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Luiz Heitor Corrêa de Azevedo papers, circa 1865-1990

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Music, 1897-1983 (continued)
Music by Luiz Heitor Corrêa de Azevedo, 1922-1937 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 70/22 Passionaes, 1929
see also Elegia and Passional
Holograph score for piano
BOX-FOLDER 70/23 Passional, 1929-1930
see also Elegia and Passionaes
Holograph score for piano
BOX-FOLDER 71/1 Preludio, 1923
Holograph score for piano
BOX-FOLDER 71/2 Preludio, 1928
Holograph score for harmonium
BOX-FOLDER 71/3 Preludio, 1928-1934
Holograph score for strings and harmonium; parts
BOX-FOLDER 71/4 Preludios: Ha festa no coração, undated
Holograph sketch for piano
BOX-FOLDER 71/5 Sarabanda e gavota, 1923
Holograph parts for flute, clarinet, violins, double bass, and keyboard
BOX-FOLDER 71/6 Sarabanda e gavota, 1924
Holograph score for piano
BOX-FOLDER 71/7 Sarabanda e gavota, 1924-1928
Holograph score for string orchestra; parts
BOX-FOLDER 71/8 Sarabanda e scherzetto em estylo antigo, 1923-1928
Holograph score for piano
BOX-FOLDER 71/9 Sonata breve, 1932
Holograph sketches for piano
BOX-FOLDER 71/10 Sonatina, 1924
Holograph score for piano
BOX-FOLDER 71/11 Um sorriso de Bocê ..., 1933
Holograph score for piano
BOX-FOLDER 71/12 Variações sobre um thema de José Maurício, 1929
Holograph sketches for piano
BOX-FOLDER 71/13 Uma velha fazenda: I. Historia de Mãe Preta, 1933-1934
Holograph score for piano
BOX-FOLDER 71/14 Você ..., undated
Holograph sketches for piano
BOX-FOLDER 71/15 A voluvel, 1931
Text by Adelmar Tavares
Holograph score for voice and piano
Music by Others, 1897-1983
This subseries contains compositions, arrangements, and published scores by composers in holograph, facsimile, copyist manuscript, and printed formats. Most scores are inscribed to Luiz Heitor, jointly to Luiz Heitor and his wife Violeta, or to Violeta. Most composers are Brazilian with additional works by composers from Mexico, Argentina, and Cuba. Composers of note who inscribed scores include Francis Poulenc, Luciano Gallet, M. Camargo Guarnieri, Gilberto Mendes, Andrzej Panufnik, Jose Geraldo de Souza, and Josip Slavenski. Also of note are multiple holograph scores and sketches of Francisco Mignone, some with personal inscriptions. Additional holograph scores of note were composed for UNESCO’s centenary celebration of Chopin’s death in 1949 by Lennox Berkeley, Oscar Esplá, Jacques Ibert, Andrzej Panufnik, and Alexandre Tansman, as well as a signed facsimile by Gian Francesco Malipiero. Additional holograph and facsimile scores are harmonizations of Brazilian folk songs, including arrangements for Luiz Heitor by Edith Barroso, Guiomar Beltrão Frederico, and Leticia Figueiredo.
Printed scores include Brazilian popular music and chôros; nationalistic songs of Brazil and Portugal; classical works for piano, chamber ensembles, and large ensembles; and songs for voice and piano. Most undated printed compositions are late nineteenth- or early twentieth-century first editions by composers such as Léo Kessler and Augusto Stresser and Brazilian publishers including Arthur Napoleão, Vieira Machado, Lino José Barbosa, Edição E.A.M (Radio Continental Ltd.), and Edição Bevilacqua. A late-nineteenth or early twentieth-century Mexican edition of a piano work by Mexican composer Melesio Morales is also of note. Many published piano editions without inscriptions contain performance markings, including those of Violeta prior to her marriage to Luiz Heitor. Some scores in this subseries have stamps in Portuguese indicating folder ("Pasta") and item or work ("Obra") numbers, a possible indication that Luiz Heitor cataloged, specially filed, or acquired his personal library.
Select published music without marginalia or inscriptions have been incorporated into the general collections of the Music Division with the exception of rare titles or imprints, such as the official hymn of UNESCO and nineteenth- to early twentieth- century sheet music from select Brazilian publishers. Lists of those titles transferred or surplused can be found here.
