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Alexander Zemlinsky music manuscripts and other papers, 1887-1939

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Music by Zemlinsky, 1887-1939 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 16/3 REEL 8 Six Songs for middle voice and piano, op. 13, O 83. Die drei Schwestern, circa 1910
Lyrics by Maurice Maeterlinck
Manuscript score in ink, with crayon and pencil annotations
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 8, item 7
BOX-FOLDER 16/4 REEL 8 Six Songs for middle voice and piano, op. 13, O 83. Das Mädchen mit den verbundenen Augen, circa 1910
Lyrics by Maurice Maeterlinck
Manuscript score in ink, with crayon and pencil annotations
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 8, item 8
BOX-FOLDER 16/5 REEL 8 Six Songs for middle voice and piano, op. 13, O 83. Lied der Jungfrau, circa 1910
Lyrics by Maurice Maeterlinck
Printed page from Neue Musik-Zeitung
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 8, item 9
BOX-FOLDER 16/9 REEL 8 Six Songs for middle voice and orchestra, op. 13, O 84. Sie kam zum Schloss gegangen, undated
Lyrics by Maurice Maeterlinck
Holograph full score in ink, with crayon annotations
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 8, item 13
BOX-FOLDER 16/7 REEL 8 Six Songs for middle voice and piano, op. 13, O 83. Und kehrt er erst heim, 1922
Lyrics by Maurice Maeterlinck
Holograph score in ink, with pencil annotations
Note: "22 April 10" at end
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 8, item 11
BOX-FOLDER 16/8 REEL 8 Six Songs for middle voice and orchestra, op. 13, O 84., undated
Title: Vier Gesänge / Partitur
Lyrics by Maurice Maeterlinck
Printed title page fragment
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 8, item 12
BOX-FOLDER 19/1 REEL 9 Sketchbook, 1918
Title: Skizzen zu Raphael / Juni 1918
Holograph sketches in pencil and ink
Includes: Raphael, O 91; Lyrische Symphonie, O 94; Der Zwerg, O 92; Der heilige Vitalie, O 89; Eine florentinische Tragödie, O 90; Malwa, O 85; String Quartet, no. 2, O 88; Six Songs for middle voice and piano, O 83
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 9, item 15
BOX-FOLDER 4/8 REEL 1 Skizze, O 42, 1896
Printed score
V. Kratochwill, Vienna
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 1, item 44
BOX-FOLDER 20/4 REEL 10 String Quartet, O 96, 1927
Holograph score (incomplete) and sketches in ink
Note: "begonnen 22. Juli 27" at top; no key signature indicated
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 10, item 4
BOX-FOLDER 3/10 REEL 1 String Quartet in E minor, O 30, circa 1893
Holograph score in ink, with pencil annotations
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 1, item 28
BOX-FOLDER 3/11 REEL 1 String Quartet in E minor, O 30, circa 1893
Manuscript parts in ink, with pencil annotations
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 1, item 29
BOX-FOLDER 7/6 REEL 3 String Quartet in A major, no.1, op. 4, O 52, 1896
Holograph sketches in ink
Note: "am 9.7.96" at top
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 3, item 9
BOX-FOLDER 7/7 REEL 3 String Quartet in A major, no.1, op. 4, O 52, 1898
Printed score
N. Simrock, Berlin
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 3, item 10
BOX-FOLDER 16/17 REEL 8 String Quartet no. 2, op. 15, O 88, 1915
Holograph score and sketches in ink and pencil
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 8, item 22
BOX-FOLDER 17/1 REEL 8 String Quartet no. 2, op. 15, O 88, 1915
Manuscript parts, with crayon and pencil annotations
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 8, item 23
BOX-FOLDER 17/2 REEL 9 String Quartet no. 2, op. 15, O 88, 1915
Holograph sketch in ink and pencil
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 9, item 1
BOX-FOLDER 20/3 REEL 10 String Quartet no. 3, op. 19, O 95, 1924
Holograph score in ink
Note: "1924" on title page
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 10, item 3
BOX-FOLDER 20/3 REEL 10 String Quartet no. 3, op. 19, O 95, 1925
Printed title page for parts
Universal Edition
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 10, item 3
BOX-FOLDER 23/11 REEL 11 String Quartet, no. 4, op. 25, O 105, 1936
Holograph score in ink
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 11, item 12
BOX-FOLDER 23/12 REEL 12 String Quartet, no. 4, O 105, 1936
Title: 4. Quartett (Suite), op. 25
Holograph sketches in ink and pencil
Note: "Wien 1936" on title page; "Wien April 36" at end
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 12, item 1. Page 182 is available on reel 12, item 5.
BOX-FOLDER 4/7 REEL 1 String Quintet in D major, O 41. Movement 4, 1896
Holograph score in ink and pencil, with crayon annotations
Note: "Am 11. Jänner" at end
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 1, item 43
BOX-FOLDER 3/14 REEL 1 String Quintet in D minor, O 34, 1894
Title: Quintett
Holograph score of first movement in ink, with crayon annotations; holograph sketches in ink for remainder of work
Note: "am 6./4. 94" at end of first movement
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 1, item 32
BOX-FOLDER 26/11 REEL 13 Ein Stück aus dem Leben eines Menschen / 1. Schicksal, undated
Holograph score in ink (incomplete)
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 13, item 14
BOX-FOLDER 4/1 REEL 1 Suite for Orchestra in A minor, O 37, circa 1895
Holograph score in ink, with crayon annotations
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 1, item 37
BOX-FOLDER 4/2 REEL 1 Suite for Orchestra in A minor, O 37, circa 1895
Manuscript violin parts in ink of third movement
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 1, item 38
BOX-FOLDER 26/20 REEL 13 Symphonie, undated
Holograph sketch fragment in pencil
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 13, item 24
BOX-FOLDER 20/6 REEL 10 Symphonische Gesänge, op. 20, O 97, 1929
Holograph full score in ink, with pencil annotations
Note: "Juli 29" at end
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 10, item 6
BOX-FOLDER 21/1 REEL 10 Symphonische Gesänge, op. 20, O 97, 1929
Title: Sieben Gesänge für ein Bariton (oder Alt-) Stimme u. Orchester
Holograph sketch in ink and pencil
Note: "2 August 29" on title page
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 10, item 7
BOX-FOLDER 2/4 REEL 1 Symphony in D minor, O 17, circa 1892-1893
Holograph score in ink, with crayon and pencil annotations
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 1, item 13
BOX-FOLDER 2/1 REEL 2 Symphony in E minor, O 14. Movement 3, 1891
Holograph score in ink and pencil
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 1, item 10
BOX-FOLDER 2/1 REEL 2 Symphony in E minor, O 14. Movement 4, 1891
Holograph score in ink and pencil
Note: "Instrumentation begonnen am 25. April 1891" on title page
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 1, item 10
BOX-FOLDER 7/8 REEL 3 Symphony no. 2 in B-flat major for Large Orchestra, O 53, 1897
Holograph full score in ink
Note: "9. 9. 1897" at end
Also available on microfilm, Music-3260, reel 3, item 11
BOX-FOLDER 7/9 Symphony no. 2 in B-flat major for Large Orchestra, O 53, circa 1897
Holograph sketch in ink and pencil
BOX-FOLDER 11/6 REEL 5 Ein Tanzpoem, O 71, circa 1904
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