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Jessye Norman papers, 1881-2020

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BOX 69, 114-168, 296R Correspondence, 1956-2019
This series contains letters, faxes, and printed emails exchanged between Norman’s business managers and assistants and individuals or organizations with whom she had working relationships throughout her career. These include Philips Records, Harold Shaw Concerts, Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, Carnegie Hall, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Much of the correspondence details inquiries and negotiations for Norman’s performances. There are also letters from collaborators, such as composer and professor Bruce Saylor, director Robert "Bob" Wilson, and University of Michigan music faculty member Willis Patterson.
Correspondence with the Margie Gillis Dance Foundation is restricted until 2044, at which time it will be reviewed by the Library of Congress Office of General Council.
Arranged alphabetically by correspondent and chronologically therein.
BOX-FOLDER 114/1 92nd Street YM/YWHA, 1989-1995
BOX-FOLDER 114/2 "A" miscellaneous, 1978-2008
BOX-FOLDER 114/3 a'Aboville, Benoît, 1989
BOX-FOLDER 114/4 Aaron Copland School of Music, 1988-1989
see also Saylor, Bruce
BOX-FOLDER 114/5 Abbado, Claudio, 1997
Correspondence with Michael Dewitte
BOX-FOLDER 114/6 Abdul, Raoul, 1979-2008
BOX-FOLDER 114/7 Académie Musicale de Villecroze, 2002-2019
BOX-FOLDER 114/8 Ace Trumpet Award, 1999 January 10-11
BOX-FOLDER 114/9 Acksteiner Events, 2001
BOX-FOLDER 114/10 African-American Civil War Memorial, 1996
BOX-FOLDER 114/11 Agenzia Mario Dradi, 1991
BOX-FOLDER 114/12 Albright, Madeleine K., 1994
BOX-FOLDER 114/13 Alferink, Pieter G., 1996
BOX-FOLDER 114/14 Alma Film Productions, 1992
BOX-FOLDER 114/15 Alpha Kappa Alpha, 1987-1993
BOX-FOLDER 114/16 Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, 1997-2002
BOX-FOLDER 114/17 American Academy of Achievement, 1988-2001
BOX-FOLDER 114/18 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2007
BOX-FOLDER 114/19 American Boychoir, 1987-1998
BOX-FOLDER 114/20 American Broadcasting Company (ABC), 1996-2000
BOX-FOLDER 114/21 American Masters, 1996
BOX-FOLDER 114/22 American University of Paris, 1989
BOX-FOLDER 114/23 Amherst College, 1991
BOX-FOLDER 114/24 Andante Corporation, 2002
BOX-FOLDER 114/25 Anderson, Marian (estate of), 1993
BOX-FOLDER 114/26 Angel Records / Electrola Records, 1969
BOX-FOLDER 114/27 Angelou, Maya, 1994-2002
BOX-FOLDER 114/28 Aplauz Marketing, 2002
BOX-FOLDER 114/29 Arming, Wolfgang, 1992-1996
see also Philips (Austria-Vienna) Polygram
BOX-FOLDER 114/30 Arnault, Bernard, 1989
BOX-FOLDER 114/31 ARS Concert Agency, 2002-2003
BOX-FOLDER 114/32 ART, 1990-1991
Correspondence with Franz Abraham
BOX-FOLDER 114/33 Art Management, 1998
Correspondence with Michael Faussurier
BOX-FOLDER 114/34 Artevent, 2002-2008
BOX-FOLDER 114/35 Artis Art Agency (Poland), 1991
BOX-FOLDER 114/36 Artis, Ltd. (Israel), 1992-2002
BOX-FOLDER 114/37 The Artist Network Company, Hamburg, 1994-1999
BOX-FOLDER 114/38 Artmedia, Ltd., 1990-1991
BOX-FOLDER 114/39 Attika, 1997-2001
BOX-FOLDER 114/40 Augusts Regional Performing Arts Center, 2006
BOX-FOLDER 114/41 August Richmond County Museum, 1987
BOX-FOLDER 115/1 Austriawiesen Festivals and Concerts, 2002-2003
BOX-FOLDER 115/2 Austria Music Centre, Ltd., 1978-1979
BOX-FOLDER 115/3 Avital, Collette, 1996-1998
BOX-FOLDER 115/4 AVRO Television, 1991
BOX-FOLDER 115/5 "B" miscellaneous, 1973-2008
BOX-FOLDER 115/6 Bain, Herbert B., 1993
BOX-FOLDER 115/7 Baker, Jean-Claude, 1990-2008
