The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Arnold Schoenberg correspondence and other papers, 1894-1959
Correspondence, 1894-1959 (bulk 1920s-1940s) (continued)
Correspondence to Schoenberg and His Estate, 1894-1959 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 9/21 Amsterdam. Bevordering Der ToonKunst. Zanguereenigung, 1914-1921
12 leaves
see Musikblätter des Anbruch
BOX-FOLDER 9/15 Apel, Willi, 1946-1947
2 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 9/16 Archipenko, Alexander, 1949
1 leaf
BOX-FOLDER 9/17 1939-1941
26 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 9/18 1942-1947
35 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 9/19 1948-1949
33 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 9/20 1950
53 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 9/22 Apostel, Hans Erich, 1934-1951
14 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 9/23 Aranyi, Francis, 1940-1941
5 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 9/24 Arlt, Gustave O., 1940-1950
9 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 9/25 Armitage, Merle, 1943-1950
7 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 9/26 Aron, Paul, 1928-1949
10 leaves
Associated Music Publishers
see also Mendel, Arthur
BOX-FOLDER 9/27 1939-1941
42 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 9/28 1942-1943
54 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 9/29 1944-1946
38 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 9/30 1947-1949
46 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 9/31 1950
24 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 9/32 Auftakt, 1921, 1930
2 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 9/33 Austria, 1914-1928
12 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 9/34 Avshalomoff, Jacob, 1950
1 leaf
BOX-FOLDER 10/49-52 "B" miscellaneous, 1910-1951
122 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 10/1 Bach, David Josef, 1901-1945
18 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 10/2 Bachrich, Ernst, 1920-1923
3 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 10/3 Baer, Theodor, 1911
2 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 10/4 Bahr, Hermann, 1909-1913
11 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 10/5 Balaban, Emerich, 1910-1912
13 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 10/6 Balan, Benno Verlag, 1930-1932
30 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 10/7 Bampton, Rose, 1949-1950
5 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 10/8 Barati, George, 1949-1950
3 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 10/9 Basch, Walter, 1930-1932
60 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 10/10 The Bauhaus, 1927 January
5 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 10/11 Bekker, Paul, 1927
2 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 10/12 Belling (Bellingue), Sandra, 1910
4 leaves; 1 photograph
Benkers Van Ogtrop, Jos.
see Amsterdam. Bevordering Der ToonKunst. Zanguereenigung
BOX-FOLDER 10/13 Berezowsky, Nicolai, undated
1 leaf
Berg, Alban
BOX-FOLDER 11/2 1908
1 leaf
BOX-FOLDER 11/3 1911 June-August
18 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/4 1911 September-October
36 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/5 1911 November-December
29 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/6 1912 January-April
30 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/7 1912 May-June
18 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/8 1912 July-August
20 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/9 1912 September-October
22 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/10 1912 November-December and undated
20 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/11 1913 January-February
36 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/12 1913 March
16 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/13 1913 April
13 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/14 1913 May-August
24 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/15 1913 September-December
20 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/1 1913, 1969 and undated
Transcripts; notes; 15 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/16 1914 January-June
12 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/17 1914 July-December
23 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/18 1915 January-April
22 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/19 1915 May-December
33 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/20 1916-1917
4 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/21 1918
11 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/22 1919
8 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/23 1920
26 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/24 1921
24 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/25 1922
14 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 11/26 1923
26 leaves
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