The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Seeger family collection, 1846-2023
Seeger, Peggy, 1960-2013 (bulk 1989-2010) (continued)
Photographs, 1985-2010 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 129/2 Eastern Service Workers Association, 2010 April 17
Photograph album
BOX-FOLDER 129/3 Freight and Salvage, 2004
Includes: Peggy Seeger with Ronnie Gilbert, Faith Petric, and Rosalie Sorrels
BOX-FOLDER 129/4 DF The Lowry, 2004 October 16
Digital ID: Seeger_001
Contents: Martin Woodhead(?) with Peggy Seeger
BOX-FOLDER 129/9 Miscellaneous, 2001-2004 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 129/5 Peggy Seeger 70th birthday concert, Queen Elizabeth Hall, London, 2005 May 29
Includes: Peggy Seeger with Mike Seeger and Pete Seeger
BOX-FOLDER 129/6 Ralph Rinzler Memorial Concert, Smithsonian Folklife Festival, Washington, DC, 2000 July 1
BOX-FOLDER 129/7 Ruth Crawford Seeger Centennial, CUNY Graduate Center, Brooklyn, 2001 October 26-27
Color slides; color portraits; black and white prints and negatives
Includes: Mike Seeger, Peggy Seeger, Pete Seeger
Note: Photographer: Bill Foley
BOX-FOLDER 129/8 Ruth Crawford Seeger Centennial, CUNY Graduate Center, Brooklyn, 2001 October 26-27
Color prints and negatives
Includes: Mike Seeger, Peggy Seeger, Pete Seeger
BOX-FOLDER 129/10 Flat at 35 Stanley Avenue, Beckenham, 1994
DF Miscellaneous photographer: Peggy, Irene, Pete, 2001
Digital ID: Seeger_024
Contents include: Peggy songbook; Irene Pyper-Scott playing billiards; Irene and Peggy; Peggy holding banjo; Pete Seeger performing
DF Misc. Shawano; photos - all on computer, 2004
Digital ID: Seeger_009
Contents include: Falls; Peggy Seeger with friends/family(?); other images from a coastal trip
DF Peggy Seeger CD covers and pictures, 2001
Digital ID: Seeger_029
Contents include: Album covers; Peggy Seeger performing
DF Untitled images, 2005
Digital ID: Seeger_010
Contents include: Cornwall, along coast with family/friends(?); wildlife
BOX 130-131 Writings by Others, 1996-2009
Articles, course readers, photographs, and scripts.
Arranged alphabetically by author.
BOX-FOLDER 249/7 Burson, Anna Kristina. "The Influence of Ewan MacColl on the English Folk Song Revival of the 1950s and 1960s," 2005
BOX-FOLDER 248/6 Good, Amber. "'Lady, What Do You Do All Day?' Peggy Seeger's Anthems of Anglo American Feminism," unpublished MA thesis, University of Cincinnati, 2002
BOX-FOLDER 130/1 "The finest ballads: Anna Gordon Brown and eighteenth century Scottish balladry," 2007 April
BOX-FOLDER 249/8 Harker, Ben. "'The Manchester Rambler': Ewan MacColl and the 1932 Mass Trespass," History Workshop Journal 2005
BOX-FOLDER 130/2 MacKay, Anne. "The golden ship," part 1, 2000
BOX-FOLDER 130/3 MacKay, Anne. "The golden ship," part 2, 2000
BOX-FOLDER 249/9 Meru, Piro, "Ewan MacColl," Kilmarnock Edition, 1999
BOX-FOLDER 130/4 Merrill, Richard. "Bump," 2004
Script, scrapbook pages with photographs
BOX-FOLDER 130/5-6 Perry, Ruth and George Ruckert, Anglo-American folk music course reader, 2003 Fall
BOX-FOLDER 130/7-8 to 131/1 Perry, Ruth and Judith Tick, Women, representation, and music in selected folk traditions, 2003 Fall
Course reader
BOX-FOLDER 131/2 Power, Ted. "30 MacColl/Seeger songs with themes for discussion," 1998
BOX-FOLDER 249/10 Vacca, Giovanni. "Le canzione politica in Gran Bretagna: Ewan MacColl," Musica/Realtà 1991 December
Note: Includes transmittal letter
BOX-FOLDER 131/3 Vaughan, Jennie. "Women and political song: inspiration, celebration and reportage," 2000
