| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Charles Louis Seeger, 1900-1983
(bulk 1925-1979)
(continued) |
Writings, 1913-1983
(continued) |
BOX-FOLDER 73/27 |
"Zum factor des Schöpferischen in der
Musik schriftloser Vökler," Sonderabdruck aus:
Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wein,
vol. 99, 1969
BOX-FOLDER 73/28 |
"Gewöhnliches, sprachliches und
musikalisches Höen," Sonderabdruck aus:
Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wein,
BOX-FOLDER 73/29 |
"Die Schallforschung in der
Musikwissenschaft," Wissenschaft und
Weltbild, 1969
BOX-FOLDER 73/30 |
Biologische Wurzein des Musikeriebens,"
Schriften des Vereines zur Verbreitung
naturwissenschaftlicher Kennisse i. Wein, 1966
Note: Inscribed by Graf to Seeger
BOX-FOLDER 73/31 |
"Zur Bedeutung der Klangfarbe im
Musik-Erleben," Studia Musicologica Academiae
Scientiarum Hungaricae, 1969
BOX-FOLDER 73/32 |
Grame, Theodore C. "Sounding statues: the
symbolism of musical instruments," Expedition, 1973 Fall
Note: Inscribed by Grame to Seeger
Green, Archie |
BOX-FOLDER 73/33 |
"Commercial music graphics #33: A
Resettlement Administration song sheet," JEMF
Quarterly, vol. 2, part 2, no. 38, 1975 Summer
BOX-FOLDER 73/34 |
"A discography of American coal miners'
songs," Labor History, vol. 2, no. 1,
1961 Winter
Note: Inscribed by Green to Ewan and
Peggy |
BOX-FOLDER 73/35 |
"P. L. 94-201 - a view from the lobby,"
BOX-FOLDER 73/36 |
Grout, Donald. Untitled, 1976
BOX-FOLDER 73/37 |
Halpert, Herbert. "Folklore and
Newfoundland: an informal introduction to the materials and methods of
folklore," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
Canada, 8, 1969
BOX-FOLDER 73/38 |
Hammel, Eugene A. "The myth of structural
analysis: Lévi Strauss and the three bears," Module
in Anthropology, 25 1972
BOX-FOLDER 73/39 |
Hampton, Barbara L. Untitled,
BOX-FOLDER 73/40 |
Hand, Wayland. "'Passing through': Folk
medical magic and symbolism," Proceedings of the
American Philosophical Society, vol. 112, no. 6, 1968
Note: Inscribed by Hand to Seeger |
BOX-FOLDER 73/41 |
Hanks, Lucian M. "Picassoan man:
prospectus for a naturalistic psychology," undated
BOX-FOLDER 73/42 |
Hansen, Barrat E. "The process of
ethnomusicological analysis," 1964 December 2
BOX-FOLDER 73/43 |
Harwood, Dane L. "Music as a branch of
cognition," Psychology, 1963 November
BOX-FOLDER 73/44 |
Harwood, Dane L. "Toward a cognitive
psychology of music," undated
BOX-FOLDER 73/45 |
Heins, E. L. "Wajang kulie: Het
schimmenspel van Java, Indonesia," undated
BOX-FOLDER 73/46 |
Herndon, Marcia. "Analysis: the herding of
sacred cows?" Ethnomusicology, vol. xviii,
no. 2, 1974 June
Note: Inscribed by Herndon to Seeger
BOX-FOLDER 73/47 |
Herndon, [Marcia} and [Norma] McCloud.
"Who brought the lunch? Music in context(s)," 1976
Hockett, Charles D. "The origin of
speech," Scientific American, 1960
Hood, Mantle. "The enduring tradition:
music and theater in Java and Bali, Indonesia," 1963
Hood, Mantle and Hardin Susilo. "Music of
the venerable dark cloud," 1967
Hopkins, Pandora. "Cultural relations in
time and space: the implications of ethnomusicology,"
Horton, Robin. "African traditional
thought and western science," undated
Hunt, F. V. "Noise and ultrasonics,"
Hutchinson, William. |
"The problem of universals in music,"
Music and Man, 1977
"Psychology and music," The World of Music, no. 1, 1976
and Leon Knupoff. "The acoustic
component of western consonance," undated
BOX-FOLDER 74/10 |
and James Miller. "Audience education:
what do our orchestras choose to play?" undated
BOX-FOLDER 74/11 |
International Music Council. "Notation of
folk music," 1952
BOX-FOLDER 74/12 |
Jakobson, Roman. "Musikwissenschaft und
linguistik," in Jakobson, Selected Writings,
2, 1971
BOX-FOLDER 74/13 |
Jonas, Gerald. "Manfried Clynes and the
science of sentics," SR, 1972 May
BOX-FOLDER 74/14 |
Jones, W. R. "Western historians and the
world," undated
BOX-FOLDER 74/15 |
Kaemmer, John. E. "Between the event and
tradition: a new look at music in sociocultural systems," Society for Ethnomusicology, 1977
BOX-FOLDER 74/16 |
Kaeppler, Adrienne L. "Aculturacion en la
danza de Hawaii," undated
BOX-FOLDER 74/17 |
Kaeppler, Adrienne L. Untitled,
BOX-FOLDER 74/18 |
Kahane, Mariana. "Orientări şi aspecte ale
cercetării folclorului în S. U. A.," Revista de
Etnografie şi Folclor, 1972
Note: Inscribed by Kahane to Seeger |
Note: Parts 1 and 2 in separate
issues |
BOX-FOLDER 74/19 |
Kahn, Ed. "Native categories vs.
