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Arsis Press records, 1947-2007

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BOX 1-11 Music, 1947-2004
This series primarily contains printed scores with pasteovers that were used as printer's masters. As more composers began to use music notation software in the 1990s and 2000s, Boone required them to send manuscript or computer generated scores to Arsis to keep printing costs low and adhered small pieces of paper with copyright information and the ASCAP insignia needed for final printing. In some instances there are multiple score proofs containing composers' annotations and corrections. Composer biographies, cover art, and program or performance notes included in final printed versions of scores are laid in with the music. Claudette Best, another Capitol Hill resident, was the cover designer for all Arsis publications. The music ranges from solo instrumental works to larger-scale works for chorus and instrumentalists. Some notable composers published by Arsis Press include Ruth Crawford Seeger, Mary Jeanne Van Appledorn, Ruth Schonthal, Jeanne Shaffer, and Vivian Fine.
Arranged alphabetically by composer and title therein.
Allen, Judith Shatin
BOX-FOLDER 8/1 Gazebo Music for flute and cello, 1981
Photocopy of manuscript score
Publisher no. 260
BOX-FOLDER 8/1 Gazebo Music for flute and cello, 1983
Printed score with pasteovers and annotations
Publisher no. 260
BOX-FOLDER 8/2 Study in Black for flute and percussion, 1986
Copyist score with pasteovers
Laid in: Thermal photocopy of biography
Publisher no. 262
BOX-FOLDER 1/1 'Tis A Gift To Be Simple, 1986
Printed vocal score with pasteovers
Publisher no. 263
BOX-FOLDER 8/3 Widdershins for piano, 1984
Copyist score with pasteovers
Laid in: Biography; composer's notes; cover with pasteovers
Publisher no. 261
Arakaki, Renee
BOX-FOLDER 8/4 Precipice for solo violin, 1996
Printed score
BOX-FOLDER 8/4 Precipice for solo violin, 1998
Printed score
Laid in: Biography; performance notes
Publisher no. 470
Barnett, Carol
BOX-FOLDER 8/5 Eternal Life with Thee for chorus, 1989
Printed score with annotations; printed score with pasteovers
Laid in: Biography; cover proof
Publisher no. 370
Bolz, Carol
BOX-FOLDER 1/2 Sonic Essay and Fugue, 1984
Printed score for organ with pasteovers (incomplete; pages 3-4 missing)
Laid in: Biography
Publisher no. 137
Boone, Clara Lyle, published as Lyle Bohun
BOX-FOLDER 1/3 The Last Summer: Trio for flute, clarinet and bassoon, undated
Ozalid of holograph score; holograph parts with annotations
BOX-FOLDER 1/4 Motive and Chorale for chamber orchestra, 1993
Printed full score with pasteovers; text
Laid in: Biography
BOX-FOLDER 1/5 Songs of Estrangement for voice and string quartet, 1975
Ozalid of holograph score; printed score and parts with pasteovers
Contents: Snow Has Lain; Flowers Fall; Death Has Risen; Love Is A-Borning
BOX-FOLDER 1/6 Three Octavos for chorus, 1974
Ozalid of holograph vocal score with annotations
Contents: Thou Shall Light My Lamp; Meditation; Alleluia
BOX-FOLDER 1/7 Twelve Art Songs, undated
Ozalid of holograph piano-vocal score with annotations
Contents: Beyond the Stars; Celestia; Fantasia; Good Night Kiss; Lovely Heart; Mirrored Love; Sea Thoughts; Slumber Song; Sonnet; Time Cannot Claim this Hour; When Songs Have All Been Sung; Winter Song
Bremer, Carolyn
BOX-FOLDER 1/8 Sonata for clarinet and piano, 1995
Printed score with pasteovers; printed clarinet part
Laid in: Biography; program note
Publisher no. 440
Brill, Elissa
BOX-FOLDER 1/9 Etude: Floating and Then Not for piano solo, 1999
Printed score with pasteovers
Laid in: Biography; program notes
Publisher no. 413
BOX-FOLDER 1/10 Klezmer Music, 1994
Printed score with pasteovers for clarinet, viola, and piano
Publisher no. 410
BOX-FOLDER 1/11 Minnie for medium voice and piano, 1999
Printed piano-vocal score with pasteovers
Laid in: Biography; cover art; program notes
Publisher no. 412
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 Story Closet: Divertimento for piano, 1986
Printed score with pasteovers
Publisher no. 411
Brockman, Jane
BOX-FOLDER 1/13 Character Sketches, 1984
Printed score for piano with pasteovers and annotations
Laid in: Biography; program notes with annotations
Publisher no. 212
BOX-FOLDER 8/6 Shadows: Duet for flute and clarinet, 1985
Printed score with pasteovers
Laid in: Biography; program notes
Publisher no. 211
BOX-FOLDER 1/14 Tell Tale Fantasy for piano solo, 1982
Printed score for piano with pasteovers
Laid in: Biography and program notes with annotations
Publisher no. 210
Casella, Jane
BOX-FOLDER 1/15 The Middle of Fortune, 1997
Two printed scores, one with pasteovers
Publisher no. 440
Diemer, Emma Lou
BOX-FOLDER 2/1 And I Saw a New Heaven and a New Earth from Revelation 21 for medium voice, trumpet, and organ or piano, 1991
Printed score with pasteovers
Laid in: Biography; cover proof; program notes
Publisher no. 156
BOX-FOLDER 2/2 Create in Me a Clean Heart for medium voice and organ or piano, 1990
Printed score with pasteovers
Laid in: Cover proof
Publisher no. 155
BOX-FOLDER 8/7 Encore for piano solo, 1984
Printed score with pasteovers
Laid in: Biography with pasteovers
Publisher no. 152
BOX-FOLDER 2/3 God is Love for mixed chorus with electronic tape, 1982
Printed score with pasteovers
Laid in: Cover with pasteovers; performance notes
Publisher no. 151
BOX-FOLDER 8/8 I Will Sing of Your Steadfast Love from Psalm 89 for high voice and organ, 1985
Printed score
Publisher no. 153
BOX-FOLDER 8/8 I Will Sing of Your Steadfast Love from Psalm 89 for high voice and organ, 1987
Printed score with pasteovers
Laid in: Biography and cover with pasteovers
Publisher no. 153
BOX-FOLDER 2/4 Who Can Find a Virtuous Woman? From Proverb 31 for medium high voice and organ or piano, 1989
Printed score with pasteovers
Laid in: Biography; cover; program notes; text
Donahue, Bertha Terry
BOX-FOLDER 8/9 The Castle Yonder: A Cycle of Songs for soprano with piano accompaniment, 1982
Printed score with pasteovers on cardstock
Laid in: Thermal photocopy of biography; cover
Contents: The Castle Yonder; The Dew; Household Problems; Rain; A Cat; The Four Winds
Publisher no. 170
Fine, Vivian
BOX-FOLDER 8/10 Lieder for viola and piano, 1979
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