The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Seeger family collection, 1846-2023
MacColl/Seeger, 1846-2009 (bulk 1930-1995) (continued)
Subject Files, 1921-2002 (continued)
Folk Music, 1962-2002 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 173/4 American Folklife Foundation Act, 1970-1973
BOX-FOLDER 173/5 Balfa, Dewey. Interview by Frank Proschan, 1977
BOX-FOLDER 173/6 Baskerville, Charles Read. "English Songs on the Night Visit,'' Proceedings of the Modern Languages Association, vol. 36, 1921
BOX-FOLDER 173/7 Berndt, Rolf. "Neue Wege in der englischen Folkloristik," Sonderdruck aus der Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 1955
Note: Inscribed by Rolf Berndt to MacColl
BOX-FOLDER 173/8 Bronson, Bertrand H. Danmarks gamele folkeviser XI: melodier "Old Popular Ballads of Denmark," 1978
Note: Inscribed by Bertrand Bronson to MacColl and Seeger
BOX-FOLDER 173/9 "Brown Lung Blues: A Little History of Southern Working People and the Mills They Worked In," undated
BOX-FOLDER 173/10 Brown, Gwen. "The Handloom Weavers," unpublished BA Honors research project, North East London Polytechnic, undated
Includes: Letter from Brown to MacColl
BOX-FOLDER 173/11-12 Burman, Martin. "Political Song Performance Styles of the Old and New Left," unpublished MA thesis, Wesleyan University, 1978
BOX-FOLDER 174/1 Cazden, Norman. "I Walk the Road Again and Again," presentation at the sessions of the Society for Ethnomusicology held in Toronto, Ontario, 1972
BOX-FOLDER 174/2 Craig, David. "Songs of the Bleak Age," 1965
BOX-FOLDER 174/3 David, Faith. "Jimi Hendrix. Devil or Prophet?," 1975
BOX-FOLDER 174/4 Deakin, Philip. "Relics of the Cornfield," [typescript], 1967
Dance with choreographic notation and music
Includes: Transmittal letter from Deakin
BOX-FOLDER 174/5 Dorris, Bill. "White Folks' Roots," 1982
Includes: Transmittal letter from Dorris
BOX-FOLDER 174/6 Eisler, Hanns. "The Situation of the Workers' Singers and Musicians in Germany," 1964
Note: Translation by Lee Baxandall of article published in Sinn und Form
BOX-FOLDER 174/7 Fisher, T. L. "The Future of the Folk Song Revival: Some Ideas," 1971
BOX-FOLDER 174/8 Folk Music on Film, 1960
BOX-FOLDER 174/9 Fowke, Edith. "Folk Songs in Ontario," 1963
BOX-FOLDER 174/10 Gammon, Vic. "'Not Appreciated in Worthing?' Class Expression and Popular Song Texts in Mid-nineteenth-Century Britain," Popular Music 4, 1984
BOX-FOLDER 174/11 Gregory, E. David. "Lomax in London: Alan Lomax, the BBC and the Folk-Song Revival in England, 1950-1958" Folk Music Journal, v. 8 no. 2, 2002
Henderson, Hamish.
BOX-FOLDER 174/12 "'At the Foot 'o Yon Excellent Brae': The Language of Scots Folksong," undated
Includes: Transmittal letter from Henderson
BOX-FOLDER 174/13 "Calum Maclean, 1915-1960," 1985
BOX-FOLDER 174/14 The John Maclean March, undated
Lead sheet
Note: Inscribed by Hamish Henderson to MacColl
BOX-FOLDER 174/15 "Lettere dal Carcere: Gramsci's Letters from Prison," undated
Translated by Henderson
Includes: Antonio Gramsci: Renzo Galeotti paintings, 1985
BOX-FOLDER 174/16 "The Underground of Song," The Scots Magazine, 1963
BOX-FOLDER 174/17 Herskovits, Melville J., and Herskovits, Frances S. (eds). "Afro-Bahian Religious Songs: Songs of the African Cult-groups," Library of Congress Music Division - Recording Laboratory. Folk Music of Brazil, undated
Album 13 record notes
BOX-FOLDER 174/18 Joe Heaney interview, 1964
Complete transcripts of Joe Heaney interview by Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger
Note: Downloaded from the "Musical Traditions" website, 2000 July 17
BOX-FOLDER 174/19 Katsarova, R. "Three generations of Bulgarian folksingers," undated
BOX-FOLDER 174/20 Kerman, Joseph. Contemplating Music: Challenges to Musicology, undated
Excerpts from Chapter 5. "Ethnomusicography and Cultural Musicography"
BOX-FOLDER 174/21 Liberovici, Sergio. "To the Study and the Comparative Research of Italian Workers Songs," undated
Lloyd, A. L.