individual categories: folksong as a case in point," undated
Typescript |
BOX-FOLDER 74/20 |
Kaplan, Max. "A critique of Sorokin's
dynamics in reference to music," undated
Typescript |
BOX-FOLDER 74/21 |
Katz, Ruth. "The songing of Baggashôt by
Aleppo Jews: a study in musical acculturation," Acta Musicologia, vol. 40, undated
Note: Inscribed by Katz to Seeger |
BOX-FOLDER 74/22 |
Kauffman, Robert. "An enthnomusicological
perspective viewed within the structure of a possible systematic approach
to all music," undated
BOX-FOLDER 74/23 |
Kauffman, Robert. "Shona urban music and
the problem of acculturation," undated
BOX-FOLDER 74/24 |
Keil, Charles. Untitled, 1971
November 17
BOX-FOLDER 74/25 |
Kerr, Harrison. "Creative music and the
New School," Trend, 1934
BOX-FOLDER 74/26 |
Kim, Pong-han. "[The kungrak system],"
Book excerpt |
BOX-FOLDER 74/27 |
Kirkpatrick, John. "The evolution of Carl
Ruggles: a chronicle largely in his own words," Perspectives in New Music, undated
BOX-FOLDER 74/28 |
Kohlberg, Lawrence and Rochelle Mayer.
"Development as the aim of education," Harvard
Education Review, vol. 42, no. 4, 1972 November
BOX-FOLDER 74/29 |
Kohlberg, Lawrence. "Teaching virtue,"
Ethical Education, 1971
BOX-FOLDER 74/30 |
Kolinski, Mieczyslaw. "A cross-cultural
approach to metro-rhythmic patterns," undated
BOX-FOLDER 74/31 |
Kolinski, Mieczyslaw. "The structure of
movement: a new method of analysis in 'Miscelánea et estudios' dedicados
al Dr. Fernando Ortiz," 1956
BOX-FOLDER 74/32 |
Krader, Lawrence. "Person and
collectivity: a problem in the dialectic of anthropology," Transactions in the New York Academy of
Sciences, 2, vol. 30, no. 6, 1968 April
BOX-FOLDER 74/33 |
Kren, George M. "Psychoanalysis in the
university," undated
BOX-FOLDER 74/34 |
Krenek, Ernst. Hamline Studies in Musicology, volume two, 1947
Ledang, Ola Kai. "Some musicological
applications of the sonagraph," Studia Musicolojica
Norvegica, 1968
Lieberman, Fredric. "Computer-aided
analysis of Javanesse music," The Computer and
Music, undated
Lissa, Zofia. "Prolegomena zur Theorie der
Tradition in der Musik," Archiv f.
Musikwissenschaft, vol. 27, 3, 1970 December 3
List, George. |
"African influences in the rhytmic and
metric organization of Columbian costeño folksong,"
"The conjunto de gaitas of Columbia:
the heritage of three cultures," 1973 and undated
Note: In English (as undated mimeograph)
and Spanish (published in Revista Musical
"The reliability of translation,"
Locke, David. "Drum language in Adzogbo,"
Society for Ethnomusicology, 1977
Lomax, Alan. |
"Appeal for cultural equity," Journal of Communication, 1977
"Cinema, science and cultural revival,"
Columbia University, Bureau of Applied Social Research, reprint no.
