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Irwin Bazelon papers, 1913-2009

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BOX 1-32 Music, 1913-1996
Scores, parts, and sketches for original compositions and arrangements by Bazelon, as well as music by others. Both concert music and music for film and television are well represented. Works are primarily holograph or manuscript, with some printed scores and photoreproductions.
Organized in four subseries.
BOX 1-8, 23-28, 31-32 Concert Music, 1952-1996
Scores, parts, and sketches for Bazelon compositions intended for the concert stage. Genres range from large-scale symphonies to chamber music and span the length of Bazelon's compositional career. Works are primarily holograph or manuscript, with some printed and photoreproductions.
Arranged alphabetically by title.
BOX/FOLDER 1/1 Adagio and Fugue for String Orchestra, 1956
Printed full score
BOX/FOLDER 1/2 Alliances, 1989
Holograph score for cello and piano
BOX/FOLDER 1/3 Alliances, 1989
Photocopy of holograph score
BOX/FOLDER 1/4 Alliances, 1993
Printed score
BOX/FOLDER 23/1 Bazz ma Tazz, 1992
Holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 23/2 Bazz ma Tazz, 1992
Photocopy of holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 1/5 Brass Quintet, 1965
Printed score; parts
BOX/FOLDER 1/6 Centauri 17, undated
Holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 1/7 Centauri 17, undated
Photocopy of holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 1/8 Churchill Downs, 1977
Printed full score
BOX/FOLDER 1/9 Concatenations, 1976
Holograph score (incomplete)
BOX/FOLDER 1/10 Concatenations, 1976
Photocopy of holograph score
BOX/FOLDER 23/3 Concert Overture, 1961
Holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 23/4 Concert Overture, 1961
Photocopy of holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 1/11 Cross-Currents, 1983
Printed score
BOX/FOLDER 2/1 De-Tonations, 1982
Printed full score
BOX/FOLDER 2/2 Double Crossings, 1978
Printed score; parts
BOX/FOLDER 2/3 Dramatic Fanfare for 1970, undated
Holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 2/4-5 Dramatic Fanfare for 1970, undated
Two photocopies of holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 2/6 Dramatic Fanfare for 1970, undated
BOX/FOLDER 23/5 Dramatic Movement, undated
Photocopy of holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 2/7 Duo for Viola and Piano, 1970
Holograph score; part
BOX/FOLDER 2/8 Duo for Viola and Piano, 1981
Printed score; part
BOX/FOLDER 2/9 Early American Suite, 1965
Holograph score
BOX/FOLDER 2/10 Early American Suite, 1965
Printed score
BOX/FOLDER 23/6 Entre Nous, 1992
Holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 23/7 Entre Nous, 1992
Photocopy of holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 24/1 Excursion for Orchestra, 1965
Holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 24/2 Excursion for Orchestra, 1965
Photocopy of holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 24/3 Fairy Tale, 1989
Holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 2/11 Fairy Tale, 1993
Printed full score
BOX/FOLDER 24/4 Fire and Smoke, 1994
Holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 24/5 Fire and Smoke, 1994
Photocopy of holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 2/12 Five Pieces for Cello and Piano, 1956
Printed score; part
BOX/FOLDER 2/13 Five Pieces for Piano, 1956
Printed score
BOX/FOLDER 2/14 For Tuba with Strings Attached, 1982
Holograph score
BOX/FOLDER 2/15 For Tuba with Strings Attached, 1982
Photocopy of holograph score
BOX/FOLDER 2/16 Four . . . Parts of a World, 1991
Words by Wallace Stevens
Holograph score for voice and piano
BOX/FOLDER 2/17 Four . . . Parts of a World, 1994
Words by Wallace Stevens
Printed score for voice and piano
BOX/FOLDER 24/6 Fourscore, 1985
Holograph score for percussion quartet
BOX/FOLDER 3/1 Fourscore, 1991
Printed score for percussion quartet
BOX/FOLDER 24/7 Fourscore + 2, 1987
Photocopy of holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 3/2 Fusions, 1988
Printed full score
BOX/FOLDER 3/3 Imprints on Ivory and Strings, 1978
Holograph score for piano
BOX/FOLDER 3/4 Imprints on Ivory and Strings, 1982
Printed score for piano
BOX/FOLDER 31/1 Junctures, 1979
Photocopy of holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 3/5 Legends and Love Letters, 1991
Words by Hart Crane
Printed full score
BOX/FOLDER 24/8 Legends and Love Letters. VI, undated
Note: Projected sixth movement, never completed
BOX/FOLDER 31/2 Memories of a Winter Childhood, 1981
Holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 3/6 Memories of a Winter Childhood, 1994
Printed full score
BOX/FOLDER 31/3 Midnight Music, 1990
Holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 3/7 Midnight Music, 1990
Printed full score
BOX/FOLDER 3/8 Miscellaneous notes, undated
Notes; sketches
BOX/FOLDER 3/9 Miscellaneous sketches, undated
BOX/FOLDER 24/9 Mohawk Trail Fanfare, undated
Holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 3/10 Mohawk Trail Fanfare, undated
BOX/FOLDER 31/4 Motivations, 1986
Photocopy of holograph full score
BOX/FOLDER 3/11 Movimento da camara, 1960
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