The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Seeger family collection, 1846-2023
Charles Louis Seeger, 1900-1983 (bulk 1925-1979) (continued)
Correspondence, 1922-1979 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 47/20 Christensen, Dieter, 1977-1978
BOX-FOLDER 47/21 Christiansen, R. H., 1957-1967
BOX-FOLDER 47/22 Clarke, Henry Leland, 1972-1977
  • "Songs from six decades"
  • "The Composers' Collective"
  • "The habitat of homing melody"
BOX-FOLDER 47/23 Cohen, Dalia, 1960-1976 and undated
Note: Includes melograph of unknown title
BOX-FOLDER 47/24 College Music Society, 1975, 1977
BOX-FOLDER 47/25 Composers' Collective, 1938
BOX-FOLDER 47/26 Conant, Isabel Pope, 1951-1972
BOX-FOLDER 47/27 Cornell University, 1977
Corrêa de Azevedo, Luiz-Heitor
see Azevedo, Luiz Heitor Corrêa de
BOX-FOLDER 47/28 Count, E. W., 1960-1969 and undated
  • "A. L. Kroeber: a memorial address"
  • "An essay on phasia: on the phylogenisis of man's speech function"
  • "Myth as world view"
  • "Whence mankind?"
BOX-FOLDER 47/29 Cowell, Henry, 1958
BOX-FOLDER 47/30 Cowell, Olive, 1972-1978 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 47/31 Cowell, Sidney Robertson, 1938-1979
Note: Includes photographs and Henry Cowell holograph score "A melody for Charlie" composed for Charles L. Seeger in 1965
BOX-FOLDER 48/1 Crawford, Richard, 1976
BOX-FOLDER 48/2 Crown Publishers, 1951
BOX-FOLDER 48/3 "D" miscellaneous, 1936-1978
Note: Includes photographs
Note: Includes material in French
BOX-FOLDER 48/4 DeForest, May, 1930 October
BOX-FOLDER 48/5 Densmore, Frances, 1953
BOX-FOLDER 48/6 Dickinson, George S., 1951-1963
BOX-FOLDER 48/7 Dunaway, David, 1976-1977
see also Dunaway, David. "Charles Seeger and Carl Sands: the Composers' Collective years" and David Dunaway, 1976
Note: Includes draft of Dunaway's 1977 Composers' Collective article
BOX-FOLDER 48/8 Dwyer, Doriot Anthony, 1974
BOX-FOLDER 48/9 "E" miscellaneous, 1942-1978
Note: Includes Ellington, Ter. "Outline for classifying musical notation systems" (abstract)
BOX-FOLDER 48/10 Eisler, Hanns, 1937, 1971
BOX-FOLDER 48/11 Erickson, Ronald, 1971-1978, 1983
BOX-FOLDER 48/12 Euba, Akin, 1964-1965
BOX-FOLDER 48/13 "F" miscellaneous, 1948, 1969-1978, and undated
BOX-FOLDER 48/14 Filip, Miroslav, 1960-1968
BOX-FOLDER 48/15 Fine, Vivian, 1978
BOX-FOLDER 48/16 Fischer-Barnichol, Hans A., 1974-1975
BOX-FOLDER 48/17 "G" miscellaneous, 1944-1978
  • Goldthwait, John T. "The critical fallacy"
  • Grayson, John. "New materials and method for the musical instrument designer, the audio sculptor, musician, and composer"
BOX-FOLDER 48/18 Garland, Peter, 1976
BOX-FOLDER 48/19 Gaume, Matilda, 1967-1979
Note: Includes program from West Texas State University concert of Ruth Crawford Seeger music, [1970]
BOX-FOLDER 48/20 Ginastera, Alberto, 1954-1958
BOX-FOLDER 48/21 Grebe, Maria Ester, 1965-1969, 1975-1977
BOX-FOLDER 48/22 Green, Archie, 1964-1976
BOX-FOLDER 48/23 Grubbs, John, 1970-1978
BOX-FOLDER 49/1 "H" miscellaneous, 1945-1978 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 49/2 Hand, Wayland, 1960-1964
BOX-FOLDER 49/3 Harvard summer school, 1955
BOX-FOLDER 49/4 Harvard University, 1972-1978
Note: Includes correspondence with John M. Ward
BOX-FOLDER 49/5 Hatch, Carol, 1969-1971
BOX-FOLDER 49/6 Haywood, Charles, 1969-1973
BOX-FOLDER 49/7 Hentoff, Nat, 1959
BOX-FOLDER 49/8 Herskovits, Melville J., 1949-1952
BOX-FOLDER 49/9 Herzog, George, 1945-1958, 1976
BOX-FOLDER 49/10 Hood, Mantle, 1954-1978
Note: Includes draft of Hood, Mantle. "Universal attributes of music"
BOX-FOLDER 49/11 Hutchinson, William, 1974-1978
Note: Includes Hutchinson, William. "Systematische as a musicological prescription"
BOX-FOLDER 49/12 "I" miscellaneous, 1946-1977
BOX-FOLDER 49/13 Index of American Folksong, undated
BOX-FOLDER 49/14 International Conference on Music and Communication, 1975-1976
BOX-FOLDER 49/15 International Folk Music Council, 1971-1975, 1979
BOX-FOLDER 49/16 International Folk Music Council, 21st Conference, Kingston, Jamaica, 1971
BOX-FOLDER 49/17 International Musicological Society, 1965-1977
