence; notes; real estate documents; royalties statements
BOX-FOLDER 90/9 1950
Guaranty Trust Co. of New York checks, statements
BOX-FOLDER 90/10 1950
Schweitzerische Kreditanstalt Zürich account statement
BOX-FOLDER 90/11 1950
Universal Edition (Vienna) royalties statements
BOX-FOLDER 90/12 1951
Receipts; royalties statements
BOX-FOLDER 90/13 1953
Check stubs; correspondence; tax documents
BOX-FOLDER 90/14 1953
Josef Weinberger, Ltd. royalties statements
BOX-FOLDER 90/15 1957
Bank statements; royalties statements
BOX-FOLDER 90/16 1958
Royalties statements
BOX-FOLDER 90/17 1959
Correspondence; royalties statements; tax documents
BOX-FOLDER 90/18 1960
Royalties statements; tax documents
BOX-FOLDER 91/1 1960
Expenses. Medical, miscellaneous, personal (Luzi)
BOX-FOLDER 91/2 1960
Expenses. Property
BOX-FOLDER 91/3 1960-1961
Personal assets and account information (Luzi)
BOX-FOLDER 91/4 1961
Royalties statements
Legal Papers
BOX-FOLDER 91/5 1920
Contract for Die Tote Stadt with Staatsoper
BOX-FOLDER 91/6 1939
Correspondence from various law offices
BOX-FOLDER 91/7 1942
Correspondence from lawyer
BOX-FOLDER 91/8 1943
Contract for "Tomorrow" from The Constant Nymph ; correspondence from lawyer
BOX-FOLDER 91/9 1944
Contracts; correspondence from publishers
BOX-FOLDER 91/10 1945
Correspondence; paperwork for Reinhardt estate and Silent Spring
BOX-FOLDER 91/11 1947
Correspondence from various law offices regarding The Silent Serenade
BOX-FOLDER 91/12 1951
Contract for Rosalinda performances
BOX-FOLDER 91/13 1958
Contract for Rosalinda
BOX 71, 91-94, 96, 98-99 Biographical Materials, 1910-1973, (bulk 1955-1961)
Biographical materials are divided into three subseries. Erich Wolfgang Korngold's materials consist mostly of holograph notes. Notable items include the itinerary for the Korngolds' 1949 trip to Europe, his naturalization papers, and his program notes for Choral Psalm. Julius's biographical materials comprise his own writings, namely drafts of his extensive memoirs, and his books about opera. Luzi's materials are the most extensive. They consist of personal documents, including her passport, naturalization papers, and records of her personal and property expenses after her husband's death. Luzi wrote a biography of Korngold for Große Österreicher, an encyclopedic compilation of famous Austrians, and a biography of Frederic Chopin, Lieber Meister Chopin, published in 1960. The majority of Luzi's biographical materials contain correspondence with publishers concerning the book's publication, written primarily in German.
Erich Wolfgang Korngold, circa 1920-1955
Erich Wolfgang Korngold's materials consist mainly of his holograph notes. Other personal documents include his naturalization papers, Warner Bros. identification card, and the inventory of the Korngolds' house in Vienna. This series also contains a draft of Brendan Carroll's biography on Erich Korngold.
Arranged alphabetically by format and chronologically therein
BOX-FOLDER 99/1 ASCAP membership certificate, 1939
BOX-FOLDER 99/2 Award. Academy Award nomination for The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, 1940
BOX-FOLDER 91/14 Award. National Federation of Music Clubs for Sea Wolf , 1940-1941
BOX-FOLDER 99/3 Award. Academy Award nomination for The Sea Hawk, 1941
BOX-FOLDER 91/15 Personal documents, 1920s
Hoselberg money, theater tickets
BOX-FOLDER 91/16 Personal documents, 1930s
Salzburger Festspiele pass; inventory of Vienna house items; cutting notes for Juarez ; United States identity affidavit; miscellany
BOX-FOLDER 91/17 Personal documents, 1940s
Naturalization papers; selective service card; Warner Bros. identification card; postcard
BOX-FOLDER 91/17 Personal documents, 1950s
Agenda for Europe trip; death certificate
BOX-FOLDER 91/18 Writings, 1940
Envelope; note
BOX-FOLDER 91/19 Writings, 1941
Typescript program notes for Choral Psalm world premiere with holograph annotations
BOX-FOLDER 91/20 Writings, 1942
Biography; birthday poem to Josephine Korngold; notes
BOX-FOLDER 91/21 Writings, 1943
Holograph notes
BOX-FOLDER 91/22 Writings, 1945
Holograph notes
BOX-FOLDER 91/23 Writings, 1947
Notes, including those for Silent Serenade ; telegraph drafts
BOX-FOLDER 91/24 Writings, 1948
Holograph notes
BOX-FOLDER 91/25 Writings, 1953
Christmas list; holograph notes
BOX-FOLDER 91/26 Writings, 1955
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