BOX-FOLDER 131/4 Verrier, Michael. "The Radio Ballads: musical documentaries or works of art?" 1996 January 26
BOX 17, 20, 132, 265, 270 Iconography and Realia, 1997-2009
Arranged into two file units: Iconography and Realia.
BOX-FOLDER 132/1, 17/15, 20/7, 265/11 Seeger, Peggy, 2004 and undated
Artists include:
  • Abnett, Emma
  • Lundgren, Jewell
  • McWhirter, Loy
  • Seeger, Elsie
Event badges, buttons, and lanyards; license plates; and a plaque, a quilt, and a trading card set
Arranged alphabetically by material type
BOX-FOLDER 132/2 Badges, 1999-2009
BOX-FOLDER 20/2 Children's Music Network, Magic Penny Award, 2005
Note: Includes quilt
Note: Honors Ruth Crawford Seeger
BOX-FOLDER 132/3 Event buttons, 1992, 1997, 2008-2009, and undated
BOX-FOLDER 132/4 Event lanyards, undated
BOX-FOLDER 270/2 Grammy award nominee medal, 2008
BOX-FOLDER 132/5 Images of tradition trading cards, English Folk Dance and Song Society, 2000
Boxed set with 54 trading cards, enamel badge, and flicker book
Note: Includes cards for: Alan Lomax, Ewan MacColl, and Peggy Seeger
BOX-FOLDER 132/6 License plates, 2002
BOX-FOLDER 17/16 Peggy Seeger Goodies sign, undated
Note: List of items for sale at concerts
BOX-FOLDER 132/7 Plaque, California Traditional Music Society, 2000 June
BOX-FOLDER 20/1 T-shirt, Seeger Family Reunion and Jamboree, 1998
DF Digital Files, 1994-2013
This series consists of text, image, and audio files that were contained on optical media and floppy disks from Peggy Seeger's custody. Included in the text files are documents pertaining to Peggy Seeger's musical career and personal life, such as song lyrics, writings and notes, and administrative materials. Photographic image files are described in the Photographs subseries. The audio files encompass a range of content, including childhood recordings, field recordings, oral history interviews, and recordings from the Radio Ballads program, a series of audio documentaries created by Ewan MacColl, Peggy Seeger, and Charles Parker.
Principle file formats: .doc, .jpg, .bmp, .mp3, .wav
Original file order has been maintained. Arranged alphabetically by title on original media.
DF Dead file, circa 1996-2004
Digital ID: Seeger_004
Writings by Peggy Seeger about touring life and albums; unidentified files
DF Ewan plays, disc 1, 1994
Digital ID: Seeger_030
Hell is What You Make it; Landscape with Chimneys; Rogue's Gallery
DF MacColl/Seeger archive, 1989-2002
Digital ID: Seeger_008
Peggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl song lyrics; notes about songs; play scripts; songbooks; notes about finances/income; and Ewan MacColl memorial information
DF MacColl/Seeger archive, digitized tape reels, 2011
Digital ID: Seeger_037
Oral histories/field recordings; Easterhouse concerts
Includes: Log file with format info and time stamps
DF MacColl/Seeger archive, digitized tape reels, 2011
Digital ID: Seeger_038
Digital ID: Seeger_039
Oral histories/field recordings
Includes: Log file with format info and time stamps
DF MacColl/Seeger archive, digitized tape reels, 2013
Digital ID: Seeger_035_036
Field recordings; Peggy Seeger childhood/early tapes; songs; Revival Singers recordings; Charles Parker recordings; Radio Ballads recordings; interviews with Ewan MacColl
DF Peggy hypercare stack, 2004
Digital ID: Seeger_014
"Peg_Ewan records database copy" - catalog of recordings
DF Peggy songbook; also misc. 2004
Digital ID: Seeger_015
"Peg_Ewan records database copy" - catalog of recordings
BOX 133-224, 252-267, 269 MAPCASE FOLDER 1-17 MacColl/Seeger, 1846-2009 (bulk 1930-1995)