BOX-FOLDER 50/1 Ireland, Leah, 1969-1979
BOX-FOLDER 50/2 "J" miscellaneous, 1946-1978
  • Jairzabhoy, H. A. and A. W. Stone. "Intonation in present-day north Indian classical music"
  • Jairzabhoy, H. A. "The 'objective' and subjective view in music"
BOX-FOLDER 50/3 Jackson, George Pullen, 1950-1953
BOX-FOLDER 50/4 Johansen, Gunnar, 1966
BOX-FOLDER 50/5 John Edwards Memorial Foundation, 1971, 1977-1978
BOX-FOLDER 50/6 "K" miscellaneous, 1951-1978 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 50/7 Kahn, Arthur, 1956
Note: Includes Aaron Copland letter
BOX-FOLDER 50/8 Kahn, Edward, 1971-1977
BOX-FOLDER 50/9 Kabalin, Fedor, 1951
BOX-FOLDER 50/10 Karpeles, Maud, 1963-1965
BOX-FOLDER 50/11 Kilpatrick, David, 1972-1977
BOX-FOLDER 50/12 Kinkeldey, Otto, 1956-1961
BOX-FOLDER 50/13 Kirkpatrick, John, 1967, 1974
Note: Includes correspondence with Vivian Perlis and Marilyn Ziffren concerning Carl Ruggles
BOX-FOLDER 50/14 Kishibe, Shigeo, 1958, 1977-1978
BOX-FOLDER 50/15 Kodish, Debora, 1976-1979
BOX-FOLDER 50/16 Kolinski, Mieczyslaw, 1952-1964, 1976-1978
Note: Includes material on the 1978 Kolinski festschrift
BOX-FOLDER 50/17-18 Krader, Barbara and Lawrence, 1956-1979
Note: Box 50 folder 18 includes:
  • Krader, Barbara. "The philosophy behind folk and traditional music study"
  • Krader, Lawrence. "Dialectical critique of the nature of human nature"
  • Krader, Lawrence. "On the classification of narratives in Chukchee"
  • Krader, Lawrence. "Person, ego, human spirit in Marcel Mauss: comments"
  • Schneider, Marius. "Sociologie et mythologie musicales"
BOX-FOLDER 50/19 Kremenliev, Boris, 1961, 1964, and undated
BOX-FOLDER 50/20 to 51/1 Kuss, Malena, 1964-1979
Note: Box 51 folder 1 includes photographs
BOX-FOLDER 51/2 Kuttner, F. A., 1951-1952
BOX-FOLDER 51/3 "L" miscellaneous, 1956-1979 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 51/4 Lawler, Vanett, 1971-1978 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 51/5 Lederman, Minna, 1974-1975
BOX-FOLDER 51/6 Legman, G., 1961-1967
BOX-FOLDER 51/7 Library of Congress, 1946-1985
Note: Correspondents include: Howard Cline, Nathan Einhorn, Luther H. Evans, Alan Jabbour, Don Leavitt, Anthony Seeger, Harold Spivacke, and Edward N. Walters
BOX-FOLDER 51/8 Lieberman, Fred, 1972-1978
  • Lieberman, Fred. "Should ethnomusicology be abolished?"
  • Lieberman, Fred. "Some contributions of ethnomusicology to the study of oral literature"
BOX-FOLDER 51/9 List, George, 1970-1976
BOX-FOLDER 51/10 Liu, Marjory, 1977-1978
BOX-FOLDER 51/11 Lloyd, Bert, 1950-1960, 1964, 1975
BOX-FOLDER 51/12 Lomax, Alan, 1947-1965, 1975-1978, and undated
BOX-FOLDER 51/13 Lomax, John, 1936, 1944
BOX-FOLDER 51/14 Lord, Albert B., 1951-1952
BOX-FOLDER 51/15 Lovell, Aida, 1967-1978 and undated
Note: Includes photograph
BOX-FOLDER 51/16 Lyman, Jack, 1968-1969
BOX-FOLDER 51/17 "M" miscellaneous, 1939-1978 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 51/18 "Mc" miscellaneous, 1958-1979 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 51/19 McLeod, Norma, 1961-1971 and undated
  • Boilés, Charles. "Tepehua thought song"
  • Herndon, Marcia. "Transformational model of linguistics: its implication for music"
  • McLeod, Norma. "The definition of the phrase"
  • McLeod, Norma. "Semantic parameter in music: the Blanket Rite in Lower Kutenai"
  • McLeod, Norma. "Stylistic characteristics of the music of Madagascar"
BOX-FOLDER 52/1 Melody index, jottings, 1935
BOX-FOLDER 52/2 About, 1954-1970
Note: Includes slides of melograph
BOX-FOLDER 52/3 Forerunners, 1937-1938, 1969
Note: Includes photographs and transparencies
BOX-FOLDER 52/4 Miscellaneous graphs, 1961, 1966, 1970, and undated
BOX-FOLDER 52/5 Model C technical information, 1961-1968 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 52/6 Merriman, Alan P., 1964
BOX-FOLDER 52/7 Merritt, A. Tillman, 1941-1957
BOX-FOLDER 52/8 Milner Richard, 1971-1976 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 52/9 Miscellaneous, 1966-1972
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