BOX-FOLDER 174/22 [Essay on folk music], undated
BOX-FOLDER 174/23 "Folk Music of Albania," undated
Record insert
BOX-FOLDER 174/24 "Industrial Folklore" - Research proposal submitted to Merlyn Rees, organizer of the Labour Party's 1962 Culture Festival, 1961
Includes: Transmittal letter from Lloyd
BOX-FOLDER 174/25 "Workers' Songs in England: a Summary Account," undated
BOX-FOLDER 174/26 Lomax, Alan. "Appeal for Cultural Equity," reprinted from Journal of Communication, 27:2, 1977
BOX-FOLDER 174/27 Lyle, Thomas. Ancient Ballads and Songs: Chiefly from Manuscripts and Source Works, 1973
Unbound copy
BOX-FOLDER 174/28 McCaffery. "A Study In the Variation and Function of a Ballad," undated
BOX-FOLDER 174/29 Munro, Ailie. "Folk Music, Politics and the WMA Workers," Musical Association Occasional Paper no.1, 1988
Note: Inscribed by Munro
BOX-FOLDER 174/30 "The Non-art of the Ballad," 1971
BOX-FOLDER 175/1 O"Malley, Raymond. "Flowers in the Valley: British Folk Songs," undated
Typescript draft of chapter from Basil Ford (ed.) Cambridge Guide to the Arts In Britain, vol. 5
Includes: Note to Seeger from "Boris"
BOX-FOLDER 175/2 O"Shaughnessy, Patricia."Lincolnshire Folk Songs," The Lincolnshire Historian, 1965
BOX-FOLDER 175/3 Palmer, Roy. "A Military Execution," from The Rambling Soldier, undated
BOX-FOLDER 175/4 Rosen, Mike. "Response to PSN 10, Political Song News, 1991
BOX-FOLDER 175/5 The Scotsman. Letters to the Editor by Hamish Henderson, Hugh MacDiarmid, and David Craig, 1964 April
BOX-FOLDER 175/6 Sharp, Michael. "War Pipes in Africa: The Elegies of Hamish Henderson," 1983
BOX-FOLDER 175/7 Speedwell, Jack. "Advice to Revivalists," undated
BOX-FOLDER 175/8 Speedwell, Jack. "Speedwell: His Confession," 1965
BOX-FOLDER 175/9 Warren-Findley. "Music, Labor and Public Patronage: the Federal Music Project and the American Federation of Musicians," undated
BOX-FOLDER 175/10 Wenker, Jerome. "Religion and Ballads as Seen in a Study of 'The Wife of Usher's Well'," undated
BOX-FOLDER 175/11 Wilkinson, Janet Claire. "How Can I Keep From Singing? The Place of Women Singers and Women-centred Song in the 'Folk Scene'," BA dissertation, Sunderland Polytechnic, 1988
BOX-FOLDER 175/12 Zenghinov, D. "Revival of Folk Music in Bulgaria," undated
BOX-FOLDER 175/13 Folk Camps Society, 1970-1981 and undated
Folk clubs
BOX-FOLDER 175/14 British Federation of Folk Clubs, 1969-1973
Club newsletters
BOX-FOLDER 175/15 A-B, 1968-1969
Contents: Amberly, Haslemere and Ashley House folk clubs; Ayr folk club; Basilon folk club; Birtley folksong club; Birmingham folk song club
BOX-FOLDER 175/16 C, 1969-1975, 1981-1991
Contents: Champlain Folklore Cooperative; Champlain Valley Festival; Co-op Folk Club (Nottingham); Cross Keys Folk Club; Croyden Come All Ye Folk Club; Croyden Folksong Club
BOX-FOLDER 175/17 E-H, L, 1967, 1973, 1982-1983
Contents: East Midlands Folk Music Federation; Folklore Society of Victoria and Victorian Folk Music Club (Melbourne, Australia); Gifford Folk Club; Greater Manchester and Cheshire; Hoy at Anchor Folk Club; Leicestershire
BOX-FOLDER 175/18 N, S-T, 1970-1974 and undated
Contents: Nottingham Co-operative Folk Workshop; South London; Southern Counties Folk Federation; Stag Folk Club; Sunderland Folk Centre; Swindon Folk-singers Club
BOX-FOLDER 175/19 U-W, 1967, 1976-1980
Contents: Federation of Ulster Folk Clubs; University College London Union Folk-Song Society
BOX-FOLDER 175/20 A-K, 1984-1991
Contents: Australian Folk Directory; Canadian Folk Festival Directory; Cleveland Folk Directory; Kerrville Directory (Texas)
BOX-FOLDER 176/1 M-Sa, 1984-1992 and undated
Contents: Manchester Folk Directory; San Francisco Folk Music Club Directory
BOX-FOLDER 176/2 Sc-W, 1969-1976, 1986-1990, and undated
Contents: Scottish Folk Directory; Scottish Folk Arts Directory; Singabout Directory; West Midlands Folk Federation Directory
BOX-FOLDER 176/3 English Folk, Dance, and Song Society, 1975-1989 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 176/4 English Folk, Dance, and Song Society - Directories, 1990-1994
BOX-FOLDER 176/5-6 English Folk, Dance, and Song Society - Folk London, 1972-1986
Folk clubs project
BOX-FOLDER 176/7 Programs and publicity material - A-H, 1971 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 177/1 Programs and publicity material - I-W, 1971 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 177/2 to 178//2 Questionnaire, 1969-1972
BOX-FOLDER 178/3 Folklore and folk music journals, 1973-1990
BOX-FOLDER 178/4 Folksingers for Vietnam, 1967 and undated
Includes: Script with song titles, timings, and lyrics for an unidentified program and Peggy's copy of a script draft
BOX-FOLDER 178/5 Miscellaneous materials, undated
BOX-FOLDER 178/6 Musical instrument catalogs, 1979-1982 and undated
Includes: Correspondence and dulcimer catalogs from Jeremy Seeger
BOX-FOLDER 178/7 Parkhouse Convention, 1973-1979
Performance materials - Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger
BOX-FOLDER 178/8 Ballads and Blues - Concerts and tours, 1954, 1957
BOX-FOLDER 178/9 Ballads and Blues Club - Photographs, 1956-1957 and undated
Includes: Dominic Behan, Isla Cameron, Fitzroy Coleman, Seamus Ennis, Ronnie Gilbert, Dean Gitter, Fred Hellerman, Roger Jenkins, Bert Lloyd, Ewan MacColl, Alex McEwan, Rory McEwan, Malcolm Nixon, Charles Parker, Ralph Rinzler, and Peggy Seeger
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