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Luiz Heitor Corrêa de Azevedo papers, circa 1865-1990

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Notebooks and Diaries, circa 1920s-1988 (continued)
Diaries, 1948-1988
This subseries consists of daily calendars of Azevedo’s appointments, activities, and travels in 82 volumes.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 31 1948-1954
7 volumes
BOX 32 1955-1968
27 volumes
BOX 33 1969-1974
33 volumes
BOX 34 1975-1976, 1984-1988
15 volumes
BOX 35-49 MAPCASE 6 Research and Subject Files, 1896-1990 (bulk 1930-1980)
The research and subject files contain materials used by Luiz Heitor Corrêa de Azevedo to engage with, document, and research Brazilian culture and current events, as well as maintain reference information for research.
Organized as three subseries.
Composers, 1896-1989 (bulk 1935-1975)
Luiz Heitor Corrêa de Azevedo originally described this group of files in Portuguese as "Compositores." These files served as his research and reference files for Brazilian composers. Contents include extensive concert programs in international venues, clippings, correspondence related to research, photographs, and correspondence. Of special note are the files for Heitor Villa-Lobos, which include a collection of Brazilian concert programs dating from 1917-1987 used in exhibits curated by Azevedo and a diagram drawn by Villa-Lobos of the geographical and ethnological origins of Brazilian music. This subseries also contains Azevedo’s scrapbooks related to Brazilian composers Carlos Gomes and Oscar Lorenzo Fernândez. Dates on original enclosures indicate that most materials were organized by Luiz Heitor and/or Violeta between November 1982 and February 1984.
Arranged alphabetically by last name.
BOX-FOLDER 35/1 Albuquerque, Armando, 1951
BOX-FOLDER 35/1 Amat, José, circa 1959-1962
Includes: Correspondence of Francisco Curt Lange, 1959 August 20
BOX-FOLDER 35/1 Anes, Carlos, 1949, 1953, and undated
BOX-FOLDER 35/1 Araújo, João Gomes de, 1940, 1947, and undated
BOX-FOLDER 35/2 Antunes, Jorge, 1968-1975
BOX-FOLDER 35/3 Antunes, Jorge, 1967-1977
Includes: Correspondence and teaching materials by Antunes about electronic music composition used at Instituto Villa-Lobos
BOX-FOLDER 35/4 Baptista, Raphael, 1943-1971
BOX-FOLDER 35/4 Benjamin, K. and Club Beethoven, 1952
BOX-FOLDER 35/4 Blauth, Brenno, 1962
BOX-FOLDER 35/4 Boccino, Alceu, 1954-1956
BOX-FOLDER 35/4 Braga, Ernani (Hernani da Casta), 1943-1948
BOX-FOLDER 35/5 Braga, Francisco, 1931-1947, undated
BOX-FOLDER 35/4 Brandão, José Vieira, 1951-1987
BOX-FOLDER 35/4 Burle Marx, Walter, 1967, 1976
BOX-FOLDER 35/4 Bussmeyer, Hugo, undated
BOX-FOLDER 35/6 Cameu, Helza, 1934, 1943
BOX-FOLDER 35/6 Campos, Carlos de, 1938
BOX-FOLDER 35/6 Campos, Octavio Meneleu de, 1938
BOX-FOLDER 35/6 Cardoso, Lindenbergue, 1971-1973
BOX-FOLDER 35/6 Carvalho, Dinorá de, 1960, 1969-1972, and undated
BOX-FOLDER 35/6 Carvalho, Franklin de, Jr., 1939
BOX-FOLDER 35/6 Cerqueira, Fernando, circa 1974-1976
BOX-FOLDER 35/6 Corrêa, Sérgio Oliveira dee Vasconcellos, circa 1973
BOX-FOLDER 35/6 Cosme, Luiz, circa 1940s-1947
BOX-FOLDER 35/6 Cozzello, Damiano, 1961
BOX-FOLDER 35/7 Damasco, Carlos Maria, 1945
BOX-FOLDER 35/7 Delgado de Carvalho, 1966 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 35/7 Duprat, Rogério, 1961
BOX-FOLDER 35/8 Escobar, Aylton, 1974-1976
BOX-FOLDER 35/8 Estrade-Guerra, Oswald d', 1952
BOX-FOLDER 35/10 Fernândez, Oscar Lorenzo, 1929-1971
Includes: Photographs; correspondence; mimeographed libretto by Graça Aranha for Malazarte: drama lirico em 5 actos e 5 quadros by Oscar Lorenzo Fernândez; photographs of set design drawings for Malazarte by Jayme Silva, dated 1941
BOX-FOLDER 35/11 Fernândez, Oscar Lorenzo, 1929-1971
BOX-FOLDER 35/9 Fonseca, Euclides, 1938 and undated
Includes: Correspondence of Waldemar de Oliveira
BOX-FOLDER 35/9 França, Agnello, 1947, 1963, and undated
BOX-FOLDER 35/9 Furtado, Murillo, 1937-1947 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 36/2 Gallet, Luciano, 1930s-1965
BOX-FOLDER 36/3 García, José Mauricio Nunes, 1922-1972 and undated
Includes: Photographs, iconography, and photostats of scores