The MacColl-Seeger series (formerly the Ewan MacColl & Peggy Seeger Archive housed at Ruskin College, Oxford) contains personal and professional correspondence with family members, artist colleagues--particularly songwriters--and business associates; plays and other writings; song lyrics by MacColl, Seeger, and others in their circle; music manuscripts of works by Peggy Seeger, Ewan MacColl--both as joint creators and independent writers--and others; and family and professional photographs. Also included are datebooks, financial documents, contracts and other records which reveal more than mere business arrangements; these papers help demonstrate how the couple carved out and engineered the spread of the folk revival movement in Europe in the 1960s through club and festival appearances. These materials also provide insight into Peggy Seeger's role as a performer, songwriter, business manager, and parent. Audio/visual materials, transferred to the American Folklife Center, capture live performances, interviews, oral histories, and, in the Seeger family tradition, field recordings of folk artists in Britain and Europe.
Arranged in eight subseries: Writings, Songwriting, Subject Files, Correspondence, Organizations, Recording Activity, Biographical Materials, and Photographs.
BOX 133-159, 252-253 Writings, 1846-1999

The Writings subseries brings together most of Ewan MacColl's and Peggy Seeger’s extensive independent written output; their vast songwriting oeuvre is in the Songwriting subseries, while MacColl’s “Festival of Fools” productions are located in the Critics Group files. Between them they wrote or edited more than twenty books including heavily annotated song collections and monographs; MacColl himself wrote over twenty plays and dozens of radio and television broadcasts.

Broadcasts and plays are the most extensively documented of MacColl’s writings with versions of all of his plays and radio ballads included in the collection. There are also numerous drafts of his posthumously published autobiography Journeyman.

Between 1969-1985 a different sort of publication occupied much of Peggy’s attention: the New City Songster. These irregular issues collected newly written topical songs from Australia, Great Britain, and the United States. Seeger managed the production and distribution of each the twenty issues and their reissue and wrote an introduction to each issue.

Both MacColl and Seeger shared their knowledge of folk music through lectures on folk music structure and style, using music in documentary productions, and how to write folk songs.

Other writers are also represented in the Writings subseries through articles sent to or saved by MacColl or Seeger on topics or writers of interest and poetry sent to them by friends. The articles located here are on a variety of topics unlike those in the Subject Files subseries which focus on folk music and the folk revival.

Materials consist of clippings, correspondence; draft and published articles, books, and plays; lyric sheets; notated and printed music; photographs; pre-publication artwork; and scripts.
Arranged into seven sub-subseries or file units: Articles, Books, Broadcasts, New City Songster, Plays, Poetry, and Teaching Materials.
BOX 133 Articles and Miscellaneous Documents, 1852-1992
see also Critical and Historical Materials and Biographical Materials
Materials consist of correspondence and draft and published articles on a wide array of topics of interest to MacColl and Seeger; articles and reviews by them are here as well.
Arranged alphabetically by author or title.
BOX-FOLDER 133/1 Abolition of Unemployment Bill, 1977
BOX-FOLDER 133/2 Anson, Richard F. "The Religious Revival Among the Scottish Fisher-folk," The Month, 1922
BOX-FOLDER 133/3 Barker, Clive. "Contemporary Shakespearean Parody in Britain," Shakespeare Jahrbuch, 1969
Note: Inscribed by Barker
BOX-FOLDER 133/4 Byrne, Brian. Extracts from writings, undated
BOX-FOLDER 133/5 [Clark], "Essay on Folk Revival in Scotland," undated
BOX-FOLDER 133/6 Dorothy Hewett/Lloyd Davies libel case and benefit concert for Dorothy Hewett, Adelaide, 1977
BOX-FOLDER 133/7 Edgar, David. "10 Years of Political Theatre, 1968-1978," Theatre Quarterly, 1979
Includes: Transmittal letter
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