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Erich Wolfgang Korngold collection, 1889-2008

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Music, 1905-1957 (continued)
Manuscripts, 1905-1957 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 21/2 Sonata for Piano no. 2, op. 2, 1910
see also Trio sketch
Holograph score
Laid in: Copyist proofs, each with holograph corrections (3)
Note: Bound with Don Quixote and Märchenbilder, op. 3
BOX-FOLDER 60/3 Sonata for Piano no. 2, op. 2. Moderato, undated
Manuscript title: II Sonata
Early holograph sketch
BOX-FOLDER 21/3 Sonata for Piano no. 3, op. 25, 1931
Copyist score with holograph annotations
BOX-FOLDER 21/4 Sonata for Piano no. 3, op. 25, 1931
Holograph score
BOX-FOLDER 60/4 Sonata for Piano no. 3, op. 25, 1932
Printed score with performer's annotations
BOX-FOLDER 23/11 Sonata for Violin and Piano, op. 6, undated
Holograph score
Note: Bound with Trio, op. 1 and Sextet for Strings, op. 10
BOX-FOLDER 60/5 Sonata for Violin and Piano, op. 6, 1913
Printed violin part with holograph and performer's annotations
BOX-FOLDER 60/6 Sonata for Violin and Piano, op. 6, 1913
Printed score for piano (bound)
BOX-FOLDER 60/7 Sonata for Violin and Piano, op. 6, 1913
Photocopy of printed score for piano and violin part with several holograph annotations captured from original manuscript
BOX-FOLDER 21/5 Sonatinen no. 2, op. 14, 1920?
Holograph score
Note: Mislabeled op. 14
BOX-FOLDER 60/8 Sonett für Wien, op. 41, 1913
Printed piano-vocal score with manuscript annotations
BOX-FOLDER 21/6 Sonett für Wien, op. 41, 1918
Holograph piano-vocal score
The Song of Love
see also Das Lied der Liebe
BOX-FOLDER 60/9 The Song of Love . You Haunt My Heart, 1931
Printed piano-vocal score
Laid in: Manuscript piano score with lyrics in an unidentified hand
Songs of Farewell
see also Abschiedslieder, op. 14
BOX-FOLDER 60/10 Songs of Farewell, op. 14, nos. 1, 3, 4, 1921
Printed piano-vocal scores in English
Contents: When I am Dead, my Dearest; Moon Thou Risest Again; Do Not Weep
BOX-FOLDER 21/7 Songs of the Clown, op. 29, 1941
Photocopy of piano-vocal score (bound)
BOX-FOLDER 21/9 Songs of the Clown, op. 29, 1941
Holograph piano-vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 21/9 Songs of the Clown, op. 29, 1941
Photocopied holograph piano-vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 60/11 Songs of the Clown, op. 29, 1941
Copyist transparency masters of piano-vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 21/8 Songs of the Clown, op. 29, 1942
Reverse publisher's proof of piano-vocal score with holograph corrections
BOX-FOLDER 21/13 Songs of the Clown, op. 29, 1942
Holograph lyric sheet in German
BOX-FOLDER 21/10 Songs of the Clown, op. 29. Adieu, Good Man Devil, undated
Holograph sketch
BOX-FOLDER 21/12 Songs of the Clown, op. 29. Hey You Robin, 1942
Holograph sketches
  • "Intermezzo" from Escape Me Never
  • "Tarantella" from Escape Me Never
  • "Come live with me" from Elizabeth and Essex
BOX-FOLDER 21/11 Songs of the Clown, op. 29. The Rain, it Raineth Everyday, 1942
Holograph piano-vocal score sketch
BOX-FOLDER 60/12 Straussiana, 1954
Printed full scores (2)
Note: One score contains pasteovers on flyleaf
BOX-FOLDER 22/1 Straussiana, 1953
Holograph piano score with annotations
Note: Arrangements by Korngold of music by Johann Strauss (1825-1899)
BOX-FOLDER 31/4 Straussiana, 1953