BOX-FOLDER 36/4 García, José Mauricio Nunes, 1922-1972 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 36/1 Gnattali, Radamés, 1946-1951 and undated
see also Borgerth, Oscar
Includes: Correspondence of Dulce Martins Lamas, 1951 March 17
BOX-FOLDER 36/5 Gomes, Carlos, 1904-1986 and undated
Includes: Correspondence of Itala Gomes Vaz de Carvalho, 1942 September 29; libretto by Salvador de Mendonça for Joanna de Flandres, transcribed by Azevedo; iconography
BOX-FOLDER 36/6 Gomes, Carlos, 1904-1986 and undated
Includes: Carlos Gomes; funeral and gravesite of Gomes; scores and correspondence by Gomes; realia and ephemera featuring Gomes
BOX-FOLDER 36/7 Gomes, Carlos, 1904-1986 and undated
Includes: Scrapbook pages assembled by Azevedo circa 1933-1934
BOX-FOLDER 36/8 Guarnieri, Camargo, 1935-1987
BOX-FOLDER 36/1 Guimarães, Marco Antônio, 1975
Includes: Photocopied correspondence of Marlos Nobre, 1975 August 14
BOX-FOLDER 36/9 "H" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 36/10 "Os Itiberê," 1931-1971
Contents include: Brasílio Itiberê; José Itiberê de Lima; João Itiberê de Cunha
BOX-FOLDER 36/11 Jabôr, Najla, circa 1975
BOX-FOLDER 36/12 Katunda, Eunice, 1952-1966 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 36/12 Kessler, Leo, undated
BOX-FOLDER 37/1-2 Koellreutter, Hans Joachim, 1944-1975 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 36/12 Krieger, Edino, 1947-1968
BOX-FOLDER 37/3 Lacerda, Osvaldo, 1961-1967, 1979
BOX-FOLDER 37/3 Lambert, Lucien, undated
BOX-FOLDER 37/3 Levy, Alexandre, 1946
BOX-FOLDER 37/3 Lima, Florencio de Almeida, before 1934
BOX-FOLDER 37/3 Lima, João de Souza, circa 1940s and undated
BOX-FOLDER 37/3 Lobo, Elias, 1952
Includes: Inscribed typescript from the composer to Azevedo, 1952 December 1
BOX-FOLDER 37/3 Lomani, Boris Gordiano, 1928, 1938, and undated
BOX-FOLDER 37/4 Macedo, Manuel Joaquín, 1938, 1947, and undated
Includes: Correspondence of Levindo Furquim Lambert (Conservató Mineiro do Música, Belo Horizonte), 1947
BOX-FOLDER 37/4 Malcher, José Cândido de Gama, 1938-1956 and undated
Includes: Correspondence of João Pereira de Castro (Instituto Carlos Gomes), 1938 May 25, with enclosed typescript copy of Malcher’s libretto for his opera Jara, Legenda Amazonica: opera lirica in tre atti
BOX-FOLDER 37/4 Mannis, José-Augusto, 1987-1988
BOX-FOLDER 37/4 Maria Amelia, 1952
BOX-FOLDER 37/4 Medaglia Filho, Júlio, 1960
BOX-FOLDER 37/4 Mendes, Gilberto, 1961-1983
BOX-FOLDER 37/4 Mesquita, Carlos de, 1938-1953
Includes: Correspondence of Amelia de Mesquita, 1938, and José Mozart de Araújo, 1952
BOX-FOLDER 37/4 Mesquita, Henrique Alves de, undated
BOX-FOLDER 37/5 Mignone, Francisco, 1930s-1988
BOX-FOLDER 37/4 Miguéz, Leopoldo, 1898-1945 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 37/4 Milano, Nicolino, 1935
BOX-FOLDER 37/4 Miranda, Ronaldo, circa 1984-1987
BOX-FOLDER 37/4 Müller, Charles-Fréderic, undated
BOX-FOLDER 37/7 Napoleão, Arthur, 1898-1970
Includes: Photographs, negatives, and iconography of Arthur Napoleão and Paulina d'Ambrosio; correspondence of Américo Jacobina Lacombe, Jean-Michel Massa, Anna Amelie Carmeiro de Mendoça, and Brazilian embassies
BOX-FOLDER 37/6 Nascimento, Elviro, 1936-1963
BOX-FOLDER 37/6 Nazareth, Ernesto, 1959-1963
BOX-FOLDER 37/8 Nepomuceno, Alberto, 1896-1974 and undated
Includes: Correspondence of Sergio Nepomunceno, 1959, 1974
BOX-FOLDER 37/9 Neukomm, Sigismund, 1948-1970 and undated
Includes: Photographic materials and iconography; correspondence of José Mozart de Araújo, Eurico Nogueira França, Gilbert Chase, Cleofe Person de Mattos
BOX-FOLDER 38/1 Neves, José Maria, 1970s
Includes: Correspondence
BOX-FOLDER 37/6 Neves, Victor, 1936-1938
BOX-FOLDER 38/2 Nobre, Marlos, 1965-1989
BOX-FOLDER 37/6 Nogueira, A. Theodoro, 1957
BOX-FOLDER 37/6 Nunes, João, 1951
BOX-FOLDER 38/3 Oliveira, Donna Gina Regis de, 1960
BOX-FOLDER 38/3 Oliveira, Jamary, 1975
BOX-FOLDER 38/3 Oliveira, Jocy de, 1969
BOX-FOLDER 38/3 Oliveira, Willy Corrêa de, circa 1983 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 38/3 Ovalle, Jayme, 1955, 1974
BOX-FOLDER 38/4 Octaviano, J., circa 1927-1941
BOX-FOLDER 38/5 Oswald família (Henrique Oswald, Alfredo Oswald, Luli Oswald), 1903-1961 and undated
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