BOX-FOLDER 115/8 Baldwin, Dalton, 1976-2008
BOX-FOLDER 115/9 Bangkok Opera, 2003-2004 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 115/10 Barbican Centre, 1996-1999
BOX-FOLDER 115/11 Barnard College, 1988
BOX-FOLDER 115/12 Barraclough Carey Productions, 1995
BOX-FOLDER 115/13 BASF Aktiengesellschaft, 1990-1991
BOX-FOLDER 115/14 Basic Books, 2001
BOX-FOLDER 115/15 Bateman, Paul, 2003
BOX-FOLDER 115/16 Battle, Gwendolyn, 1990-1992
BOX-FOLDER 115/17 Baud, René, 1979-1993
BOX-FOLDER 115/18 Bayerischer Rundfunk, 1990-2001
BOX-FOLDER 115/19 Bayerische Staatsoper, 2004
BOX-FOLDER 115/20 BDK Books (Barbara D. Knowles), 1993
BOX-FOLDER 115/21 Bear Stearns Companies, 1992-1993
BOX-FOLDER 115/22 Beethoven Festival, Bonn, 1995-2003
BOX-FOLDER 115/23 Bell, Derrick, 1991-1995
BOX-FOLDER 115/24 Bellon, Joëlle, 1979
BOX-FOLDER 115/25 Bells for Peace, 2004-2005
BOX-FOLDER 115/26 Berbas, Tommy, 1991-1995
BOX-FOLDER 115/27 Berger-Sandhofer, Michael, 2002
BOX-FOLDER 115/28 Berliner Festspiele, 1979-1994
BOX-FOLDER 115/29 Berliner Lüftbruckentage, 1997
BOX-FOLDER 115/30 Beznos, Lois, 1998-1999
see also Chamber Music Society of Detroit
BOX-FOLDER 115/31 Birthday cards, 1992-2015
BOX-FOLDER 115/32 Bishop & Sons Depositories, 1975-1979
BOX-FOLDER 115/33 Blackside Film and Television, 1992
BOX-FOLDER 115/34 Blackwell's Music Shop, 1974-1979
BOX-FOLDER 116/1 Blass, Bill, 1993-1998
BOX-FOLDER 116/2 Bolet, Jorge, 1986
BOX-FOLDER 116/3 Boston Conservatory, 1992
BOX-FOLDER 116/4 Boston Symphony Orchestra, 1991-2002
BOX-FOLDER 116/5 Bothwell, Kevin, 1988 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 116/6 Bote & Bock, 1991-1994
BOX-FOLDER 116/7 Boulanger, Nadia, 1978-1979
BOX-FOLDER 116/8 Boulez, Pierre, 1990
BOX-FOLDER 116/9 Brandeis University, 1988
BOX-FOLDER 116/10 Braunschweiger Kammermusik, 1999
BOX-FOLDER 116/11 Bredow, Moritz von, 1994
BOX-FOLDER 116/12 Breslin, Herbert H., Inc., 1993
BOX-FOLDER 116/13 Brewer, Michael, 1976
BOX-FOLDER 116/14 Brinks, Marianne, 2001
BOX-FOLDER 116/15 British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 1979-2005
BOX-FOLDER 116/16 British Institute of Recorded Sound, 1979-1980
BOX-FOLDER 116/17 Brooklyn Academy of Music, 1993-1998
BOX-FOLDER 116/18 Brooks, Charlotte Ann, 2007
BOX-FOLDER 116/19 Brown University, 2000-2002
BOX-FOLDER 116/20 Brunnes, Christoph, 2007
BOX-FOLDER 116/21 BSMG Worldwide, 1999
BOX-FOLDER 116/22 Buchman, Peter (Kunstersecretariat), 2000-2001
BOX-FOLDER 116/23 Buchman, Rudolf, 2001
BOX-FOLDER 116/24 Bühnen-und Konzertgentur, 1993
BOX-FOLDER 116/25 Byrd Hoffman Water Mill Foundation, 1979-2006
see also Wilson, Robert
BOX-FOLDER 116/26 "C" miscellaneous, 1974-2006
BOX-FOLDER 116/27 Caecilia, 1978-1991
BOX-FOLDER 116/28 Cambridge University, 1989-2003
BOX-FOLDER 116/29, 117/1-2 CAMI Video, 1988-1994
BOX-FOLDER 117/3 Campbell, Bill, 1998
BOX-FOLDER 117/4 Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC), 1991-1996
BOX-FOLDER 117/5 The Cantata Singers, 1988
BOX-FOLDER 117/6 Cape Symphony Orchestra, 1999
BOX-FOLDER 117/7 The Carlyle Hotel, 1992
BOX-FOLDER 117/8-9 Carnegie Hall, 1989-2009
BOX-FOLDER 117/10 Carr, Patrick, 1989-1991
BOX-FOLDER 117/11 Carter, J. E., 1963
Correspondence to Howard University on behalf of Norman
BOX-FOLDER 117/12 Casy Film Productions, 1992-2001
BOX-FOLDER 117/13 Cathedral Choral Society, 1989-1992
BOX-FOLDER 117/14 Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, 1991-1998
BOX-FOLDER 117/15 Catherine B. Reynolds Foundation, 2001
BOX-FOLDER 117/16 Caveau le Salon Musical de Paris, 1994-2000
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