Holograph full score
BOX-FOLDER 60/13 Straussiana, 1953
Printed bassoon and string parts with holograph annotations on principals' copies
BOX-FOLDER 60/14 Straussiana, 1954
Printed bassoon and string parts
BOX-FOLDER 61/1 Straussiana, circa 1953-1954
Ozalid percussion parts with holograph annotations
BOX-FOLDER 22/2 Der Sturm, 1913
Holograph full score
BOX-FOLDER 74/4 Der Sturm, 1914
Photocopied holograph full score
BOX-FOLDER 61/2 Suite, op. 23, 1930
Printed miniature scores (2), one with holograph annotations
BOX-FOLDER 61/3 Suite, op. 23, undated
Manuscript parts in an unidentified hand with pasteovers
BOX-FOLDER 61/4 Suite, op. 23, 1930
Printed violin 2 part
BOX-FOLDER 74/5 Sursum Corda, op. 13, 1921
Printed full score
BOX-FOLDER 74/6 Sursum Corda, op. 13, 1921
Printed full score
BOX-FOLDER 37/2 Sursum Corda, op. 13, 1919
Manuscript title: Sinfonische Ouvertüre
Holograph full score with annotations
BOX-FOLDER 22/3 Sursum Corda, op. 13, 1920
Manuscript title: Sinfonische Ouvertüre
Holograph piano score reduction
BOX-FOLDER 31/5 Symphonic Serenade, op. 39, 1948
Holograph full score (bound)
Laid in: Holograph fragments (4)
BOX-FOLDER 22/5 Symphonic Serenade, op. 39, 1948
Photocopy of holograph full score
BOX-FOLDER 61/5 Symphonic Serenade, op. 39, circa 1948-1950
Photocopy of holograph full score
Note: Tag on front reads "First performance: January 1950. Vienna Phil. Orch., Wilhelm Furtwaengler"
BOX-FOLDER 61/6 Symphonic Serenade, op. 39, 1948
Photocopy of copyist full score with holograph annotations (bound)
BOX-FOLDER 83/2 Symphonic Serenade, op. 39, circa 1947
Reverse photocopy of copyist full score
BOX-FOLDER 61/7 Symphonic Serenade, op. 39, 1948
Photocopies of copyist violin 1 parts with holograph corrections and performers' annotations
BOX-FOLDER 62/1 Symphonic Serenade, op. 39, 1948
Photocopies of copyist violin 1 parts with holograph corrections and performers' annotations
BOX-FOLDER 62/2-3 Symphonic Serenade, op. 39, circa 1948-1950
Photocopies of copyist violin 2 parts with holograph corrections and performers' annotations
BOX-FOLDER 62/4 Symphonic Serenade, op. 39, circa 1948-1950
Photocopies of copyist viola parts with holograph corrections, performers' annotations, and pasteovers
BOX-FOLDER 62/5 Symphonic Serenade, op. 39, circa 1948-1950
Photocopies of copyist cello parts with holograph corrections, performers' annotations, and pasteovers
Laid in: Unannotated duplicate of page 11
BOX-FOLDER 63/1 Symphonic Serenade, op. 39, circa 1948-1950
Photocopies of copyist cello parts with holograph corrections, performers' annotations, and pasteovers
BOX-FOLDER 63/2 Symphonic Serenade, op. 39, circa 1948
Photocopies of copyist (4) and printed (1) double bass parts with holograph corrections, performers' annotations, and pasteovers
BOX-FOLDER 22/4 Symphonic Serenade, op. 39, 1947-1948
Holograph sketches
BOX-FOLDER 33/3 Symphony in F-sharp major, op. 40, 1952
Holograph full score with annotations and notes
Laid in: Photocopied holograph and typescript program notes; twenty-four page list of holograph corrections
BOX-FOLDER 75/1 Symphony in F-sharp major, op. 40, circa 1953-1954
Photocopied manuscript full score with holograph conducting annotations and additional conducting annotations in an unidentified hand (bound)
BOX-FOLDER 75/2 Symphony in F-sharp major, op. 40, circa 1953-1954
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