A-714, [1973]
Note: Originally published in Current Anthropology, vol. 14, no. 4,
October 1973 |
BOX-FOLDER 75/10 |
"Cross-cultural factors in phonological
change," Language in Society,
BOX-FOLDER 75/11 |
"Folk song style," American Anthropologist, vol. 61, no. 6,
1959 December
BOX-FOLDER 75/12 |
et. al. "Choreometrics: a method for
the study of cross-cultural patterns in film," Sonderdruk aus Research Film, vol. 6, no. 6
BOX-FOLDER 75/13 |
with Norman Berkowitz. "The
evolutionary taxonomy of culture," Science, 1972 July 21
Lord, Albert B. |
BOX-FOLDER 75/14 |
"Homer and Huso 1-3," Transactions of the American Philological
Society, 1936, 1938, 1948
BOX-FOLDER 75/15 |
"Homer, Parry, and Huso," American Journal of Archaeology, vol. 52,
no. 1, 1948 January-March
BOX-FOLDER 75/16 |
"Review of Samuel Eliot Bassett, The Poetry of Homer," American Aournal of Philology, 1947 April
BOX-FOLDER 75/17 |
Lowens, Irving. "John Wyeth's Repository of Sacred Music, part second: a
northern precursor to southern folk hymnody," Journal of American Musicological Society, vol. V, no. 1,
1951 Summer
BOX-FOLDER 75/18 |
Lowinsky, Edward E. "The concept of
physical and musical space in the Renaissance," Papers of the American Musicological Society Annual Meeting,
Note: Inscribed by Lowinsky to Seeger
BOX-FOLDER 75/19 |
Malm, Kriester. "Some methods to study
chronometrical values in monophonic music," undated
BOX-FOLDER 75/20 |
Malm, William P. "Computer and
organological research: an Inter-collection offer," undated
BOX-FOLDER 75/21 |
Marcel-Dubois, Claudia. "Papiers de
l'equipe de recherche ethnomusicologic," Musée
National des Arts et Traditions Populaires, 1972
BOX-FOLDER 75/22 |
May, Ernest. "Interdisciplinary history
and musicology: towards a shift in the musicological paradigm,"
1976 April 10
BOX-FOLDER 75/23 |
Mayle, Alice M. "Sound films for combined
notation: the Greete Eylande field project," 1969 and
BOX-FOLDER 75/24 |
McLain, Ernest G. "The tyrant's number: a
musical solution to Plato's riddle," 1971 February
McLeod, Norma. |
BOX-FOLDER 75/25 |
"Redundancy, boredom, and survival,"
Note: Inscribed by McLeod to Seeger
BOX-FOLDER 75/26 |
"Reductionism: a problem for musical
performance," undated
BOX-FOLDER 75/27 |
”Review of Hindu-Javanese Musical Instruments,” American Anthropologist, vol. 72, no. 1, 1970
BOX-FOLDER 75/28 |
"The status of musical specialists in
Madagascar," Ethnomusicology, vol. 18,
no. 3, 1964 September
BOX-FOLDER 75/29 |
and Marcia Herndon. "Verbal strategy in
the Maltese song duel," undated
BOX-FOLDER 75/30 |
Meadows, Eddie S. "Jazz antecedents,"
Freedomways, 1977
BOX-FOLDER 75/31 |
Mehta, Ved. "Onward and upward with the
arts," The New Yorker, 1971 May
BOX-FOLDER 75/32 |
Merren, H. Orren. "The music-speech nexus
(prospects for a musical linguistics)," undated
Note: Two copies, each inscribed by Merren
to Seeger |
BOX-FOLDER 75/33 |
Mersmann, Hans. "A method for analysis of
new music," International Music Educator,
1962 Fall
BOX-FOLDER 75/34 |
Meyer, Leonard B. "The end of the
renaissance? Notes on the radical empiriscism of the avant-garde," The Hudson Review, vol. 16, no. 2, 1963
Note: Inscribed by Meyer to Seeger
BOX-FOLDER 75/35 |
Meyer, Leonard B. "Meaning in music and
information theory," Journal of Aesthetics and Art
Criticism, vol. 15, no. 4, 1957 June
Note: Inscribed by Meyer to Seeger
BOX-FOLDER 75/36 |
Milner, Richard. "Kundalini: uncoiling the
serpent," Power, undated
BOX-FOLDER 268/3 |
Moore, Michael. B. A. Study - word "may,"
BOX-FOLDER 75/37 |
Nattiez, Jean-Jacques. "Linguistics: a new
appraisal for music analysis?" International Review
of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music, 6, 1,
BOX-FOLDER 75/38 |
Nattiez, Jean-Jacques. "What can
structuralism do for musicology?" undated
BOX-FOLDER 75/39 |
Northrop, F. S. C. "The relationally
analytical and the impressionistically concrete components of western
music," Journal of Research in Education,
19, 4, 1971 Winter
Noske, Frits. |
BOX-FOLDER 75/40 |
"Das exogene todesmotiv in den
musikdramen Richard Wagner," Die
Musikforschung, vol. 31, 1978
Note: Inscribed by Noske to Seeger
BOX-FOLDER 75/41 |
"Forma formens," International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of
Music, 1977
Note: Inscribed by Noske to Seeger |
Note: Annotated |
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