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American Conservatory at Fontainebleau records, 1922-2024

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Student Applications, 1923-1980 (continued)
BOX 66R-71R Transcripts and G. I. Bill eligibility certficates (Restricted), 1948-1980
Restriction note: These items are restricted for 75 years from the date of the transcript and certificate
BOX 60-61, 63, 65-66 Alumni Association Records, 1922-2024
This series contains materials created by the Conservatory's alumni association. This includes the Alumni Bulletin publication, announcements of upcoming events, invitations, correspondence, governance and financial documents, lists of alumni, a press release, programs for concerts and events, and three scrapbooks.
Arranged alphabetically by subject or format.
BOX-FOLDER 60/20 to 61/6, 65/1-6, 66/1-5 Alumni Bulletin, 1929-2024
BOX-FOLDER 61/7 Announcements and invitations, 1929-1931, 1939-1940, 1947-1949, 1956-1962, and undated
BOX-FOLDER 61/12 Bylaws, circa 1931
BOX-FOLDER 61/8 Charter, 1939
BOX-FOLDER 61/9 Correspondence, 1928-1934, 1947-1969, and undated
BOX-FOLDER 61/10 Financial documents, 1935-1939, 1954-1967
BOX-FOLDER 61/11 Lists of alumni, 1950-1962 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 61/13 Minutes, 1936-1948, 1956-1960
BOX-FOLDER 61/14 Pocono Summit, 1941
BOX-FOLDER 61/20 Press release, 1962
BOX-FOLDER 61/16 Programs for concerts and shows, 1935-1937, 1953-1964
BOX-FOLDER 61/15 Programs for events, 1934-1939, 1952-1964, and undated
BOX 63 Scrapbook, 1922-1926
BOX-FOLDER 61/21 Scrapbook, 1956-1963
BOX-FOLDER 61/17-19 Scrapbook, 1961
Note: Regarding the school's fortieth anniversary
BOX 58-60, 64 Publicity Materials, 1923-2020
This series consists primarily of brochures that may have been distributed to colleges and universities to encourage students to apply for the summer study opportunity at the American Conservatory at Fontainebleau. These brochures typically contain details such as dates of study, lists of faculty, syllabi, concert schedules, tuition amounts, boarding information, and application criteria. The series also includes clippings and articles about the Conservatory, its faculty, and its students; examples of advertisements for other summer study courses in the arts; and the publication Fontainebleau Schools of Music and Fine Arts, 1921-2021 that celebrates the Conservatory's centennial.
Arranged alphabetically by title or format.
BOX-FOLDER 58/35 to 60/10, 62/29-30, 64/12, 65/7 Brochures, 1923-2007, 2018-2020, and undated
BOX-FOLDER 60/11 The Bulletin of the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design, 1931 March
Includes: Article about the Conservatory
BOX-FOLDER 60/12-15 Clippings, 1920s-1950s and undated
BOX-FOLDER 60/16 Fontainebleau Schools of Music and Fine Arts, 1921-2021, 2020
Publication celebrating the Conservatory's centennial
BOX-FOLDER 60/17 "France", undated
Tourism advertising brochure
BOX-FOLDER 60/18 Music Journal, 1962 April
Includes: Examples of advertisements for summer courses of study
BOX-FOLDER 60/19 Musical America, 1964 April
BOX 62, 64 Other Records, 1924-2024
This series includes correspondence, artwork, lecture notes, lists of faculty and students, minutes, photographs, programs, and publications about art and France. There are also repertoire lists, a syllabus, and a tribute to Camille Decreus.
Arranged alphabetically by format or subject.
BOX-FOLDER 62/1 Admission application form, udated
BOX-FOLDER 62/23 Article about François Stahly, 1960 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 62/4 Artwork depicting Fontainebleau, undated
BOX-FOLDER 62/2-3 Book, The Art of Fresco Painting, 1924
By R. la Montagne St. Hubert
BOX-FOLDER 64/13 Book, Enduring Memory, circa 1946
By the National Sculpture Society
BOX-FOLDER 62/22 Brochure about Gèrard Souzay, circa 1964
BOX-FOLDER 62/5 Correspondence, general, 1947, 1955-1978
BOX-FOLDER 62/6 Correspondence of Marion Tournon-Branley, 1975-1981
BOX-FOLDER 62/27 Guide. Fontainebleau castle and apartments, 1954
BOX-FOLDER 62/7 Itinerary for Yale Glee Club European tour, 1963
BOX-FOLDER 62/8-9 Lecture notes taken by architecture students, 1958-1959
BOX-FOLDER 62/10 List of pupils taught by Nadia Boulanger, undated
BOX-FOLDER 62/11 Lists of faculty, 1949-1959
BOX-FOLDER 62/20 Lists of prize winners, 1951-1953
BOX-FOLDER 62/12 Minutes of the Fontainebleau Association and board of trustees, 1977
BOX-FOLDER 64/10 Music, Variations sur le nom de Charles Osgood, Enduring Memory, 2017
By Richard Carrick, Mahir Cetiz, Philip Lasser, Riho Esko Maimets, Robert Xazier Rodriguez
Score for cello and piano; cello part
BOX-FOLDER 62/13 Periodical, France in the United States Monthly, 1955
BOX-FOLDER 62/19 Bazelaire, Paul, undated
BOX-FOLDER 62/19 Casadesus, Jean, 1951 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 62/14 Casadesus, Robert, 1954 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 62/15 Charles Fox Ensemble, 1959
BOX-FOLDER 62/16 Curzon, Clifford, undated
BOX-FOLDER 62/19 Gendron, Maurice, undated
BOX-FOLDER 62/19 Menuhin, Yehudi, undated
BOX-FOLDER 62/19 Remondet, André, 1953
BOX-FOLDER 62/17 Rubinstein, Artur, undated
BOX-FOLDER 62/18 Student art and architecture, 1924
BOX-FOLDER 62/19 Unidentified, undated
BOX-FOLDER 62/21 Programs for Fontainebleau Associations events, 2015-2024
BOX-FOLDER 62/24 Repertoire lists, 1951 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 62/25 Syllabus for architecture course, 1975
BOX-FOLDER 62/28 Transcript of Leonard Bernstein's remarks, 1987
Recorded by Donna Doyle; transcribed by Nancy Moody
BOX-FOLDER 62/26 Tribute to Camille Decreus, circa 1942

Contents List