Arranged alphabetically by composer and title therein.
Amat, D. Jozé
BOX-FOLDER 72/1 Miscellaneous works, before 1900
Scores for voice and piano
Note: Published in Revista Popular
Anna Villareal, Frédéric
BOX-FOLDER 72/2 Guitares d'aujourd'hui, volume A, 1986
Score for guitar
Note: Inscribed from the composer to Azevedo
Antunes, Jorge
BOX-FOLDER 72/3 Congadasein, 1976
Score for string orchestra
Note: Inscribed from the composer to Azevedo
Appleby, David and Martha (editors)
BOX-FOLDER 72/4 Bravo Brazil! Books 1 and 2, 1966, 1984
Scores for piano
Note: Inscribed from the editors to Luiz Heitor and Violeta Corrêa de Azevedo, 1986
Aranha, A. B. Martins
BOX-FOLDER 72/5 Jacyra, 1955
Score for voice and piano
Note: Inscribed from the composer to Azevedo
BOX-FOLDER 72/5 Jacyra, 1957
Arranged by Walter Franz
Score for voice and piano
Note: Inscribed from the composer to Azevedo
Araújo, Alceu Maynard
BOX-FOLDER 72/6 Acordai quem está dormindo, 1956
Arranged by Martin Braunwieser
Chorus score
Note: Inscribed from the composer to Azevedo, 1957 February 11
Arizaga, Rodolfo
BOX-FOLDER 72/7 Libro de poemas y canciones, op. 13, 1959
Score for voice and piano
Note: Inscribed from the composer to Nadia Boulanger, 1959 January. Initials of Boulanger on title page and initials dated 1959 on cover
BOX-FOLDER 72/7 Serranillas del Jaque, 1959
Score for piano
Note: Initials of Boulanger on title page and initials dated 1959 on cover
Barro, João de and Noël Rosa
BOX-FOLDER 72/8 Pastorinhas, circa 1930s
Score for voice and piano
Barros, Silvia
BOX-FOLDER 72/9 Fogos de Junho, undated
Score for voice and piano with performance markings
Barroso, Edith (arranger)
BOX-FOLDER 72/10 Três cantigas de Maracatri (Folclore nacional), 1949
Score for voice and piano
Note: Inscribed from the arranger to Azevedo, 1949 October 28
Berkeley, Lennox
BOX-FOLDER 72/11 Hommage a Chopin: Three mazurkas for piano, circa 1949
Holograph score
Braga, Antônio Francisco
BOX-FOLDER 72/12 Hino à bandeira nacional, 1937
Photostats of full scores for orchestra and band
BOX-FOLDER 72/13 Hymno à bandeira nacional, before 1945
Scores for voice and piano
BOX-FOLDER 72/14 Hymno da escola Tiradentes, circa 1944
Score for piano; vocal part
Note: Part inscribed from the composer to Azevedo, 1944 November 15
Braga, Henriqueta Rosa Fernandes
BOX-FOLDER 72/15 Sonhemos!, 1949
Score for voice and piano
Note: Inscribed from the composer to Azevedo, 1949 September
Brandão, José Vieira
BOX-FOLDER 72/16 Homenâgem a Villa-Lobos: Tocata 1 (Estudo no. 4), 1981
Blue-line score for piano
BOX-FOLDER 72/17 Avinhação, 1948
Chorus score
Note: Inscribed from the composer to Azevedo, 1951 June 25
BOX-FOLDER 72/17 Chorinho Natalino, 1982
Chorus score
Note: Inscribed from the composer to Azevedo, 1987 September 5
BOX-FOLDER 72/17 Estudo no. 1, 1982
Score for piano
Note: Inscribed from the composer to Azevedo, 1987 September 5
BOX-FOLDER 72/17 Trem de ferro, 1950
Chorus score
Note: Inscribed from the composer to Azevedo, 1951 June 25
Burle Marx, Walter
BOX-FOLDER 73/1 Christmas Prayer, 1964
Chorus score
Callado, Joaquim Antonio da Silva
BOX-FOLDER 73/2 A flôr amorosa, circa 1900s
Score for piano
BOX-FOLDER 73/2 Iman, circa 1900s
Score for piano
BOX-FOLDER 73/2 Querida por todos, circa 1900s
Score for piano
Carvalho, B. P. de
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