The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Erich Wolfgang Korngold collection, 1889-2008
Biographical Materials, 1910-1973, (bulk 1955-1961) (continued)
Max Reinhardt, 1930, 1973
Max Reinhardt's biographical materials comprise a guide for an exhibition at UCLA celebrating his centennary and books about his productions in Europe through 1930.
Arranged alphabetically by title.
BOX-FOLDER 98/1 Max Reinhardt 1873/1973 Centennial Exhibition, UCLA, 1973
Exhibition guide
BOX-FOLDER 98/2 Die Spielpläne Max Reinhardts, 1930
BOX-FOLDER 99/4 Max Reinhardt. 25 Jahre Deutsches Theater, 1930
BOX 71, 83, 95-102 Programs and Publicity Materials, 1888-2008, (bulk 1955-1988)
This series contains programs for performances of Korngold's popular works, namely Die tote Stadt, programs, lobby cards, advertisements for film screenings and premieres for which he composed the score, and programs from posthumous performances of his works collected by his family. The exception are the first advertisement and program in the series, which are from plays featuring Adolf von Sonnenthal, Luzi's grandfather, a prominent stage actor in Vienna in the mid to late nineteenth century.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX-FOLDER 99/5 1888
Advertisement for Adolf von Sonnenthal performance in Iphigenie auf Tauris
BOX-FOLDER 95/1 1906
Program from Adolf von Sonnenthal performance at Sonnenthal-Jubiläums Theater, Vienna
BOX-FOLDER 95/2 1910s
Programs from Berlin performances of Sinfonietta , op. 5; all-Korngold orchestra concert in Vienna
BOX-FOLDER 102/1 1912-1983
Scrapbook of clippings
BOX-FOLDER 95/3, 98/3 1920s
Advertisements, clippings, and programs
BOX-FOLDER 99/6 1937
The Prince and the Pauper lobby card
BOX-FOLDER 95/4 1938
Clippings and programs
BOX-FOLDER 95/5 1938
Clippings about Helen Jepson and her performance in Korngold's Liebesbriefchen
BOX-FOLDER 97/1 1938
Clippings, most about Korngold's score for The Adventures of Robin Hood
BOX-FOLDER 95/6 1938
Programs from Max Reinhardt's workshops "Stage, Screen, and Radio in Hollywood," Sister Beatrice , and "Shakespeare's Women, Clowns and Songs"
BOX-FOLDER 95/7 1938
Warner Bros.' press release for The Adventures of Robin Hood
BOX-FOLDER 95/8, 99/7 1939
Clippings; programs; invitation to The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex world premiere
BOX-FOLDER 97/3 1939
Clippings; magazines
BOX-FOLDER 95/9 1939
Programs for Max Reinhardt's theater workshops for At Your Service and Faust
BOX-FOLDER 95/10 1939
Clippings and correspondence about The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex
BOX-FOLDER 71/5 1939
Juarez magazine advertisement
BOX-FOLDER 71/6 1939 April 25
Souvenir program for Juarez , Beverly Hills Theatre, California
BOX-FOLDER 71/7 1939 September 27
The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex world premiere
BOX-FOLDER 95/11 1940
Film review clippings; miscellany
BOX-FOLDER 95/12 1940
BOX-FOLDER 97/4 1940
Program for all-Korngold Los Angeles MAILAMM concert
BOX-FOLDER 97/5 1940
Two copies of The Hollywood Reporter with article on Sea Hawk
BOX-FOLDER 99/8 1940
The Sea Hawk lobby card
BOX-FOLDER 95/13 1941
Two clippings
BOX-FOLDER 95/14 1942
Clippings and program from Hunter College performance of "Marietta's Lied"
BOX-FOLDER 97/6 1942
Two clippings
BOX-FOLDER 95/15 1942
Film Music Notes newsletters
BOX-FOLDER 95/16 1942
Radio broadcast scripts, Philadelphia Orchestra program
BOX-FOLDER 99/9 1942
King's Row lobby card
BOX-FOLDER 95/17 1943
Clippings, miscellany, program for performance of "Hornpipe"
BOX-FOLDER 95/18 1943
Press release for The Constant Nymph
BOX-FOLDER 99/10 1943
The Constant Nymph lobby card
BOX-FOLDER 99/11 1941
Between Two Worlds lobby card
BOX-FOLDER 95/19 1945
Clippings and programs
BOX-FOLDER 99/12 1946
Deception, Devotion, Of Human Bondage lobby cards
BOX-FOLDER 95/20 1947
Publicity pamphlet for harpist Luise Dreyer-Zeidler
BOX-FOLDER 99/13 1947
Anthony Adverse (re-release) and The Sea Wolf lobby cards
BOX-FOLDER 95/21 1948
Publicity for Violanta
BOX-FOLDER 95/22 1950
Erich Wolfgang Korngold interview transcript; programs from the Vienna Philharmonic Ball and Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra's performance of "Much Ado About Nothing," op. 11
BOX-FOLDER 95/23 1951
Clippings and programs
BOX-FOLDER 95/24 1952
Program from Los Angeles Civic Light Opera
BOX-FOLDER 95/25 1953
Program from and clippings about the Violin Concerto
BOX-FOLDER 95/26 1955
Clippings; program; publicity by B. Schott Söhne
BOX-FOLDER 99/14 1955
Magic Fire lobby card
BOX-FOLDER 95/27 1956
Clippings; program from Los Angeles Civic Light Opera performance of Rosalinda
BOX-FOLDER 95/28 1957
Clipping about the Violin Concerto; program from Night in Vienna
BOX-FOLDER 98/4 1958
Los Angeles Times clipping
BOX-FOLDER 95/29 1959
Memorial performance programs
BOX-FOLDER 95/30 1960
BOX-FOLDER 95/31 1961
Clippings; programs; typescript of article "Korngold in München"
BOX-FOLDER 95/32 1962
Program from performance of "Marietta's Lied"
BOX-FOLDER 95/33, Mapcase Folder 1 1964
Clipping; program; poster from Vienna Volksoper Der Ring des Polykrates performance
BOX-FOLDER 95/34 1965
Program from Los Angeles Philharmonic "Marietta's Lied" performance
BOX-FOLDER 95/35, Mapcase Folder 1 1967
Six programs; poster from Vienna Volksoper Die Tote Stadt performance
BOX-FOLDER 95/36 1968
Program from Los Angeles Civic Light Opera Rosalinda
BOX-FOLDER 95/37 1972
Program from Walzer aus Wien production by Heinz Reichert and Julius Bittner
BOX-FOLDER 100/1 1972-1976
Scrapbook of clippings
BOX-FOLDER 95/38 1974
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